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PayPal Name Lynn@butkus.



The Magnon telephoto attachment lens

used with the telephoto viewfinder
brings in distant objects so that they
will appear approximateiy 5Ouii larger
on the negative. A necessity for long
d i s t an c e o u t d o o r p h o t o g r a p h y . A l s o
suited for portrait photography to cor-
rect exaggerated perspective.

Magnon-35's standard lens rs a F .2.8

Coated Luminar Lens. lt is one of the
f inest lenses produced by J apan's world'
renowned optical industry and ensures
extra-sharp negatives. lt filters out
ultra-vrolet rays for clearer black and
white and color pictures

lndispensable for indoor group shcts

when limited space does not permit you
to draw back enough to include all you
wish. This lens increases the area
coverage in a photo by approximate ly
75%. Also recommended for sweeping
panoramic photos of outdoor scenery.

1 Film type indicator 11 Distancescale

2 Release b utton 1 2 L e n s o p e n i n gd i a l
3 R e w in d i n g b u t t o n 13 Shutter speed setting dial
4 Film winding lever 14 Flash terminal
5 E x p o s u r ec o u n t e r 1 5 I n t e r c h a n g e a b l ew i d e ' a n g l el en s
6 Right window of finder 1 6 Eyepiece
7 Clip for accessories 17 Sprocket wheel
8 D e p t h - o f - f i e l ds c a l e 1 8 F i l m t a k e - up s p o o l
9 Left window of finder 19 Locking lever
1 0 R e w i n d i n gc r an k 20 Focusinglever
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speciolly for theIUIAGNON-35

Wide Angle Lens & Viewer Telephoto Lens & Viewer

w/cowhide cose w/cowhide cose

These lenses were especially designed for the Magnon-35 to increase its ver-
s a t i l i t y . W i t h t h e u s e o f t h e s e t w o i n t e r c h a n g e a b l el e n s e s , t h e M a g n o n - 3 5
c a n t a c k l e a l l o f t h e m o r e a d v a n c e d p h o t o g r a p h i cp r o b l e m s .
Lens Hood & Cleor Filter 3 Filter s w/cowhide cose Exposure Meter
w/cowhide cose l. Yellow : br ings out clouds, Snap-on exposure meter en-
T h e l e n s h o o d i s a n e ce ssi ty idea. for snow scenes, s ur es per fec t s hots ev er y ti m e,
when working under sunlight seascapes. easy to read, iust aim the
i n o rd e r t o p r eve n t d i re ct l i g h t 2. Gr een : lightens r ed color camera at your subiect and
e n t e ri n g t h r o u gh th e l e n s. T h e and brings out green in s et.
clear filter gives maximum pro- landscap€S, use it for out-
tection to the lens. door portraits.
3. Orange: for special cloud
effects and to dar ken sky
in landscape shots, also
to cut glare of snow in ski

Self timer
You can get into the picture
too, by using this selftimer,
s c r ew i t on to the s hutter r e-
l eas e button.
Strobo Typ" Flosh Unit Synchro-Flosh Gun Tripod w/cowhide cose
(ovoiloble from June 1962l- w/cowhide co3e Extends to 44 inches. Sturdy
tubular construction assures
Up t o 5 0 , 0 0 0 f l a sh sh o ts fro m Buitt-in X synchronization adds long life, yet light in welght-
one discharge bulb. new dimenslons to the versa- only I l/3 lbs.
tillty of the MAGNON-3S.Flash
photography is ldeat for Indoor
action shots, basketball, box-
ing, wrestling, etc. Especlally
usef ul when photo-floods are
not practical.

Genuine Cowhide Godget Bog

Convenient compact size, car.
ries your camera and all lts
ac c e s s o r i e s , a l so a co mp fe te
suPPlY of flashbulbs.

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