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Q 1 - n= Z2 * SD2 / D 2 .

Q 2 – In order study of births , death .fertility , morbidity of

disease during specific period of disease by describing and
collecting and analysis them .

Q3 - X- +_ z *(s/√ ) .

Q4 – Median , mode or range .

Q5 – P(a/b ) = ( p(a) *p(b) / p(b) = p(a) , P(b/a ) = ( p(a) *p(b) /

p(a) = p(b).

Q6 - P(a/b ) = ( p(a) *p(b) / p(b) ≠ p(a) , P(b/a ) = ( p(b) *p(a) /

p(a) ≠p(b).

Q 7 – To ovoid the error by chance and to organize the data and

to achieve results more accurate .

Q8 – Mean , standard deviation .

Q 9 – Live vaccine like oral polio .




Q3 – F .

Q4 - F .

Q5 – T.


Q7 - T.
Q 17 – T .

Q 18 – F.

Q19 – T.

Q 20 – T.

Q 21 – F .

Q22 – F .

Q23 – F .
Q 1 – The prevention of Brucellosis :

1 – Educate the people not to drink un pasteurized milk and its

products .
2- educate farmers and butchers about mode of transmission of
the disease to avoid contact and proper operation of abattoirs fpr
good ventilation .
3 – search for infected animals and slaughter them . immunize
sheep with vaccine .
4 – Pasteurize or boil milk .
5 – Care in disposal of excreta and abortion products of infected
animals .

Q 2 – Scientific method for problem solving :

1- Define objective .
2- Measure and analysis .
3- Analysis of data to root causes .
4- The program and activities .
5- The costs of program .

Q 3 – Occupational asthma are all except(E) zinc oxide .

Q4 – hazardous exposures inherent to welding include all of following

except (D) metal dust .

Q5 – Significant targets of lead toxicity except (d)PNS.

Q 6 – The factors to heat stroke :

1 – Exposure to hot environment (hot weather ) .

2- Strenuous activity .
3 – Wearing excess clothing .
4 – Drinking alcohol , that effect on regulation of temperature of body .
5 – Become dehydrated by not drinking enough water .
Q 7 – Definition of pandemic : It is epidemic of infectious disease that has
spread through human population across large region or multiple
continents or even world like black death that killing about 75 million in
1350 , the modern example of H1N1 pandemic and HIV pandemic .

Q 8 – ‫االجابة غير متاكد منها ولكن يمكن ان تكون االتي الن اسئلة مال دكتورة وفاء قديمة حيل‬

1 – Medical examination .

A – preliminary examination .

B – periodic examination

2 – epidemiological and medical surveillance .

3 – Determination of period of exposure .

4 – continues monitoring of susceptible host .

Q 9 – pregnancy , epilepsy , malignancy , neurological disease .

Q10 – Burns , hyperpyrexia , heat cramps , prickling heat , dermatitis , .

Heat exhaustion , heat syncope .

Q 11 – Causes of global causes ; green house effect gases like methane,

particular matter , dusts , sulfur dioxides , carbon oxides, fluorocarbon ,
hydrocarbons , that are produced by industrial and transportation ,
burning ,agriculture processes .

Q12 - Causes of desertification :

1 – Deforestation .

2 – high irrigation of salts like calcium , potassium in the soil lead to un

proper environment for tree culture .

3- Utilization and building purposes .

4- clearing the earth for oil extraction for commercial purposes .

5 – Uses of lands for growing of crops .

Q 13 – Results of earth climate change :

1 – Global warming .

2- ozone depletion .

3 – flood and drought .

4- Reduced rain fall .

Q14 – Positive predictive value (+) : is probability of testing truly positive

out all positive detected by screening test

Pv + = a /a+b *100

Negative predictive value (+) : is probability of testing truly negative out

all negative detected by screening test .

Pv - = d / c+d *100 .

Q 15 – Indicators of quality of life and health situation in phc . :

Indicators of of guality of life of life:

1 –Indicator for educational and cultural levels .

2 – Housing .

3- Nutrition .

4- Environmental conditions

5 – Gross national product and population growth .

6 – Infant mortality .

7 – Life expectancy at age one .

8 – Literacy .

Heath situation and health problems include :

1 – Mortality and morbidity statistics .

2 – Demographic conditions of the population .

3- Environmental conditions which have a bearing on health .

4 – Socio – economic factors which have a direct effect on health .

5 – Cultural background , attitudes, beliefs, and practices which affect

health .

6 – Medical and health services available .

7 – Other services available .

8 – Resources available .

A – health man power .

B – Money and matrial .

C – Time .
Q 1 –All of the above .

Q2 – E( hearing loss ) .

Q 3 - Sharp decrease in population .

Q 4 – . ‫ترك الن طفيليات‬

Q1 – odds ratio : is the association between the exposure
and disease used in case control study .
Q 2 – Epidemic curve : is important measurement used
in determination and distribution of diseases in depend
on causative agent and mode of transmission of disease
during specific period of time and is important to show
etiologic agent .
Q 3 – ‫اكتب كل الطرق الي ابالك لنقل المرض‬
Q 4 – 1- HIV, 2- AIDS 3- Hepatitistype b ,4- Hemorrhagic
fever , 5 – syphilis 6- malaria . 7- Cytomegalovirus .
Q 5 – ‫واضح‬TO prevent the dehydration caused by
diarrhea . ‫والخطط‬plan a and plan b , plan c , ‫واضحات‬
Q 6 – Desertification : is free of the land or earth from
agriculture areas because of presence of salts like
potassium , calcium , sodium , other salts and utilization
,and building purposes of humans that lead to negative
effect on soil and desertification areas in nature of earth .
Q – ‫باقي االسئلة ترك الن ما حليتهن اغلبهن اسئلة فصلية للماستر‬



‫)شوف بشار (ترك الن طفيليات وتحليالت اختصاص – ‪Q 10‬‬

‫‪Q11 – F‬‬

‫)شوف بشار (ترك الن طفيليات وتحليالت اختصاص – ‪Q12‬‬

‫‪Q13 –T‬‬

‫‪Q14 – F‬‬

‫‪Q15 – F‬‬

‫‪16 – T‬‬

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