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‫أسئلة التنافسي لمادة تمريض صحة المجتمع‬

‫جامعة بغداد – كلية التمريض‬
:‫من أعداد طلبة الماجستير‬
‫زين العابدين ياسر الغريفي‬

‫احمد جاسم الدراجي‬

‫زين العابدين علي الحسيني‬

‫حسن صالح حسن‬

‫رسول محمد الطائي‬

‫نسألكم الدعاء لنا ولوالدينا‬

Enumerate (20

1- reason of primary Health Care

2- characteristics of Family health

3- type of non infectious disease

4- what are the characteristics of successful community assessment

5-process Dimensions

6- occupational health program

7- concept of structure - Functional family theory

8- type of agent

9- reasons of primary Health Care

)Explain and description (40 marks

Epidemics arise when host, agent, environmental factors are not in

1-balance ,how

2- relationship between epidemiology and community health nursing

3-relationship between PHC and CHN

4-mission and value of PHC

5-elements of PHC in Century 21

6-Relationship between risk hazards and environmental hazards

)MCQ (40 marks

1- Case management of school heath

A- Liaison with community services

B- Referral to outside services as needed

C- Follow-up on referrals

D- all above

2- Health Promotion/Diseases Prevention of school heath

A- Exclusion of students with communicable diseases

B- Immunization of unimmunized /staff health teaching in and outside

of classroom

C- Health promotion activities for students/staff

D-all above

3-family formed when parents bring unrelated children from prior

.marriages into a new family

A-nuclear family

B-single parent family

C-extended family

D-blended family

4-Families meet their members_ physical needs by providing food,

shelter, clothing, health care, and other necessities; in so doing, they
.create a secure environment

A-Reproductive Function of the Family

:B- Providing Security and Acceptance

:C-Promoting Affiliation and Companionship

D-Providing Socialization

5-systematic and patterned changes experienced by families as they

.move through their life course

A- family development

B-structural - Functional family

C-family system

D-all above

6-family group of two or more persons related by




D-all above

7-surveillance is

A-Is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of

data, closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to
.those responsible for preventing and controlling disease and injury

B- as the system of monitoring and follow –up of population health

.: status. It require four sets of activities

C- a tool to estimate the health status and behavior of the populations

served by ministries of health, ministries of finance, and donors.
Because surveillance can directly measure what is going on in the

D-all above

8- counseling school health Services

A-counseling to decrease health risks

B-Anticipatory counseling for students, parents and staff

C-counseling regarding exiting health problems

D-all above

9- health condition



D-all above

10- process Dimensions




D-all above

11- occupational health program

A-job specific TB screening

B-job specific drug testing

C-job specific vaccination and titers

D-all above

12- Primary prevention

A- Persons yet to display symptoms of disease. Aimed at preventing

.onset of disease eg immunization programs

B- Early signs of disease or risk factors are present, aim is to halt or

.slow disease process. This is early stage intervention

.C-Tertiary: Minimize the effects of the disease

D-all above

13-Tertiary Prevention
A- Focus on restoring health status, returning the patient to highest
level of function

B- preventing further deterioration

.C- recurrence of more health problems

D-all above

14-action or measures designed to promote general health or specific

protection against health problems





15-epidemiology are

A-study the occurrence of illness

B-branch of medical science

C-study of Epidemics and prevention

D-all above

16-prevention are

A-action taken for early detection and diagnosis

B-It is the process through which preventive measures and strategies

of control can be implemented for the sake of health promotion and
.diseases prevention
C-activities that aim to returning client to the highest level of

D-all above

17-screening is

A testing mechanism to detect disease in groups of „asymptomatic, .

apparently healthy individuals

b. A testing mechanism to detect cases prior to the disease Occurrence

c. A testing mechanism to detect cases post the disease occurrence

d. All of the above

18- Triage is defined as

a. Health care provided to critically ill individuals

. b. Health care provided to chronically ill individuals.

c. Health care provided to casualty individuals

d. All of the above

19- Optimal well-being is

. a. A State of positive health

. b. Higher level of wellness

. c. A State of fulfilling wellness

d. All of the above

20-Community assessment is concerned with

a. Community core

. b. Community needs and problems

c. Community-based Services

D-all above

21- Health education is

a. Any combination of experience and motivation

b. Any combination of attitudes and behavior .c. Any combination of .

learning and behavior

d. None of the above

22- Home visits are

a. Provision of community health nursing care in the home

b. Provision of community health nursing care in nursing home.

c. Provision of community health nursing care where the individual


d. All of the above

23- Surveillance is

a. Effective control of disease occurrence and spread.

b. Monitoring and follow-up of health care services

c. Management of health conditions

d. None of the above

24- Environmental health is

A- make on a. Assessing, controlling, and improving the impact of

people their environment

b. Assessing, controlling, and improving the impact of the environment

on them

c. Both of them.

d. None of them.

25-Case manager is a health professional who coordinates and directs

the :selection and use of health care services to

a. Meet clients' needs.

b. maximize resource utilization.

c. Minimize the expense of care

d. All of the above

26- Hospice care is

a. Provided to individuals in the hospital

b. Provided to individuals in the primary health care center .

c. Provided to a dying family member at home

d. None of the above

27- Risk assessment is

. a. Determining the probability of developing a disease.

b. Determining the probability of developing health problem

c. Determining the probability of developing health condition.

d. All of the above.

28- Evaluation is defined as

a. Value based process

b. Outcome determination process

c. Decision making process.

d. All of the above

29-The nursing intervention is

a. The degree to which a nurse can practice nursing.

b. The degree to which a nurse can perform the role.

c. The degree to which a nurse can review and revise the plan

d. All of the above

30-Problem-solving approach is concerned with

.a. Identification of the problem

b. Creation of solution to the problem

c. Analyzing the situation of the problem.

d. All of the above

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