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Answer Key

[ Unit 1 ]
1. labor 2. exploited 3. expose
Getting Ready 4. displaced 5. integrity
Page 8
Page 12
4, 2, 1, 3
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A
D 5. C 6. A, C, D

Topic: Women in the Military

General history: Today --- OK for women to serve in Check-up
the military. Women used to be Page 14
forbidden from fighting.
Example: The first woman in the American
military was Deborah Sampson in 1. A 2. B
1782. Pretended to be a man.
Was discovered by a doctor. B
Women’s status: Women have worked hard to be 1. equal 2. battle 3. collapse
seen as equals. Militaries don’t 4. frail 5. settlers 6. dainty
want women to fight because of 7. acceptable 8. treaty 9. tribe
risk. Laws were often made to 10. dependent
protect women. Not all women
conform to people’s ideas of how
they should act. [ Unit 2 ]
Opposition: Some think that women are
Getting Ready
physically weaker than men are.
Others say that some women are Page 16
strong enough. Standards should C
be the same for men and women. 5, 4, 2, 3, 1

Page 9 D
Topic: Nineteenth Century Photography
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A Introduction: Nineteenth century photography in
the US saw enormous advances.
F We can learn about history. We can
1. conform 2. risk 3. undergo learn about the art of photography.
4. opposed 5. forbidden Daguerreotype: Used a silver-plated sheet, like a
mirror. Exposed to image from
inside the camera. Final image
Practice was sharp.
Page 11 Ambrotype: Used from 1854 to the early 1860s.
Popular because it was cheaper.
Used one glass plate to expose
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A image and another to protect it.
Final image inserted into a frame.

| Answer Key | 1
Answer Key
Tintype: Used a thin, black, metal plate. B
Invented in 1856 and popular until 1. shackles 2. photography 3. oppressed
early 1900s. Weren’t as fragile as 4. subject 5. fled 6. sharp
ambrotypes. 7. expose 8. visual 9. liberty
10. frame
Page 17
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A [ Unit 3 ]
Getting Ready
Page 24
1. precedes 2. enormous 3. infer
4. insert 5. attached C
4, 2, 1, 5, 3

Practice D
Page 19 Topic: Life Science
C What it is: The study of all living things:
animals, humans, and plants. Also
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B
of micro-organisms.
Other name: Biology, comes from two Greek
words. Many scientific words are
1. founded 2. invoke 3. scenarios Greek because they studied nature
4. adjacent 5. diversity first.
Aristotle: Greek philosopher, lived from 384
BCE to 322 BCE. Known as father
of biology. One of first people to
Page 20 make very accurate studies of
1. C 2. C 3. D plants and animals.
4. B 5. A His methods: Had a lot of perseverance. Studied
6. each animal for a long time to get
Visual Art to know it.
• (D) Photography His beliefs: Scientists have to be rigorous, can’t
• (E) Computer graphics take any guesses. Didn’t confine his
• (F) Sculpture studies. He traveled a lot. Many of
Other Art his methods still used today.
• (A) Music
• (G) Literature Page 25
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A
Page 22 F
A 1. Rigorous 2. accurate 3. biology
1. C 2. B 4. perseverance 5. confined

2 | Answer Key |
Practice Sleeping problems: Many people struggle to sleep
well. They experience
Page 27 fluctuations in their sleeping
C patterns. Wake up in the middle
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B of the night a lot. Feel tired
and lack energy.
D Studies: Doctors and scientists have
studied sleeping problems.
1. prohibit 2. controversial 3. evolution
Found that people with lots of
4. colleagues 5. incompatible
stress at work or who don’t
exercise enough have trouble
Test sleeping.
Medication: Doctors sometimes give
Page 28
patients sleeping aids. Can
1. A 2. B 3. C include medication such as
4. D 5. D 6. C, A, D sleeping pills.
Other solutions: Use vitamins or food
supplements. Eating well and
exercising. Drinking something
Page 30
warm before bedtime. Don’t
A eat a heavy meal.
1. B 2. A
Page 33

1. Bible 2. ignore 3. experiments 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A

4. origin 5. species 6. evil
7. philosopher 8. microscopes 9. scientific F
10. micro-organisms 1. fluctuations 2. supplements 3. ultimately
4. aid 5. integral

[ Unit 4 ]
Getting Ready
Page 35
Page 32
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A
2, 5, 1, 3, 4


Topic: Sleep 1. conceive 2. defect 3. mature

Introduction: All human beings need sleep to 4. induce 5. utilized
live. Enough sleep is integral to
health. During the sleeping
hours our bodies rest and
repair themselves. Studies Page 36
show that people who get less 1. D 2. A 3. C
sleep often die younger. 4. C 5. B

| Answer Key | 3
Answer Key
6. Employee Workers should know the interview’s
Healthy adult heart understanding: purpose. They shouldn’t think it is
• (B) Beats seventy-two times in one minute an evaluation or they’ll perform
• (E) Weighs between 250 and 350 grams differently. If they see it as a
Sick adult heart
chance to express themselves it
• (A) Enlarged, weighs up to one kilogram
will be more productive.
• (C) Needs medication to stop heart attack
• (F) Heartbeat fluctuates and need pacemaker
Page 41
Check-up 1. D 2. A
Page 38
1. enhance 2. compiled 3. termination
1. B 2. D
4. cooperative 5. motivation

1. lack 2. pregnant 3. blood pressure Practice
4. addicted 5. melatonin 6. patients Page 43
7. sonar 8. fertile 9. heartbeats
10. medication
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D

[ Unit 5 ] D

Getting Ready 1. insights 2. commodities 3. coincides

4. aggregate 5. inclination
Page 40
2, 1, 4, 3
Page 44
D 1. A 2. B 3. A
Topic: Effective Management and the 4. D 5. C 6. A, B, D
Employee Interview
Importance of Managers have to make sure the
leadership: business is running well. Have to Check-up
make sure workers are doing their Page 46
best. Need to be good leaders. A
How to lead: Should understand what makes
1. A
people work. Must provide
motivation. Workers want to feel
Interviews: Interviews can improve 1. x-axis 2. productive 3. brief
worker--manager relations. Chance 4. y-axis 5. manager 6. appreciate
to compile information. Workers can 7. demand 8. relations 9. Supply
express their attitudes and feel like 10. intersection
they are being listened to. Workers
are more likely to be cooperative.

4 | Answer Key |
[ Unit 6 ] Practice
Page 51
Getting Ready
Page 48
C 1. C, E, B 2. B 3. A 4. A

4, 5, 2, 1, 3

D 1. contemporary 2. gender 3. persistent

4. rank 5. feminist
Topic: Francois Péron
Introduction: Anthropology is the study of human
cultures. Test
Francois Péron: French explorer, first to use this
Page 52
word. Undertook a trip to Australia
with scientists in 1801. Wanted to 1. A 2. B 3. D
learn about indigenous people. 4. B 5. B 6. C, A, E
Also visited island of Tasmania.
Met Aborigines.
Aborigines: Big tribe who lived a simple life.
Page 54
Hunted animals, fished, and grew
vegetables. Lived in huts, wore few A
clothes, spoke a strange language. 1. D
Liked to tell stories round big fire,
make music and art. B
Péron’s studies: Studied Aborigine’s way of life
1. anthropology 2. way of life
and wrote down everything. Knew
3. married 4. marches
most Europeans would think they
5. suffragette 6. wedding
were uncivilized. He thought conduct
7. explorer 8. raised
was interesting and culture simple
9. huts 10. Aborigines
but not bad.
Péron’s wish: Wanted Europeans to see that the
world is full of people with different [ Review 1 ]
cultures, so made up new word to
study culture. Reading 1
Page 55
Page 49
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B
E 5. C 6. D, A, C
1. C, A, E 2. A 3. B 4. A

F Reading 2
Page 57
1. indigenous 2. conduct 3. uncivilized
4. undertook 5. definition 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B
5. D 6. D, B, C

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Answer Key

Reading 3 Page 63
Page 59 E
1. C 2. A 3. D 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A
4. A 5. D
6. F
The World Bank 1945--1960
1. pursued 2. brainstorm 3. pace
• (A) Loaned $250 million to France
4. chapters 5. concepts
• (D) Founding coincided with war end

• (F) Helped re-build post war Europe

The World Bank after 1960 Page 65
• (B) Loans funds to fight diseases like HIV C
• (E) Decided to help countries outside Europe
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B

[ Unit 7 ]
1. prospect 2. allocations 3. drama
Getting Ready 4. media 5. journalists
Page 62
3, 1, 2, 5, 4
Page 66
D 1. C 2. B 3. C
4. C 5. C 6. D, A, C
Topic: Writing Novels
As career: Pursuing one is not always easy.
Writing novels can be a long Check-up
process. Think of a good concept
Page 68
and storyline. Let your mind run
free and write down every idea. A
Novel structure: Divide into chapters to give 1. C 2. D
structure to the book. Develop
your plot. Should have a good B
pace to excite your reader.
1. imagination 2. storyline 3. real
Readers: Try to capture their imagination
4. fiction 5. captured 6. Awards
from very first page. Without
7. prizes 8. newspapers 9. run free
action, readers may get bored.
10. press
Storyline: Don’t have too many storylines
as it may confuse your reader.
Better to start with a simple story
and then develop it. Easier to
add to a story than to take away!
Characters: Develop your characters well
and describe the way they look
and think. Should seem like real

6 | Answer Key |
[ Unit 8 ] Test
Page 74
Getting Ready
1. C 2. D 3. B
Page 70
4. C 5. A
3, 1, 2 Point-source pollution

• (A) Factories
• (C) Farms
Topic: Geothermal Heating • (G) Oil spills
Problems with Fossil fuels pollute the air. Fossil
fossil fuels: fuels are non-renewable so they Non-point-source pollution
can’t be restored. Fossil fuels are • (E) General garbage
expensive like all scarce resources. • (F) Various contaminants from water sports and commercial
Geothermal The Earth is a natural source of
heating: heat. We can extract heat by
putting a heat pump deep in the
Earth. It is a clean energy source Check-up
and it never runs out. Page 76
Financial Need to have another source of
considerations: heat. Using geothermal as your
principle heat source will save 1. C 2. B
money. Geothermal heating
systems are expensive to install. B
Geothermal heating systems save 1. Greenhouse gases
money in the long-run. 2. grasp 3. counter 4. comfortable
5. long run 6. Geothermal 7. consumption
Page 71 8. non-renewable 9. carbon footprint
E 10. dependence
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A

[ Unit 9 ]
1. principle 2. extract 3. incentive Getting Ready
4. pollutants 5. restore Page 78
Practice 2, 1, 4, 3
Page 73
Topic: The Effects of Smoking
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A Introduction: Smoking is bad for your health.
Diseases of the respiratory system
D are triggered by smoking. Also
1. offset 2. minimize 3. implications bad for the heart, brain, and for
4. assess 5. exceed blood circulation.

| Answer Key | 7
Answer Key
Second-hand Is bad, too. Children of smokers B
smoke: have higher incidence of respiratory 1. prevalence 2. addictive 3. Psychiatrists
problems. Children of smokers 4. applied 5. circulation 6. Respiratory
don’t perform as well in school. 7. stimulant 8. therapy 9. bound
What to do: People shouldn’t start smoking. 10. abused
Smokers should quit. Though
smoking is decreasing, people
still smoke. [ Unit 10 ]
Why people Smoking is hard to quit because it
smoke: is addictive. Smokers think that Getting Ready
smoking relaxes them, but it’s a Page 86
stimulant. C
2, 1, 4, 5, 3
Page 79
1. A 2. B Topic: E-books
Space-saving Can store hundreds of books in
F advantage: one e-book. Don’t need
1. incidence 2. reluctance 3. tense bookshelves for storage.
4. triggered 5. Exposure Time-saving E-books have same functions as
advantage: computers. Can search for certain
words. Can access other texts
Practice through links.
Page 81 Accessibility Readers with difficulty reading can
C advantage: change text size. Can also use
software that allows you to listen
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B
rather than read.
Distribution Easier for publishers to distribute.
advantage: Books are easy to replicate and
1. psychology 2. validity 3. hypothesis don’t require paper and ink. Books
4. ethics 5. code can be sent electronically.

Page 87
Page 82
1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B
1. B 2. D 3. C
4. D 5. A 6. C, D, E F
1. equivalent 2. version 3. Distribution
Check-up 4. distinction 5. capable
Page 84
A Practice
1. B 2. C Page 89
1. B 2. A 3. B

8 | Answer Key |
D Leaving: Have to abandon their homes,
1. transport 2. marginal 3. Corporate jobs, and families and run away to
4. previous 5. items a new country.
Reasons: Usually because governments don’t
like their politics or religion.
Test Integration: Not easy and life can be distressing
Page 90 because refugees have lot to
contend with. Have to find home
1. D 2. B 3. A
and work and often no money.
4. D 5. C
Had to leave home urgently and
had no time to plan.
Governments: Problem is they think refugees are
• (A) Became available in 1997
not in danger. They think refugees
• (F) Makes business more efficient
moved for convenience because
• (G) Requires industry standards
own country is poor. Believe they
seek better life in a rich country.
Cabled connection

• (B) Costly to install Page 95

• (D) Older technology E
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. A
Page 92 F

A 1. politics 2. contend 3. convenience

4. integration 5. abandoned
1. A 2. C

B Practice
1. electronically 2. media Page 97
3. publishers 4. biodegradable C
5. toxic 6. eco-friendly
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A
7. links 8. upgrade
9. text 10. motherboard
1. Successive 2. conferences 3. assembled
[ Unit 11 ] 4. protocols 5. vocal

Getting Ready
Page 94 Test
C Page 98
3, 1, 5, 2, 4 1. B 2. A 3. B
4. B 5. C 6. E, A, C
Topic: Refugees
Introduction: Refugees are people who leave
their home country because they
are oppressed. Stay and may be
thrown in prison or killed.
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Answer Key

Check-up How often: Amateurs usually do one or two

plays a year. Only meet after
Page 100
work or on weekends.
A Professionals try to do more
1. A plays.

B Page 103

1. refugees 2. urgently 3. prison E

4. distressing 5. environmental 6. flood 1.
7. halt 8. Kyoto Protocol 9. oppressed Amateur Theater
10. Global warming • (A) Often choose musicals or funny plays
• (E) Act for fun and appreciation
• (G) In community halls or schools
[ Unit 12 ]
Professional Actors
Getting Ready
• (B) Meet in real theaters in big cities
Page 102
• (C) Get paid to act
• (F) Often do new plays by exciting writers
4, 3, 1, 2 • (H) Do more plays to make more money

2. B
Topic: Amateur Theater Groups
Introduction: Amateur theater is popular in F
many countries. Unlike
1. professional 2. appreciation 3. adaptations
professional theater, no one
4. amateurs 5. classical
gets paid. People do it because
they have great appreciation for
theater and a love of acting. Practice
Great way to make friends and Page 105
fun for whole family.
Where they meet: Amateur groups usually meet in
a school or community hall. 1.
Professional actors meet in real American Football

theaters and live and work in • (A) Uses an oval-shaped ball

big cities. • (B) Points scored with touchdowns

The Plays: Amateurs usually do classical

plays or those by famous and Soccer

respected writers. Often choose • (F) Played without helmets

humorous plays, adaptations, or • (H) Points scored by goal in net

musicals. Professionals do new • ( I ) Called football in England

plays by exciting writers and

more serious plays. Both sports
• (C) Uses a referee
• (D) Played with eleven players

2. B

10 | Answer Key |
[ Review 2 ]
1. uniforms 2. differentiation 3. versus
4. injuries 5. neutral
Reading 1
Page 109
1. B 2. B 3. C
4. C 5. B
Page 106 6.
1. A 2. B 3. D William Shakespeare
4. C 5. D • (D) Opened the Globe theater in 1599
6. • (G) Restored the Globe in 1614
Ancient Olympics • (H) Wrote adaptations of classics
• (A) No women allowed
• (D) Naked athletes Oliver Cromwell
• (H) Athletes win olive crown • (B) Closed the Globe theater in 1642
• (F) Broke Globe down to build houses
1896 Athens Olympics
• (F) Athletes win medals for first time Sam Wanamaker
• ( I ) Nine different sport events • (A) Believed the world would like a new Globe
• (E) Asked for re-building of equivalent of Globe
2004 Athens Olympics
• (C) More than half the athletes women
• (G) Professionals take part now
Reading 2
Page 111
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C
5. A 6. B, E, A
Page 108
Reading 3
1. B
Page 113
B 1. D 2. C 3. B
4. C 5. C 6. E, B, A
1. acting 2. Referees 3. goal posts
4. whistles 5. respected 6. musical
7. humorous 8. helmets 9. community halls
10. scored

| Answer Key | 11

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