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CHEMISTRY YEAR 09 Class activity sheet-08 (The Periodic Table)

Lesson objectives:
By the end of this lesson, about 70% of the learners should be able to:

 State the order in which element are arranged on the Periodic Table
 Identify groups and periods on a given Periodic Table
 State similarities and differences between elements of the same period or group.
Recap of previous lesson:
What can you recall about the last lesson?

Prompt for prior knowledge:

What do you known about the Periodic Table?

The Periodic Table

- Nineteenth (19th) century scientist used atomic weight (today called atomic mass) to sort
out elements.
- John Dalton also tried to arranged elements in order using their atomic weights he
measured when he broke them up.
- On the modern Periodic Table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic
number. The periodic Table for the first 20 elements is shown below.

Period 1 H He
Period 2 Li Be B C N O F Ne
Period 3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Period 4 K Ca

Periods of the Period Table

- Periods on the Periodic Table are horizontal rows of elements that run across the Periodic
Table from left to right. There are a total of seven (7) periods on the entire Periodic Table .
- Periods are numbers as 1, 2, 3, 4, ……from top to bottom.
- The table below gives the similarities and differences between elements of the same
period on the Periodic Table.
Similarities Differences
Same number of shells Different number of electrons
Same number of core electrons Different number of outer electrons
Different number of protons
Different chemical and physical properties

Activity 01: On the Periodic Table below shade period 2 using a pencil.
Activity 02:
(a) How many elements are there in Period 1 of the Periodic Table? ……………………………
(b) Write down all the elements of period 1 of the Periodic Table. ……………………………….
(c) How many elements are there in Period 3 of the Periodic Table? ……………………………
(d) Write down all the elements of period 3 of the Periodic Table.
Activity 03: Lithium (Li) and oxygen (O) are elements of period 2 of the Periodic Table.
(a) List two similarities between Lithium (Li) and oxygen (O)
(b) List two differences between Lithium (Li) and oxygen (O)
Groups of the Period Table
- Groups on the Periodic Table are vertical columns of elements that run from top to bottom.
For the first 20 elements, there are a total of eight (8) groups on the entire Periodic Table .
- Groups are numbers as I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII or 0 from left to right.
- The group eight elements are also called the group zero (0) elements.
- The table below gives the similarities and differences between elements of the same
group on the Periodic Table.
Similarities Differences
Same number of outer most electrons Different number of shells
Similar chemical properties Different number of electrons
Different number of protons
Different physical properties
Activity 04: On the Periodic Table below shade group zero (0) using a pencil.

Activity 05:
(a) For the first 20 elements, how many elements are there in group VII? ……………………...
(b) For the first 20 elements, how many elements are there in group VIII? ……………………..
(c) For the first 20 elements, write down all the elements of group VII.
(d) For the first 20 elements, write down all the elements of group VIII.

Activity 06: Sodium (Na) and potassium (K) are elements of group I of the Periodic Table.
(a) List two similarities between sodium (Na) and potassium (K)
(b) List two differences between sodium (Na) and potassium (K)
01: (a) Write down the electronic configuration of carbon atomic number 6. ………………
(b) Write down the electronic configuration of silicon atomic number 14. ………………….
(c) In what two ways are carbon and silicon similar?
(c) In what two ways are carbon and silicon different?
02: (a) Write down the electronic configuration of magnesium atomic number 12. ………
(b) Write down the electronic configuration of sulphur atomic number 16. …………………
(c) In what two ways are magnesium and sulphur similar?
(c) In what two ways are magnesium and sulphur different?

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