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Mandatory exercise

Set  I
(Need for classification, development of the periodic table, mendeleev’s
periodic table)
1. Explain Doberenier’s Triads and its drawback.
According to this law, the atomic mass of the middle element is nearly the same as average of the atomic
masses of first and third elements.
Example: Li, Na and K.
Weight of Na is the arithmetic mean of the atomic weights of lithium and potassium.
7  39
 23 .
2. X, Y and Z are the elements of Dobereiner’s triad. If the atomic mass of element X is 40 and that of
element Z is 137, find the atomic mass of Y.


40  137
Atomic mass of Y   88.5
3. What is meant by periodicity?
Repetition of properties of elements at regular intervals is called periodicity.
4. State law of octaves.
Law of octaves states that, every eighth element has properties similar to that of the first element, when
the elements are arranged in increasing order of atomic masses.
5. Identify the element which shows similar properties as hydrogen, according to law of octaves.
H Li Be B C N O ?
Fluorine has properties similar to that of Hydrogen.
6. Why is Dmitri Mendeleev considered to be the father of the modern periodic table?
Mendeleev is considered as father of modern periodic table because of his major contribution towards
the periodic table.
 He arranged 63 elements in the periodic table according to their atomic mass.
 Left space for new, yet to be discovered elements
 He also predicted the properties of yet to be discovered elements
 He corrected the atomic masses of few elements.


7. What are the demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic table?

(1) The position of hydrogen was not correctly defined.
(2) Mendeleev placed certain elements based on their similarities in properties and not in the increasing
order of atomic masses.
(3) Isotopes were not given separate places.
(4) Certain similar elements were placed separate and dissimilar elements were grouped together.
(5) Lanthanides and actinides were not specified.
8. Name the chemical family of elements that was absent from Mendeleev’s earlier periodic table.
Noble gases
9. Mendeleev is usually regarded as the founder of the modern periodic table. A part of his table of 1872
can be represented as shown below. The symbol (*) represents a blank space left by Mendeleev in his
table. Identify these elements which were named as eka-boron, eka-aluminium and eka-silicon.

Period I II III IV V
1 H
2 Li Be B C N
3 Na Mg Al Si P
4 K Ca * Ti V
Cu Zn * * As
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb
Ag Cd In Sn Sb

eka-boron – Scandium
eka-aluminium – Gallium
eka-silicon - Germanium

Set – II
(Modern periodic table, periodic position and features of modern periodic
10. Mention any four salient features of the modern periodic table.
Important features of the modern periodic table are
(1) The elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic numbers.
(2) All the elements of a particular period contain their outermost electrons in the same energy level as
period number.
(3) The 8 longer groups are main groups. The elements of the main group are called representative
(4) Properties of elements changes from left to right.


(5) Elements in each group will have same number of valence electrons.
(6) Same group elements constitute a family.
11. What is the primary difference between the modern periodic table and Mendeleev’s periodic table?
Mendeleev’s periodic table Modern periodic table
The elements are arranged in the increasing The elements are arranged in the increasing
order of their atomic masses. order of their atomic numbers.

12. Give scientific reason for the following:

(a) Atomic number is the proper basis for the classification of elements.
(b) In the periodic table, the 1stperiod has two elements, whereas 2nd period has eight elements.
(a) The atomic mass of the element relates to the nucleus which is present in the centre of the atom. But
the properties of the elements depend on the electronic configuration which is linked with atomic
number. Therefore, atomic number is a proper basis for the classification of the elements.
(b) The 1stperiod has two elements because the 1stelectron shell of an atom can take a maximum of two
electrons only. The 2ndperiod of the periodic table has 8 electrons, because the maximum no. of
electrons which can be filled in the 2nd shell of an atom is 8.
13. Using an example, show that elements in the same group have the similar electronic configuration.
If we consider group 2 elements like Mg and Ca
12Mg = 2, 8, 2

20Ca = 2, 8, 8, 2

Both the elements have two valence electrons in the valence shell. Chemical reactivity of elements
depends upon valence electrons. Elements belonging to the same group will have similar electronic
14. Given that the atomic number of X, Y and Z are 9, 11 and 15, respectively. Which of them is an alkali
9X 11Y 15Z

2, 7 2, 8, 1 2, 8, 5
X is a halogen, because it is having 7 valence electrons and belongs to 17th group.
Z is phosphorous which belongs to pnicogen family.
Y is an alkali metal because it has only one valence electron and belongs to 1st group.
15. On the basis of electronic configuration, how will you identify:
(i) The first element of a period
(ii) that an element belongs to chalcogen family.
(i) First element of a period always have one electron in their valence shell.
(ii) An element which belongs to chalcogen family will have 6 valence electrons.


16. The atomic number of carbon is 6 and that of silicon is 14. Write the electronic configuration and
indicate the period and the group to which they belong.
Carbon  6 – 2, 4
Silicon  14  2, 8, 4
Both the elements belong to the 14th group. C belongs to 2nd period, whereas Si belongs to 3rd period.
17. Distinguish between
(a)Transition metals and alkali metals (with respect to valency and colour of the compounds).
(b) Lanthanides and actinides.
Transition metals Alkali metals
1. Transition metals have variable valency. 1. Alkali metals have fixed valency.
2. They form coloured compounds. 2. They do not form coloured

Lanthanides Actinides
Elements obtained by the filling up of 4f Elements obtained by the filling up
orbitals, which follow lanthanum are called of 5f orbitals, which follow actinium
Lanthanides are called actinides

Set - III
(Valence electrons, Valency, Atomic radius, Ionisation energy)
18. Define atomic radius.
The distance between the centre of the nucleus of an atom and its outermost shell having electrons is
known as its atomic radius.
19. Justify the statement: The element with lowest atomic number will have the greatest atomic radius in a
Atomic number increases across the period by a unit of one. Due to increase in effective nuclear charge,
atomic radius decreases across the period. Hence the first element of a period will have greatest atomic
20. What is the effect of atomic radii and nuclear charge on ionisation energy?
Ionisation energy is the energy required to remove an electron from the outermost shell of an isolated
gaseous neutral atom and according to the trend, it increases across the period and decreases down the
As atomic size decreases across the period, effective nuclear charge increases, hence ionization energy
also increases. Atomic size increases down the group, effective nuclear charge decreases and ionization
energy decreases down the group.


21. Elements of the periodic table that have similar properties are organized into groups. The following
questions are about group 17.
(a) What is the name given to group 17 elements?
(b) How many valence electrons do members of group 17 have?
(c) What happens to the reactivity of group 17 elements as we move down the group?
(a) Halogens
(b) Group 17 elements have 7 electrons in its outermost shell.
(c) Reactivity decreases down the group.
22. Distinguish between alkali metals and alkaline earth metals with respect to atomic radius and ionization
Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals
1. Atomic radius is greater than alkaline 1. Atomic radius is slightly lesser than
earth metals as it decreases across the alkali metals.
2. Ionisation energy is lesser compared to 2. Ionisation energy is slightly greater than
alkaline earth metals as it increases across alkali metals.
the period.

23. Why does atomic size decreases from Na to Cl in the third period?
Across the period, atomic radius decreases from Na to Cl in the third period because, as the atomic
number increases, the number of electrons also increases. The added electrons enter into the same shell
and experiences greater pull from the nucleus due to which size of the atom decreases.
24. Match the following:
Column A Column B
(1) Horizontal rows (a) Ionisation energy
(2) Vertical columns (b) Valence electrons
(3) M(g) + energy  M+(g) +e (c) Electron affinity
(4) X+ e  X+ energy (d) Periods
(5) Electrons present in the outermost shell (e) groups
(1)  (d), (2)  (e), (3)  (a), (4)  (c), (5)  (b)
25. Give a valid reason for the following.
(a) Ionisation energy of Mg is greater than that of Na.
(b) Sodium ion (Na+) is smaller than the sodium atom.
(c) Chloride ion is larger than chlorine atom.
(d) The second ionisation energy for a given element is always greater than the first ionisation energy.
(a) According to periodic trend, ionisation energy increases across the period and decreases down the
group. Na is present in the first group and Mg in the second group as the atomic radius decreases


from Na to Mg, ionisation energy increases.

(b) Sodium (Na – 2 8 1) has one valence electron. A sodium ion (Na+ = 2 8) will be formed, when an
electron is lost from Na atom. Na+ ion is smaller than sodium atom, because ion has only two shells
of electrons (the atom has three shells)
(c) Chlorine atom (Cl = 2 8 7) has seven electrons in its outermost shell. It gains an electron and forms
Cl ion (Cl– = 2 8 8). Chloride anion has larger size than its neutral atom, as the number of electrons
is more than the protons, the pull from positive nucleus is quiet less in anion compared to neutral
(d) When one electron is removed from a neutral atom, it becomes positive ion. The number of protons
exceeds electron, hence nuclear pull increases and it becomes harder to remove the second electron
and ionization requires more energy.

Set - IV
(Electron affinity, Electronegativity, Metallic and Non-metallic
26. Define electronegativity.
The tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract shared pair of electrons towards itself is termed as
electronegativity of an atom.
27. How does metallic character vary along a period? Give a reason for this behaviour.
Metallic character refers to the tendency of a metal to lose electrons. This tendency decreases as we
move across a period from left to right. This is because, accross the period, effective nuclear charge
acting on valence electrons increases and tendency to lose electrons decreases.
28. Arrange the following elements in the increasing order of electron affinity: Ca, Ar, P and C.
The increasing order of electron affinity based on electronic configuration and their positions in the
periodic table is Ar < Ca < P < C.
29. X, Y and Z are in the same period. Using the information given below, identify the element which
shows non metallic property.
I. The atomic number of X is 3.
II. The element Z is divalent with high electron affinity.
III. Z-2 and Y have equal number of electrons.
X is Li, Z is a non metal with valency 2. Hence Z can be oxygen. Z2 and Y have equal number of
If Y is considered as neon then oxygen Z will be oxygen.
Hence, O2 and Ne will have equal number of electrons.


30. Identify whether the following statements are true or false for elements given in the periodic table.

I. Electronegativity of Y is larger than others.

II. The valency of X and Y is same.
III. The second electron affinity value of element T is positive.
IV. Non metallic property increases in the order: X< Z< T < Y
I  true, II  true, III  true, IV  false. The correct order is Z < X < T < Y.

Multiple choice questions

31. In Mendeleev periodic table, the ascending order of atomic weights of elements is not followed by
(A) potassium, calcium (B) iron, cobalt (C) sulphur, chlorine (D) cobalt, Nickel
Ans (D)
In Mendeleev periodic table, the ascending order of atomic weights of elements is not followed by
Cobalt, Nickel.
32. Identify the set of elements which are metalloids.
(A) Fr, F, O, Rn (B) C, Ba, Xe, Ar (C) K, Mn, As, Ar (D) Si, As, Te, Ge
Ans (D)
The set of elements which are metalloids are Si, As, Te, Ge.
33. Which of the following compounds forms coloured aqueous solutions?
(A) CaCl2 (B) CrCl3 (C) NaOH (D) KNO3
Ans (B)
D - block elements form coloured compounds. A compound that form coloured aqueous solution is
34. The first alkali metal is
(A) Hydrogen (B) Lithium (C) Sodium (D) Francium
Ans (B)
The first alkali metal is Lithium. Hydrogen, which is present in I group is a non-metal.
35. A metal that does not show variable valency is
(A) Ca (B) Ti (C) Cu (D) Pb
Ans (A)
Ti, Cu and Pb belong to d block and are transition elements which generally show variable valencies but
calcium belongs to s block and do not show variable valency.


36. Na+, Mg2+, Al3+, Si4+ are isoelectronic, their ionic size follows the order
(A) Na+< Mg2+< Si4+< Al3+ (B) Na+ > Mg2+ < Al3+ < Si4+
(C) Na+< Mg2+> Al3+> Si4+ (D) Na+ > Mg2+ > Al3+ > Si4+
Ans (D)
Cations are formed by losing electrons and their size decreases as charge on cation increase. All the
given ions are present in same period and possess same number of electrons (isoelectronic). Hence the
correct order of ionic size of given ions follow the order, Na+> Mg2+> Al3+> Si4+.
37. In which group of the periodic table, would you probably find atoms having the highest ionization
(A) 1 (B) 18 (C) 14 (D) 17
Ans (B)
Group 18 elements are noble gases and they are stable in their existence and removal of an electron from
those elements requires more energy. Hence, they possess highest ionisation energy.
38. The factor that does not influence ionisation energy is
(A) the size of the atom
(B) the charge on the nucleus
(C) the effectiveness of the inner electrons to screen the nuclear charge
(D) the atomic mass
Ans (D)
Atomic mass is considered as the total mass of protons of neutrons present in the atom. The mass of an
atom of a chemical element is expressed in atomic mass units. As atomic mass does not involve
electrons, it does not influence ionization energy.
39. Electron affinity of
(A) carbon is greater than oxygen (B) sulphur is greater than oxygen
(C) iodine is lesser than bromine (D) chlorine is lesser than argon
Ans (C)
Electron affinity is the amount of energy released when an electron is added to the isolated neutral
gaseous atom. It decreases down the group and increases across the period. Hence, iodine has lesser
electron affinity than bromine.
40. The process of formation of O  I
 O  II
 O2  involves
(A) Absorption of energy Liberation of energy
(B) Liberation of energy Absorption of energy
(C) Absorption of energy Absorption of energy
(D) Liberation of energy Liberation of energy
Ans (B)
Generally first electron affinity is negative, as it involves the liberation of energy. The second electron
affinity will be positive, as it involves absorption of energy to overcome the repulsion between electrons.


41. The halogens tend to form anions because

(A) they have lower first ionisation energy (B) they have lower electron affinity
(C) they have higher electron affinity (D) they have higher first ionisation energy
Ans (C)
Halogens are positioned in the right side of the periodic table, which are non-metals having greater
tendency to gain electrons. Hence, they have high electron affinity
42. Electronegativity is a measure of the capacity of an atom to
(A) repel electrons of neighbouring atoms (B) Attract shared pair of electrons
(C) share electrons with another atom (D) combine with protons
Ans (B)
The tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract shared pair of electrons towards itself is termed as
electronegativity of an atom.
43. The most electronegative element is
(A) fluorine (B) iodine (C) chlorine (D) bromine
Ans (A)
Electronegativity decreases down the group. As fluorine is present in the first position in the 17th group,
it has greater electronegativity than Cl, Br and I.
44. Which of the following properties in general decrease on moving from left to right in a period?
(A) Ionisation energy (B) Electronegativity (C) Metallic character (D) Electron affinity
Ans (C)
According to periodic trend, metallic character decreases across the period in a periodic table.

Questions from competitive exams

45. The atoms having a bigger size among each of the following pair are
I. Mg or Cl II. Na or K (NTSE stage-1, 2017)
(A) Mg and K (B) Mg and Na (C) Cl and Na (D) Cl and K
Ans (A)
46. The characteristics and its trends of a certain range of elements in a periodic table are matched. The
correct option is (NTSE stage-1, 2017)
(a) Electronegative character from Na to Al (i) Decreases
(b) Non metallic character from F to I (ii) Remains constant
(c) Number of valence electrons from Be to Ca (iii) Increases
(A) (a)  (ii), (b)  (i), (c)  (iii) (B) (a)  (iii), (b)  (ii), (c)  (i)
(C) (a)  (ii), (b)  (iii), (c)  (i) (D) (a)  (iii), (b)  (i), (c)  (ii)
Ans (D)
47. Identify the correct order of elements according to their metallic character. (NTSE stage-1, 2018)
(A) B > Al > Mg > K (B) Al > Mg > B > K
(C) Mg > Al> K> B (D) K >Mg > Al > B
Ans (D)
48. If Z = 10 the valency of the element is (NSEJS, 2017)
(A) zero (B) one (C) two (D) three
Ans (A)


49. P3– has a larger radius than atom of P because

(NSEJS, 2018)
(A) There is a greater coulombic attraction between the nucleus and electrons in the P3– ion.
(B) The core electrons in P3– exert a weaker shielding force than those of a neutral atom.
(C) The nuclear charge is weaker in P3– than it is in P.
(D) The electrons in P3– have a greater coulombic repulsion than those in P atom.
Ans (D)

Challenging exercise
50. The atomic masses of five elements A, B, C, D and E are 32, 73, 128, 79 and 209 respectively. Which
three of the given elements can form a Dobereiner’s triad.
If we consider, the average of atomic masses of elements A and C, the value is almost nearer to the
atomic mass of element D.
atomic mass of A  atomic mass of C 32  128
Atomic mass of D    80  79
2 2
51. Study the table and answer the following questions:

Elements A B C
Number of nucleons 40 32 40
Number of protons 18 16 20

(i) Write the atomic number and electronic configuration of elements A, B and C
(ii) To which group and periods do A, B and C belong?
(iii) Which amongst A, B and C is
(a) an alkaline earth metal?
(b) a chalcogen?
(c) a noble gas?
(i) The atomic number and electronic configuration of elements
18A – 2, 8, 8

16B – 2, 8, 6

20C – 2, 8, 8, 2

(ii) A : Group - 18, Period - 3

B : Group - 16, Period - 3
C : Group - 2, Period - 4
(iii) (a) Alkaline earth metal - C
(b) Chalcogen - B
(c) a noble gas – A



(i) a metal with six electronic shells.
(ii) an element which is inert.
(iii) element that has 1 valence electron.
(iv) most reactive non metal.
(v) the transition element.
Ans (i) – A, (ii) – D, (iii) – B, (iv) – F, (v)  C
53. Electron affinities of 2 elements A and B are given below:
A = 3.79 eV B = 3.56 eV
Which of them will form an anion more easily and why?
Electron affinity is the amount of energy released when an electron is added to the isolated neutral
gaseous atom.
Element A - E.A value is 3.79 eV
Element B - E.A value is 3.56 eV
Element A ionises more easily than element B because, higher the electron affinity value, more is the
tendency of the element to accept an electron.
54. With respect to the position of the elements in the periodic table, arrange the given elements in the
increasing order of their electronegativities.
Aluminium, Barium, Boron, Cesium, Calcium, Carbon and Fluorine
Cs < Ba < Ca < B < C < F


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