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‫تقرير عن اإلعداد العقدية‬

‫أسماء المشتركين في التقرير‬

‫‪ -1‬كرار إبراهيم عبد‬
‫‪ -2‬يوسف علي حسين‬
‫‪ -3‬حسين ناصر عباس‬
‫‪ -4‬حسين علي محمد‬
Complex number [1] or complex number (English: complex number) is any number written
on the image {\ displaystyle a + bi \,} {\ displaystyle a + bi \,} where {\ displaystyle a} a and
{\ displaystyle b } b are real numbers and {\ displaystyle i} i is an imaginary square
number equal to 1- (i.e. {\ displaystyle i ^ {2} = - 1} {\ displaystyle i ^ {2} = - 1}) and is called
an imaginary unit. The real number {\ displaystyle a} a is called the real part, and the real
number {\ displaystyle a} b is the imaginary part. For example, 3 + 2i is a complex number,
.in which 3 is the real part and 2 is the imaginary part

When "{\ displaystyle b} b" (i.e. the imaginary part) is equal to 0, the value of the
complex number equals the value of the real part "{\ displaystyle a} a" only, and the
number is called a real number purely. When "{\ displaystyle a} a" (i.e. the real part) is
.equal to 0, the number is purely imaginary

It is possible to perform regular mathematical operations on complex numbers such as

addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in a manner similar to the real numbers
with some special differences in the division process. But it also has other properties that
enable it to solve all the algebraic equations that are difficult to solve using only real

When mathematicians found that the equation ({\ displaystyle x ^ {2} = - 1} {\

displaystyle x ^ {2} = - 1}) was impossible to solve in the set of real numbers, a solution had
to be worked out. So he created a new number, imaginary number i. 1- The number The
number is the square root of the number 1-. And here lies the complexity. It is known
that the number 1 - has no square root, but this is in real numbers. Just as there is no
number 5- in the natural numbers but it is in the correct numbers (and the same is true for
the numbers {\ displaystyle i} i) mathematics is a science developed by humans and they
have the right to develop it and renew it according to clear rules of mathematical logic and
.do not contradict mathematical principles, issues and axioms in science Maths

Nodal numbers give solutions to some types of equations that do not

accept any solutions in the set of real numbers: the equation

{\ displaystyle (x + 1) ^ {2} = - 9 \,} {\ displaystyle (x + 1) ^ {2} = - 9 \,}

Do not accept any real solution because the square of a real number
is either zero or positive. Complex numbers give a solution to this
dilemma. The idea is to extend the real numbers in the imaginary unit
i where {\ displaystyle i ^ {2} = - 1} {\ displaystyle i ^ {2} = - 1}, which
enables a solution to the previous equation. In this equation the
solution is −1 ± 3i. Thus, not only all square variations with one
variable become soluble, but also, all boundary equations with one
.variable become soluble using the complex numbers
Nodal level

A nodal number can be seen as a

point or vector that originates from the parameter in a two-

dimensional Cartesian coordinate system called the nodal plane or
Argand diagram, so named relative to John Robert Argand. The real
portion of a nodal number is usually drawn on the horizontal axis while
.its imaginary part is drawn on the vertical axis
Basic operations

The same operations and mathematical rules in real numbers {\ displaystyle \

mathbb {R}} {\ displaystyle \ mathbb {R}} can be applied to complex numbers. Using the
:plural and multiplicative assembly, we obtain the following

Accompanying a modified complex number

The accompanying complex number {\ displaystyle x + yi \,} {\ displaystyle x + yi

\,} is the complex number {\ displaystyle x-yi \,} {\ displaystyle x-yi \,}. The accompanying
complex number {\ displaystyle z} {\ displaystyle z} is denoted by the {\ displaystyle {\ bar
{z}}} {\ displaystyle {\ bar {z}}}. Engineered, {\ displaystyle {\ bar {z}}} {\ displaystyle {\ bar
{z}}} is the reflection of {\ displaystyle z} {\ displaystyle z} around the axis of real numbers.
Thus trying to obtain companion facilities for a complex number gives the same number:
.{\ displaystyle {\ bar {\ bar {z}}} = z} {\ displaystyle {\ bar {\ bar {z}}} = z}

The real and imaginary parts can be extracted from the facilities of a complex
:number, as the following equations show

} (z + {\ bar {z}}) \,} {\ }2{ }{\ displaystyle \ operatorname {Re} \, (z) = {\ tfrac {1
} (z + {\ bar {z}}) \,}}2{ }displaystyle \ operatorname {Re} \, (z) = {\ tfrac {1

{\ displaystyle \ operatorname {Im} \, (z) = {\ tfrac {1} {2i}} (z - {\ bar {z}}). \,} {\
displaystyle \ operatorname {Im} \, ( z) = {\ tfrac {1} {2i}} (z - {\ bar {z}}). \,}

.In addition, a complex number is real if and only if it is equal to its companion

The search for utilities is distributed among ordinary calculations, as the

:following equations show

{\ displaystyle {\ overline {z + w}} = {\ bar {z}} + {\ bar {w}} \,} {\ displaystyle {\

overline {z + w}} = {\ bar {z} } + {{bar {w}} \,} meaning that the facilities of the sum of two
.complex numbers is the sum of the facilities of each of the two sum limits

{\ displaystyle {\ overline {zw}} = {\ bar {z}} {\ bar {w}} \,} {\ displaystyle {\

overline {zw}} = {\ bar {z}} {\ bar { w}} \,} That is, the conjugate of the two product of two
.complex numbers is the product of the conjugate of these two numbers

{\ displaystyle {\ overline {(z / w)}} = {\ bar {z}} / {\ bar {w}} \,} {\ displaystyle {\
overline {(z / w)}} = {\ bar {z}} / {\ bar {w}} \,} meaning that the accompanying product of
dividing by two complex numbers is the sum of division of those accompanying these two

Inverted a complex number that is different from zero {\ displaystyle z = x + yi \,}

:{\ displaystyle z = x + yi \,} is

displaystyle {\ frac {1} {z}} = {\ frac {\ bar {z}} {z {\ bar {z}}}} {{\ frac {\ bar {z}} {x \{
^ { 2} + y ^ {2}}}.} {\ Displaystyle {\ frac {1} {z}} = {\ frac {\ bar {z}} {z {\ bar {z}}}} = {\ frac
}.}}}{\ bar {z}} {x ^ {2} + y ^ {2

Note that the result of the previous division is obtained by multiplying both the
.numerator and the denominator by the number accompanying the denominator

The square root of the product of the complex number multiplied by its
companion is called the complex number standard

Addition and Subtraction

The addition is done as follows: {\ displaystyle (a + bi) + (a '+ b'i) = (a + a') + (b + b ') i \,} {\
displaystyle (a + bi) + (a '+ b'i) = (a + a') + (b + b ') i \,}

Likewise, the subtraction process is as follows: {\ displaystyle (a + bi) - (a '+ b'i) = (a-a') +
(b-b ') i \,} {\ displaystyle (a + bi) - (a '+ b'i) = (a-a') + (b-b ') i \,}

Note that the real part of the product is the sum of the two real parts of the two
numbers, and likewise the imaginary part of the product is the sum of the imaginary parts
.of the two numbers
Multiplication and division

:The multiplication is done as follows

{\ displaystyle (a + bi) (a '+ b'i) = (aa'-bb') + (ab '+ a'b) i \,} {\ displaystyle (a + bi) (a' + b 'i)
= (aa'-bb') + (ab '+ a'b) i \,}

:The division process is as follows

]2[ .By multiplying the numerator and denominator with the denominator

^' {\ displaystyle {\ frac {a + bi} {a '+ b'i}} = {\ frac {(aa' + bb ') + i (a'b-ab')} {a '^ {2} + b
}} \,} {\ displaystyle {\ frac {a + bi} {a' + b'i}} = {\ frac {(aa '+ bb') + i (a'b -ab ')} {a' ^ {2} + }2{
}} \,}}2{ ^' b
Square root edit

See also the square root of negative and nodal numbers

The square roots of the a + bi node (with b ≠ 0) are {\ displaystyle \ pm (\ gamma + \

:delta i)} {\ displaystyle \ pm (\ gamma + \ delta i)} where

}}} {\ }2{ }}}}2{ ^ {\ displaystyle \ gamma = {\ sqrt {\ frac {a + {\ sqrt {a ^ {2} + b

}}}}2{ }}}}2{ ^ displaystyle \ gamma = {\ sqrt {\ frac {a + {\ sqrt {a ^ {2} + b

And the

^ {\ displaystyle \ delta = \ operatorname {sgn} (b) {\ sqrt {\ frac {-a + {\ sqrt {a ^ {2} + b
}}} {\ displaystyle \ delta = \ operatorname {sgn} (b) {\ sqrt {\ frac {-a + {\ sqrt {a }2{ }}}}2{
}}}}2{ }}}}2{ ^ ^ {2} + b

.Where sgn is the signal function

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