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Al término de la sesión, el estudiante describe objetos en singular y
plural, utilizando artículos, adjetivos calificativos y demostrativos.

1. Make the plurals of these nouns.

1. A pencil. Two pencils 6. A glass. Two glasses
2. A woman. Two women 7. A mango. Two mangos
3. A desk. Two desks 8. A tooth. Two teeth
4. A marker. Two markers 9. An apple. Two apples
5. A bench. Two benches 10. A bug. Two bugs

2. Change these sentences into plural.

1. That is an elephant >> Those are elephants

2. This is a book >> These are books
3. That is a tiger >> Those are tigers
4. That is a pencil > Those are pencils
5. This is a carrot >> These are carrots
6. This is a pen >> These are pens
7. That is a boy >> Those are boys
8. This is a box >> These are boxes
9. That is a girl >> Those are girls
10. That is an orange >> Those are orange

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