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Final Essay Project

By Erica Gomez

ORGL 3322 BV2 Behavior, Ethics, and Leadership

Dr. Andres Molina Ochoa

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I would say that the best group to accomplish my ethic goals in solving this case. A

formal group would be my best choice because I will work with people that I know and know me

as well. I know that they will work together to see how we can come up with a solution to the

problem and solve it by. Participating in the meetings, show honesty in all communication, made

and keep promises, and demonstrate responsive attitudes towards the concerns of others

regarding inequality and unfair treatment. First, I have to tell them about the case, and see who is

going to be able to work me. Some people in the group I already know more and others. It will

not matter the size of the group but how we are going to come together and come up with a

solution. Based on the readings a team is when a people are working together to achieve a goal

such as presentation, discuss a topic, where they are focused on a goal. “We are going to face

many challenges while the team comes up with the solution. Like lack of trust, conflict, tension,

not sharing information, badly perceived. Trust is very important when working with others,

people with different opinions or ways of seeing things their way are not always good. Not

sharing important information that can be useful to come with the solution it can make up a

difference. If the someone doesn’t understand something, we as a team need to make sure that

person is understanding and take responsibility for their role. Pressure is also something we all

going to have while solving these. Goal confusion, role confusion, trust, poor communication are

other challenges that the team may face”. (Wolven) Because not everyone has the same goal and

that can create confusion among the team members. Other are confuse what’s role they need to

be perform such as presenting a report it can be easily led to multiple team members doing the

same task. But the trust is the most important challenge because if a member fails to do a certain

task, they break the trust they had among everyone in the team. when a member doesn’t have

good communication with other in the team, any misunderstanding between members can lead to
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problems. Difficult people in a team is something that we as a team we are going to face but as a

leader I would handle them with grace and compassion. Supervisor can face different challenges

with their staff or things that need their attention, but a good supervisor knows how to handle

these types of challenges by staying focused. The team members are all friend Norma Reyes,

Laura Hinojosa, Rosaluz Barrera, Elma Gonzalez, and me. I don’t know if to include someone in

the community because they tend no to want to help out and they are always business with their

things. “On September 19, 2001, the CMA and the World Cocoa Foundation signed the protocol

committing themselves and their members to a series of steps to eliminate the worst forms of

child labor in cocoa production. The cocoa industry protocol will provide for the developers of a

credible, mutually acceptable system of industry-wide global standards, along with independent

monitoring and reporting, to identify and eliminate any use of the worst forms of child labor in

the growing and processing of cocoa beans. In 2003, the Western African project Against

Abusive Child Labor in Commercial Agriculture (WACAP) was announced. WACAP pilot

programmed designed and managed by the ILO will address abusive child labor and forced labor

by increasing farmer awareness, improving schools and provide social services to families”.

(Schrage & Ewing) If I should take into consideration the interest of the community or just my

stockholders? Well, I think that both because without them I won’t get to far. The community is

an important part to these because they also need to know and get involve in the process of

eliminating child labor. Its sad to say but there are child working as slave somewhere in these

country or countries. We all have to come together with a purpose to end these and for all. I have

notices that when I go to Mexico, I often see child working in a restaurant, pharmacy, store and

even on street they are very little not even twelve years old. Or see that a woman is holding a

baby on their hands in order to get some money for food. I can’t just stay and see these and don’t
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do anything about it. My stockholders are only going to benefit the members that are in it, and

these children are not. Maybe if some of stockholder if donate to these because it will benefit

them to. We should all donate a little of our stockholders to end these child abuse. “Normative

ethical theory is the study if ethical action, where the branch of philosophical ethics investigates

the set of questions that arise when considering how one must act, honestly speaking”.

(Wikipedia) The article doesn’t say much about the core values of Cadbury it only states that

their culture had deeply rooted in the religious traditions of the company’s founders, and the

organization had paid close attention to the welfare of their welfare”. (Chatterjee & Elias) I can’t

compare it with my answer. Well to explain how normative theory justifies my decision, we have

to be honest when wanting to accomplish a task because honesty is very important if you are not

honest since the beginning than no one is going to trust you at all. The stockholders in this case I

will say it will myself, Norma Reyes, and Laura Hinojosa. They will want to just not only solve

the situation but also take part of the organization.

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Chatterjee, Sumana & Elias Jaan (2007) Cadbury," Yale SOM Case 07-039

Ewing, Anthony & Schrage, Elliot J. (2005) The Cocoa Industry and Child Labour

Wolven, Jacqueline; 10 challenges Leaders Always Face and How to Deal with Them

10 Common problems project teams face;


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