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(Reflection Paper)

According to an article written by Amanda Reill, we make 33,000 to 35, 000 decisions each day,
including what we will eat, what we will wear, what we will say, and how we will say it. But, it's not
every day we stumble in a situation where we will need to decide between two courses of action even if
it means transgressing a moral principle. This certain situation is called an ethical dilemma and I myself
experienced this situation.
As a student, one situation I was put in was when I was part of a group project for a course that
required extensive research and collaboration. As we worked on our project, it became evident that one
of my group members was consistently slacking off and failing to contribute their fair share of work.
Despite numerous reminders and discussions about the importance of teamwork and accountability,
their behavior remained unchanged.
As the deadline for the project approached, tensions within the group reached a boiling point. It
became increasingly apparent that we would not be able to meet the project requirements unless
everyone shared their contribution. Faced with the possibility of failing the assignment due to one
member's negligence, I found myself struggling with a profound ethical dilemma.
On one hand, confronting the slacking group member and potentially escalating the situation could lead
to conflict and affect our working relationship. On the other hand, allowing their behavior to be
tolerated would not only compromise the quality of our project but also allowing a culture of negligence
and unfairness.
After careful consideration, I made the decision to address the issue directly with the group
member in question. I approached them in a non-confrontational manner, expressing concern about
their lack of contribution and the impact it was having on the group's success. I emphasized the
importance of accountability and teamwork, and offered support and resources to help them catch up
and contribute meaningfully to the project.
While the conversation was uncomfortable and met with initial resistance, it ultimately led to a
productive dialogue about expectations, responsibilities, and mutual respect within the group. The
slacking group member acknowledged their shortcomings and committed to making a concerted effort
to improve their participation.
In the end, our group was able to successfully complete the project, but with some extra effort
and coordination.
By experiencing this certain ethical dilemma, it taught me valuable lessons about the
importance of ethical integrity and moral courage in the face of difficult choices. It reinforced the idea
that ethical decision-making is not always easy or straightforward, but it is essential for maintaining
integrity and trust in both personal and social contexts. While the outcome of my decision was not
without challenges and sacrifices, I have no regrets about standing up for what I believed to be right,
even in the face of difficulty.

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