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Flexible Classroom as a New Normal Learning Environment

Module 1 : Exploring Fle…

Exploring Flexible Classroom
Pre-assessment The traditional classroom setup has done a good job, and while we cannot negate the positive impact it has made to learners, educators
also must not stop exploring the ways to enhance the learning experiences of students. One of which is the application of flexible learning
From Fixed to Flexi…
environments and strategies. In this module, we will define "flexible learning" and the event that left educational institutions with no other
Assessment option but to employ it.
Module 2 : Flexible Learn…

Flexible Learning O… From Fixed to Flexible Learning Environment

Students seated in rows. Teachers in front, talking about a subject. Everyone should be in the class on time. Lessons are mainly taught

Module 3 : Flexible Learn… within four corners. This is how classrooms typically look like.

Setting up Your Fle… At the turn of the 21st century, there emerged the need to transform the learning environment and the way lessons are to be conveyed. And

Flexible Classroom… as time churns forward, the demand even intensifies. Because now, the rationale becomes more than just improving the learning needs and

capacity of students—it is to address them accordingly in the midst of crises that mainly cause school disruptions—war, calamities, and the
Final Assessment
most relevant today—the pandemic.

The education sector cannot just bow down to the altar of paralysis amidst shutdowns. Schools may be disrupted but learning doesn’t have

to be. Hence the statement of UNESCO in the Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action, to implement flexible classes

and to ensure that learning still continues despite school closures.

Given that flexible classes and strategies will be implemented, it is just fitting to know what and how they look like. Here are the following

definitions of flexible learning provided by IGI Global:

> It is a system that gives students the options to either complete some of their learning on-campus and others off-campus.

> It is a term that describes the packaging and delivery of learning programs that caters to students’ demands for a variety of options and

access, as well as recognition of their distinct learning styles which include control and personalization of their own learning path and


> Often, terms such as open-learning, distance learning, work-based learning, and e-learning are mistakenly interchanged with flexible

learning. It must however be noted that flexible learning is an umbrella term that encompasses all these terms because they offer flexibility

but they are just forms of flexible learning, not the complete synonym of it.

> It is a learning approach that lets the students determine the time, place, and pace of learning.

> It is a design of learning that demands customization of learning environments to meet the learning needs of students with the use of both

technological and non-technological aids.

> It is a method of teaching and learning that allows both students and teachers to adapt to requirements at any given circumstances.

> It is a way of accessing a more responsive education, one that is most likely can be utilized by the use of technology.

> It is an educational strategy that aims to let students fully learn with more effectiveness and satisfaction.

> It is maximizing the elements of the environments that support and enhance students’ learning and engagement, and also minimizing

other elements that impede them.

Generally, flexible learning is an approach to teaching and learning that is student-centered in which time, space, content, and mode are all

tailored to the needs, style, and preferences of the learners.

Given all the definitions of flexible learning above, you can probably imagine now how it may actually look like in your own classroom setup.

Take a look at this video so that you will have a more tangible idea on how it is done: Eanes ISD | Flexible Learning Environment.

What you have just seen in the video is a flexible learning in the in-person classroom setting, but flexible learning can also be done in a

distance. As you progress your study in this course, you will also be acquainted with the various ways flexible learning is done.




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