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Simple Harmonic Motion(SHM) – Concept


Have you ever

wondered why a bell
clock(used in the
olden days) keeps
accurate time? The
motion of the
pendulum is a
particular kind of
repetitive or periodic
motion called simple
harmonic motion, or
SHM. The position of
the oscillating(going
to and fro) object
varies with time.
Many objects oscillate back and forth. The motion of a child on a swing can be approximated to be
repetitive and can therefore be considered as simple harmonic motion. Some complicated motions like
turbulent water waves are not considered simple harmonic motion.

When an object is in simple harmonic motion, the rate at which it oscillates back and forth as well as its
position with respect to time can be easily determined. In this lab, you will analyze a simple pendulum
and a spring-mass system, both of which exhibit simple harmonic motion.

Before we really penetrate through the core of SHM,we have to understand in details,Circular motion


Circular motion is the movement of an object along the circumference of a circle or rotation along a
circular path. It can be uniform with a constant rate and speed or non-uniform with a changing rate of
rotation and speed.

Examples of Circular Motion: A ceiling fan’s blades rotating around a hub, a stone that is tied to a rope
and is being swung in circles.

Now we have studied the definition and examples of circular motion. Let’s now study about its types in

Types of Circular Motion

There are two different types of circular motion based on the speed of the moving object.

Uniform and non-uniform circular motion

Uniform Circular Motion

Uniform Circular Motion is defined as the motion of a body along a circular path at a constant speed. As
the body is moving along a circular path, its distance from the axis of rotation remains constant
therefore speed remains constant. But as the velocity is a vector quantity so it depends upon both its
speed and direction of motion, therefore, velocity is constant as the body is changing its direction
continuously. This changing velocity indicates the presence of an acceleration, which is known as
centripetal acceleration which is of constant magnitude.
It is always directed toward the axis of rotation(centre) because:

The circular motion is at a constant speed. This means that the centripetal acceleration can not have a
component in the direction of motion(along the circular path) because it would either slow down or
speed up the moving object. Its speed must remain constant. The only way is to have this acceleration at
90 degrees to the direction of travel all the time. Now, the radius of the circle meets the tangent to the
circle at 90 degrees. So the acceleration is in the direction of the radius which goes to the centre of the

This centripetal acceleration is produced by a force which is also constant in magnitude and directed
towards the axis of rotation. This force is known as Centripetal Force.

In the case of rotation around a fixed axis of a rigid body which is not so small as compared to the radius
of the circle, then it’s each particle follows uniform circular motion with the same angular speed.

Note1)-[One important thing we have learnt is that,for a body to accelerate or change direction,a force
must be applied.Any object moving in a circular path is acted upon by a force,which tries to pull the
object inwards or toward the cente of the circle-this force is called CENTRIPETAL FORCE.]

2) on circular motion of objects,speed is constant ,but velocity is changing

Now,let us consider the terms used in circular motion and SHM

*We can talk about the speed of an object moving in a circular path in two ways

i) distance covered along circular path /total time taken


ii)the angle turned at the centre by the moving object divided by the time taken

The first is called linear speed while the second is called angular speed (sometimes called angular
velocity,with symbol ω(Omega)

1)Linear Speed: Speed is the total distance covered(along the curved path) divided by the total time
taken(S/t).It is measured in ms-¹
2)Angular Speed

The angular speed of an object is the angle through which it moves divided by the time taken to move
through that angle. This angle is measured in radians so the unit for angular speed is radians per second

Circular motion in details

R is the radius of the circle in metres (m).

If the object move from A to B so that the radius OA moves through an angle of α,its angular velocity,ω
about the centre is the change of of the angle per second.So,if t is the time taken by the objects to move
from A to B


The angle is measured in radians (2πradian=360°). So angular speed is measured in radians per second
(rads- 1)

From the Equation above


this is similar to
the formula
distance is equal
to uniform velocity
x time for motion
in a straight line. It
will be noted that
the time T to
describe the circle
once ...known as
the period of the
motion is given by


If s is the length of
the arc AB,then

Therefore s=@r

Dividing both sides by t,

We have


We already know that


And S/t=velocity

We have

These are the important formulas in circular motion

Circular Motion Example 1

A disc rotates at an angular speed of 4.7 rad s-1.

a) an object which is placed at a distance of 4.0 cm from the center, what is its linear speed?

b) an object has placed a distance of 8.0 cm from the center, what is its linear speed?


Distance from centre is equal to the radius=4cm

Convert to m by dividing by 100





To solve b,do exactly the same thing but not with radius as 8cm =0.08m

Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal acceleration (a) is measured in meters per second per second (ms-2) or say meter per
second squared. The direction of this acceleration is always towards the center of the circle.
Since we know that acceleration and the force producing it are always in same direction.We already
understand that,there is a force that keeps the moving object in circular motion (centripetal force) and
it is directed towards the centre.So, the acceleration is also towards the centre

For some reasons,we will not derived the formula for the acceleration towards the centre

But we have it that




Inserting v² in the first equation,we have



*Take good notes of this formula

Centripetal Acceleration

Example: A wheel of 30 cm radius rotates at a rate of 180 rpm(revolution per minute). Determine the
centripetal acceleration of a point on the edge of the wheel.

Given :

Radius (r) = 30 cm = 0.3 m

Angular speed (ω) = 180 revolutions / 60 seconds = 3 revolutions / second



W=(3)(6.28 radians) / second = 18.84 radians/second

Solution :
The magnitude of the centripetal acceleration :

a= ω2r or rw²

a = (0.3 m)(18.84 rad/s)

a= 5.65 m/s2

Centripetal Force

The centripetal force which is measured in Newton (N) can be different forces, it can be gravity, friction,
electrostatic attraction, etc.

The centripetal force required to keep an object of mass m moving in a circle of radius r is given by



Example. A 200-gram ball, attached to the end of a cord, revolves in a horizontal circle with an angular
speed of 5 rad s-1. Assuming the cord’s length to be 60 cm, what will be the centripetal force?

Given :

Object’s mass (m) = 200 g= 200/1000 kg = 2/10 kg = 0.2 kg

Angular speed (ω) = 5 rad/s

Length of the cord= r = 60 cm = 60/100 m = 0.6 m

Solution :

The equation of the centripetal force :


F = m v²/r = m ω2 r

F = Centripetal force, m = mass of the object, v = velocity, ω = angular speed, r = radius.

F = m ω² r = (0.2)(5)2 (0.6) = (0.2)(25)(0.6) = 3N

Now we will study another type of circular motion. It is also an important topic under circular motion

Non-Uniform Circular Motion

If an object is moving along a circular path with a varying speed then it’s motion is known as non-
uniform Circular Motion. Since the speed is changing, there is a tangential acceleration in addition to
normal acceleration which is the cause of changing speed.

Non Uniform Circular Motion

Examples of non-uniform motion:1. A car moving on a crowded road.2. A person who is jogging and
then walking.3.Blades of a ceiling fan moving at different speeds.

Some of the main features of the non-uniform circular motion are as follows:
The Angular Acceleration is constant (α = CST)

There is tangential acceleration which is constant.

There is normal or centripetal acceleration and which is responsible for the change of direction of the
velocity vector. it is not constant.

The angular velocity ω increases or decreases uniformly

More examples

A model car moves around a circular track of radius 0.3 m at two revolutions per second

What is

I) the angular speed

II) the period T

III)the speed of the car

IV) find also the angular speed of the car if it moves with a uniform speed of 2 m per second in a circle of
radius 0.4 m


I)for one revolution,angle turned=2πrad(360°)...

For 2 rev, angle turned=2×2π=4πrad

... This is the angle turned in one second so, w is equal to 4 πrads-¹

2)period = 2π/w





Or 1.2×22/7=3.8ms-¹

4) from v=wr


A 2kg ball rolls around the edge of a circle with a radius of 1m. If it is rolling at a speed of 3ms, what is
the period of the ball?
Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



The period, T, of an object moving in circular motion is the amount of time it takes for the object to
make one complete loop of the circle.

If we start with the linear understanding of velocity,v=x×t, we can apply the same concept here. Our
velocity should be the change in distance over the change in time. In this case, we don't have a definite
time, t, but we do have a period in terms of one complete loop.

We can set up an equation for the period using the circumference of the circle as our distance: v=2πrT.

Plug in the given values to solve for the period.





A 2kg ball rolls around the edge of a circle with a radius of 0.5m. If it is rolling at a speed of 8ms, what is
the centripetal acceleration?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:


Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration towards the center when an object is moving in a circle.
Though the speed may be constant, the change in direction results in a non-zero acceleration.

The formula for this is a=v²/r, where v is the perceived tangential velocity and r is the radius of the circle.

Plug in the given values and solve for the acceleration.




A 2kg ball rolls around the edge of a circle with a radius of 0.5m. If it is rolling at a speed of 8ms, what is
the centripetal force?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Centripetal force is the force that constantly moves the object towards the center; it is what keeps the
object moving in a circle rather than flying off tangentially to the circle.

The formula for force is F=ma

To find the centripetal force, we need to find the centripetal acceleration. We do this with the formula
a=v²r, where v is the perceived tangential velocity and r is the radius of the circle.

Plug in the given values and solve for the acceleration.




Plug the acceleration and given mass into the first equation to solve for force.



1) if a car moves around a circular road of radius r at a constant speed v,

A) its velocity changes and the acceleration is v/r²

B) there is no Force on the car since its speed is constant

C)the force on the car is towards the centre and is mv²/r

D)there is no velocity change since the speed is constant

E)The force on the car is outward from the centre and is mv²/r

2) a small mass m is suspended from one end of a vertical string and then whirled in a horizontal circle at
a constant speed v

A)The string stays vertical

B)the string becomes inclined at an angle

C)There is no force on m except its weight

D) the angle of inclination to the vertical of the string does not depend on v

E)the centripetal force is equal to the weight mg

3)when a girl rides round the corner on her bicylce at a steady speed

A)there is no force when she turns

B) the force on her bicycle is only her weight when she turns

C) the centripetal force is due to the tire friction at the ground

D)the force on the girl I'd always outward

E)she stays upright (vertical)

4)When a stone or mass m at the end of a string is whirled in a vertical circle at a constant speed

A)the tension (force) in the string stays constant

B)the tension is least when the stone reach button

C)the tension in the string is always mg

D) the weight mg is always equal to the centripetal force

E) the tension is greatest when the stone is at the bottom of the circle
A small mass of 0.2kg is whirled around in a horizontal circle at the end of a string of length 0.5 m at a
constant angular speed of 4rads-¹ . The tension in the string is







Some terms

Frequency(F): This is the number of revolution or oscillation in one second (measured in Hertz (Hz))

Period(T):is the time taken to complete one oscillation or revolution(measured in seconds)

T=time taken/number of revolution or oscillations=t/n

Frequency=number of revolution /time taken=n/t

We can see that the frequency is inverse of the period

T=1/F or F=1/T
Amplitude (A) : This is the maximum displacement from the mean position of oscillation or revolution

When the Bob of a pendulum moves to and fro through a small angle the bulb is said to be moving with
simple harmonic motion.The prongs of a sounding turning fork, and the layers of air near it are moving
to and fro with simple harmonic motion.



Since T=1/F,F=1/T


W=2π/T or T=2π/w

It can also be shown that the distance moved by a body performing SHM through an angle @ is given by

We know w=@/t


X=R sin wt

From our knowledge of motion we know

Velocity=displacement/time or dx/dt

Applying little calculus

We can differentiate x with respect to t to get a formula for V


V=WR cos wt

We can also derive a formula for acceleration by differentiating V with respect to t

dv/dt=a=-W² Rsin wt

As we know,velocity is changing

At different points in SHM of a body,the body has different velocity

We will derive a formula for calculating the velocity of a body in SHM at any point

Consider an object oscillating to and fro in SHM at a distance x from the centre

With maximum displacement from the centre is A.

X=Asin wt V=wAcos wt

Sinwt=x/A. Coswt=V/wA

Square both sides

Sin²wt=x²/A² Cos²wt=V²/w²A²

Let's add



Sin²wt+cos²wt=1=x²/A² + V²/w²A²
X²/A² + V²/W²A²=1

We then find LCM

(X²(W²) + V2)/W²A² =1




Square rooting both sides, we have

V=w√(A²-X² )

The connection between uniform circular motion and SHM

There is a close connection between circular motion and simple harmonic motion. Consider an object
experiencing uniform circular motion, such as a mass sitting on the edge of a rotating turntable. This is
two-dimensional motion, and the x and y position of the object at any time can be found by applying the

The motion is uniform circular motion, meaning that the angular velocity is constant, and the angular
displacement is related to the angular velocity by the equation:


How does this relate to simple harmonic motion? An object experiencing simple harmonic motion is
traveling in one dimension.

The amplitude is simply the maximum displacement of the object from the equilibrium position.
So, in other words, the same equation applies to the position of an object experiencing simple harmonic
motion and one dimension of the position of an object experiencing uniform circular motion. It is related
to the frequency (f) of the motion, and inversely related to the period (T):


The frequency is how many oscillations there are per second, having units of hertz (Hz); the period is
how long it takes to make one oscillation.

Velocity in SHM

In simple harmonic motion, the velocity constantly changes, oscillating just as the displacement does.
When the displacement is maximum, however, the velocity is zero; when the displacement is zero, the
velocity is maximum.

Acceleration in SHM

The acceleration also oscillates in simple harmonic motion. If you consider a mass on a spring, when the
displacement is zero the acceleration is also zero, because the spring applies no force. When the
displacement is maximum, the acceleration is maximum, because the spring applies maximum force; the
force applied by the spring is in the opposite direction as the displacement

Note that the equation for acceleration is similar to the equation for displacement. The acceleration can
in fact be written as:

All of the equations above, for displacement, velocity, and acceleration as a function of time, apply to
any system undergoing simple harmonic motion. What distinguishes one system from another is what
determines the frequency of the motion. We'll look at
that for two systems, a mass on a spring, and a

The frequency of the motion for a mass on a spring

For SHM, the oscillation frequency depends on the restoring

force. For a mass on a spring, where the restoring force is F =

More formulas


This is used for calculating the period of oscillation of a

pendulum suspended on a string of length l


This is used for calculating the period of oscillation of a mass m

oscillation on a spring or elastic material of force constant K

Energy in SHM

At the maximum points,the ball is momentarily at rest.


,the potential energy is maximum

Kinetic energy is minimum or zero

At equilibrium point

It is at its highest velocity

Kinetic energy is Maximum

Potential energy is Minimum or zero

According to the law of energy conservation


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