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SISY 2017 • IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics • September 14-16, 2017 • Subotica, Serbia

Security Systems: The Introduction of Biometric

Technology as a Smart Solution
Lourdes Cecilia Ruiz Salvador*
* Obuda University/Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

Abstract— Corporations are always in need to strengthen The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe
their security systems due to the assets they need to protect biometric technology as an added value to an
and ongoing security threats. Traditional security methods organization’s security system by describing the design of
are at their maximum working capacity. In order to face a security system in a pharmaceutical company.
present and future risks it is necessary a reliable
identification system. In addition, it is essential to focus in a
holistic security system approach which can be able to SECURITY SYSTEMS
integrate innovative solutions such as biometric technology.
Biometric authentication is indeed a helpful tool that Safety is a priority in any industry, not only for
enhances security by providing an effective identification protecting people but physical and digital assets. Security
using biological characteristics of an individual. The concerns nowadays are rising among companies due to
following study describes how biometric technology can be the increment of terrorist incidents and online criminal
introduced in an organization’s security system, using the incidents. Organizations need to prevent unauthorized
example of a pharmaceutical company.
entry into sensitive areas, data or valuable resources.
Moreover, electronic security systems market is expected
to exceed US$80 billion by 2020. United States is the
INTRODUCTION largest market worldwide followed by Europe [2].
Organizations’ security needs depend on the Access control, video surveillance, and intrusion systems
complexity of their processes and the nature of their can be used in conjunction to provide an integral solution
businesses. Physical security nowadays is not enough for system.
daily work activities or asset protection. It is essential to
incorporate an integrated security system into the • Access control systems, are utilized to control
company. This system consists of different security who or what can view or use resources at an
components such as: Access Control, Video Surveillance organization. They are divided into two groups:
and Intrusion systems. These components are a must to physical and logical. Physical access control
protect corporate goods and personnel. refers to specific areas such as buildings or
rooms. Logical access refers to computer
Biometric technology plays a vital role in security networks, files or data. The authorization,
systems. Biometric characteristics are used to enhance identification, authentication and access control
safety because these traits are intrinsic for each person, processes of this system is performed by the
which allows an effective identification. Organizations usage of login credentials such as passwords,
generally use this technology for monitoring staff and PINs, biometric traits and physical or electronic
granting access to authorized personnel to specific areas keys [3].
or networks. In addition, it can be used in conjunction
with any of the components of an integrated security • Video Surveillance systems offer the possibility
system. of monitoring even if the observer is not present
on site. The information collected through the
Pharmaceutical organizations need security solutions cameras in the Closed-Circuit Television
due to the sensitive information and materials they (CCTV) system can be stored, evaluated and
manage in everyday activities. Serious threats that can repeated as many times as necessary [4].
lead into criminal activities such as terrorism can occur if
high security levels are not implemented in • Intrusion systems monitor if an authorized entry
pharmaceutical facilities. Biometric technology takes part happened inside company’s facility outside
as a useful tool to increase safety since it can effectively working hours. Door or window sensors, motion
authorize or deny access into restricted areas. Moreover, detectors, glass break detectors, panic buttons
it can track employees at all times inside company’s are installed as part of this system [5].
premises and offers accountability if safety incidents Biometric technology can be used along with any of
occur [1]. these systems, providing an advanced security design.

978-1-5386-3855-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 000347

Lourdes Cecilia Ruiz Salvador • Security Systems: The Introduction of Biometric Technology as a Smart Solution


The iris of the eye is a stable biometric characteristic. It
Security needs are changing throughout the time.
is developed in humans at 10 months of age and does not
Traditional identification technologies such as passwords,
change throughout time. Due to this fact, it is considered
tokens or identity cards are pushed to their limits.
more accurate and faster than other biometric
Organizations’ basic security need is to have a reliable
characteristics. It is a non-invasive technique, in which no
identification system. Biometric security is the most
physical contact is required for identification. Iris
reliable technology regarding identification because it
recognition is commonly used to protect high security
uses for authentication purposes, biological
areas such as laboratories, research facilities and bank
characteristics that are inherent and unique for each
premises [11].
person [6].
Palm Vein
Biometrics encompasses physical or behavioral
characteristics of a person such as fingerprints, palm, iris, Palm veins are considered the most secure biometric
retina, gait, keystroke, voice, etc. The main advantage of characteristic. They are difficult to forge since they are
a biometric authentication system is the fact that it can located on the subcutaneous layer of skin. A palm vein
connect directly with the user, providing a track of their recognition system provides different advantages such as:
actions at the moment that is identified and granted accuracy, reliability and cost efficiency. This biometric
access to the system. It is based on the identification trait is usually used with multilayer security [12].
concept of what a person is rather than what knows or
possesses, which gives a considerable advantage over Privacy Issues
traditional methods. Consequently, the possibility of ID
cards or tokens theft or loss is eliminated and users don’t It is important to note that privacy concerns regarding
need to memorize passwords or share access codes [7]. the collection, storing and usage of biometric data are
hindering the application of this technology. This type of
The principal corporate usage of this technology is for data is considered sensitive, since it is what makes a
identification purposes. Biometric traits can be used person unique. Users consider this technology intrusive
conveniently for obtaining physical but also virtual area and a violation of their rights. Additionally, when used
access and can be linked to specific actions so in case of a for identification, it can leave a trace of personal
security incident, the responsible can be easily identified. information. Misuse of data, the possibility of sharing,
Multi factor authentication methods should be applied in stealing and the association of biometric identifiers with
a security system that requires high security levels. An private data between different databases are serious
example of a two- step verification system can be the concerns among system users [13]. It is necessary to
combination of a biometric characteristic such as take into consideration personal data regulations and laws
fingerprints that proves who the person is and a when designing a security system that involves biological
traditional identifying method such as an ID card that is characteristic collection.
something that the person has or a password that is BIOMETRIC SECURITY AT A PHARMACEUTICAL
something a person knows. This method enhances INDUSTRY
security because it adds a second layer of security to the
system [8].
A pharmaceutical company has specific security needs
Fingerprints due to the essence of its business. Thus, controlled
Fingerprints are the most popular biometric features substances produced at pharmaceutical facilities are
used in security systems due to their individuality and target for criminal activities. External, internal robbery,
persistence. Fingerprint readers are commonly used in the corporate espionage and drug counterfeit are main safety
workplace to record employees’ work hours and for concerns. Research information and manufacturing
granting access to specific areas. Fingerprint based techniques used for drug production are considered
systems are easy to use, install and integrate with other valuable assets among this industry. In addition, materials
security systems. The devices used are small, cheap and and chemicals used for the production process are
have low power consumption. dangerous and have the potential to be used for the
elaboration of weapons that can lead into terrorism [14].
Facial Recognition
According to Cisco 2014 report, the pharmaceutical
Face recognition is generally used because it does not industry is in the top three industries having high threat
require physical contact between the user and the device. perception. The crown records management survey on
It is necessary to use a digital camera to perform the 2015, reported that two thirds of pharmaceutical
authentication. A facial recognition based system is easy companies have been victims of data breaches and a
to install and does not require expensive hardware. It is quarter have been hacked [15].
used in physical access control systems and for logging
into computers [9] [10].

SISY 2017 • IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics • September 14-16, 2017 • Subotica, Serbia

Due to these issues, it is vital to implement an integral friendly interface for employee usage and an antifraud
security system. Moreover, enhance its security by the detection system [17].
introduction of biometric technology. Biometric
identifiers contribute to effectively grant access to For the high security rooms, iris identification will be
authorized personnel intro critical areas and networks used. In the laboratories, research and manufacturing
inside the company. Moreover, these biological areas; it is not possible to use fingerprint identification
characteristics can monitor employees always, which it is because of gloves’ usage. For this reason, a contactless
important for the investigation of accountability on safety device is the most suitable option to protect clinical trials
incidents. information, new drug research and key components for
drug production and make sure that just authorized
As an example, a pharmaceutical plant in need of a high personnel will have access to these areas. The device
security system is going to be analyzed. It is a research chosen is IrisAccess 7000. This device recognizes the iris
and development facility that comprises administrative of the eye from 35 cm away and can be used with
offices, research laboratories and development areas personal protective equipment such as googles.
where small amounts of products are manufactured. Moreover, it can stand harsh environments such as a
laboratory or a manufacturing plant. It offers a time and
SECURITY SYSTEM: PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY attendance feature which can control the activities in
these places. It also allows integration with other devices
A holistic security approach will be implemented in the [18].
design of the security system. That means the integration
of advanced security systems in conjunction with In addition, for protecting valuable assets such as
biometric identifiers, in order to offer one comprehensive information related to clinical trials or a new drug
solution [16]. This security solution understands the discovery and development; an electronic signature
specific hazards and risk levels of the facility and it is system based on biometric characteristics will be
tailored according to the pharmaceutical plant safety implemented to grant access to electronic resources. This
needs. system uses a two-factor authentication; in this case, it
will be a password and an iris scan. Xyntek industry will
The following capabilities will be introduced into the provide the software for this application. Moreover, this
system: software allows the integration of different biometric
sensors [19].
• Surveillance and protection of the facility’s
perimeter with intrusion systems Access will be granted depending on the users’
permissions such as authority, type of role in the
• Access control verifying who enters and leaves company and time of the day.
the plant.
Surveillance Systems
• Monitoring of the workers’ and visitor
movements at any part of the plant in real time A CCTV system provided by Honeywell will be
and asset electronically location. implemented in the plant. Cameras will be placed at
specific areas such as the laboratories and manufacturing
• Restrict the entrance to sensitive areas sites to monitor daily activities. Additionally, cameras at
the building entrance and the parking lot will be
• Track material movement and storage implemented to check who is entering or exiting the
premises and for tracking sensitive material
Intrusion System transportation and storage. A video log will be recorded
of everyone passing through the doors or attempting to
The intrusion system will be provided by Honeywell access the building [20].
security. It consists of window, door opening and motion
sensors in every room. In addition, glass break sensors, Table 1 shows a summary of the Security system for a
will be activated in the research and manufacturing areas. Pharmaceutical company, specifications and pictures of
These features will inform unauthorized entries, sound an the biometric devices.
alarm and alert the security station.

Access Control System

For accessing the building and administrative offices the

device that will be installed is the Morpho Access
SIGMA series. This device is a fingerprint reader used
for employees’ identification. It also includes time and
attendance features that will monitor the time the worker
enters the building and leave the workplace. It has a

Lourdes Cecilia Ruiz Salvador • Security Systems: The Introduction of Biometric Technology as a Smart Solution

TABLE I: An important aspect of designing a security system is

PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY SECURITY the integration capability of all the components of the
SYSTEM EQUIPMENT system. In that way, it offers a faster response in case of
emergency and the implementation and maintenance
Security System Specifications Source
Windows door opening sensors, motion sensors and costs are reduced.
Intrusion System glass break sensors provided by Honeywell ௗ [5]
Administrative Offices: Morpho Access SIGMA
Fingerprint Reader. It is essential to recognize that biometric
characteristics are not suitable for all users. It is crucial to
analyze carefully what biometric trait is going to be
acquired to prevent conflicts with the users that will
interfere in the implementation of this technology.
When designing a security system, there is not one
exact solution. It will depend on the specific needs, risks,
threats, budget and assets to be protected. As
Restricted Areas: Iris Access 7000
ௗ [17] implementers, it is necessary to provide a safety solution
that fits with the company’s requirements and it is cost

It is important to consider the regulations and standards

that govern these types of businesses and the devices
required to perform the identification and authentication
ௗ [11]
before starting the design of the security system. In this
Access Control way, the whole security system will comply with the
System Electronic Sources: Xyntek Software ௗ [19] specifications.
Surveillance System Cameras provided by Honeywell ௗ [16]
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Lourdes Cecilia Ruiz Salvador • Security Systems: The Introduction of Biometric Technology as a Smart Solution


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