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FEMA Dam Safety Series

Fact Sheet 3: Benefits of Pre-Event Exercises and Training June 2018

Many federal, state, territory, local, and tribal
Purpose and Intended Audience
organizations conduct exercises of their various
emergency plans for different hazards. An This Fact Sheet shares examples of pre-event
incident at a dam could be the scenario for an exercises and training relating to dams and dam
emergencies that were conducted prior to Hurricane
exercise or added as a component of a larger
Matthew in 2016 to help stakeholders better
exercise to prepare stakeholders for dam- understand pre-event exercises and training efforts
related incidents at dams. Federal, state, that will help them respond to potential dam
territory, local, and tribal governments often emergencies.
have training programs that include emergency The intended target audience for this Fact Sheet
management, communication, preparedness, includes federal, state, territory, and local officials;
planning, exercises, and other topics. tribal leaders; county and city engineers, planners, and
emergency managers; dam owners and operators;
building and property owners near or potentially
affected by a dam failure; and other interested

Dam safety-related loss of life and property damage. Preparation
Emergency Action Plans of the EAP is typically the responsibility of the
(EAPs) and Emergency dam owner. For more information about EAPs,
Operations Plans (EOPs) refer to FEMA P-64, Federal Guidelines for
should be exercised with Emergency Action Planning for Dams (2013).
personnel involved in 1
An EOP is a plan developed and maintained
dam safety response to by the government at the jurisdictional level
assess and validate for responding to a wide variety of potential
capabilities, improve hazards. It describes how people and property
coordination, and identify will be protected; details who is responsible
strengths and areas for improvement. The for carrying out specific actions; identifies the
results of the exercises are critical for personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and
evaluating the effectiveness of the plans. other resources available; and outlines how
Training the appropriate personnel in these, among other actions will be coordinated.
emergency management, communication, A state or community can include a dam-
preparedness, planning, and other topics can specific annex in its existing EOP. Refer to
improve community resilience.
Developing and Maintaining Emergency
An EAP is a formal document that identifies Operations Plans, Comprehensive
potential emergency conditions at a dam and
specifies actions to be followed to minimize Any business, non-profit, or other organization can have an
EOP. This Fact Sheet only addresses government EOPs.

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FEMA Dam Safety Series Fact Sheet 3: Benefits of Pre-Event Exercises and Training

Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 (FEMA 2010) After Hurricane Matthew, Moore County, NC,
for guidelines on developing EOPs. developed a dam safety tabletop exercise and
is sharing it with other dam operators. During
Examples of Actions Taken
the exercise, all dam operators review the EAP
Emergency management personnel in Wake and all emergency responders are invited to
County, NC, were all familiar with the Lake join. A benefit of using the Woodlake Dam for
Benson Dam EAP or the State of North this exercise is that fire department chiefs in
Carolina’s dam EAP template, so guidance the County are now very familiar with
and threshold information were readily Woodlake Dam and its EAP.
obtained to facilitate emergency actions in
response to potential dam failures during
Hurricane Matthew.

Pre-event exercises better prepare exercise activities. See Homeland Security
organizations, teams, or personnel to Exercise and Evaluation Program (DHS,
respond more effectively and efficiently to 2013) for more information. Pre-event
an emergency. In the absence of a real-world exercises can take many forms, as discussed
event, exercises offer the type of simulated below. One of the cornerstones of the
environment necessary to test and validate HSEEP methodology is that the exercises
existing plans and procedures in a realistic are performed using a building block
setting and should be considered an integral approach, where the complexity increases as
element of preparedness. participants move from the simpler seminars
and workshops to the more complex full-
Exercises should be designed to engage
scale exercises.
participants and compel them to work
together to manage the response to a
Examples of Actions Taken
hypothetical incident. Exercises can reveal
strengths or weaknesses in elements such as Wake County, NC, reported that during
plans, protocols, procedures, logistics, annual training 2 months prior to Hurricane
equipment, training, regulations, and laws, Matthew, Emergency Operations Center
among others. Exercises enable staff participated in a flood exercise that
organizations, teams, and participants to simulated a failure of Lake Benson Dam.
improve their operations and The simulation required downstream
communications, and become more effective notifications and rerouting of traffic along
and efficient at their mission. The results of major roadways.
the exercises can help identify opportunities Providing realistic and complex exercises
to improve response capabilities by based on a current Threat and Hazard
revealing gaps, training, equipment needs, Identification and Risk Assessment
other shortfalls, or required changes that can (THIRA) benefited the actual emergency
be corrected before a real event occurs. response following Hurricane Matthew.
Many emergency management authorities
follow the FEMA Homeland Security
Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
framework; dam owners and other entities
involved with the EAP should consider
HSEEP when developing training and

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FEMA Dam Safety Series Fact Sheet 3: Benefits of Pre-Event Exercises and Training

Seminars and Workshops more scenarios. The duration of a tabletop

exercise depends on the audience, the
scenario being exercised, and the exercise
objectives. Many tabletop exercises can be
conducted in a few hours, so they are cost-
effective tools to validate plans and
capabilities, identify strengths and areas for
improvement, and can build consensus
toward improving emergency response
Walkthroughs, orientation seminars, and preparedness.
workshops should be designed to familiarize
team members with emergency response, Functional Exercises
business continuity, and crisis A functional exercise (FE) is a single or
communications plans and compel them to multi-agency activity designed to evaluate
carry out their roles and responsibilities as capabilities, multiple functions and/or sub-
defined in the plans. functions, or interdependent groups of
Seminars provide an overview of authorities, functions. FEs are typically focused on
strategies, plans, policies, procedures, exercising plans, policies, procedures, and
protocols, resources, concepts, and ideas. As staff members involved in management,
a discussion-based exercise, seminars can be direction, command, and control functions.
valuable for entities that are developing or An FE is conducted in a realistic, real-time
making major changes to existing plans or environment; however, movement of
procedures. Seminars can be similarly personnel and equipment is usually
helpful when attempting to more fully simulated.
understand the capabilities of interagency or Functional exercises go beyond typical
inter-jurisdictional operations or gain access tabletop exercises by having the Command
to them. Post team make decisions, simulate the
Workshops are similar to seminars except deployment of resources, and respond to
that participant interaction is increased and new developments. In comparison to a full-
the focus is placed on a specific product, scale exercise, explained below, a functional
such as a standard operating procedure, an exercise involves fewer participants.
EOP, a continuity of operations plan, or a
mutual aid agreement. To be effective, Examples of Actions Taken
workshops should focus on a specific issue, Clarendon County, SC, reported
and the desired objective, product, or goal participating in various tabletop, functional,
should be clearly defined. and full-scale exercises periodically to test
and evaluate its plans. The County’s EOP
Tabletop Exercises was recently reviewed by the South Carolina
Tabletop exercises are discussion-based Emergency Management Division and found
sessions in which key personnel assigned to be in compliance with current emergency
emergency management roles and management doctrine and principles.
responsibilities meet in an informal setting
to discuss their roles during an emergency Full-Scale Exercises
and their responses to a hypothetical, Full-scale exercises (FSEs) are typically the
simulated emergency. A facilitator guides most complex and resource-intensive type of
participants through a discussion of one or exercise. They often involve multiple

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FEMA Dam Safety Series Fact Sheet 3: Benefits of Pre-Event Exercises and Training

agencies, organizations, businesses, non- many players operating under cooperative

profits, and jurisdictions and validate many systems such as the Incident Command
facets of preparedness. FSEs often include System or Unified Command.


Emergency plans (EAPs and EOPs) for a • Evidence to support improved policies,
dam should be evaluated after an exercise to procedures, protocols, training, or other
either validate their efficiency and key document changes
effectiveness or to identify necessary
revisions. Following an exercise, data
collected from facilitators, evaluators,
exercise support staff, and players are
synthesized into an after action report
(AAR) to identify strengths and areas for
improvement within the context of the
exercise objectives. The AAR focuses on
performance standards and enables both the
technical and emergency management
personnel to verify and validate the
information and procedures contained in the
plans. The intent is to discover what The information presented in the AAR can
happened, why it happened, what strengths also be used as a historical reference for all
in the plan should be sustained, and what participants and a possible blueprint for
areas need improvement. The after action future training/exercise initiatives.
process affords the team members an Serving as a key element of the AAR, the
opportunity to gain maximum benefit from improvement plan (IP) is designed to take
an event or exercise. It provides: those identified areas for improvement and
expand on them to potentially include,
• Candid insights into specific strengths
among other things, focus areas (e.g.,
and weaknesses from various
policy/protocol/ training, interagency
coordination), recommendations for
• Feedback and insight critical to
improvement, office(s) responsible for
improved performance
implementing the recommendations, and the
• Details on exercise specifics that might expected suspense date/ timeframe for
be lacking in an evaluation report alone implementing the recommendations.
The people involved in the implementation
of the EAP and EOP should receive periodic
training to ensure they are thoroughly
familiar with all elements of the plan, the
available equipment, and their
responsibilities and duties under the plan.
Appropriate personnel should be trained in
the incident management process, including
detection, evaluation, notification, and

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FEMA Dam Safety Series Fact Sheet 3: Benefits of Pre-Event Exercises and Training

appropriate response actions during all when a dam is categorized as unsafe or the
emergency level determinations. A population immediately downstream of a
sufficient number of people should be dam would be inundated within a short time
trained to ensure adequate coverage at all frame.
times. A brief description of the training Dam safety-related awareness training on
performed at the dam and how often it is EAPs, EOPs, emergency operations,
conducted should be included in the EAP. communications, planning, exercises,
Local emergency management authorities inundation, and evacuation maps, among
may want to consider developing evacuation other topics, can be beneficial and should be
and shelter-in-place (if applicable or considered for dam owners, operators,
required) training materials for people who emergency managers, community officials,
would be affected by a dam failure in their or other stakeholders as needed.
jurisdiction. This is particularly important

DHS (Department of Homeland Security). 2013. Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation
Program (HSEEP).
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). 2013. Federal Guidelines for Emergency
Action Planning for Dams.
FEMA P-64.
FEMA. 2010. Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans, Comprehensive
Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101.

FEMA. 2015. FEMA Mitigation Dam Task Force Strategic White Paper on Dam Risk (DR-SC-
National Institute of Standards and Technology. 2006. Guide to Test, Training, and Exercise
Programs for IT Plans and Capabilities. Special Publication 800-84.

Useful Websites
Association of State Dam Safety Officials:
North Carolina Dam Safety Program:
North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Emergency Management:
South Carolina Dam Safety Program:

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FEMA Dam Safety Series Fact Sheet 3: Benefits of Pre-Event Exercises and Training

South Carolina Emergency Management Division:

Disaster Response: Incident Command System (ICS):
system-resources Exercises for business:
FEMA Community Emergency Response Team Drills and Exercises:
FEMA Emergency Management Institute Course IS-120.c – An Introduction to Exercises:
FEMA Emergency Planning Exercises:
Preparedness and Training: National Incident Management System (NIMS):

Other Fact Sheets in this Dam Safety Series

Fact Sheet 1: Use of Emerging Technologies
Fact Sheet 2: Notification Methods
Fact Sheet 4: Proactive Actions
Fact Sheet 5: Benefits of Post-Event Data Collection for Dams

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