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Assign ment

# 1 (sec S)

Advance Software Engineering

Submitted by: Muhammad Sanaan Khan (70037599)
Course Instructor: Sir Zahoor Ahmed Khan

Scrum is an agile software development method. Explain its methodology.

Scrum is an agile project management methodology or framework for project management that
emphasizes teamwork, accountability and iterative progress toward a well-defined goal.
Although it has been used in other fields and is slowly starting to be explored for other complex
work, research and advanced technologies because Scrum itself has no software-focused elements (no
Course: ASE ( CS4356|11 ) Assignment # 1 M. Sanaan Khan
instructor: Zahoor Ahmed Khan Section - S SAP ID - 70037599

software principles or practices in particular) but commonly Scrum is used for managing complex
knowledge work, often used in software development.
It is used primarily for projects with the goal of delivering new software capability every 2-4 weeks.
According to Scrum theory, empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and
making decisions based on what is known. Scrum employs an iterative, incremental approach to optimize
predictability and control risk.

How Scrum methodology works?

Scrum relies on an Agile software development concept called Sprints. Sprints are periods of time
when software development is actually done. A Sprint usually lasts from one week to one month to
complete an item from the backlog. The goal of each Sprint is to create a sellable product.
The framework begins with a simple premise: Start with what can be seen or known. After that,
track the progress and tweak as necessary.

The 3 essential scrum roles :

A scrum team needs three specific roles:
1. Product owner
2. Scrum master
3. The development team.
(because scrum teams are cross-functional, the development team includes testers, designers, UX
specialists, and ops engineers in addition to developers.)

The 3 pillars of Scrum :

1. Transparency
2. Inspection
3. Adaptation

The 5 supporting values :

The three pillars of Scrum (transparency, inspection and adaptation) are supported by five values:
1. Commitment
2. Courage
3. Focus
4. Openness
5. Respect

The 6 Main Principles of Scrum Methodology :

1. Control over the empirical process. Transparency, checking, and adaptation underlie the whole
Scrum methodology.
2. Self-organization. This principle increases the level of independence of the whole team and also
checking performance.
3. Collaboration. Awareness, clarity, and distribution are the main factors of the established work.
4. Value-based prioritization. Scrum methodology is focused on attaining all business tasks from the
very beginning of the development process.
5. Timeboxing. Time is always a limited resource, thus it should be rationally utilized. Development
management process, using Scrum methodology, includes sprints, daily meetings, meetings on
sprint planning, and etc.
6. Iterative development. The process itself is divided into certain steps each of which requires a
certain amount of work and, finally, satisfy user needs and conduct all set business tasks.

The Scrum process :

28-02-2020 Department of Software Engineering ASE ( CS4356|11 )

The University of Lahore Spring 2020
Course: ASE ( CS4356|11 ) Assignment # 1 M. Sanaan Khan
instructor: Zahoor Ahmed Khan Section - S SAP ID - 70037599

1. Sprint
2. Sprint planning
3. Daily scrum
4. Sprint review
5. Sprint retrospective
6. Backlog refinement
7. Cancelling a sprint

1. Product backlog
2. Sprint backlog
3. Increment
4. Extensions

The Scrum process encourages practitioners to work with what they have and continually evaluate what is
working and what is not working. Communication, which is an important part of the process, is carried out
through meetings, called Events. Scrum Events include:

Daily Scrum :
The Daily Scrum is a short stand-up meeting that happens at the same place and time each day. At each
meeting, the team reviews work that was completed the previous day and plans what work will be done in
the next 24 hours. This is the time for team members to speak up about any problems that might prevent
project completion.

Sprint Planning Meeting :

A Sprint refers to the time frame in which work must be completed, and it's often 30 days. Everyone
participates in setting the goals, and at the end, at least one increment -- a usable piece of software --
should be produced.

Sprint Review. This is the time to show off the increment.

Sprint Retrospective :
A Sprint Retrospective is a meeting that's held after a Sprint ends. During this meeting, everyone reflects
on the Sprint process. A team-building exercise may also be offered. An important goal of a Sprint
Retrospective is continuous improvement.

Scrum artifacts :
An artifact is something of historical interest that deserves to be looked at again. In Scrum product
development, artifacts are used to see what's been done and what is still in the queue. Scrum artifacts,
which include product backlog, Sprint backlog, product increment and burn-down, are useful to look at in
Sprint Planning Meetings.

Product backlog :
This refers to what remains on the "to be done" list. During a product backlog grooming session, the
development team works with the business owner to prioritize work that has been backlogged. The product
backlog may be fine-tuned during a process called backlog refinement.

Sprint backlog :
This is a list of tasks that must be completed before selected product backlog items can be delivered. These
are divided in to time-based user stories.

28-02-2020 Department of Software Engineering ASE ( CS4356|11 )

The University of Lahore Spring 2020
Course: ASE ( CS4356|11 ) Assignment # 1 M. Sanaan Khan
instructor: Zahoor Ahmed Khan Section - S SAP ID - 70037599

Product increment :
This refers to what's been accomplished during a Sprint -- all the product backlog items -- as well as what's
been created during all previous Sprints. The product increment reflects how much progress has been

Burn-down :
The burn-down is a visual representation of the amount of work that still needs to be completed. A burn-
down chart has a Y axis (work) and an X axis (time). Ideally, the chart illustrates a downward trend, as the
amount of work still left to do over time burns down to zero.

28-02-2020 Department of Software Engineering ASE ( CS4356|11 )

The University of Lahore Spring 2020

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