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Literature Review

Chiari Malformation Type 1: A Systematic Review of Natural History and Conservative

Benjamin Langridge1, Edward Phillips1, David Choi2

Key words - BACKGROUND: Chiari malformation type 1 (CM-1) is a variation of hindbrain

- Adult development that can sometimes occur in asymptomatic individuals. Conven-
- Arnold-Chiari
- Chiari
tional treatment is surgical decompression, but little is known about the natural
- Conservative history of patients who do not undergo surgical management. This information is
- Malformation critical to determine how these patients should be managed. We conducted a
- Management
systematic literature review to determine the natural history of CM-1, particu-
- Surgical
larly in patients who did not undergo surgery and in asymptomatic individuals, to
Abbreviations and Acronyms help patients and physicians determine when surgery is likely to be beneficial.
CM-1: Chiari malformation type 1
- METHODS: The literature search was performed following Preferred
From the 1University College London Medical School, Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines using the
Bloomsbury, London; and 2National Hospital for Neurology
and Neurosurgery, London, United Kingdom
electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science.
To whom correspondence should be addressed:
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were predefined.
Benjamin Langridge, B.A.
- RESULTS: In symptomatic patients who did not undergo surgery, headaches
Citation: World Neurosurg. (2017) 104:213-219.
and nausea often improved, whereas ataxia and sensory disturbance tended not to improve spontaneously. Of patients, 27%e47% had an improvement in
Journal homepage: symptoms after 15 months, and 37%e40% with cough headache and 89% with
Available online: nausea who were managed nonoperatively improved at follow-up. Most
1878-8750/$ - see front matter ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All asymptomatic individuals with CM-1 remained asymptomatic (93.3%) even in the
rights reserved. presence of syringomyelia.
- CONCLUSIONS: The natural history of mild symptomatic and asymptomatic CM-
INTRODUCTION 1 in adults is relatively benign and nonprogressive; the decision to perform surgical
The Arnold-Chiari malformation type 1, decompression should be based on severity and duration of a patient’s symptoms at
which we refer to as Chiari malformation presentation. It is reasonable to observe a patient with mild or asymptomatic
type 1 (CM-1), was originally defined by symptoms even in the presence of significant tonsillar descent or syringomyelia.
Hans Chiari as an “elongation of the ton-
sils and the medial parts of the inferior
lobes of the cerebellum into cone-shaped
projections which accompany the me- We reviewed published studies of CM-1 to No time limits were set during the search.
dulla oblongata into the spinal canal.”1 A determine the following: 1) the presenting Indexes were accessed between February
common treatment for symptomatic CM- features of CM-1 in adults, 2) common 2, 2016, and February 22, 2016. A search
1 is foramen magnum decompression, indications for surgical intervention, 3) the strategy was created using the terms
and although there is debate around the natural history of CM-1 in adults, 4) the listed in Table 1. Results were reviewed to
technical aspects of surgery, the outcomes natural history of asymptomatic incidental exclude duplicates, articles not published
and risks of surgery are well documented. CM-1, and 5) the natural history syringo- in the English language, and articles that
However, little is known about the natural myelia with CM-1. were irrelevant in topic (Figure 1). The
history of CM-1 without surgery in symp- full texts of the remaining articles were
tomatic and asymptomatic individuals, reviewed in detail and outlined in this
and this information is necessary to decide systematic review. The reference lists of
the merits of surgical management. CM-1 Data Sources and Search Strategy these full articles were hand-searched for
is uncommon in adults, and there is lit- We performed a systematic literature re- any additional articles that were missed by
tle clear evidence to guide management. view in the format recommended by the the original search strategies.
We present, to our knowledge, the first Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
systematic review of the natural history Reviews and Meta-Analyses Guidelines.2 A Study Selection and Analysis
and conservative management of CM-1 in literature search was performed using the We included any article related to CM-1
adults to help surgeons and patients electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, but excluded articles relating solely to
decide when to perform surgery for CM-1. Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. pediatric patients (<18 years old) or

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 104: 213-219, AUGUST 2017 213


Four further articles were identified from differentiated and thus limit interpretation
Table 1. Search Terms Used to Identify article bibliographies.14-17 Therefore, 15 of the data.
Relevant Publications* and Reasons for articles were identified for inclusion in There were also case reports of patients
Article Exclusion this systematic review (Figure 1). Table 1 presenting with rare symptoms. Although
Search Terms also shows the breakdown of reasons for sleep apnea is seen in a small proportion
article exclusion, and Table 2 outlines the of patients, Mangubat et al.19 recorded a
1. Chiari malformation 1 conservative characteristics of the reviewed articles. case of orthopnea secondary to CM-1.
2. Chiari malformation 1 nonoperative Some heterogeneity exists in the Klein et al.20 reported a case of vertigo
definition of CM-1 used in published ar- and vestibular difficulties, and Furuya
3. Chiari malformation 1 natural history
ticles; Table 3 provides a summary of the et al.28 reported 6 cases of vertigo.
4. Chiari malformation 1 nonsurgical definitions used in the reviewed articles. Patients can also present with visual
5. Chiari malformation 1 asymptomatic problems. Bindal et al.3 reported 27
patients and found that 7 had
Number Presenting Features of CM-1 in Adults nystagmus. Zainon and Mohamad21
Reasons for Exclusion Excluded CM-1 manifests in numerous ways. reported 1 patient who had diplopia,
Headaches, of either the cough or vocal cord prolapse, and giddiness. Decq
Title and abstract review
migrainous type, and paresthesia are the et al.27 reported 2 cases in which visual
Unrelated topic 74 most common presenting symptoms. problems were presenting features. One
Pediatric only 65 Other common presenting symptoms patient had diplopia and on examination
include nausea, dysphagia, apnea, clonus, had papilledema. The second patient had
NoneEnglish language 6
cerebellar symptoms, drop attacks, muscle a 1-hour episode of blindness that
Nonhuman 5 atrophy, and dysphonia (Table 4). Case resolved spontaneously.
Chiari malformation type 2 3 reports exist of more unusual
presentations, such as orthopnea,19 Common Indications for Surgical
Acquired malformation 1
vertigo,20 and diplopia.21 Additionally, Intervention
Full-text review many cases of CM-1 are found inciden- Many articles were identified in the sys-
Unrelated to question 12 tally on magnetic resonance imaging tematic review that specified presenting
Surgical interventions 6
scans.11 symptoms of CM-1, but it was difficult to
The literature search found 21 articles ascertain the exact symptoms that precip-
Pediatric only 5 with details on the presenting symptoms of itated the decision to operate. However, 5
Not Chiari malformation 1 4 1 cases of CM-1.4-6,8-10,15,16,18,20-29 Of articles did discuss indications for surgery
Congenital syndromes 3 these, 13 articles, most of which were in various formats. Three groups of in-
case reports, discussed <10 pa- vestigators mentioned the indications that
Duplicates 2 tients.6,8,10,15,16,19-22,24-27 Four articles were used in their study or discussed the
Acquired malformations 1 looked at between 10 and 40 patients,3,9,23,28 indications they consider generally
and 3 looked at >40 patients.4,5,18 One accepted.4,5,12 Three groups assessed the
*PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and Web of
article reviewed patients with syringomye- usefulness of various factors in indicating
lia, but it did not distinguish which patients surgery.3,4,30 Table 5 provides a summary
had CM-1 and thus was excluded.30 of the criteria used for surgical
patients with additional congenital syn- The 3 articles with >40 patients were by intervention.
dromes. Articles that included both pedi- Killeen et al.,5 Chavez et al.,4 and There was no consensus on the exact
atric and adult patients were retained, and Hayhurst et al.18 See Table 4 for their indications for surgery in CM-1. According
the relevant adult data were included. Ar- presenting features. Killeen et al.5 to Chavez et al.,4 common indications
ticles were analyzed with a predetermined, reported 47 adult patients who were not include “(1) cough-associated headaches
standardized appraisal pro forma. recommended for surgery; the 21 that impact quality of life, (2) large or
pediatric patients in the study were enlarging syrinx, and (3) objective
excluded. Chavez et al.4 identified 68 abnormal neurologic findings or myelop-
RESULTS conservatively treated patients and 109 athy. CSF [cerebrospinal fluid] flow
surgically treated patients; 29% of the abnormalities, tonsillar descent, or cervi-
Selected Articles patients were <18 years old, but it was comedullary crowding serve as adjunct
Our search strategy (Table 1) identified 344 not possible to separate these patients criteria.”
articles, which were reduced to 198 after from the adult patients. Hayhurst et al.18 Ramón et al.12 stated that it is widely
excluding duplicates. After title and looked at 96 patients with Chiari agreed that surgery is not necessary in
abstract review, the number of relevant malformations; 83 had CM-1 and 13 had asymptomatic patients, but in patients
articles was reduced to 44. Following Chiari malformation type 2. Patients with with progressive posterior fossa or spinal
full-text review, a further 33 articles were Chiari malformation type 2 are only a cord signs, hydrocephalus or
excluded, leaving 11 articles for detailed small subset in the study by Hayhurst syringomyelia surgery is recommended.
inclusion in this systematic review.3-13 et al.; however, they were not However, several case reports identified



patients with syringomyelia who did not

undergo surgery.6 It is known that
syringomyelia can be found with a
significant prevalence in the general
population, and these cases rarely require
surgery.15 Ramón et al.12 also stated that
in patients presenting only with cough
headaches, surgery was performed in 25%
of cases. This demonstrates a degree of
variability in the indications for surgery.
This uncertainty has led to several
studies to try to identify the best in-
dications for surgery and to produce
evidence-based guidelines on when it is
best to operate. In a retrospective uncon-
trolled series, Chavez et al.4 compared
symptom improvement in patients who
either did or did not have surgery.
Surgery seemed to provide the greatest
benefit in cases of headache, with 95%
of patients with cough headache
improving after surgery but only 40%
improving with conservative treatment (P
Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and < 0.05). Regarding other headache
Meta-Analyses literature search flow diagram.
types, 93% improved with surgery, and
61.5% improved with conservative

Table 2. Studies Included in Qualitative Synthesis

Number of Natural History Natural History Coexistent
Author, Year Article Type Patients (Asymptomatic) (Symptomatic) Syringomyelia

Bindal et al., 19953 Retrospective cohort study 27 þþ

Chavez et al., 20144 Cohort study 177 þþþ þ
Kalb et al., 2012 14
Retrospective cohort study 104 þ
Killeen et al., 20155 Retrospective cohort study 68 þþþ
Klekamp et al., 20016 Case report and review 1 þ
Leu, 2015 7
Review N/A þ
Massimi et al., 20118 Case series 3 þ
McDonnell et al., 20009 Cross-sectional study 76 þþ
Miele et al., 2012 10
Case report 1 þ
Morris et al., 200911 Meta-analysis N/A þ
Nishizawa et al., 200115 Case-control study 9 þþ þþ
Ramón et al., 201112 Review N/A þ
Santoro et al., 1993 16
Case series 2 þ
Schneider et al., 2013 17
Case report 1 þ
Schuster et al., 201313 Systematic review N/A þ

þ, þþ, and þþþ indicate the relative utility of each article in informing the respective results subsections: “Natural History of Asymptomatic Chiari Malformation 1,” “Natural History of
Symptomatic Chiari Malformation 1,” and “Coexistence of Syringomyelia with Chiari Malformation 1.”
N/A, not applicable.

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 104: 213-219, AUGUST 2017 215


conservative management on the basis of

Table 3. Definition of Chiari Malformation Type 1 Used mild symptoms either improved or
Reference CM-1 Definition Used remained unchanged over time (average
follow-up 4.9 years  2.9), with 25.5%
Bindal et al.3 Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils below the plane of the foramen magnum reporting worsening of symptoms and 10.6%
Chavez et al. 4
Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum >5 mm reporting both improvement and worsening
of certain symptoms. Killeen et al. also re-
Kalb et al.14 Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum >5 mm
ported specifically on cough headache in
Killeen et al. 5
Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum >5 mm adults, a common indication for surgery, and
Klekamp et al. 6
Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum >5 mm found that 37% reported an improvement,
51.9% reported no change, and 11.1% re-
Leu7 Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum >5 mm
ported worsening of headaches; 28% of
Massimi et al. Not defined migrainous headache symptoms were also
McDonnell et al.9 Not defined reported to have improved, but little other
information was provided on migraine or
Miele et al.10
Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum >5 mm, posterior
fossa crowding, and restricted cerebrospinal fluid flow through the foramen
other symptoms in the adult cohort.
magnum Similarly, Chavez et al.4 found that
47.1% of adult patients improved (mean
Morris et al.11 Not defined
follow-up of 15.2 months, SD 23.5
Nishizawa et al.15 Not defined months), with the likelihood of improve-
Ramón et al. 12
Displacement of the cerebellar tonsils at least 3e5 mm below the foramen ment being affected by the presenting
magnum; the authors state that the criteria for Chiari 1 malformation should not be symptoms of the patient. This allowed the
considered absolute stratification of patients by their likelihood
Santoro et al.16 Not defined
of improvement with conservative man-
agement. Of patients presenting with
Schneider et al. 17
Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum >5 mm nausea, 88.9% improved at follow-up, and
Schuster et al. Tonsillar ectopia located below the foramen magnum the remaining 11.1% remained unchanged;
61.5% of migrainous headaches improved,
and 31.3% were unchanged. Although
treatment (P ¼ 0.09). Killeen et al.5 found syringomyelia stabilized or improved only other symptoms improved less frequently,
that the presence of cough headaches slightly. Bindal et al.3 suggested that paresthesia and ataxia either improved or
was a potentially negative indicator for symptoms of brainstem compression remained the same in 75.4% and 82.1% of
improvement. should be a stronger indication for patients, respectively. Although symptoms
Symptoms of ataxia improved in 21% of surgery compared with symptoms of of nausea improved less frequently with
conservatively treated patients but 87.5% syringomyelia. Ucar et al.30 suggested surgical management (85.7%) than with
of surgically treated patients (P < 0.05). using a novel imaging technique called conservative management, most symp-
This would seem to suggest that ataxia is a “Sampling Perfection with Application toms improved more frequently with sur-
strong indication for surgery. However, of optimized Contrast using different flip gical intervention, including cough
the 36 patients in the study with ataxia, angle Evolutions” to image tonsillar headaches (94.6%), migraine headaches
only 8 underwent surgery, suggesting that motion and use this information to (92.9%), and ataxia (87.5%).
ataxia is not commonly used as a strong determine suitability for surgery. Beyond these 2 studies, there are addi-
indication for surgery. Paresthesia was the tional infrequent case reports of sponta-
only other symptom that showed a differ- Natural History of Symptomatic CM-1 neous resolution of malformations,
ence in improvement between the surgical The natural history of symptomatic CM-1 including associated syringomyelia.6,10
and conservative groups; 77% of patients in adults is poorly documented, with Although many patients did well with
improved after surgery, whereas only 42% most studies investigating pediatric cases conservative management, some patients
improved with conservative management.5 or outcomes after surgery. Our literature reported deterioration of symptoms. Cha-
However, this was not a randomized review identified 7 articles4-9,16 relevant to vez et al.4 reported that 11.8% of patients
study, so it is difficult to say if this question, but most available evidence with conservative management developed
paresthesia is independently associated originates from the publications by Killeen new symptoms over the follow-up period,
with improvement after surgery. et al.5 and Chavez et al.4 These articles such as diffuse headaches, numbness, and
Bindal et al.3 produced a classification suggested that many patients selected for dysphagia. Killeen et al.5 reported that
system to predict outcomes and help conservative management of mild 25.5% of conservatively managed adult
determine the appropriate surgical symptoms either improve or do not patients reported worsening of symptoms.
management. Using 21 cases, they found deteriorate after long-term follow-up, There are some reports of severe and life-
that symptoms from brainstem with serious events being infrequent. threatening presentations in patients
compression were significantly improved Killeen et al.5 found that most (63.8%) found to have CM-1, such as acute respira-
after surgery, whereas symptoms from adult patients who were selected for tory failure8 and sleep-related breathing



without syringomyelia. The patient

Table 4. Incidence of Symptoms in 3 Key Articles remained asymptomatic throughout this
Killeen et al.5 Chavez et al.4 Hayhurst et al.18 time.
Symptom (n [ 47) (n [ 177) (n [ 96) Combined
Coexistence of Syringomyelia with CM-1
Cough headache only 9 (19%) 67 76/224 (34%) Syringomyelia commonly coexists with
Migraine headache only 14 (30%) 34 48/224 (21%) CM-1, being present in approximately 50%
Both cough and migraine 18 (38%) 31 49/224 (22%) of cases.13 The presence of a syrinx has
headache been repeatedly advocated as an indicator
for surgical intervention,12,13 and Chavez
Headache of any type 41 (87%) 132 63 (66%) 236/320 (74%)
et al.4 found that patients treated
Paresthesia 31 (70%) 66 14 (15%) 111/320 (35%) surgically were more likely to have a
Cerebellar symptoms 26 (55%) 36 13 (14%) 75/320 (23%) coexistent syrinx (P < 0.0001). Limited
evidence substantiates this position,
Dysphagia 10 (21%) 10/47 (21%)
particularly in light of the fact that
Dysphagia or apnea 16 16/177 (9%) patients with coexistent syringomyelia
Nausea 7 (15%) 23 30/224 (13%) are rarely studied separately from
patients with CM-1 alone. However, the
Drop attacks 4 7 11/273 (4%)
presence of a coexistent syrinx has been
Cranial nerve dysfunction 14 (15%) 14/96 (15%) reported as a negative predictor of
improvement after surgical
disorders.7 These severe presentations has been poorly studied.11 In the Some evidence suggests that conserva-
appear to be rare, however, and are not literature search, we initially identified 1 tive management is appropriate in pa-
described in larger studies. article, by Bindal et al.,3 which followed tients with coexistent syringomyelia who
Specific subpopulations of patients may 27 patients over several years with CM-1. are asymptomatic at diagnosis. Nishizawa
have more adverse outcomes than ex- Of these, there were only 5 patients who et al.15 found that most of these patients
pected. McDonnell et al.9 looked at CM-1 in were asymptomatic and who did not have showed no neurologic change over long-
patients with spina bifida and reported that surgery. After a mean 2-year follow-up, all term follow-up (mean 11.2 years), sug-
23.7% of these patients reported new 5 patients remained asymptomatic. gesting that if patients are asymptomatic,
symptoms over the previous 12 months. We identified 2 additional articles that conservative management is appropriate.
Some evidence suggests that pediatric reported asymptomatic patients with CM-1 However, only 9 patients were in this
and adult patients with CM-1 have over a period of several years. Nishizawa group in their study; 1 patient exhibited
different outcomes. Compared with adult et al.15 identified 9patients with neurologic changes after 7 years of follow-
patients, pediatric patients tended to be asymptomatic CM-1 and syringomyelia up and underwent surgical intervention.
less symptomatic at diagnosis and to have who were monitored for >10 years. All As sudden deterioration has been
a higher likelihood of improvement at patients had presented incidentally during observed in patients with previously
follow-up. In the study by Killeen et al.,5 brain “check-ups,” head injuries, tension asymptomatic syringomyelia,17 careful
pediatric patients reported improved or headaches, or paranasal sinusitis. In the long-term monitoring would be prudent.
stable symptoms in 95.2% of cases follow-up period of 11.2 years  0.7, 8
compared with 63.8% of adult patients patients remained asymptomatic and
(P < 0.05). Killeen et al. demonstrated showed no neurologic change. One pa- DISCUSSION
not only that this difference existed tient noticed clumsiness of fingers 7 years There were no randomized controlled tri-
between pediatric and adult groups but after diagnosis and underwent surgery als of surgery versus conservative man-
also that it was age dependent, with with a successful outcome. Additionally, agement of CM-1. The best published
improvement of symptoms being there were no significant differences in evidence was level 2a and 2b cohort or
predicted by younger age at presentation. magnetic resonance imaging scan find- case comparison series. Therefore, it is
The odds of improvement of symptoms ings over the 10-year period, including the possible to suggest grade B recommen-
were 0.48 times lower for every 10-year patient who had surgery up until the time dations for the management of symp-
increase in age (95% confidence interval of the operation. tomatic adult CM-1. Patients presenting
0.28e0.815, P < 0.05). This has significant Santoro et al.16 also reported an with significant headaches, ataxia, or
implications for research that combines asymptomatic case of CM-1 and syringo- paresthesia are more likely to undergo
both adult and pediatric patient groups myelia incidentally diagnosed in a preg- surgical treatment of CM-1, although the
without separating the 2 populations. nant woman. When presenting to the decision to operate is a subjective one,
hospital with pregnancy for the second depending on the balance of severity of
Natural History of Asymptomatic CM-1 time 5 years later, the same patient un- symptoms, impact on quality of life, and
Despite a prevalence of 0.24%, the long- derwent magnetic resonance imaging, the potential for surgical complications. In
term prognosis of asymptomatic CM-1 which showed the presence of CM-1 the absence of symptoms, there is little

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 104: 213-219, AUGUST 2017 217


nonspecific symptoms are less likely to

Table 5. Criteria Used for Surgical Intervention improve. Potential risks of surgery include
Reference Criteria Used for Surgical Intervention meningitis (4.8%), wound infection
(3.2%), stroke (0.7%),31 hydrocephalus
Bindal et al.3 Any patient with symptoms of brainstem compression or syringomyelia (3.0%), and cerebrospinal fluid fistula
underwent surgery. Patients with no symptoms of brainstem compression or (5.9%).32 These risks should be weighed
syringomyelia did not undergo surgery. against the potential benefits of surgery,
Chavez et al.4 Inclusion criteria were the presence of cough-associated headaches that impact which vary with operative technique33
quality of life, large or enlarging syrinx, and objective abnormal neurological and the severity of symptoms, accepting
findings or myelopathy; cerebrospinal fluid flow abnormalities, tonsillar descent, that most patients follow an indolent
or cervicomedullary crowding served as adjunct criteria. course and some patients with mild
Kalb et al.14 Symptomatic patients, with or without syringomyelia, were generally considered symptoms may improve.
for surgery.
Killeen et al.5 Patients with radiographic evidence of CM-1 and clinical symptoms of CM-1 Limitations of the Review
were generally recommended for surgery; however, if there was a lack of There are very few studies with large
clinical objective findings or only mildly symptomatic tussive headaches, surgery numbers of patients, and all are retro-
was generally not recommended. spective nonrandomized studies,
Klekamp et al.6 Not defined providing level 2 evidence at best. There-
fore, the strength of recommendation is
Leu Not defined
limited to grade B for the management of
Massimi et al.8 Not defined symptomatic adult patients with CM-1. For
McDonnell et al. 9
Not defined asymptomatic adult patients with CM-1,
although the available evidence portrays
Miele et al.10 Not defined
a fairly benign course over long-term
Morris et al. Not defined follow-up, the number of patients in
Nishizawa et al. 15
Not defined these studies limits recommendations to
grade C. There is also likely to be selection
Ramón et al.12 Decompressive surgery is not recommended in asymptomatic patients; in
bias when retrospectively comparing sur-
patients with progressive posterior fossa or spinal cord symptoms/signs,
hydrocephalus or syringomyelia surgery is recommended. gical and conservative cohorts in the
literature, as surgical patients may have
Santoro et al.16 Not defined more severe symptoms.
Schneider et al.17 Not defined
Schuster et al. 13
Not defined Recommendations
The key limiting factor for further
CM-1, Chiari malformation type 1. advancement of management recommen-
dations in asymptomatic and symptomatic
adult patients with CM-1 is the size and
evidence to suggest that surgery should be very few asymptomatic patients require retrospective nature of much of the
performed on the basis of radiologic surgery >10 years after diagnosis. The currently available evidence. The develop-
findings alone. presence of a large syrinx can sometimes ment of a registry for such patients,
If patients are mildly symptomatic, CM- be alarming at first presentation, and allowing aggregation and long-term
1 is not necessarily a progressive condi- many surgeons may advocate surgery in follow-up, would be of significant
tion, and mild symptoms may remain case of progression. However, patients benefit. We also recommend that a uni-
static or improve with time. Therefore, it commonly present with very few or mild form definition of CM-1 be adopted by
is reasonable to observe patients who symptoms despite a large syrinx, and future studies to aid review and meta-
present with mild symptoms, although again it is reasonable to observe such pa- analysis (Table 3).
there are rare case reports of sudden tients and offer surgery if the severity of
deterioration. It is impossible to deter- symptoms warrants surgical intervention
mine risk factors for sudden deterioration in the future or there is significant radio- CONCLUSIONS
from the evidence available, and this logic progression of the syrinx. However, The natural history of symptomatic and
should be placed into context when dis- owing to the low number of asymptomatic asymptomatic CM-1 in adults is relatively
cussing the management of CM-1 with patients in these studies, the recommen- benign and nonprogressive, and the deci-
patients in the clinic. Surgery should be dations for management of asymptomatic sion to perform a foramen magnum
offered if symptoms subsequently patients is weaker (grade C). decompression operation should be based
deteriorate. After surgery, symptoms of headache on the severity and duration of a patient’s
Most patients who present with and ataxia are most likely to improve, but symptoms at the time of presentation. It is
asymptomatic CM-1 are likely to remain other symptoms may not even within the reasonable to observe a patient with mild
asymptomatic. Larger studies show that same patient. Symptoms of nausea and or asymptomatic symptoms, even in the



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