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1950 - 1985

l. Introduction l.
2. Ground.sea.le and Movemant l.
J. Damage Points 2.
4. Weather Conditiolia J.
5. Surface to Surface Location J.
6. Communication 5.
7. ·Mom.le
8. Raval Gwmery
' 5.
9. Naval Ordnance Cha.rte 6.
10. How to use Gurus 8.
ll. Da.mage caused by G\Ulf'ire
12. Gunnery Point of ImplCt Table
lJ. Surface to Surface Missiles il..
14. Surface to Surface Missile Chart 12.
15. Missile Target Selection
16. Defence against Missiles
17. How to use Surface to Surface Missiles 14.
18. Effects of a SSM Hit 14.
19. Damage Control and Running Rei:airs
20. Fire
21. Armoured Warehipe
22. Movement
2J. Air to Air Target Loc.<i tion 2J.
24. Air to Air Missiles 24.
25. Air to Air Missile Table 25.
26. How to use Air to Air Missiles 26.
27. Air to Air Missile Hit Charts 26.
28. other Air to Air Weapons 28.
29. Air to Surface Target location 29.
JO. Air Attack on Surface Shipe JO.
Jl. Air to Surface Missile Chart
J2. Firing Air to Surfaoe Missiles J2.
JJ. Surface to Air Target LoOation J2.
34. Surface to Air Missiles J2.
JS. Surface to Air Missile Chart JJ.
J6. How to use Surfa.oe to Air Miseilee JJ.
J7. Effect of a SAM Hit 34.
JS. Anti Aircraft Gun Fire 34.
J9. Defensive Action for SubmS.rines J6.
4o. Detection.of Submarines
41. Ship Fired Anti Weapons JS.
42. Torpedoes
4J. Ramming Submarines
A.:ppendix I Ship Data Tables 44.
ApPendix II Fast Patrol Boat Data. Tables 47.
Appendix III Airo:caf't Data Ta.bles 48.
Appendix IV Helicopter Data Tables 49.
Appendix V Submarine Data Tables 49.
Appendix VI Tactioal Nuclear Weapons so.
Appendix VII Aircraft 1Urn Indicator 51.
Append.ix VUI Manufacturers of Mc:dels' 52.
"-ndix IX Ship Record Ca1'ds 52.
Rule Amendments and Clarliications - 12th· 1982.
New WeaEons Systems
Page 6. New Gun carried on Sovremmeny: -
Twin lJQmm. USSR A(L) 35 ER JO STB 4 4 12. New Surface to Surface Missile:-
Tomohawk Nat us !!. 400 !l A '.!'. 1 §. M Bo' JJ, New Surface to Air Missile:-
RAM (Rolloing Airframe Missile) Nat US HB 1 - 2 '.!'. IR/SA 75 !!. 8
Page 49. New Soviet Helicopter:-
Kamov Ka-32 (Helix) 2 Turns 5 D/S(20) 10 4o

Page 13 - Defence Against Missiles:-

Gun' These are allowed one shot only against S and M sized missiles,_ two shots
against 1 sized missiles, and NONE against those marked ''Special". Soviet
gatlings always fire in pairs, counting as "one gun", although they are capable
of being fired manually as two individual guns.
Chaf'f A chaff screen will only shield one ship, normally the launching ship, except
in the case of US Ch&.ffroc, which may be fired from one ship to :protect another.
·A chaff screen Only Jasts one bound.
Air Warfare Chaff and IR jamrner pods - where one of these pods is carried in place of
offensive stores the pod gives the carrying aircraft three protective screens
The conbination of Chaff/Flares must be decided by the player bef9re the game
starts. This. also applies to dispensers on helicopters.

Page 37 - Detection of Surface Shi:i;a by Submarines:-

This is the same as detection of submarines by surface shi:i;a, except that subs ohly use the passive
(_for game purposes), and this is sufficient for weapons to be fired. Note that the visual
distances on page 4 still apply for periscope attacks. For normal game purposes it is usually
sufficient to say that a submarine is always aware of any surface ship.
These rules have been designed to simulate a modern naval involving surface ships, submarines and
aircraft of tod.ays navies, using the recently introduced range of 1:3000 scale warshi:ps.

The rules were originally designed for a large scale naval cami:aign in which large numbers of ships would.
be engaged in combat, To this it was necessary to generalise certain areas for the sake of playability,
this, whilst not giving absolute realism (which can never be achieved in a game), resulted in a very fast and
enjoyable game. rules are not designed for a single ship v. single ship combat, as it was considered
''highly unlikely" that in apy future WarPac/NATO conflict a solitary NATO ship would come across and fight a
solitary WarPac warship. The more likely course of events is for the War Pac (Soviet) navies to sail (by
devious routes) to prearranged rendezvous points several days before hostilities are due to commence. From
there the "Task Forces" prime function would be to disrupt the American reinforcement of Europe; to intercept
and destroy the vital oil cargoes in the Arabian Gulf, off the African coast and in the Indian Ocean; to
"Prevent the transfer of allied warships into and out of the Mediterranean, and to harass the US Pacific Fleet
(with the idea of drawing forces. from the Atlantic to keep the Pacific Fleet "in being" to counter any threat
in the Pacific), A further option open to the Soviets would be to use the obsolete Kynda class cruisers to
bombard US coastal cities with.their long range missiles, compelling the US back warships to protect
their own coasts.

In any of the above scenarios the Soviets would use their ships 'en ma.sse' to achieve their objectives. It
was with these i:tctions in mind that thEise rules were written, to enable thle wargamer to fight through the
Atlantic convoys, to endevour to keep the oil flowing or to fight for the glory of the revolution and crush
the wicked capitalists (even if it costs you your life comrade). It is hoped that the users of these rules
do know something of mod.em warships and will use this set as the basis of a campaign involving a number of
wargamers as it is only when there are large numbers of ships involved that the maximum enjoyment can be

Now read throUgh the rules SLOWLY before you attempt 'to use then, otherwise you may become confused and
generally lost and lose interest in tre game which is the last thing we want to happen, Enjoy yourselves,
have fun.

Egui'Oment Required
A llllir of decimal (twenty sided) dice, one of which should have one set of numbers (0 - 9) in a different
colour to determine numbers between land 20 (i.e. White '4' "'4, Yellow '4' "' 14 etc.).
A steel expanding tape measure marked in both ·inches and millimeters.
Something to re pre-sent the shtps.
Somewhere to fight, minimum practical sized area is l.m. x lm., ideally Zm. x 2m.

Background Information
It is hoped that the user of tnese rules has some knowledge of the ships and weapon systems that he/she is
about to use, but for those wishing to start out in this period I recommend. the series of "Janes Pocket
Books", please read these before attempting the full sized "Janes", as they offe-r comprehensive information
in an easily understandable form. Another useful reference is the "Of The World" series of books published
by Ian Allen, These deal with warships, aircraft, missiles and helicopters, and represent a good source of
basic information.

The most useful single book available must be "Combat Fleets of the World" by Jean I.aba.yle Couhat, At around
£25 + not a book for everybody, but tnere should be a copy in your local library. This one book gives all the
information about ships, aircraft and armament that you are likely to need, but make sure that you ge,_t the
latest edition, If you want a magazine then nAviation and Marine" published by Interconair of 1 Camp·,
Farnborough, Hail.ta, GU14 6EN is one of the best available in the naval field,

That should get you started, if you read t.hose you will be in a position to amend areas of the rules to suit
your own game (such as sonar and radar ranges for individual ships),

Ground Scale and Movement

Each full move :represents about · 2t- minutes of real time to allow for target location, flight times, reaction
times etc. All firing and movement is simultaneous,

Recornm.ended ground scale is. l inch • llcn. (about 1:40,000)

Recommended movement rate is Zmm. per knot,

Bec8.ri3e of the exagera.ted scale of the_ moliels in with tbe ground sea.le· no turning circles
can be used with the models. Therefore ship:s ca.n turn up tO 90° with no loss of speed, but shipe,
tllrning over 90° lose ha.l:f· their move.•

Faster (optional)

For a game or one using pa.trol era.ft only it is suggested that the ground scale be increased to
l inch = jkm. and movem_ent increased to 4mm, per knot. Thie scale can also be used for large actions if
a very large playing surface is available.

Acceleration and Decelera.ti.on

Ships under 100 tonnes fld, Hydrofoils and Hovercraft can accelerate up to half 'their maximwn fo:i:-wa.rd
speed and decelerate up to a quarter of their maximum speed.
Example:- A Turya class hydrofoil w-ith a ma.xilllWll speed of 42 knots may accelerate up to 42mDI. per bound
and decelerate up to 21mm. per bound, so that from a standing start to full speed takes two bounds, and
to stop from full speed takes four bounds.

Other Warshi;es
Maximum Forward Speed Accelerates up to Decelerates up to Maximum Reverse Speed
up to lOkt. 5 (knots) 5 5
lC to 20kt. 10/15 5 5
20 to )Okt. 10/20 5 10
JO to 4okt. 15/30 10 10
40kt. :plus 15/JO 10 10
Where two figures are given for acceleration, the first is for diesel and nuclear powered ships, and
the second is for gas turbine powered ships:

Merchant Ships
All Merchant Ships use the "up to lOkt." line given above for "_other

Selection of Forces for a Game

As it is highly unlikeiy that two opposing forces will be of the same-strength the choice should be
totally random. A fair system is to list the names (or class) of 20 ships for each side, and throw
a 20 sided dice for the number of ships required. The ships that correSpond to the numbers thrown
then form the fleets. Aircraft carriers should not be used in small actions.

Every ship':can only take so much damage before it becomes a helpless crippled wreck and sinks. Damage
points reflect the weakening of the basic structure of the ship and can be used to determine the cost
an,d of time needed for re-p:i.irs in campaign games.
Divide the ·-Full Load Displace.ment (from the ship data tables) by J, round up to the nearest 10 and
apply the following:-
I f the ·shi'p is British or Canadian designed add 1-0;'1'
I f the ship is Soviet designed deduct lr:YJ'
If the ship is armoured on all three surfaces (see armoured ship list) add lCI%
Mercbant Ships
All shi11s (except British and Canadian ships built before 1975) of 10,000 tormes unladen
more have 1,000 damage points. British and Canadian ships in this catagory have 1,200 damage points .
ships of less than 10,000 tormes Wlladen have 500 damage Points.

Light Craft_ (up to 500 tormes). Fast Patrol Boats, Hydrofoils and Hovercraft
Divide the displacement (from the data list) by 10.

Conventional Attack Subs Divide displacement by 10
Nuclear Subs Divide displacement by 5
Nuclear Ballistic Missile Subs · Divide displacement by 20

If British add 10%.

If a ship looses all its damage points it sinks. A ship that looses 5CYJ' of ite damage points has 10%
knocked off its firing factors, A ship that looses 75% of its damage points has 2CYJ' knocked off its
firing factors and has its radar capability halved __ double the score required to detect).

Weather Conditions
For normal applications all battles should be fought in fine conditions, however for cam-paign battles
the following is sUggested, Throw one decimal dice to determine conditions.
Dice Roll Weather Conditions
1 to .5 Fine, sunny with a moderate wind, no restrictions on operations.
6 and 7 Moderate, overcast with a medium strength wind with occasional gusts, intermittent
rain squalls. Sea state choppy to rough, Light craft (up to 100 tonnes) must return
to -port as soon as possible, Hydrofoils are unable to "fly". Helico-pters are unable
to o-pera.te from craft of less than 2,500 tonnes,
8 and 9 Rough, 100% heavy cloud with very strong wind and heavy rain, Sea rough to worse
All ships under 2,500 tonnes run for port. Light era.ft stand a JC% chance of sinking
for every 12 hours that they remain·at sea. Patrol of between 100 and 500 tonnes
stand a 10% chance of sinking for every 12 hours that they remain at sea, All helicorrters
and VTOL aircraft· grounded. Fixed wing aircraft may only operate from land bases
and fleet carriers over 50,000 tonnes. No fire is possible with surface skimming missiles,
torpedoes or manual guns.
10 Bloody awful, mountainous seas, hurricane force winds and monsoon type rain. No flying
at all possible, target location distance reduced to lOkm. Only fully automatic guns
may All ships under 2,500 tonnes stand a 10% chance of sinking for every 24 hours
they remain at sea. All craft under 500 tonnes sink.

Surface to Surface Target Location

Before a ship can engage an enemy it is first necessary to find it. The usual way of doing this is by radar.
For a fast game, or one involving a great number of ships it may be adequate to say that a ship can locate a
target up to the maximum range of its surface to surface weapons, or up to 60km., whichever is les::, with
a minimum radar range of 40km.

Radar Modes
Surface search radars can operate in both active and passive modes. When in the passive mode radar range is.
increased, but the information givt.n is not adequet for weapons to be fired, it is only of use if the "target"
is in the active mode, as a p:issive search picks up other radar transmissions. In the active mode the radar
sends out a "ping" which is reflected off the target and back to the searching ship. An active contact is
required before weapons can be fired (unless you can see the target). Active radar can be jammed,
The following table gives the ranges at which ships can be detected (in km,):-

Size of Searcher up to 1,000 1,000 - 5;000 5,000 - 20,000 20,000 + 50, OOO +
Target Size
up to 1,000 20 25 30 4o 4o
1,000 -5,000 25 30 35 45 50
5,000 - 20,000 25 35 45 50 55
20,000 + 30 40 50 55 60
For passive searches ranges are doubled. A· surfaced :submarine is in all cases c..ill.ssed as ''up to 1, 000".
If the weather is force 8 or worse reduce all ranges by half,
Target location - Active Radar
If in range throw ]1)10, the basic score required to locate is 10 or less subject to the following:-
If searching with radar A - J
If searching with radar C + 2
If searching with radar D + 4
If target fitted with ECM A 1
If' target fitted with ECM B - J
If target fitted with ECM C 5
If searcher is a submarine or less than 250 tonnes 2
If searcher is between 250 and 1,000 tonnes 1
I f searcher is 50, OOO tonnes plus + 1
If target is a submarine or less than 250 tonnes 2
If target is less than 1,000 tonnes 1
If target is head on - 1
If range is greater t1.1an - 3

Radar NOtes
AnY ship using active l:ada.r is automatically detected by a:ny other ship in a passive mode. This
however only gives a genei'al bearing and is not sufficient for wea-pons to be fired,
Where a target is one of a fleet deduc"t the most -powerful ECM rating of the fleet, irrespective of
that carried by the target,
Where ships are acting as a fleet the normal -procedure would be to keep the whole fleet in passive
mode, with occasional sweeps from ship, usually the one with the best radar.

This is only of importance in campaign games where one is as to come across a "neutral" as an
enemy. Radar can only positively tell you two things:-
"-• There's something there.
It "s friendly (one of ours using IFF)
is possible -to determine the type of ship by monitoring its radar frequencies, but this may be of
·JnlJ limited value, as the ship type could well be used by more than one nation. This procedure can
also only be carried out after a library of radar sounds has been built up, which takes a conSiderable
time. lDlO, a score of 3 or less (0 = 10) is required to determine the class of shi-p located,
If this proves inconclusive there are two ways of determining its identity:-
1. Call it u-p on the radio, (Be pre-pared to receive a salvo of SSM'S in return if it is hostile),
2. Go and have a look at it, or send a helicopter (if you have one) to go and have a look.

Note that aircraft, heliconters and ships of.less than 1,000 tonnes are not capable of monitoring
another ships radar frequencies (except A.E.W. Aircraft).

•Jnce a· contact has been identified i-t' is necessary to tell the rest of the fleet what you have
found and where ·it ii;; (13ee communications).·

The range at which a target can be seen accurately enough for weapons to be fired at it are:-
Target Size (Tonnes) Range (km.)
jOO to 1,000 15
1, OOO to 4, OOO 18
4,000 to 15,000 22
15, OOO to OOO 25
J0,000 plus JO
Ranges are reduced by half' if the weather is forces 6 or 7, and by 75% if the weather is force 8 or 9,
In weather force 10 no visual sighting is possible.

Target Loca tiori - \"isual

If the· target is range throw lDlO, the basic score required to locate is 8 or less,
I f target is head .:in 2
If target is laying smoke screen 2

iiight Fighting
Most games will be fought in good weather and daylight, however night actions may be fought using radar
and limited visual location. Any gun over 57mm. will be spotted firing at a range of 12km. Firing a
missile will give away the firers position to any ship within 15km.

Illuminating Targets at Night

This can be done by one of two methods:-
1, Searchlights will light up any target within 5km., but will give away your position to any other
ship within ?Okm.
2. Starshell (fired from guns of at least 75mm.) will illuminate any target at a distance up to the
maximum range of the weapon firing or the range at which positive visual identification may be
made, whichever is the lower.
Range reductions because of weather conditions still apply.

CommWlications between ships of a fleet (i.e. within 40km. radius of the broadcasting ship) will always
be effective providing the ship has suffered no damage to its communications equipment. Passing information
to other ships takes one bound, unless equiped with DATA LINK facilities. Ships with data link may react
immediately to any located threat.
Example:- A Sheffield class destroyer (fitted with D.L.) locates a Soviet Kotlin and wishes to tell other
ships close by. These ar13 another Sheffield and a Leopard class frigate (not fitted with D, L.) Because the
two Sheffields' are "hooked up" by D.L. Sheffield 2 knows exactly what Sheffield 1 has foWld without being
told, the being transmitted automatically with no time delay. The leopard on the other has
to wait until somebody calls it up and passes on the information,
Basically, if a ship fitted with D.L. locates a target all other ships fitted with D.L. have also located
that target, other friendly ships within 4-0km. will locate in the following bound. (It may not be
to actually locate due to radar range, but they will know the position of the target and take whatever action
is necessary).

How the sailors of a future war will react under fire is one of the questions that no one can answer, Will
the regulars of the West be any better than th., conscripts of the East? Certainly the Western navies should
show their professicnalism by. inflicting heavier losses than they receive, but at what stage will losses
begin to affect th., men themselves? This section of the rules should only be used for camP'J.ign games where
the survival of some ships could affect future events.

The use of ceitain weapons, such as SSM or sub launched missiles, may cause some ship comrr.a.nders t-, reassess
their immediate situation; this would be more 1ikely if a friendly ships were sunk by ·uch weapons.

A missile hit upon one ship of a fleet will affect other ships should the hit be fatal cause severe damage,
causing a shock reaction. The effect will vary depending upon training, age and the oapabilii;y of your own
ship, and on the tradition and attitude of the ships commander.

A reaction test should be taken by any shi-p within visual distance of the stricken vessel (a ship is severly
demaged if it has lost more than two thirds of its damage points). The scores below <tre those required to
make an individual ship attem-pt to disengage·from combat 'lnd leave the area. Throw 1D%:-
All volWlteer - serv-ing regulars 05% or less
All volunteer - reservists 15% or less
Conscripts - serving 10% or less
Conscripts - reservists 25% or less
If own ship cannot retaliate + 15
If crew numbers less than 50 + 5
If command ship sunk or severly damaged + 5
For each enemy ship SWlk 5
If attacker unlocated + 10
If attacked by carrier aircraft + 10

Naval Gunnery
The "Big GWl" was once the symbol of supreme naval power, Now large guns, and even the medium calibres have·
been replaced with missiles, Only the United States maintains a few cruisers armed with 8" gilns. Several
other nations possess a few elderly warship.5 with 6" (152mm.) wea-p"ns, and these shi-ps will vanish ".fithin the
next few years. There is however one exception, the United States is to recommission four battleships Ove ·
the next six years. 60,000 tons, 35 knots and armed with 16" guns, t!E effect that they will have is unknown.
In war they may prove to be the liability that a great number of officers believe them to be, in µeace they
are tne ultimate projection of naval power. Their sheer size and the visible destructive capability manifested
in the big guns has far more effect on people than the sight of a 4,000 tonne destroyer whose missiles could
probably sink the battleship before the battleship managed to spot it.

Despite -the reliance on missiles as the main anti-ship weapon, guns can still inflict considerable damage on
an enemy and for normal game applications have nnlimited ammunition. The following charts and tables give all
the information needed to fight a "gunnery'duel",

Abbieviations on the Ordnance Charts
Nat The country of origin of the weapon
The type of firing control on that particular weapon1 -
M Manual (guns with crews)
SA Semiautomatic (usually with a crew, radar directai rapid f"ire guns)
A Fully Automatic (the gun thinks for itself')
(L) Local Control on A guns (this means that if the fire control ie destroyed
a crew can take over and the gun becomes M),
MR The maximum range of the wea pan
ER The effective range of tue weapon
STB Shots per turret per boWld (the number of chances to hit the target each
bound with one turret).
AliT-- The maximwn anti-aircraft altitude of the weapon. A - indicates no AA
capability. A " indicates that special ammo must used.

Naval :0rl.nance ?6mm. (3") and larger

Weapon Nat MR ER STB
16" 50 cal, us M 42 35 1
Triple 8" Mk. 16 us SA 28 24 2
Tri11le 8"-.-Mk •..15 us M 28 24 1
Single 20Jmm. Mk. 71 us A 55 35 3 4
Single 5" Mk. 45 us A 30 25 3 3
Single 5" Mk. 42 us SA 25 15 3 3
Single·· 5" Mk:. 39 us SA 20 15 2 3
Twin . ·)" _.Mk. )2 us SA 17 13 2 3
6" Mk. 16 us SA 24 19 1
'!'ri-ple 152mrn. USSR SA 28 18 2
Tri-ple lBOmm. USSR M 35 27 1
Twin lJOmm. USSR SA 28 16 2 4
Twin l)Omm. (Skory only) USSR SA 24 15 2
Twin lOOmm. USSR SA 20 12 4 5
Single lOOmm. USSR M 16 10 2 4
Sing le lOOmm . USSR A 15 8 3 4
Twin 85mm.· , USSR M 15 8 2 3
Twin 76mm. USSR SA 15 9 4 3
Single 76mm. USSR A 14 8 6 5
Twin 6" Mk. 26 UK A(L) 25 15 4 4
Single 4. 5" Mk. 5 UK SA 19 11 1 2
Twin 4. 5'; Mk. 6 UK SA 19 13 3 3
Single 4.5" Mk. 8 UK A 22 13 3 4
Twin )" Mk. 6 UK A(L) 17 5 8 4
Twin 4" Mk. 19 UK SA 20 14 2 5
Single 4" UK A 19 12 3 5
127mm./.54 single, rr A(L) 22 15 4 5
Single 76mm./62· com-pact rr A 16 8 5 4
Single 76mm./62 rr SA 16 8 4 3
Twin 127mm. mod 48 FR SA 22 18 2 5
Single lOOmm. mods 53 and 68 FR A 17 15 5 5
Single lOOmm. compact FR A 20 17 6 5
Twin 120mm. SW A(L) 21 14 3 5
Twin 120mm. SW SA 19 12 2 5
Single 120mm. SW M 24 15 1
Single J" .sw/N A 13 7 2 3
Single SW A(L) 19 14 5 4
Twin lJOmm. CH SA 25 17 2
Twin lOOuun. CH SA 18 15 4 5
Twin J" CAN A 23 15 4 4

Naval Ordnance up to 57mm.

Twin 57mm.
Twin 57mm.
. Twin 57mm.
Single 5?mm.

Qµad 5?mm. USSR SA 9 5 6 4

Twin 5('mm. USSR A 12 7 5 l

Twin 5'7ml11, USSR SA 9 5 4 4

Single 57mm. M 9 4 J 4
Quad 45mm. USSR SA 9 4 6 4
Twin 40/70 IT A 10 3 5 4
Twin 40mm. type 106 IT M 10 J 5 4
Twin 40mm. type 64 IT A(L) 10 J 4 /1

Single 40mm. type 107 IT A(L) 10 J 4 l

Single 4omm. type 564 IT SA(M) 10 3 4 4

Single 40/60 SW M 10 J 4 4
Twin 40/70 SW M 10 3 5 4
Single 4-0/70 SW A 12 4 5 4
Single 4o/70 SP SA 12 4 4 4

Twin 37mm. USSR & CH M 8 3 4 J

Twin 35mm. IT A 6 3 7 J
Twin 35mm. Swiss A 6 3 7 J
Single JOmm. All 6 J 4 J
Twin 30mm. All 6 J 6 J
Single 25mm. All 4 2 5 J
Twin 25mm. All 4 2 7 J
Single 20mm. All 2 1 5 J
Twin 20mm. All 2 1 7 J
Quad and Triple 20mm. All 2 1 8 J
Gatling )Omm. All 3 1 10 J
Gatling 20m" All 2 1 10 J
Note at t)- time of writing all gatling ty-pe weapons are fully automatic for use only against
air targe1.>, llllless mounted as primary gllll armament on fast attack craft.

Naval Ordnance - Obsolete Weapons

Weapon MR ER STB
Triple 18" M 42 J8 1
Triple 16" M 42 J5 1
Twin 16" M 42 J5 1
Quad 15'' M 35 JO 1
Triple 15" M Jl JJ 1
Quad 14" M J3 JO 1
Twin 14"/lJ.5" M JJ JO 1
Qµad ll" M JI 26 1
Triple 11"/12" M 31 26 1
Single 8" M 28 24 1.

Twin 8" M 28 24 1
Triple 8" M 28 21+ 1
Tril)le 6"/5. 9" M 22 18 1
Twin 6"/5.9" M 22 18 1
Single 6"/5.9" M 22 18 1
Twin 5,25" SA 18 14 2
Twin 5"/4-5" M 16 12 2
Single 5"/4.5" M 16 21 1
Twin 4"/4.1" M 14 8 2
Single 4"/4.1" M I 14 8 1
Qµad 3"/76rnm. SA 12 6 J
Twin 3"/76mm, M 12 6 2
Single 3"/76mm. M 12 6 1
Twin 15" M 35 J3 1

This chart has been included to enable battles to be fought between obsolete battleshi-ps and modern
missile carrying warships, no distinction being drawn between different makes or nationalities of guns,
as the capabilities of the various weapons are not significantly different, however where a :particular
weapon is in the main cbarts it is advised that tnat one is used.

Naval Gunnery - How to use Guns

that a target has been located the rest is easy:-
1, Select weapon and note type.
2. Measure range to target to see if the target is within or beyond effective range.
J. Work through the hit l?robability t:'3-bles a-pplyi-ng modifications as necessary to determine the
score required to hit the target.
Throw 1D% the number of times given in the STB column for each turret firing at the target, the
sccre required being the final hit l?robability or less.
:c. Having hit thi:: target, throw lD% for each hit to find out where the shells land by using the
0f imna.ct chart.
If the target is armoured refer to tne "Armoured Ships" section to see if the shells 'Pe:nStrate,
··.nd calculate tne number of uenetration and non 1Jenetration hits.
7. T:·ta:;_ UD the amount of damage done from the damage charts, and that's it,

Hit Probability
Basic hit.probability A and SA guns= 80%
M or others under local or manual control 35%

Type Modifications
+ 5% UK 4.5" Mk. 8 + 5%
Italian 76mm·. corn-pact
French lOOmm. compact + 5% US Mk:. 45 & Mk. 71 + 5%
Italian 4o/70 twin + 10%
Soviet lOOmm. & lJOmm, auto + 5%
Swiss/Italian twin 35mrn. auto + 10%
Soviet 57mm. twin auto + 1C%
A 8: SA Guns M
General Modifications
- 10 - 10
If target is moving at 40 knots or faster
If range is betHeen 10 and 15krn:. 5 5
- 10 - 10
:Cf range "is beyond 15km.
If range is beyond 25km.
- 15
If range is less than 5km.
+ 10 + 20
If is FPB or simi1ar u-p to 500 tonnes - 10 - 10
- 10 - 10
If target i!'l head on
If target is beyond effective range of the gun - 15 - 15
If target is travelling at lOkt. or less + 15 + 15
If target is travelling at betw-een 11 and 20kt. + 5 + 5
If target is broadside on to firer (i.e. parallel) + 10 + 15
+ 10 + 10
If target is 20, OOO tonnes or more
If target is fitted with ECM A 15
- 20
If target is fitted with ECM B
If target is fitted with ECM C - 30
- 10
If target is laying a smokescreen
If firing shi-p 'was hit in the -previous bound 5 - 15
If firing shi-p scored a hit on the target in the -previous bound + 15
1f this is the fifth shot at the same target + 5
If this is the sixth (or subsequent) shot at the same target + 10 (+ 5)

If the weather is force 7 or worse 5 - 15

Add the above factors to the basic hit probability and then apply the following if applicable:-
A and SA gnns If the target deploys chaff reduce the score by half'.
M guno If first shot at the target reduce the score by two thirds (pre 1950 ship
reduce by three. quarters)
If second shot reduce the score by one third (pre 1950 ships reduce by half'),
I f third shot reduce by one quarter (pre 1950 ships only).

Da.mage Caused by Gunfire
Throw 1D% to dete:mine the point of im-pa.ct from the following chart amd note a.ny damage caused in
addition to the basic damage given below, subject to the following constra.ints:-
Guns Up to and including J5mm. will cause no damage to ships of 1,500 tonnes or more.
Guns between J5mm. and 57mm. will only cause superficial damage to ships over J,000 tonnes, therefore
for ships over J,000 tonnes damage from hits by these guns is limited to the basic damage points only
with no fire points
Against armoured warships (see "Armoured Warshi.!)s" section) it is possible that shells will not penetrate,
if this occurs the damage points are those given in tne non-pen colwnn with no fire points,

Basic Caused bz a Si!!f!:le Hit

Weapon Penetration Fire Points Non-pen
JOmm.. to 45mm. 20 nil nil
57mm, 40 nil nil
75mm. to 76mm. (J") 70
lOOmm. (4" and 4,1") 100
'2 25
4.5" 125 J 50
l27mm. (5") to lJOmm, (5.25") 150 J Bo
lJ5mm. to 152mrn. (6") 220 4 90
l55mm. to 20Jmm, (8") 350 6 120
Others up to 12" (J05mm. ) 450 8 180
12" to lJ.5" 550 8 220
14" to 16" 750 8 JOO
18" and larger; 1000 10 4oo
Gunne!l: Point of lmJ!:Ct Chart
1. Main surface search radar, lose two radar points,
2. Secondary surface search radar, lose one radar point.
J, Main air search radar, cannot detect aircraft at levels 1 to 4.
4. Secondary air sea.xch radar, cannot detect aircraft at level 1.
5, Sonar control room, lose two sonar points.
6. Stem deck, lose one sonar · __ t,
7. Number 1 funnel, lose one cadar -point if American.
8, Number 2 funnel,
9, Main SSM fire control radar, no can be fired,
10. Main SAM fire control radar forward, no missiles can· be laWlched from i'orward. ramp.
11. Main SAM fire control rdda.r stern, no missiies can be launched. from stern ramp.
12. Helicopter hanger, destroys helicopter and starts a fire, + 4 fire points.
lJ. Main SAM magazine, explosian causes 50 x 1D20 points .damage (75 x 1D20 if Soviet). Speed reduced
by lOkt., lose one radar point and one ECM point.
14. ECM antenna, lose two ECM points,
1,5. Chaff laWlchers, lose all chaff capability,
16. Torpedo tubes, tubes on hit side destroyed.
17, Main forward gun turret destroyed.
J.B. Main forward gun turret destroyed.
19, aft gUn turret destroyed.
20, aft gun tlllTet destroyed..
21. Secondary forward gun.tlllTet destroyed
22. Secondary midships gun turret destroyed.
2J. Secondary midships gun turret destroyed,
24, Secondary stern gun turret destroyed.
25, Communications centre hit, ehi-p cannot communicate with other shi-ps.
26. Generators damaged, lose one radar point, one ECM points and two sonar -points, Deduct 15% from
all missile automatic gun firing factors.
27. Main SSM launcher destroyed, 100 points damage for each missile remaining in the tubes or on the
ramp. If vertical launchers roll J.D%, 50 or less to save the ramps,
28. Main SAM launcher destroyed, 50 -points damage i f there is a missile on the ram-p. If vertical
launch 4 tubes are destroyed. Throw ll>%, 25 or less indicates that there was a missile in the tube.
29. Secondary SAM launcher destroyed,
JO. Hull side, impact explosion only,
)l. Main SSM missile control, all missiles on zamps or in tubes fire and dive into the sea.
J2. Hull side, lose one sonar point.

33. Bow pit, lose one sonar point and reduce speed by 5kt.
34. Hul.l stern, engines slightly damaged, reduce speed by lOkt.
35. Deck hit, shell goes through crews Cluarters and makes a mess.
36. Bow hit, ship loses anchor.
37. Hull side, shell penetrates to galley, chef splattered with beef stew.
38. Weapons control centre, all missiles cease fire for three bounds. Automatic guns must go to
local control until weapons control is restored.
Superstructure, lose twO radar points.
·4o. Deck hit, explosion blows shi-ps cat overboard.
41. Mag;;zine, 40% chance (55% if Soviet) of explosion causing 750 points damage, lose two radar
points, two ECM points and one point. + 5 fire points.
42. :Deck crane.
43. Oil tanks, you have 10 bounds fuel left.
l.Jl+. Engine room hit, explosion dis"PUpts gearing, shi"P goes at full speed for the next t.Ju'ee
bounds in reverse.
45. Deck hit, impact explosion only, if a carrier with aircraft on deck two planes are destroyed.
46. Stern deck, any ASW wea11ons destroyed. Lose one sonar point. No effect if carrier.
47. Midshi"Ps deck hit, impact ex11losion only. If carrier lose half the aircraft on deck S:nd
+ 4 fire points.
48. Main gun turret auto feed, gun put out of action and causes 200 damage 11oints,
49. Flag locker,
50, Missed - someones gunnery radar is playing tricks,
51. Stern deck, impact explosion only. If carrier arresters are destroyed, cannot land aircraft.
52. Helicopter landing pad, deck area destroyed,
53, Main steering link, shi"P cannot alter course for five bcrinds.
54, Secondary steeting link, no effect unless main link hit. If this occurs ship cannot alter
course unleSs it sto11s for two hours for repairs.
55. Cominunications centre, cannot communicate with other shiIJS or aircraft for-the rest of the game.
56. Bow deck, explosion causes slight damage, Reduce speed by lOkt and lose one sonar point. if
carrier one catapult destroyed,
57, Small calibre AA mount (if Soviet then one pair) destroyed.
58. Searchlight station destroyed.
59. Small Calibre AA mount (if Soviet one pair) destroyed,
60. Superstructure hit, shell penetrates to paint stores and ship turns funny colours, if carrier
lose 2'}fo of the aircraft on deck. Explosion causes loss of one radar point and + 5 fire points.
61. ECM antenna, lose one· ECM point.
62. Forward gun turrets fire control link, all forward turrets out of action for three bounds,
63. St9rn gun turrets fire control link, all stern turrets out of action for three bounds,
64. Hit on ASW launcher, launcher destroyed.
65. Radars damaged, lose one point and one ECM point,
66, Sonar room, lose one sonar 11oint. Explosion causes + 2 fire points,
67. Engine roo\fl, ex-plosion causes + 4 fire i;ioints, s-peed reduced by 5kt,
68, Hull forward, shell through.
69. Midshiµs deck hit, explosion causes + J fire points. Lose one radar point. If carrier with
aircraft on deck six are destroyed, although hit does not affect-aircraft operations .
.70. No. 1 funnel.
71. Forward hull side, speed reduced by-5kt,
72. Midships hull side,
73. Stern hull side.
74, Bow deck hit, explosion destroys most forwa±d weapon. If carrier all forward catapults
are destroyed.
75. Mjdships deck hit, internal explosion causes + 3 fire points and 150 points damage. If carrier
all aircraft operations must halt for five bounds.
76. Stern deck hit, All stern weapons are out of action for two bounds. CarriBrs can still land
77. Helicopter hanger, destroys helicopter (if on board) and starts fire + 2 fire points, If
carrier no effect except to destroy two aircraft.
78. Forward SUJ?erstructure, lose one radar point.
79. Main gun auto control, explosion does no damage to the weapon but severe shake up sends the
auto feed loony, and for.the next three bounds of gunfire you fire starshell at the target,
then revert to normal.

80. SSM guidance control, one missile is fire"d at the ship,
81. No. 2 funnel.
82. Small calibre AA mount (if close together then one pair) destroyed.."
BJ. Chaff launcher, destroys all chaff cape."Lility (including Chaffroc),
84." Chaff launcher, destroys all chaff Capibility (including Chaffroc).
65. Maih SAM launcher control, blast causes 1'1"0apons to fire. Any missiles on ramps, or four
missiles if in vertical tubes, crash into the sea,
86, Torpedo' tubes, ex-plosion blows the tubes off the shil?•
87, Gun control centre. If gun is A or SA it will fire for one bound at the nearest ship, and
then come back 'Wlder control.
88, Main forward wea-pons launcher destroyed.
89. Deck crane.
90. AA.gun mouri.t/turret destroyed.
91. Small calibre AA mount (if together tnen one -pair) destroyed.
92. Main SAM launcher. causes all missiles (up to 8 maximum) to be fired in all directions.
If the launcher is a box containing a mix of missiles all missiles are still fired and lost, but
any SSM will go for the nearest ship. If the missiles are in a vertical bank 8 missiles are
launched, all asswned to be SAM.
93, Small calibre (up to 57mm.) gun turret destroyed.
94. Engine room. Explosion causes + 3 fire points and an ad.di tional 200 points damage. S-peed is
reduceid by 15kt. and the rudder is
95, ECM antenna, all ECM capability destrOyed.
96. Small calibre (up to 57mm.) gun turret destroyed,
97. Chaff launcher, exploSion causes all chaff to be fir1·d, Chaffroc not affected,
98. Forward flagstaff,
99, Lifeboat.
100. DUD - shell causes of non-pen damage only,
Notes on Chart
If' a shell strikes non existent -pa.rt of the ship it is asswned to hit the ship in some unimportant
phtce and causes only non-pen damage,
Hits on merchant ships and small craft up to 1,000 points are always penetration
Nuclear Powered Ships (Optional Rule)
If a nuclear ship is hit in the engine room there is a chance, admittedly very small, that the
reactor may be a£fected. Throw 1D%. If the score if 20 or less throw J.D% again, If on the second throw
you score 05 or less the reactor core has been penetrated and the ship blows up, The effect will be the
same as a ground burst nuclear weapon (see "Nuclear Weapons" section).

Surface to Surface Missiles

Anti-shi-p missiles are now the primary means of destroying surface ships, and form the main armament or
most surface warships. SSM's have been in existance since the late 1950's, but very few have actually.been
fired in anger. In fact most havies dismissed them as expensive toys until Soviet designed Styx (SS-N-2)
fired by Egyptian patrol boats sank an Isreali destroyer in the 1967 war. Since then every navy has acquired
missiles of some type, development has been rapid, and missile capability has gone from strength to strength
i over the last ten years. However, despite their ca-pability, accuracy and popularity missiles do have
d.r&wbacks. One is cost, the other, and most important is numbers. Most ships only carry between_,four and
missiles, and they have been fired the ship is .helpless. With so few missiles the question of
when to fire them and what to fire them at is crucial. The problem facing ship commanders is compounded when
one thinks that every small patrol boat can be adapted to carry the same missiles as the largest cruiser,
Several nations have adopted missiles that can do two jobs, ships and shoot doli!l aircraft, How effective
these will be has yet to be seen.
The charts and tables that follow give all the necessary information to use missiles in the game,

Surface to ::>ur!_"ace Missile Chart
! JlHP)I:
Missile !!. !i.
Excocet MM )8 French 42 A/J SS M BO'
Excocet MM 40 70 A/J SS M B5'
Excocet MM 100 120 A/J SS M 90•

SS llM 3 WG L Special 75
5 SpeciE.l Bo
SS 12M L

Gabriel 1 Israel 22 A/J SS s 75

Gabriel 11 41 A/J SS M BO'
'1tomR.t l Italy 60 A M M Bo
':'•toma.t 11 (Teseo) lBO A SS M B5'
Killer 1 10 SA/0 SS s 65
Killer 11 2.5 SA/0 SS s 75
Pea Killer 111 45 SA/O SS M BO
Norway 20 I L s 65
Penguin 1
?engu:.n 11 JO ,, L s 75
Sweden 15 SA M L 60
RB o8A 250 A M L 65
SK.\ 40 A L M 75'
SS-N-1 USSR 200 I/A M L 50
SS-N-2 A " 40 I/A M L 60.

SS-N-2 B 25 I/A L L 65
ss-N-3 400 A H L 70
ss-N-7 55 A SS M 75'
SS-N-9 250 A/J L M Bo•
ss-N..:.10/14 37 SA L M 60'

ss-N-11 (ss-N-2 c) 56 A/J/I L M 75

SS-N-12 450 A L L BO'
sS-N-15/16 40 A SS M B5'
SS-NX-19/20 450 A L L 05'
Harpoon USA 109 A/J SS M B5'
ISSM 109 0 M M 90•
Standa.rd · S9M 45 SA M M 55
Standard ARM 56 A/J M M Bo•
Other Missiles that have a Surface to Surface Capability
Sea Dart . ·-· UK 40 SA L M 65'
Sea.slug 25 SA L M 55
Seacat 5 0 L s 60

Seawolf 5 SA L s 75
SA-N-1 USSR 15 SA M M 40
SA-N-3 30 SA M M 55
SA-N-4 B SA L s 60

SA-N-10 40 SA L M 60

Ta.los U".3A 40 SA L M 55
Terrier 35 SA M M 45
25 SA M M 45
Sea Sparrow 5 SA L s 60

Abreviations used -on the MisSile Chart

Nat - The country of origin of the missile
R - The maximum range of the missile. Where the range is over 60km, (radar horizon range) mid course
will be __ required from another ship or suitably equipped helico-pter or aircraift within radar
range of the target,
G The type of guidance head that may be fitted to the missile. Each missile may only have one
type of head (where there is a choice), but a ship may carry a mix of missiles.
A = Active Radar Homing, SA = Semi-active Radar Homing, I = Infra Red Homing, J = Homes on
Jamming, o =Optically Guided, WG =Wire Guided,
T - This is the altitude at which the missile flys to its target, SS = Surface Skimming, L •
Low Level, M = Medium Level, H = High Level.
S - The size of the missile for damage purposes. S = small, M = Medium, L = large.
S-pecial - treat these as an 8" shell penetration hit using the gunnery tables.
BHP;lt - The basic hit probability of that missile,

Missile Target Selection (Optional)
SSM's with Active Homing, IR or Home on Jamming heads may.not attack the shi-ps that they were launched
at if there are other ships close to the intended target, especially if the other ships are fitted with
enhancers" (see later). To simulate this use the following:-
l f there are _other ships within 2km. of the intended target throW -percentage dice to find out which
ship the missile attacks.
For Active Homing and·IR Homing there is a:-
7afa chance that the missile will attack any larger ship or bliµ enhancer equipped ship.
5Cf}{; cha.nee that tne misS:ile will attack any similar sized shiµ.
2afa chance that the misl'iile will attack any smaller sized ship.
Throw for each ship within 2km.
For Homes on Jamming Missiles there is a:-
60% chance that the missile will attack· any ship with a lower ECM rating than the target,
5afa chance that the missile will attack any ship with the same ECM rating as the target,
lafa chance that the missile will attack any ship with a higher i:t;CM rating than the target.
Throw for each ship within 2km.

Blip Enhancers (Ot;itional)

These are devices fitted into escort ships to make the carrying ship larger on enemy radars
than it really is, thus drawing fire from the more larger ships. This, of course, can have
unfortunate effects for the smaller ship, and blip enhancerb ··-.uld probably only be used in severe
threat areas where extreamly valuable ships such as fleet carriers are in immediate danger, Blip
enhancers are fitted to most current escort ships with ECM ratings of Band c.
Defence against
There are two ·arms of defence against missiles, -passive, in the form of ECM and chaff, and offensive
defence in th'' form of guns and missiles. Most systems are totally automatic and have very short reaction
times. (Note that only one ·missile can be engaged by each turret/mount).
To detect incoming missiles throw 1Dl0, the score required being shown in the following table. The score
thrown must be less than or to the number in the table for the missile to be detected.
Target Radar Missile Flight Path
A 2 4 5 6
B J 4 6 7
c 4 5 i 8
D 6 7 8 9
If the is fitted with one of the following systems add 1 to the score required.- These weapons the
only systems capable of engaging incoming SUZlface Skimming missiles.
20Jffilll. Mk. 71 15Dmm. Mk:. 26 57mm. automatic
127mm. Mk. 54 4s Mk. a JDmm, automatic
Phalanx 20/JOffilll. J" Mk. 6 76mm. automatic
Seasparrow Sea Dart lOOmm. automatic
French Seawolf lJOmm. automatic
lODmm, Seas lug multi-barreled gun systems
Rafale Seafox SA-N-4
C.itulle SA-N-10
Sweden ?6mm. compact ALL
120mm. auto. 40mm./70 automatic Any chaff' launching system.
120mm./46 auto J5mm. automatics
57mm. L70 auto Aspide
Ghaff is a cloud of metalised strips fired into the sky to form a "shield" around the ship. The cloud
reflects radar pulses from A -and SA homing missiles, but is not effective against 0, ·WG and I missiles,
and it has only-a limited effect against J guidance,

To penetrate a chaff screen with A and SA missiles throw 1D%, needing 50 or less to get through.
To penetrate a chaff screen with J missiles throw 1D%, needing 70 or less to get through.

All misSiles with flight 'Paths 1, Mand H may be engaged by radar directed manual gun systems as well
a.s by the specialised anti-missile systems listed on the 'Previous page.

The basic hit i:>robability of all systems is 50%

Seawolf' + 25 Aspide + 10
Seas lug - 20 76mrn. compact + 15
Sea Dart + 5 35rnm. auto + 10
Seafox + 20 lfOmm./70 + 20
lf. 5" Mk. 8 + 5 SA-N-10 + 15
3" Mk. 6 + 20 SA-N-4 + 5
Seasuarrow + 5 57rnm. auto + 15
'.'..?mm. Mk. 54 + 5 JOmm. auto + 10
ZC/JGrnm. -=?halanx + 25 76mm. auto - 10

- 10
Gatlings + 25,
Swedish 120mm.

French lOOmm, comi;iact + 15

French lOOmm. - 10
Ca.tulle + 20

Jther Gun 2ystems (single and twin mollllts) - J5

Jther Gun Systems ( tri -ple and quad mounts) - 25
other Missile Systems - JO
Anti-Ship Missiles - How to Use Them
Let us assume that you have a target within range:-
1. State target ship and missile to be fired at it (do not tell your opponent which.·guidance head
is fitted).
2. Assume that the missile has now left its ramp, if using the o-ptional rules determine which ship
is the target. Your 01Jponent must declare which ships have ECM switched on.
J. Target shi-p(s) now fire chaff, throw to see if the missile penetrates the chaff screen,
4. Ta.rget shii:> may attemi:>t to locate missile(s) with radar and shoot it (them) down if -possible.
5. Any· mi.Ssiles still surviving may now be thrown for to see if they hit the target. Take the basi.c
hit vrobability from the missile chart and a1Jply the following modifications using the relevant
guidance colu!IU1. If the BHl? is marked ' in the chart use the modifications under the ' column
below '·instead of the modifications given in the A and SA column relating to ECM.
6. Find the of imi:>act from the relevant missile table. For missiles with SS flight path throw
lDlO, for all other flight paths throw 1D20. If the target is armoured it will be necessary to see
if the missile penetrates (see "Armoured Warships'')

Missile Hit ?robability Modifications Missile Guidance

A & SA !!. ! !!.
If target is under 100 tonnes fld - 10 - 10 - 15
If target is head on 10 10 15 5 5
If range is greater than 50km. - 10 - 15 - 20 - 10

If target lays,smokescreen 5 5 - 15
- 15 + 15 - 10
If target has ECM A
- 20 + 10 + 10
If target has ECM B
If target has F:CM C - JO + 5 + 15
- 10 + 10 - 1" -·10
If target moving at 40kt. +
If weather is force 7 or worse 5 - 5 - 10 - 10 - 15
If range is less than 15km. + 15 + 20
If target SlJeed is 15kt. or less + 15 + 15
If missile controller is in helicopter under fire - 10 - 15 - 15
If firing shii:> was hit in previous bound 10 - 10 - 10 "" 10

Effects of SSM Hit

Ships up to 100 tonnes fld - A hit by one of these missiles sinks it.
Other Ships - use the charts that follow subject to the following constraints: If the missile is small
reduce damage points by t (except for magazine hits) and reduce percentages and fire l)Oints by t
(except for magazine hitS). If the missile is mediwn then damage is as per the charts. If the missile
is large increase damage points by j., percentages remain the same.

l. Hull forward, major damage, 4c:P,Jt: chance of ahip sinking,. If the ship survives it takes
500 points damage, all forward armament is destroyed, all search radars are destroyed, speed
reduced by l5kt., lose one ECM point, IDlO fire· points,
2. Hull midships, large internal explosion, 25% chance of ship sinking. If the ship survives it
takes 4oo points damage and 2Dl0 fire points. All search and fire control radars are destroyed,
no firing is possible with missiles (except O and WG) and fully auto guns wider ·local
control). Leise one sonar point, speed reduced by lOkt.
3, Hull stern, severe damage to engine room, 600 points 9-amage but no fire. Speed reduced by 20kt.
and rudder jammed for 5 botmds. All stern weapons (including helicopters) and sonars 'destroyed.
4. Hull midships, missile explodes in control centre, 400 points damage and ·2010 fire points. All
automatic weapons are out of action, but optical and manual weapons may still fire. Lose two
radar points, one ECM point and two sonar points,
DUD - makes a hole, nominal 100 points damage only,
6. Hul.l midships, large explosion, 15% chance of ship sinking, If the ship survives it takes 400
points damage and 2Dl0 fire points. All midships weapons on the side hit are out of action, 10%
off all firing factors, lose one ECM point.
7, Hull midships, proximity explosion causing no damage, Ship takes 150 points damage,
all search radars are destroyed and fire control radars axe damaged - 10% off all firing factors.
ECM de_stroyed. All open manned wea-pons are out of action for the remainder of the game,
B. Hull stern, missile misses ship but ex,plodes in the ':later just behind, Shi-p takes 100 points damage,
the rudder is jammed and the propeller shaft buckled. The ship must remain on course for 5 bounds
and speed is reduced lOkt. Lose one s0nar point.If a helicopter was on the aft -pad it is
Hull forward, hits extreme bow, ship takes 300 points damage, speed reduced by lOkt., all
forward weapons are destroyed, lose one radar point and one ECM -point.
10. Hull midships, missile penetrates to magazine. Explosion causes 1200 points damage. 35%
(65% if Soviet) of secondary explosions causing a further 600 points damage, 2DlU 1- 5 iire pointa.
If it survives the ship is no longer able to fight as all magazine blast doors are closed and
jammed and no ammo can reach weapons, All search and fire control radars are destroyed, lose two
ECM points and two sonar points, Data link is destroyed,
11. SuperstructlU'e forward, damage to bridge, shi-p remains on course for three bounds, search radar
destroyed, 15% off all firing factors, Ship takes JOO points damage and loses one ECM point,
12. Superstructlll'e midships, ship takes 400 points damage and IDlO fire points. All search radars are
destroyed, Weapons may only fire under optical or local control. Chaff launchers destroyed (not
US Chaffroc),
13. Midships deck, magazine explosion followed by multiple secondary explosions, Ship sinks.
14. Stern deck, explosion destroys helicopter hanger (if any) and all stern wea-pons. Lose one sonar
point. Slight damage to propeller shaft, speed reduced by 5kt. Ship takes 400 points damage.
15. Forward deck, missile hits the main forward weapon (missile ramp or gun turret), Explosi©n
causes 500 points damage, destroys the hit wea-pon and damages the fire control radars, 20% off
all firing factors with fully automatic guns and all but optical and WG missiles,
16. Funnel, slight structural damage, ship takes 200 damage points. All search radars and ECM destroyed,
17. Midships deck, missile explodes in crew area, no significant damage, Ship takes 250 damage points
and lDlO fire points. Lose one sonar point, All o-pen weapon mounts on the of the side
hit are out of action for three bounds,
18, Forward deck, severestructural damage, 35% cha.nee of ship sinking. If the ship survives it takes
600 points damage, all forward weapons are destroyed and speed is reduced by 15kt.
19. Superstr.rcture midships, missile explodes on contact,_ Ship takes 400 points damage. All midships
wea_pons on the side hit are destroyed. Lose one radar point and one ECM point. Chaff launchers
destroyed (not US Cha£froc).
20. stern, helicopter hanger and helicopter destroyed, ship takes 400 points damage and
2Dl0 fire points. Explosion damages fire control radar, 10% off all firing factors.

1. Hull forwa:rtl, heavY st:ructural damage, ship takes .5CiO points damage, all :forward
speed reduced by lOkt., lose one radar point.
2. Hull midships, slight internal damage, ship takes JOO damage points and lDfO fire points. 1£ise
one radar point and one ECM point. Any open weapon mounts on the midships area on the hit side
are out of action for the remainder of the game.
J, Hull stern, damage to engine room reduces speed by lOkt., stern helicopter and hanger destroyed,
main stern (missile ramp or gun) destroyed, Ship takes JOO points damage and loses one
sonar point.
4. Hull midships, ship takes 400 points damage, loses two ECM points and one radar point. All oi:en
manned weapons are out of action for the rest of the game. All fully auto weapons and non optical
missiles are out of action for three b0W1ds due to dislll'pted ammo supply.
5. Hull midships, severe structural damage, 1,000 points damage and 2Dl0 fire points, 10% cha.nee
(25% if Soviet) of multiple secondary explosions causing a further 600 points damage. All weapons
on the midships area of the side hit are destroyed, cha.ff launcher (not US Chaffroc)
Lose one radar point and one ECM point,
6. Hull stern, missile misses ship but explodes in the water just behind and jams the rudder for
four bounds. Speed reduced by 5kt., ship takes 400 points damage and loses one sonar point.
7, Hull midships proximity explosion. All open manned weapons are out of action for the rest of the
game. Ship takes 200 points damage, loses one ECM point and two radar points.
8. DUD - missile makes a hole only, nominal -1!]0 points damage.
9, Hull forward, missile explodes at extreme bow causing severe structural damage. Ship takes 500
points damage, loses one radar point and one sonar point. S-peed reduced by lOkt., most forward
weapon (gun turret or missile ramp) destroyed.
10. Hull midships, major internal explosion causing 800 points damage and 2Dl0 + 5 fire points. 35%
chance (65% if Soviet) of further explosions causing another 1,000 points damage, All-search
radars destroyed, Lose two ECM points and one sonar point. 10% off all firing factors. All
midships Weapons destroyed.
11. Superstructure forward, missile explodes well above ship causing superficial damage only. Shi.P
takes 100 damage points and loses one radar point.
12. Superstructure midships, contact explosion causes 500 points damage and lDlO fire points, All
open manned weapons on the hit side are out of action. Chaff launchers (not US Chaffroc) and
data link.destroyed. Lose two radar points and one ECM
13. SuperstruCt\ire _midships, missile penetrates deep inside ship causing 1,500 points damage and
lDlO fire points. 15% chance (40% if Soviet) of further explosions causing another 500 points
damage and a further IDlO fire points. If ship survives all radars are destroyed, no firing is
possible with automatic guns and· non optical missiles. All open manned weapons are destroyed, the
ship lo.sea two sonar points and one ECM point.
14. Stern deck, ship takes 500 points damage, engine room damage reduces speed by lOkt. Rearmost
weapon (gun turret or missile ramp), helicopter and hanger destroyed,
15. Funnel, superficial damage only, ·ship takes 200 points damage, Open manned weapons in the midships
area are out of action for the remainder of the game. Lose two radar and ECM point.
16, Forward deck, ril.issile hits most forward main weapon (gun turret or missile ramp) destroying it.
'Any oUt -Bf-e-actit>n for three· ,bounds,::shj,.p
ti!.kes 600 points damage and loses one radar point and one ECM point.
-17. Midships deck, interna,.l explosicii causes 600 points damage and lillO fire points. Lose one ECM and
one sonar point.
18, Superstructure stern, ship takes 400 points damage and lillO fire points. All stern weapons,
helicopter and hanger destroyed.
19. Midships deck, missile explodes just above the ship causing 200 points .damage.· All open manned
'weapons are knocked out for the rest of the game. Fire control radar damaged, 15% off all firing
factors. ECM destroyed,
20. Forwai'd deck, all forward weapons destroyed, .ship takes Soo points damage and 2Dl0 fire points.
Speed reduced by l,5kt., lose two radar points and one ECM point.

EFFECT OF SSH HIT - TARGETS OVER 20.ooc: '1'0ii1U!." !>ID
1. Hull foJrWard, heavy damage, ship takes 400 'Points- damage and ]DlO fire points.
Speed reduced by Skt. if carrier forward catapults destroyed. other ships main forward gun
turret or SSM or SAM launcher destroyed. ,
2. Hull midshi"PB, light inte:rna.l da.mage, 250 -points a.nd 5 fire points, reduce radar
:rating by one. All elevators on side hit jammed if carrier.
J. Hull stern, damage to steering gear, ship remains on pres_ent course for bounds,
250 points damage and lose one sonar point.
4; Hull midships, internal explosion causing 500 points damager and 2Dl0 fire points. Lose one
radar point and o)le ECM point. If carrier each aircraft in the hanger stands a 30% chance of
being destroyed and lifts on side hit jammed, On other ships all side weapons are out of action
' for the rest of the game.
Ji. DUD - nominal 100 points damage.
6. Hull midships, 500 damage points and lDlO fire, lose one ECM point. If carrier one side catapult
is out of action. en other ships all side guns are out of action for five bounds due to damage
to magazine hoists.
7. Hull midships, proximity explosion causing no major damage to the ship. Any guns not in turrets
are out of action for the rest of the game, Any aircraft on deck stand a 40% chance of being
destroyed. Lose one radar point,
8. Hull stern, 4oo damage points. Sonar destroyed, one ECM point lost. All rear weapons are out of
action for the rest of the game. Damage to engine room reduces speed by ],Okt. Light damage to
flight deck means aircraft unable to land 'Unless VTOL.
9, Hull forward, light damage only, ship takes 250 damage points, Speed reduced by 15kt. If carrier
all forward catapult destroyed.
10. Hull 'midships, internal explosion causes 750 points damage and ZDlO + 10 fire points. Lose one
radar point and one sonar point. All ECM and side weapons destroyed, Reduce all firing factors
by 10%. Any aircraft in hanger stand a 70% chance of being destroyed by the fire.
11. Superstructure forward, 4oo points damage. Forward open gun monnts at:"e out of action fo;r the rest
of the game, If carrier all aircraft in the midsection stand a 35% chc-.i.:lce of destroyed.
12. Superstructure midships, internal explosion causes 700 points damage and 2Dl0 fire points, Search
radars destroyed, lose one ECM point. 10% off all firing factors.
lJ. Midshi-ps deck, internal explosion causing 1,500 points damage and 2Dl0 fire points. All search
radars and ECM destroyed, all firing at half effect for the remainder qf the game. If carrier
there is an 80% chance of destroying each aircraf't on deck and _a 5qt; cll_ance of destroying each
aircraft in the hanger.
14. Stern deck, 4oo points damage. All rear missile lannchers destroyed, engines damage and speed
reduced by lOkt., all small calibre weapons at the rear are destroyed, If carrier aircraft are
unable to land exce-pt VTOL.
· 15. Airburst over the ship, 200 points damage. All search mdars out of action for the remainder of
the game, All fire control radars damaged, 15% off all firing factors. Lose one ECM point. If
carrier all aircraf't on deck stand an 8.5% cha.nee of being destroyed,
16, Funnel. 200 points damage, All search radars and ECM destroyed,
17. Forward deck, light structural damage, 200 damage ·points. Speed reduced by 5kt. If carrier all
forward catapults destroyed.
18. Bridge, ship takes 500 points damage and 1Dl0 fire points. Ship out of control for five bounds,
commnnications (including data link) disrupted for three bounds. Lose one ECM, radar and sonar
point. If' car.l'ier all aircraft ·on deck stand a J.5% chailce of being destroyed,
19, Mid_ships deck, Soo points damage and 2010 fire points.- All side weapons destroyed, all radars at
half effect, firing at half effect, If carrier all side catapults destroyed, damage to flight deck
means· that aircraft stand a 60% chance of crashing on landing. Any aircraft on deck eta.nd a 40%
chance of being destroyed.
20. Forward deck, 400 '()Oints damage and 1Dl0 fire points. Speed reduced by lOkt. All forward weapons
out of action for three bounds, If carrier cata:pults destroyed.
Damage Control and Running Repairs
To a_ large extent this has been taken into account in the damage allocation charts, it iS asswned that
a ship will try to repair all as soon as possible. However where no time limit to repair is given
a playeir may attempt to carry out a running repair on the system. Qnly One attempt can be made per bound
at damage control, there is no limit to the number of times an attempt can be at ari_y one
item during the course of the game. The chance any item falls as the ship loses its fire
points.LThe following chart gives the percentage chance of success at each attempt:-

Fire Points lost

up to 25% 5CJJ! 75%
ECM 4CJ}! 15% 5%
Radar/Sonar 25% lCJ}!
Fu; automatic weapons 15% lCJ}! (includes all missile systems).

@ C_1ly one weapon may be repaired at a time.

2CJ}! 5%
(cannot repair hull dam.age)

(No weapon totally destroyed can b8 repaired).·

Every time a ship is hit there is a cha.nee that_it may catch fire. Each ship has a number of fire points,
if this number is exceeded the ship will explode _and sink,

Fire Points 291!.

Light:' patrol craft, hovercraft 12 9 6 )
500 and 1,000 tonnes fld. 20 15 10 5
Corvettes, ·:-FP.gates and Destroyers from 1,000 to 4,800 tonnes 4o )0 20 10
Frigates and Destroyers from 4,800 to 8, OOO tonnes 50 )7 25 1)
Destroyers and Cruisers from 8,000 to 15, OOO tonnes 75 57 )8 19
Cruisers frqm 15, OOO to 30, OOO tonnes 9.0 77 45 2)
Cruisers Battleships from: JO.;ooo_ to 120 90 60 ·30
Bittleships ove.r- ,50, OOO tonn.Eis 150 112 75 )8
Light Carriers between-15,0QO and )0,000 tonnes 80 60 4o 20
Carriers from J0,000 to 50,000 tonnes 100 75 50 25
Carriers over 50,·ooo tonnes 120 90 60 )O

·-. AJ.terations
10 '.from the full value only or every Soviet ship over 1,000 tonnes.
lillp 10. to the full value only of all British and Canadian designed and built ships.

Merchant Ships Fire _'Points

·'Sma'll ships up to 10, OOO tonnes fl-d. 20
Ships up to 100,000 tonnes fld. 35
Ships over 100,000 tonnes fld, and unloaded supertankers 4o
Waded supertankers over 100, OOO tonnes fld. 20

If a ship catches fire, and provided the fire is not put out, it will increase at a rate of one point
per bound until it is extinguished, There is one chance per bound to put out a fire, (A second attempt
may be made if no attem-pt is made to make rwming repairs), Throw ID%:-
Dice Roll Effect
01 - 10 2 points extinguished
11 - 20 ) points extinguished
21 - 40 4 points extinguished
41 - 50 5 points extinguished
5.1 - 60 6 points extinguished
61 - 70 1 additional fire point
71 - 85 ) ad.di t.ional fire points
86 - 99 5 ad.di tional fire points
00 Fire totally out.

Effects of Fire
If a ship loses half of its fire points its speed is reduced by lOkt., it suffers a reduction of 10%
on all j,ts firing factors and can no longer communicate.

If a shi--p loses 75% of its fir€ points its speed is further reduced by 5kt,, all radar capacity (except
for fire control radar) is lost, and all firing factors are reduced by a further lo%.

Aircraft carriers may no longer aircraft when they have lost more than half' of their fire points.

The following table gives the percentage chance of penetrating a ships armour plating by missiles.
To penetrate throw the figure given or less:-
Shi-g HYll Deck/Superstructure_ Bridge/Control Tower
Iowa o8 15 25 15 J5 55 ,},? 05 10
Brooklyn 12 25 55 20 60 so 12 25 55
Cleveland 12 25 55 20 60 so 12 25 55
Baltimore 10 20 45 17 50 70 10 20 45
Albany 10 20 45 17 50 70 (deck only)
South Dakota o8 15 25 15 J5 55 62 05 10
Montana 01 OJ 05 12 25 45 02 05 10
Alaska 10 20 4o 15 40 60 10 25 35
Des Moines 15 4o 60 17 45 70 lC 25 55
Worcester 15 4o 60 17 45 70 11 45 70
Midway 10 JO 40 20 .50 75
Oriakany J5 50 75 25 60 90 Kelvar armour is to be added to all theses classes during refits over
Kitty Hawk the next ten years, the actual amount of protection not yet known.
Enterprise It is suggested that the following figures are used:-
Nimitz 15 4o 60 17 45 70
Modern aircraft Cal.Tiers have high tensile steel sides and decks, which do give
some degree of protection, althougb the extent of this protection ls not known,
Use the sc;.me figures as for Kelvar.

King G_eorge V 02 06 10 15 4o 60 06 12 20
Vanguaro 06 10 20 12 J5 50 06 12 20
Illustrious 17 45 70 17 45 70 17 45 70
Indefatigable 17 45 70 17 45 70 17 45 70
Ark Royal 10 30 4o 20 50 75 20 50 75
Tiger/Blake 15 4o 60 20 50 75 17 45 70
Southampton 20 50 75 20 60 so 20 50 75
Fiji 20 60 So 22 65 S5 20 60 So
Richelieu o4 10 15 15 J5 55 02 06 10
Clemenceau 20 60 so 17 45 70 15 40 60
Colbert 35 50 75 20 60 so 35 50 75
Chapev 20 60 so 20 60 so :t5 4o 60
Sverdlov 17 45 70 17 45 70 17 45 70
Kirov 17 45 70 20 60 so 17 45 70
Interesting WWII Ships
Yamato (Jap) 01 03 05 12 J5 50 01 OJ 05
Tirpitz 06 12 20 15 J5 55 o4 10 15
Prinz Eugen (Ger) 12 25 55 17 45 70 12 35 50
Littorio (It) o4 10 15 12 J5 50 06 12 20
Zara (It) 15 4o 60 J5 50 75 15 40 60
Scharnhost (Ger) o8 15 25 20 60 so o4 10 15
Graf S-pee (Ger) 17 45 70 20 60 so 15 4o 60
Dunkerque (Fr) 10 JO 4o 17 45 70 10 25 35
Takao (Jap) J5 50 75 22 65 S5 J5 50 75

For each missile hit determine the point of imi;act from the relevant cha.rt. Then, to see if the missile
penetrates the amour read down the appropriate column (Small, Medium and large size missiles). The
number .given is the percentage chance of penetrating.

All non-penetrating hits cause some damage:-
Hull Hits
Sma.11 50
Medium 100
large 200
No other d.aroage.
Deck and Su;perstructure Hits
Small 100
Medium 250
large J50
Superstructure hits only':-
Small No further damage
Medium All gun mounts on the side hit are knocked out, 10% off all firing factors.
Iar1e As medium plus lose one ECM point and one radar point.
Bridge/Control Tower Hits
Small 50
Medium 100
large 200
All bridge and control tower hits cause the loss of one ECM point.

Armour Penetration Capability of Guns

How to use this chart:-
Take the nearest gun s·ize to the one you are using. Determine the range to the target, The- figure from
the chart gives the maximum penetration of the gun. From the "Armoured Warship" tab],e read down. the "L"
column to find the "Annour Class" 9f your target. If the figure in the following chart is leas· than
the armour class the shell has -penetrated,
Example: A 14" gun firing at an Alaska class Battlecruiser at a range of 20krn, will penetrate class 60
armour, therefore the Alaska with 40 hull, 60 deck and J5 bridge would only be -penetrated if the deck
was hit.

RillGE (km.) 16" 14" 12" 6" 5"

25 60 So
24 56 76
2J 52 72
22 48 6B
21 44 64 BO
20 40 60 76
19 J6 . 54 72
lB J2 4B 6B
17 2B 42 62
16 24 J6 5B
15 20 JO 54 B4
14 lB 2B 50 74
lJ 16 26 44 72
12 14 24 40 6B
ll 12 22 J6 64
10 10 20 J4 60 Bo
.9 B 16 JO 58 76
B 6 12 26 56 72
7 4 B 22 52 6B
6 all 4 15 44 60.
5 all all 10 J6 54 Bo
4 all all 6 2B 50 70
J all all all 24 46 60
2 all all all 20 40 60

Both horizontal and vertical movement split into bands and levels, Tha aircraft data tables
give the necessary information for most aircraft, and others can be worked out from the information
given. Height levels correspond to operational ceilings rather than maximum, speed is shown as
maximum and minimum.
M.P.H. Eguivilent Heif!iht Levels Metre Eguivil-ent
up to 200 1. Surface Skim up to 15
1. Slow
2. Bit faster 200 - 500 2. Very Low 15 - 150

3, strike 500 - MACH 1 3, Low 150 - 600

4. Attack MACH i - 1,200 4. Medium 600 - 4,000

5, Fast 1,200 - 1,600 5, High 4,000 - 8,000

6. Very fast 1,600 - 1,800 6. Very High 8,000 - 15, OOO
1,800 plus 7, c,·>ling 15,000 plus
The amount by which an aircraft may change its speed or altitude de_t-<O.---""" apon the power of its ·engines
and the weight of its airframe. To simulate this the following table should be used, The table is based
on the maximum and present speed· of the aircraft and gives a reasonable set of values that may be used
for all aircraft:-
Acceleration/Deceleration Table
Present Maximum Speed
S-peed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 - 0 1 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 3 - 0 4 - 0
2 0 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 1 3 - 1 4 - 1
3 0 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 1 4 1

4 0 2 1 - 2 2 2 3 2

5 0 - 2 1 2 2 2
6 0 2 1 2

7 0 2

Climb[Dive Table
Present Maximum Speed
Speed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 t 1 1 2 2 2 2

2 1 1 2 2 2 3
3 2 3 3 3 4
4 3 3 3 4
5 4 4 4
6 4 4
7 4

For each level climbed lose one speed poini.

For each level dived gain one speed point.
If speed falJ.s to less than zero (a minus number) then you stall, Throw 1IJ%, 01 - 60 you recover, 61 - 100
you crash (pilot may attempt to eject).
If speed exceeds 10 you may break up. Throw 1D%, 01 - 80 your plane disintergrates (pilot and crew are
killed). 81 - 100 you survive.

Havir;lg .found out how fast and how high you can go it may be necessary for you to go round corners
occasionally, Each turn, or pa.rt of a turn, is based on an angle of 22f0 with a. portian at
straight flight between each 22j. turn. The number of tumle each aircraft can make per bound ia
fotmd on tJ:ie a.a ta sheet. The minimum length of the st:raight section between turns depend.a on the
of the aircraft:-

Band M!:!!iMa.x Move (nun. ) Min. between Tul:ne (m11. J

l 100/300 20
2 350/500 30
3 600/700 4-0
4 800/1,200 60
5 1,300/1,500 BO
1,600/2,000 100
2,000/2,500 150

Min/l'!ax maVe is the minimum or maximum that a may travel in a straight line at constant.speed.
There is no speed lost or gained in turning. When turning aircr3.ft it helps if you use a turn indicator
(c:alled"' "widget"), A,.ppendix VII shows how to make and use one.

a·ombination of Movements (Optiona.l)

..'1.CCe l:era te or Decelerate and Turn: - take the initial speed of the aircraft a.nd add it to the final
s11eed of the aircraft (using the appropriate chart), take the average and use this as a constant to
determine the turning data.
Example:- An American F-4 Phantom (max speed 5) enters a tum at speed J and accelerates to 5,
there.fore ) +5 = 8, average 41 minimum distance between turns = 60mm., min/max move "' 800/1, 200.
Advanced . Combination of Movements (Optional)
This is really for players who have plenty o.f time and Who like comlicated games. It is not reccomerKled
if there are a lot of aircraft jnvolved, This system allows for multiple ma.nouvers which, in theory,
are possible within the timescale,
Exam11le:- The F-4 at speed J and height 2 enters a turn, accelerates to 5 and climbs to level 4, .Lp
= 4, that takes care of the acceleration, now deduct the effect of the climb. The plane climbs two
levels, use the average speed on the climb/dive table to see if the plane can Wtke the climb, With a
maximum speed of 5 and an average speed of 4 the 11lane can climb or dive up to J levels, so no problem.
Deduct one s_peed point for level climbed, therefore speed = 2, final altitude = 4, move )Omm.
between turns and move between )50 and 500mm.
Turns or Immelmann Turns
These take half a bound, the aircraft ma11:es no· other movement, and after half a bound the aircraft is
in the same place, at the same speed and at the same level as at the -of the bound.

Helicopter Movef!ent
Helicopters move in the same way as aircraft except that they may turn up·to 1806 each turn without being
subject to a minimum straight move, Helicopters may also hover at spe_ed O•.

launching Helicopters - _,. __ ., .. - _ ''

It takes one full bound to get airborne fr0m a shi-P, ·.helicOptei• is
placed alongside the ship at level l or 2.

VT01 move in the same way as.aircraft.

I;i.unching VTOL
Invincible can launch ) STOL Karriers or 5 VTOL Harriers per bound.
Kiev can launch 5 VTOL YAK )6 per bound.
Tarawa can la\lllch ·4 VTOL Harriers per bound.

Carrier launch
U.S. Attack carriers (other than Midway, Oriska.ny and Hancock) can launch 8 aircraft per bound.
Midway can launch 6 aircraft per bound.
Oriskany and Hancock can launch 5 aircraft per bound.
Ark Royal and Foch can la.unch 5 aircraft :Per bound.
All others can launch J aircraft per bound.

Evasive Manouvers
These will be carried out if the a ire rafts warning radar picks .up enemy tracking radar or missile radar
signature, the pilot throws his aircraft aroillld in the sky in an attempt to lose the radar or missile. The
player must state that the aircraft is taking evasive action before anti-aircraft fire is resolved, any
aircrift that takes evasive action is Wlable to use its own weapons except for decoys such as flares
chaff. Evasive action is not compulsorary but is advisable for outnumbered/ out gunned fighte m and
strike aircraf't trying to reach their target, evading enemy fighters.
Evasive Movement
Aircraft may tUlll. as normal, but are not allowed to climb or dive, ·and must use maximum movement :rate and
accelerate to maximum speed (if possible), See data list for evasive ·factors,

Air to Air Warfare

Target Location
Most air targets are now located and tracked by specialised aircraft (AWACS) as these carry powerful radar
equipment, and the use of these obliviates the need to maintain a standing air patrol.
Modern AWACS (Boeing E3-A Sentry. Nimrod AEW or similar)
At height level 6 these may locate aircraft up to 750km, away if the target is at height level 4 or higher,
this falls to 4oOkm. at levels 2 and 3, and demi to 250km. if the target· is at level 1.
Medium AWACS (Grumman E-2 Hawkeye or similar) and Older large AWACS (Lockheed EC-121 Warning Star or similar)
At height level 6 these aircraft may locate aircraft up to 500km. away if the' target is a.t level 4 or higher,
this falls to 300km. at levels 2 and 3, and 2001an, at level l,
Small AWACS (Faire¥ or similar)
At height· level 5 these may locate aircraft up to 300km. away if the target is at level 4 or higher, ·1r1d
lOOkm. away for all other targets,

Once an AWACS has detected an intruder it may then direct interceptors onto the target or up to a point where
the fighters own radar can pick up the target.

Passive Location
This is a means of locating by picking up emenations from the targets radar. This is not as accurate
as direct location as it only gives an approximate distance and direction, and not the targets height,
Jhfra Red Search
This locates aircraft by tracking the heat they give off, again this only gives an approximate position,
Active Radar Location
The most common, found in all aircraft that have air to air combat capability, gives accurate distance and
height of target. Note that weapons cannot be fired on passive or IR located targets, all targets must be
located by active radar or visual before they may be shot at.

Target Location
To locate an air target throw lDlO, i£ the result is less than the score required t.he target is located,
Rang• (km.) Radar Class
up to 50 9 9 9 10
50 - 100 7 9 9 10
100 - 150 6 8 8 10
150 - 200 6 7 9
200 400 8
4oo plus 8
If target is fitted with ECM A deduct 1
If target is fitted with ECM B deduct 2
If target is fitted with ECM C deduct 3
If target is at +/- 1 height level (except AWACS) deduct 1 (radars A and B only)
If target is at +/- 2 height levels (except AWACS) deduct 1 (radar B deduct 2)
If target is at +/- 3
height levels (except AWACS) deduct 2 (radar C only)
If weather is force 6 or 7 deduct 1
If weather is force 8 or '9 deduct 2
If weather is force 10 deduct 3
If searcher is modern AWACS add 2
If target is higher than AWACS deduct 1
If target is in company with ''wild weasel" aircraft deduct 4
Passive location (ignore ECM and height difference) add 2
If target is at level 1 deduct 3

2) ••
Radar A can only scan +/- one height level.
Radar B can "Only scan +/- two height levels.
Searchers are assumed to fly strait and level until the target ie J.ocat.ed,
With B 8nd C radars it is possible to pick up missiles that have been fired at you, {AWACS should never
be in this unfortunate position). To locate a missile use the initial chart with the following
modifications only:-
If missile target fired from same level as searcher deduct 4
If missile target fired from +/- 1 height level deduct 5
If missile target fired from+/- 2 height bands deduct,7 (radar C deduct 6)
Count range as that of the firer.
Aircraft in com-pany with a "Wild Weasel" count the deduction for wild weasel only. The protective range
of· a wild weasel is 500mrn.
Air to Air.Visual Location,
Maximum visual distance = l2km, Throw JDlO, the score required is J or more.
Weather force 5 + 1
Weather force 6 + 2
Weather force 7 + J
Ta:. get is +/- 1 level + 1
Target is at level 1 + 1
Target is large 1
Range is 5km, or less - 2

Once visual has been obtained it is not lost, It is not possible to locate visually a target which is
below and behind.
Air to Air Missiles (AAM)
Missiles the primary armament of fighter aircraft, replacing cannon and machine guns. In the
late 60's and early 7D's fighter aircraft were designed without internal guns. aircraft such as the
Flo4 Starfighter, F4 Phantom, Sukhoi Sul.S and MiG 25 are all examples of this; the two -American airc+aft
have since been refitted with rotary cannon and this type of gun armament is now standard on current

Missiles however'. still remain as the main offensive fighter weapon. There are four distinct types of
missile in use. These are:-
In£ra Red (IR)
The3e are the cheapest and simplest:form of missile, in use with every airforce which has fi"ghters,
Basically the seeker head of the missile searches for the heat given off by the targets jet engine and
homes in on it. Because of this Ill. missiles teni;i to have a short range, and are called ''Dogfight Missiles".
Because they do not need an illuminating radar Ill. missiles can be fired on a visual sighting.
semi-Active Radar Homing (SARR)
This type forms the bulk of the missiles used by the major airforces. They are essentially a medium to
long range missile. ,Unlike IR these missiles require assistance from launching aircraft to hit the
target. The launching aircrafts radar locates a target and the missile homes in on the reflection of
the radar beam off the target, The main disadvantage is that if the target moves out of the tracking
beam the missile will miss,
Active Terminal Homing (ARY
This is a varient of the SARR type. The AH missile has its own radar built in, and can guide itself
onto the target over the last 20km. plus of the flight. These missiles tend to be rather large and
very expensive, and as such very few are in service.
Homes on on Jamming (HJ)
Basically this missile homes in on a radar jamming source, using the targets radar or ECM emissions
as a guide •.
Radar Tuned (RT)
A possible future development, none are yet known to exist, These would. be missiles tuned to an enemy
radar frequency, with the effeCt as HJ, but could. be.used against enemy fighters,

Air to Air Mia•ile Table
ID!. !!!:!le. ID!. up/Down
AIM 9C 4 SA l/l 4o
Sidewinder AIM 98/F 3 :tR(T) 1/1 60
Sidewinder AIM rJD/J 7 IR(T) l/l 65
Sidewinder AIM 9L 10 IR/HJ l/l 65
Sidewinder AIM ·91'1 10 SA l/l 70
Sparrow AIM 7B/D 4o SA 1/1 55
Sparrow kIM ?E 44 SA 2/2 65
Sp11.rrow AIM 7F 100 SA 2/2 75
Pheonix AIM 54 l.60 AH J/2 90
Faloon AIM 4A/D 10 AR(T) l/l 50
Falcon AlM 26B 11 SA 1/1 N
Brazo 4o HJ l/l 60
AMRAAM 40 AH 3/2 90
Genie AIR 2A 10 SA l/l N
Red Top 12 IR 2/1 60 UK
Fireatreak 8 AR(T) 1/1 50
SRAAI< 8 IR 2/2 75
Slcyflaeh 50 SA 2/2 Bo
Sk; Mk. 2 100 SA 3/2 90
Alkali (AA-1) 8 SA 1/1 30 USSR
Atoll (AA-2) 6 IR(T) 1/1 30
Advanced Atoll (AA-2/2) 7 IR/SA l/l 55
Anab (AA-3) 16 IR(T)/SA 1/1 35
Ash (AA-5) 30 IR(T)/SA 1/2 35
Acrid (AA-6) 20 IR(T) l/l
Acrid (AA-6A) 50 SA 2/2 55
Apex (AA-7) 15 IR 1/1 60
Apex (AA-7A) 30 SA 2/2 60
(AA-8) 8 Ill/SA 2/2 70
Shaffir 5 IR l/l 75 Israel
Aepide 60 SA 2/2 75 Italy
HB72/372 10 SA/IR 2/2 70 Sweden
R 5ll 7 SA 1/1 30 French
AA 20 4 VRC 1/1 10
AA 25 5 SA 1/1 40
R 530 18 SA/IR 1/1 55
Super 5JO 35 SA 2/2 70
Ma!!io R 550 10 IR l/l 80
Nat The oo\Ultry of origin of the m"iaaile
Range The maximum mnge of the miss ila in km.
Type The t)"pe of homing head fitted (if a choioe is available only one type may be fitted to a missile)
Up/Down The number of levels that the mieeile may be fired {eg. if you are on level 4 with-ea 2/2 missile
it oe.n be fi:red at targets between levels 2 a.nd 6),
BHP,C The baeic hit :probability of the missile,
VRC Visual Hadio COlllllalld..

The two mieailea with "N" in the column are both nuclear missiles. They do not have to hit their target
to deetroy it. TheJ."9 ie an Bo,1 chance th&t tke mieaile will explode near to thB ta.rget. If this occurs throw
]D,C, the score throlfll indicates the distance in f'ront of the target that the missile explodes iA:JDlll:i:::.A!lJ"
airore.t't Witbin lOOmm. ia destroyed.. If the first throw misses the missile fails to explode.

The French AA 20 wae one of the first AAM. The pilot ha.d to see the target and then guide the missile onto
it by mearui of 11 llllB.ll joyatiok.

All missiles marked (T) tail chasers, a.nd can only be fi'J:ed tto.m directly behind a target,

'Where Soviet a.iron.ft 011rry a mix Qf IR and SA missiles they are usually fired in pa.ire, one of -each type.

How to Use Air to Air Missiles
For a normal game the use of long range missiles is not recommended, as the aircraft will not get onto
the table, medium range (about 50km.) missiles can however be used. It is possible to work out the
results of long range missile fire on paper and remove the number of aircraft .destroyed before models
are -put on the table. This method was fotmd to work very well in campaign games where the wn-pire could
sort out all the long range missile fire. Where large nwnbers of aircraft are involved it is suggested
that the optional rules are not used and the game kept as simple as possible to allow more moves to be
made. Now for the hard part, how to determine missile fire.
Assuming that you have located a target and locked on: -
1. state the number of and types of missiles to be fired, If firing an IR missile, or the firing
aircraft has a+ air search radar, or if you are omitting the optional rules go to 3,
2. (Jptional) If the target aircraft is fitted with a D type radar it may be able to detect the fire
control tracking radars for SARH missiles that are locked on to it, Throw lDlO, the required
to find out if you are being tracked is:-
If searcher fitted with radar A 8 or less
If searcher fitted with radar B 7 or less
If searcher fitted with radar B+ 3 or less
If searcher fitted with radar C 5 or less
Add 1 if the range is _50km. or less. A 'Score of "0" on the dice is 10 not zero.
If successful the target aircraft may take evasive action and/or launch decoys if carried.
3, The target aircrafts· owner states what ECM (if any) is on. Take the basic hit -probability from the
missile chart, and using the guidance. column a-pply any modifications given in the table
below. Then throw lll%.
4. If the target is hit throw JDlO and consult the appro-priate missile hit chart to find out how
much-· damage has been inflicted,
Missile Homing Head
Missile Hit Modifications IR SARH @.
Target ejects_ Chaff - 10 - 10
Target ejects Flares - 10 - 10
Tar1et is at level 1 5 - 10 - 10 - 10
Range is between ·30 and lOOkm. 10 10 25
Range is over lOOkm. 15 15 35
Target is at speed 5 or more + 5 15
Target is a helicopter 15 10 20
'Target is -propeller driven 10 5 5 15
If target is at +/- 1 level 10 10 5 10 15
If target is at+/- 2 or more levels 15 20 15 20 20
If target has ECM A - 10 5 + 20
If target has ECM B - 15 - 10 + 10
If target has ECM C - 25 - 15 + 5
If attacker has radar A - 10 - 5 - 10
If attacker has radar C + 10 + 10 + 5
.If target takes evasive action Deduct the ev::u:iive factor from all missiles (see data table)


l, IR Missiles against Fighter and Strike Aircraft
Dice Roll
1 and 2 Engine -proximity hit, all ace/turn/climb at half' rate, 30 points damage.
3 Tail-plane, D radars lost, t turn only, t max. speed, not allowed plst s-peed 3, 25 points damage.
4 Proximity exµlosion, no noticeable effect, 10 points damage.
5 Rear wing root area, throw JDlO, 5 + to save aircraft, 40 points damage, must fly home fast,
6 ;;i.nd 7 Elevator breaks off, throw lDlO, J +to save aircraft, 30 -points damage, aircraft may
not make any. further at tacks

8 Mid airframe hit, throw lDlO, 8 +to save aircraft,
Fuel tank, ai_rcraft ex-plod.ea, crew killed.
points damage,

10 Engine hit, aircraft explodes,

2. AlJ. other Missiles 8,gainst Fighter and Strike Aircraft
1 Nose - pilot killed and plane crashes,
2 Starboa:rd wing root, wing breaks off and plane crashes.
J Port wing proximity hit, throw lDlO, 5 -1- to save aircraft, If saved abort, max. alt. 4, speed 2,
not allowed to take evasive action or turn. more than twice per bound, JO points damage.
4 Airf' midpoint hit, causes aircraf't to break up.
5 Cockpit area, crew killed, plane crashes,
6 Belly, destroys· all radars and j a. l tum/climb/dive rates, t 4o points damage.
7 Tail plane/Stabiliser, ''D" radars lost, i" tuni only, t max. speed, not allowed JB,St speed J, JO
points damage.
8 Proximity under engine, throw lDlO, 5 + plane crashes, otherwise engine t speed only,
t tum/climb/dive rates, max. alt. 5, JO points damage.
9 Outer wing ·p:l.Ile-1 proximity, fabric tom frOm wings, fuel tanks penetrated, abort and return to base,
20 points damage, Throw lillO to land safely, 5 or less the undercarriage collapses on contact and
the plane blows up with the same effect as a l,OOOkg. bomb.
10 Tailplane base, tail bloWs off, plane crashes.
- Any missile hit on a helicopter destroys it.

3. IR Missiles against Multiengined Aircraft (Medium Bombers and larger)

l Starboard inboard engine, engine blows up, speed reduced to-75%, no other effect, 50 po_in"t.s damage.
2 Port Quter engine, engine blows up and takes off half' the wing, thr0w IDlO, 7 +to save aircraft,
60_ points damage,
3 Rear fuselage, throw 1010, 8 + to prevent fire. If fire starts you have three attempts to extinguish.
lDlO, 6 +first attempt, 7 + second attempt, 8 + third attempt. If no success fire out of control
and the plane explodes. 20 points damage plus 10 points per attempt made to extinguish fire.
4 Rear fuselage, .15 damage points· only.
5 Tail plane, starboard elevator breaks off, abort mission, tum/cl·i.mb/dive at t rate, 25 points damage.
6 Proximity explosion + centre fuselage, destroys all turret weapons, communications and radar
operators position , 25 points damage.
7 Stabilisers, destroys rear guns, unable to climb, maximum dive t level per bound, tUlll a2. if at
speed 7, 20 points damage.
8 Rear fuselage hit, throw lDlO, 4 +to save tailp1; If controls break tum as if at speed?.
dive rate reduced to t level per bound, 25 points damage.
9 Rear end proximity, 20 points damage only,
10 Port inboard engine explodes detonating fuel tanks, Aircraft destroyed and crew killed.

4. Other Missiles against Multiengined Aircraft

1 Front fuselage proximity hit, throw lDlO for each of pilot and co-·pilot, 6 + to save. Inboard
engines ingest debris and cut out, all moves halved, 20 points damage.
2 Front fuselage hit, crew killed, plane crashes.
3 outer engine/wing tenel, engine destroyed, wing skin blows off, J.DlO, 5 +to prevent fire.
If aircraft catches-fire crew must eject. If no fire aircraft may continue at 75% s,peed. JO damage pain",
4 Starboard wing root, 'throw lDlO, if 10 thrown wing breaks off, otherwise µlane returns to base,
t speed, i turn, no climb or dive except to land, 50 points damage.
5 Proximity under front fuselage, destroys all navigation equipment, aircraft may continue, throw lDlO
for bomb doors, 3 or less they will not open, and. external weapons, 3 or less and hapg up (1
dice per pylon). On landing throw for un.d.ercarrage, jams in the up position on a·throw of 1
or 2 (1, 2 or·J if bombs still on board). 50 points damager.
6 Rear fuselage hit, throw lDlO, 4 + to save controls to tailplane. If controls break than turn as
if at speed 7, dive reduced to i level per bound, 4o points damage,
7 Rear fuselage, throw lDlO to prevent fire. If fire starts you have three attempts to extinguish.
lDlO, 6 + first attempt, 7 + second attempt, 8 + third attempt. 20 points damage plus 10 points
per attempt made to extinguish the fire.
8 Tailplane, starboard elevator breaks off, abort mission, tum/climb/dive at t rate, 40 points damage.
9 Proximity explosion top centre fuSelag.e, destroys all turret weapons, communications and rada:
operators positions, 50 points damage.
10 Bomb bay, missile penetrates and explodes, destroying the aircraft and killing the crew,

All damage in cumulative.

Crew may·eject if not killed, throw lDlO, 3 +to eject safely.

Other Air to Air Weapons
Most fighters carry some form of gun armament with a very limited .amge. In addition UJ18V,idedo:
rockets, uaua-lly for growld attack, carried in pods and fired in salvoes, could be used in the
air to air role in an emergency·.

Weapon Basic Damu:e !!• (m.) !!!!l!

7,62mm. to 12. ?mm MG/HMG 10 1,500 3°" per barrel
14,5mm. Hl'Kl 12 1,500 2-"' per barrel

20mm. to 2Jmm. ca.IUlon 20 2,000 21'C per barrel

2?mm. to J5mm. cannon JO 2,500 3°" per barrel

Unguided rocket up to 57mm· 10 2,000 -"'per roaket

Unguided rockets over 57mm. 20 2,000 -"' per rocket

How to Use Guns and Unguided Rockets

As theBe weapone have a very short range they may be fired at visual targete only, thei only defeneive
action the ·target can take is to make an evasive move. Apply the following a.nd .,throw
1D% for each barrel or rocket fired,
Target is at speed 1 or 2 + 10 + 10
Target is at speed 5 or faster 5 5
T3.rget is one level below the .firer + 5 + 5
ff target is c-. helicopter + 10 + 5
If target takes evasive action Deduct half of the faotor.

If the target is hit throw lDlO for each hit and consult the following table for damage caueed _in
addition to the basic damage:-

Damage Caused by Guns and UngUided Rockets

Dice Roll
l No visible damage - points only.
2 Fuselage hit, electronics operator killer, warning radar destroyed, if helicopter double damage
J Rear control surfaces damaged, t tum/climb/dive rate, ! evasive factor.
4 Cockpit, crew killed, plane crashes.
5 Fuselage hit, all radar destroyed, if helicopter 5o,;C chance of killing crew,
6 Internal/ExtE!rnal weapons hit, explosiat destroys target.
7 Engine hit, throw lDlO, J or less target blows
8 Surface damage on•ly.
9 Canopy shot away, aircraft must go to level J and not exceed speed J, evasive factor halved, If
helico-pter 60% chance that crew are killed, if it survives the he.lic.opter must return t-o base,
10 Fuel tartks, target explodes,

If an aircraft loses half" of its damage points it must return to base without using any weapons.

Straffing and Rockets (see JO)

Throw for each gun barrel firing and each rocket pod. Damage caused as follows1-

up to 20mm. cannon 10 points only.

2Dmm. to )Ornm. cannon 15 points
other weapons as per basic damage chart on page 9.
unguided rockets (per pod)
up to 57mm. Throw for point of hit using gunnery point of impact chart (page 9) plus 160 points
damage and 4 fire points,
58mm. to 8liom. As aboVe but 200 damage points and 5 fire points,
82mm, and .As above but 250 damge points a.nd 8 fire points.

Ranges as air to air weapons (page 28).

Air to Surface Target IDcation
It ls necessary to get .an active mdar fix before guided weapoM can be released at a target. Passive
location only gives the general bearing of a poSeible target. and is used to send attacking airc:ca.ft
in the right direction to a point where they can make an active search to accuratly locate theiT target,

The ma.xi.mwn ranges at which a target can be located with active radar are:-
Surf'aoe Search radar A JOkm.
Surface Search :radar B 60km.
Surface Search radar C 200km.
AWACS see chart below:-
Target size Height level
1 2 J 5 6 7
up to· 500 10 15 J5 100 150 170 200
500 to 5,000 20 25 50 125 175 210 260
5,0bo to 20,000 JO J5 70 lJO 190 250 JOO
20,000 plus 50 100 170 J20 J50
This table applies to all _aircraft up to the maximum range of the radar carried by that aircraft.
Pa.ssiVe location range is twice active range. Any ship on active will automatically be found by an
aircraft on passive. Passive search is not available to radar A,

To locate a target use1ng active radar throw lD;J.O; the score required to locate is 13 or less, subject to
the following modifications:-
Target is fitted with ECM A - 2 (AWACS and radar C only i - l)
Target is fitted with E8M B - J (AWACS and radar C only - 2)
Target is fitted with C - 5 (AWACS and radar C only - J)
If' weather is force 8 or 9 - 2
If weather is force 10 - J
If searcher is modeni AWACS + 2
If target is modem mine hunter/sweeper - 2
If target is under .500tonnes at 1.00km. plus - 2 (includes surfaced subs)
I f search radar is type.A - 1

Air to Surface Visual Location

To drop a bomb. it is necessary to see the target. the following table gives the maximum range of vision
from a given height:-
Target siie Height Level
1 2 J 4 5 6
up to .500 10 15 20 25 JO JO
.500 to .5,000 15 20 25 JO 50
5,000 to 20,000 20 25 J5 45 55 70
20,000 plus 20 JO 55 70 80
To locate throw lDlO, the score required to locate is 8 or less subject to the following modifications:-
If weatber is force 6 or 7 - 1
If weather is force 8 or 9 - 4
If weather is force 10 - 6
If _range is greater 40km.. - 2
If searcher is at height 1 - 2
If searcher is higher that level 4 - 2
If target- is on fire or under attack +2
If target located by friends +4
If target under 1,000 or surfaced sub - 3
If range is -lees than !Olan. +J
If target is sub periscope depth - (maximum range lOkm.)
·::__'::.::.....:.'.::. ._:;hi?S
There a._..-e methods of landing an explosive device on the top of a moving target from an
airbourne :platform. These include Air to Surface guided missiles, free flight unguided rockets,
guns, and several types of bombs,
Conventional bombs are still widely used and ar9 relativley cheap,
To hit a moving target with a free fall wea:pon throw ID%. You require less than the figure given in
tne following table :plus any modifications: -

Att'3.cking Altitude
1 2 3 4 5 6
75 70 65 45 40
1 75
75 65 55 50 40 25

70 60 50 40 30 20
25 15 10
4 50 45 35
5 45 35 25 15 5
6 25 20 15 5
If attacker making shallow dive (2 levels) + 15
If attacker making lofting attack (radar C only) + 10
- 10
If target at 15 to 25kt..
If target at 25 to 34kt. - 15
If target at 35kt. plus - 25
If target ia 500 tonnes or less - 15
If target ia between 20,000 and 50,000 tonnes + 10
If target ia over 50,000 tonnes + 15
If attacker is under fire - 10

This chart should be used for unguided rocket and straffing attackS, a:pply all the modifications
:plus the folloW"ing: -
If using unguided rockets + 10
Straffing attacks may be made from levels 1 and 2 only. Unguided rockets may only be used from levels
1, 2 or 3, or in a shallow dive ending at levels 2 or 3. (See 28).

Free Fall Guided Bombs

These have' been developed by the United States, and are a cross between a bomb and a missile. There
two ty-pes: -
Paveway has a lEtser homing head which :picks up reflected laser light from a target and homes onto it.
This requires either an aircraft fitted with a laser designato7 or a ground based designator to be
-pointing at the target.
Hobo tas a small TV camerc'l. in the nose which relays a picture of the target onto a screen in the cockpit
of the launch aircraft, The -pilot, or some other crew member then guides the bomb onto the target by
means of a joystick, sending radio commands to the bomb,
Both Hobo and Paveway have a flight range of 3km., and can be fitted to 250, 500, 1,000 or l,500kg.

Damage Caused by Bombs

250kg. throw for hits and take damage as if it waa a 14" gun
500kg. throw for hits and take damage as i f it waa a 16'· gun
l,OOOkg. throw for hits and take damage aa if it was a 18" gun
l_,500kg. 1JlUS throw for hits and take damage aa i f it waa a small missile,

Cluster Bomb Units

These will always penetrate armour, therefore treat the target as unarmoured.
A 500kg. cluster bomb will cause damage::as if it was three 8" gun hits.
larger cluster bombs will cause- damage as i f they were five 8" gun hits.

Fuel Air Explosives

Only available to NATO forces, these are very 1JOWerf'ul conventioanl weapons with a blast effect about
four times that of normal
A 250kg. FAE causes damage as if it were a 18" gun
A 500kg, FAE causes aamage as if it was a small missile
A l,OOOkg. FAE (the maximµm size) causes damage as i f it was a medium missile,

Air to Surf'aoe Missile Chart
M!1 !!. !l. 9. ! to hit
AS 12 B s 50
AS 30
12 s ""
RC 75
AM 10 (lasso) " 11 s SAiIB. Bo
Exoocet AS 39 52/75 SS M A BO
Konora.n J7 SS M A 55
A/O Bo
otoma.t II Italian ""6o/1Bo SS
M A 70
Marte 25 L s A 50
Penguin I No1'1f8.y 20 L s IR 6o
Penguin I I JO L s A/IR 75
JUI o4 and "'"'
HB 0.5 and 05B
Sweden J2
, L
1'1z - l Isreal Bo L M 0 75
AS-1 Kennel' USSR Bo/125 M N A 50 (see notes)
AS-2 Kipper'
AS-4 Kitchen

50 (see
(see notes)

AS-5.Kelt' 150/J20 M N A 6o (see notes)

AS-6 Kingfisher 250/650 M N A 7'.. not•·2'
AS-7 Kerry 10 M M RC
AS-8 10 L L A 85
AS-X-9 B5 M M AR!"' •O
AS-X-10 10 M M 0 75
Bullpup B USA
Bullpup c 16 M j, 0 70
Shrike J5 M s ARM 65
Standard 56 M M ARM 75
H.A.R.M. 18 M s ARM )0
Maverick 22 M s J 75
Harpoon 109 SS M A B5
Sea Skua UK 14 SS s SA Bo
Sea Eagle 100 SS M A B5
Martel AJ J0/60 SS M 0 Bo
Martel AS J0/60 SS M ARM 90
A.ix to Surface Missile Notes
Nat e the nationality of the missile
R "' the range in km, of the missile. Where two figures are given the first is the range if lallllched frr:I".
levels 2 and ), the second is the range if launched from level 4 or highe"t',
T = the attack trajectory o'£ the missile, SS s Surface skimming, L = l<iw level, M = medium level,
S • the size of the missile for damage S = Small, M = Medium, L ... large, N = refer to notes
below on large Soviet Missiles.
G •the means of guidance of the missile, 1'.U = Wire guided (you have to see the target to fire the missile),
SAIR =Semi-active Infra. Red (homes in on a heat source), A ""Active homing (missile ha.a built in ra.clar),
IR • Infra red (homes in on heat source), O =- Opti,cal (guided onto target by pilot or weapons ol)erator),
ARM= Anti-Radiation Missile (homes in on ECM emmisions of the target), ARM missiles "go for" "the s".:o.p
with the lowest ECM rating,

1.arfte Soviet Missiles

AS-1 to #$-6 are strategic rather than tactical wea:pons and would probably be used against land te.i-gets,
especially the older 111.iesilee, However, as these missiles a:ce carried by aircraft of the Soviet Naval
Airf'orce they ma.y be used against Atlantic convoys. They all do damage as a large missile !!!!, an 18 11
gun. It is unlikely that these missiles would be used at ranges of 2,50km. or more at ships, as ships at
15Jt.t. plus would m.ove out of the milesilee radar sweep. Missiles marked ' can be intercepted and shot
down by manned aircraft, 111.issiles travel at speed J at level 2 or 4 del'13nding upon launch height1 the
missiles have no ECM and no eva.sive factor.

Firing Air to Surface Missiles
The figure given in the %hit column is the score needed on 1D% to hit the target subject to the
Modifications : -
If target fitted with ECM A (A ·and RC guidance only) - 10
If target fitted with ECM B (A and RC guidance only) - 20 (ARM deduct 10)
If target fitted with ECM C (A and RC guidance only) - JO ·{ARM deduct 20)
If has no ECM (ARM only) - 30
If range is greater than 150km. 20

If range is 50 to l50km. 10
If target is at less than lOkt, ( 0 and WG only) + 10
If target is at between '15 and 25kt. 10

If target is at 25kt. or more - 15 (IR add 10)

If under fire from guns ( O and WG only) - 10
If under fire from missiles (0 and WG only) - 10
If under attack from aircraft (0 and WG- only) - 20
I f target lays smokescreen (o and WG only) - 10
If target deploys chaff (SAIR and IR only) - 15 {O and WG deduct 10 if no smokescreen)

A, SA and RC only - if target deploys chaff halve the score required af'ter modifications.

to.Air Target Location

An target must be located before weapons (includirlg fully automatic systems) can be directed against
it. The following table gives the maximum f'ange: which an air target can be detected by ships sensors.

Ship Altitude
Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
u-p to l, 000 12 25 40 50 50 50 50
other shi-ps 18 40 70 200 250 300 350

Throw lDlO, the basic score required to locate is 9 or less subject to the following modifications:-·
If target has ECM A - 1
If target has ECM B - 2
If target has ECM C - 3
If weather is force 8 or 9 - 1

If weather is force 10 - 2
If searcher has ;radar A - 2
If searcher has radar C +1
If searcher has radar D + 2
If target is, or is with, Wild Weasel - 5
Visual Location of Air Targets
This table gives the range at which an air target can be located by the Mk. 1 human eyeball:-
Target Altitude
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
All ships 10 15 20 25 25 25 25
The basic score required is 8 or less, throw lDlO, and apply the following modifications:-
If target is at levels 2 or 5 1

If target is at level 1 or 6 2
If target is at level 7 - 3
If weather is force 5, 6 or 7 2
If weather is force .8, 9 or 10 - 4
If target is at speed 4 or fa.ster - 2
If target is a helicopter 2
If target is coming out of the sWl 4

Surface to Air Missiles

As with other forms of missiles have over from guns in the air defence role. SAM s fall
into three categories; point defence, mediwn range and fleet defence, the being based on
the missiles range and size. The following table lists all the missiles currently in use, and a few
that reached prototype stage before being "shelved".

Surface to Air Missile Cha.rt
Nat ..!!lL ! fil!l'lf !l
Masurca Mk.. 2 French 3 - 7 SA 4o 40
M3.surca Mk. 3 2 - 7 SA 70 45
Crotale 1 - 3 SA 75 8
Flash (Rafale) 1 - 2 UG 80 3
Jason {Roland) 1 - 3 SA 75 6
Catulle {Javelot) 1 - 2 UG 70 2
Albatross {Aspide) Italy 1 - 4 SA 75 20
Sea Indigo 1 - 2 SA 60 10

SA-N-1 USSR 3 - 4 SA 30 30
SA-N-2 2 - 7 SA 45 4o
SA-N-3 2· - 7 SA 60 30
SA-N-4 1 - 3 SA 75 8
SA-N-5 and 7 1 - 2 0 50 2
SA-N-6 (10) 1 - 7 SA 80 50
Seas lug UK 2 - 5 SA 50 50
Sea Dart 1 - 7 SA 80 80
Seawolf' 1 - 3 SA 90 8
Seacat 1 - 3 SA/O 50 5
S.L.A.M. 1 - 2 0 50 3
Shield 1 - 2 SA/O 70 3
Sea fox 1 - 3 SA 90 3
Seaflash 1 - 3 SA 75 10
Seasparrow USA 1 - 3 SA 65 10
Standard SM l (MR) 3 - 6 SA jO 31
.Standard SM 1 (ER) 3 - 6 SA 50 56
Standard SM 2 (MR) 2 - 7 SA 75 48
Standard SM 2 (ER) 2 - 7 SA 75 120
Talos 2 - 7 SA 60 120
Terrier 2 - 6 SA 65 32
Tartar 2 - 6 SA 60 25
Abbreviations used on the SAM chart
Nat - the country of origin of the missile
R - the maximum range of the missile in the horizontal plane
HB - the range of height levels over which the missile can operate, A missile fired at targtii'ts
outside its limits.
T - the tYPe of guidance fitted, SA = Semi-active radar homing {essentially the same as air to air missiles,
but on a larger scale), UG = Unguided, 0 = Optical guidance (the operator "flies" the missile ontO the
BHF% The basic hit of the missile.
How to use Surface to Air Missiles
Assuming that you have located the target
l. Measure the range the target,, decide which missile is to be fired, and inform the target if it
has SA guidance,
2. The target declares if it is releasing chaff and/or taking evasive, and declares its ECM.
J. If the target releases chaff test to see if the missile penetrates the cha.f'f screen.
4. If there is no chaf"f, or if" the missile gets past any chaff, take the BHI% from the chart and
apply the following modifications,
5, If the missile hits calculate the damage.from the chart on the following page.

Surface to Air Missile Modifications Missile Type
§! 2
If target i!l fitted with ECM A - 5
If target is fitted with ECM B- 10

If target is fitted with ECM C 20

If firing ship fitted with radar C + 10
If firing ship fitted with radar D + 15
If firing ship is fitted with radar A - 10
- 10 - 15 - 20
If target is at level 5 or higher
- 10 - 10 . - 10
If. target is at level 1
- 10 - 20 - 20
If target is at speed 6 ·or 7
If target is at speed 1 or 2 + 5 + 10 + 5
If target is a he lico-pter 10 + 5 + 5
If weather is force 6 or 7 - 10

If weather is force 8 or worse - 10 - 20 - lQ

Deduct evasive factor in all cases.
If target_ takes evasive action
If the target releases Chaff against SA missiles throw 1D%. 50 or less and the missile has penetrated
the chaff screen,
of a Surface to Air Missile Hit
All of the long range (20km. -plus) missiles tend to be dirty great big things, and a hit by one of
these will cause the target ·to disa-ppear, the possible exce-ptions being either a large bomber or
(in the B-52 or Class), which could lose half' a wing and still fly. However for
game -purposes it ·is best· to ignore these. Smaller missiles, especially those designed for use at
sea will also tend to cause their tB.rgets to VB.nish in a puff of smoke, but there are some which
might only damage an aircraft, these mainly being shipbourne derivatives of aircraft carried or
-portable weapons. Unless the W€dpon is listed below, any hit with a SAM should be taken as target
destici:'fed. For the ,following missiles throw lDlO and halve the score, rounding fractions up. If "0"
1• tm°91'.!ll the piJ.o"J; is killed and -plane cr_si.___§f)e_e, o'therMise the plane takes the damage lis'ted belo'K

Wea-pon Dice Roll

1 2 3 4 5
Flash (Rafale) 40 54 66 90 100

Albatros/Aspide/Seas-p.9.rXow/Indigo 50 70 100 120 200

SA-N-5 and 7 !Kl 40 56 80 100

!Kl 50 60 100 120

Shie!ld 40 50 60 80 120

A h:t by CIWS will destroy any· aircraft,

Anti-Aircraft Gun ?ire

Altitude Horizontal Range (km. )
20 to 2)mm. singles 10 l - 3 li
20 to 2)mm. twins 25 1 - 3 li
20 1 - 3 2t
25 to 35mm. singles
35 l - 3 2-t
25 to J5mm. twins
20 l - 3 4
37 to 40rrun. singles
30 l - 3 4
37 -to 4omm. twins
40 l - 3 4
37 to 40rrun. quads
10 1-4 5
45 to 57mm, singles
20 1 - 4 5
45 to 57mm. twins
35 l - 5 5
45 to 571lllll. quads
15 1 - 5 7
60 to 85mm. singles
20 l - 5 7
60 to 85rrun. twins
10 l 6
- 8
90 to 140mm. singles
l - 6 8
90 to !4omm. twins 15
2 - 6 10
150mm. and larger singles 5
8 2 - 6 10
150rrun. and larger twins

The main table is for optically sighted manually operated guns. If the guns ·are rad<:..r guided but manually
operated double the BHF% and use the alterations for autoniatic guns. 'The horizontal range colwnn should be
used as a guide only, where a figure appears in the Naval Ordnance Charts the value given there should be

The basic hit probability for all radar guided fully automatic guns is 80%
Alterations for Manual Guns
If target is at speed ·5 or more 20
If target is at speed 1 + 5
If target is at levels 1, 5, 6 or 7 5
If target is at level 2 or 3 + 5
If guns have been attacked by aircraft in the preceed_ing bound 10
(includes all bomb and gun hits from attacking aircraft)
If weather is force 5 or worse - 10
Alterations f-0r Automatic Guns
If target is ECM eciui:pped (double if tuned to right weapon) - 10'
If target is escorted by "Wild Weasel" 20'
If target is at speed 4 or more 10
If target is at speed 2 or· less + 10
If target is at.level 1 10
If target is at level 4 + 10
If target releases decoys (Chaff, flares etc.) - ioi
If rate of fire exceeds JOO-rounds/barrel/minute + 10
(' Not Ctunulative)
Number of shots per boWld.
If rate of fire is greater than JOO roWl.ds per barrel per minute then 2 per bound,
If rate of fire is greater than 750 rounds per barrel per minute then J shots per bound.
Weapons with lower rates of fire may only shoot once per bound.
Anti-Aircraft Gun Fire Damage Chart
Once a gun ha.s scored a hit it is necessary to dete:rn.ine the amount of damage that has been inflicted, Throw
lDlO and halve the score, rounding fractions up. The damage done can then be read off the following chart,
If "0" is thrown the pilot is killed and the plane crashes.
Weapon Dice Roll
1 2 3 4 5
20 to 2Jmm. 10 14 20 27 JO
25 to 35mrn. 20 25 28 JO 4o
37 to 40mm. 25 28 34 37 45
45 to 57mrn. 25 35 50 63 BO
60 to 85mm, 32 48 65 86 110
90 to 14-0mm. 40 58 79 100 14o
l50mm. plus 45 70 90 160 200

-- .•---

This section of' the rules allows all types of submarines to be u.eed alongside surface ships. Ideally
this section should be over by an umpire and each move of a submerged sub plotted on a sheet
of g:raph pa-per which re-presents the '!)laying area, so that players never know ffbere the subs are until
one is located by sonar (or a ship sinks), Unfortunatly this tYJIE! of hidden movement is very time
consuming and (even with an umpire) open to arguement. An alternative is to use dwnmys, say three
dummys for each actual sub used. This has the unfortunate effect of warning your opponent that you
are using and allows him to take countermeasures.

If subhunting aircraft or helicopters are to be used the movements of these should be preplanned
before the game starts, and the flight plans should not be changed unless a sub is detected,

Submarine launched Baliatic Missiles

As these are primarily for the mass destruction of cities they fall outside the scope of these rules.
However_, it may be desired to use these in campaign games 1 if they are used all missiles should have
pre-progranuned targets, To fire the missiles it is necessary to obtain release first; to do this tlµ'ow
lll%, a score of 90 or more indicates that release has been obtained, Missiles should then be fired in
salvoes, a score cf 40% + indicates that they have impacted close enough to the target to destroy it
totally; if leas than 40% then only µart.ial destruction has been achieved,

Defensive fQr Submarines

Noise JammeTa
This is the underwater eq_uivilent of ECM as used by surface ships, except in this case it is directed
against sonar, however any-sub using a noise jammer is automatically detected vessel in the
passive sonar mode (shatters the o-perators eardrums). Noise jammer are carried by all submarines; they
have an area effect covering all subs and surface ships within a lOkm. radius.
This is a torpedo_ fired out of a standard tube; it gives off a signal similar to that- of _the
launching submarine and hopefully attracts the attention of ASW forces. Remember that decoys
are carried in place of a torpedo, and that other offensive weapons may not be used in the
same bound., ,
Pi. llenwe rfer
This is a machine carried on all subs and used to inject a "cloud" of air bubbles into the water and
thus create a barrier which is difficult for sonar to penetrate. During the course of a a sub is
allowed two "blasts" although up to six blasts are carried. No other weapons may be fired in the same
Evasive Action
This is aIJY sudden manouvxe, such as a crash dive or rapid surface (but not-includind fishtailing). A
-boat carrying 'out such a manouvre may not use decoys, pillenwerfer or fire unguided torpedoes or
missiles of any type.
An extension of evasive action, in this case the sub makes a very sudden shacy turn; this creates a
wave which reflects sonar pulses, A sub carrying out this manouvre may use pillenw-erfer but cannot use
any other weapons. A sub can fishtail, take evaeive action, pillenwerf'er and have' noise jammers switched
on all at the same time i f it so desires, or any conbination thereof. When fishtailing the sub turna·
round to face the opposite direction tO which it started.

Thermal Le.rI.'B
AJ.Ulollgh these do a.:f'fect sonar quite considerably-, for normal game :purposes they should be ignored as they
are difficult to ulot (unless an_ umpire is :pEesent) and of'ten create time wasting argwnents.

Detection of Submarines
1. By Surface Ships over 1.000 tonnes and other Submarines
(im.) Active Sonar Passive Sonar
1 9Cff, 95%
2t 8Cff, 95%
5 6Cff, 9Cff,
10 )CJ!, 85%
15 2Cff, 5Cff,
20 laf, 5CJ!,
25 5% 25% (Sonar type C '>5%)
i>O 25% (Sonar type C '>5%)
60 laf, (Sonar type C '>Cff,)
100 30% (Sonar type C only)
Modifications ·Active
If target is fishtailing 25 60
If target is using pillenwerfer 60 4o
If target using noise jammer 70 see P'{le )6
If Weather is force 8 or worse 25
If searching ship:·o:is at between 15 and 20kt. )0 50
If searching ship is at between 20 and 2_5kt. 45 70
If target is at between 20 and 25kt. + 10 10
If' target is at 25kt. plus + 25 15
I f searcher has sonar A 15 20
If searcher has sonar C + 10 10
If target has carried out successful attack in last
two bounds 10 15
If target was located by searcher (or DL linked ship)
last bound + 20 20
Add or deduct the targets noise rating,
If the target has launched a decoy deduct 20. If the score thrown is less than that required to find the f:arget
before decoy deduction, but more than that required after decoy deduction, the searcher has found the decoy.
2. By Helicopters, Aircraft and Light Craft up to 1,000 tonnes using Air Dropped Sonobouys Ana.
Lightweight Dunking Sonar
Air dropped sonobouys and dunking sonar can o-perate in both the active and passive modes, Three
:passive units will give the same information as one active one.
Percentage chance of locating a submarine:-
Radius (km. )
15 '>CJf,
I f target is fishtailing 25 70
If target using pillenwer£er 60 40
If target using noise jammer 70 see page )6
If weather is force 7 or worse 25
If searcher is light ship moving at 8 to 12kt. 20 50
If searcher is light ship moving at 13 to 15kt.
35 65
If target ha.s carried out a successful attack 10 25
If target was located last bound + 15 15
Add or deduct noise rating.
Decoy rules apply as before.

Magnetic Anomaly Detectors (M.A.D.)
Used by aircraf't from lev81 2 only, these detect changes in the Eartha magnetic field caused by a
large metal,lic body (a sub) just below the oceans surface. They are only carried in aircraft, not
in ships. M.A.D. is extremely accurate, and there are no countermeasures against it.
To locate a sub by M..A.D. throw ill%:-
Range To locate
tipto lkm.. loo%
1 to, 2km. 85%
2 to Jkm, 6o%
M.A.D. is ineffective beyond Jkm.

Autolycus Ionisation Detectors (A. I.D.)

by some ASW aircraft, these monitor air vurity and thereby can detect diesel fumes from a
surfaced or snorting Gonventional sub. Can only be used from level 2 by very specialised aircraft
No countermeasures are To locate a submarine by A.I.D. throw J.D%:-
Range To locate
u-p to lkm.. 10o%
1 to 2k:n. 8o%
2 to Jkm. 4o%
Weapons may not be fired on an A.I.D. located target, which must be located again with sonar or M.A.D.

Ship Fired Anti-Submarine Weapons

The following chart lists all the ship carried A/S weapons that are likely to be used in any game.
The long range weapons (with the exception of Subroc and SS-N-15) can be fired on directions given
by other ships or helicopters provided both have data link facilities. Ships fitted with data link
can also monitor air dro-pped sonobouys and fire their weapons on information transmitted by these,
An fix must be obtained before weapons are fired.

Weapon Nat Ran{:!ie (km.) Shots BHP}! Mod

- French 12 1 60 B

375mm. mortar 1.6 2 40 A

305mm. mortar 4 1 40 A

UK o.4 1 30 A
Limbo 1 1 50 A

Ikara 18 1 60 B

Italy 0.9 1 60 A
1 2 40 A
Kll3 305mm. mortar
USSR JO 1 60 A
FRAB-1 (SUW-1)
MBU 1800 (RBU 1200)

2.5 4 40 A
MBU 2500 (RBU 2500)
6 4 50 A
MBU 2500A (RBU 6000)
2.5 2 60 A
MBU 4500 (RBU 600)
2.5 2 60 A
MBU 4500A (!U!U 1000)

JO 1 60 A
Sweden o.6 - i.6 1 60 A
375mm. Erika
J.6 1 60. A
.375mm. Melli 1.5
0.3 o.8 1 70 A
375mm. M-50
us 10 1 60 B
Asroc Mk. 46
45 1 60 A
4 10 A
Conventional Depthcharge All

Asroc MK .. 46 and Ikara fire the equivilent of the U.S. Mk. 46 Torpedo, SS-N-10/14 fires the
equivilent of the USSR 400mm. torpedo, and fires the of the French L 4
To fire these weapons take the BHI% from the table and apply the following modifications, using
column A or B as appropriate.
Any hit on a submerged submarine sinks it. A hit includes a :proximity explosion close enough to
to target to sink it. (Alternatively use chart on page 43, counting the above weapons as small).

Modifications A B
I f range is between 8 and 15k:m. - lO
I f range is over l5Jon. - 20 - 10
If weapon is being 'fired on the direotione. of others - 20 - 20
If target is taking evasive action - Rli'asive Fac·tor.,
If range is less than 2km. + 10
If target is moving at 20 to· 25kt. - 10
If target is moving at 25kt plus - 15 - 15
If firing is moving at 25kt. plus - 10
If weather is force 7 or worse - 10 - 10
If target is using pillenwerf'er - 20
If target is fishtailing - 15
If there is a ship sinking within 2km. of the target - 10
If attacker has sonar C + 10
If weapon has guidance ''P" + lO
If target is shut down and stationary JO
If target has sonar C - 10
I f attacker has sonar A 10
These can be carried by aircraft, helicopters, surface ships and of course nubs.

Torpedo Chart·
Mark Range (km. ) Speed Guidance BHF%
E 14 French DP 4 25 A 40 1
E 15 DP 7 25 A 40 1
1 J AS 25 AF 60 1
14 AJ3 Jt JO 60 H
L 5 mod 3 AS 4 J5 BP 60 H
F 17 SS 10 J5 CP 70 H
A 184 Italy DP 10 40 BP 60 1
A 2"4 AJ3 17 JB BP 70 H
Mk. 20 UK DP 8 20 B 4o 1
Tigerfish Mk. 24 DP 21 4o CP "0 H
Tigerfish 2 DP 2J 60 CP Bo H
Mk. 23 DP 9 20 B 50 H
Stingray AJ3 7 4o 90 1
AIMT us AS 6 4o BP 85 1
Mk. 37 mod 0 and 2 DP 14 25 CP 60 L
Mk. 37 mod 1 and 3 DP 14 25 BP 60 1
Mk. J7C DP 18 42 CF 70 H
Mk. 45 Astor AJ3 14 40 BP 70 1
Mk. "4 AS 2 JO A 40 L
Mk. 46 AS 5 40 BP 60 L
Mk, 48 DP 25 50 CP Bo H
5JJmm, (1) USSR DP 5 25 A 40 H
5JJmm. (2) DP 9 JB BP 60 H
5JJmm. (J) DP 18 4o CF 70 H
4oornm. AJ3 5 40 BP 60 L
SEAL Germany AS 14 4o CF 60 H
SST 4 AJ3 14 40 CP 70 H
SUT DP 18 40 CF 70 H
TP 41 Sweden DP 5 JO A 40 1

TP 42 DP 10 35 B 50 L
TP 61 DP 10 40 CF 70 L
All unguided torpedoes All DP 10 JO nil JO H
K2 French DP 8 50 CF 70 H

Some torpedoes can be fitted with nuclear warheads, for the effect of these see the appendix on. nuclear
weapons, Torpedoes are assumed to hit in the bound launched (although they do take some time to
the longer distances, to simulate this is over complicated and confusing; all ranges have been adjusted
to give an optimulll maximum range).

Torpedo Chart -Abbriviations
Nat The country of origin.
Mark The "name" of the torpedo.
Type DP =Dual Purpose (can be used against all tnies of target).
J;B =Anti-sub (for use against underwater targets only),
SS =Surface Ship (for use against· surface targets only),
Range This is the game range of the torpedo, not the maximum range,
Guidance The type of homin& head fitted:-
A Active homing
B Active and Passive
c ''B" with initial wire guidance
p Pre-programmed search pattern.
The basic chance of hitting a target with the torpedo.
Size The size of the warhead carried;
L = Light
H = Heavy

1orpedo Hit Modifications

1. Surlace and Submarine Targets
I f range is more than 5km. h1,1t less than lOkm. 10
I f range is more than lOkm. 20

I f range is less than 2km. (c type ·and unguided only) + 30

I f target is stationary (not to underwater targets) + 20
I f target is moving at 20 to JOkt. 15
I f target is moving at mpre than JOkt, 20
If target is larger than 20,000 tonnes + 10
If target is 1,000 to!Ules or smaller 15
I f torpedo has guidance C + 10
Add or deduct the targets noise rating (except for unguided torpedoes)
2. Submarine Targets (in addition to the modifications given above)
If the' target is using - 20
If the target is.fishtailing 15
If the target is taking evasive action - Evasive Factor
If there is a sinking ship within 2km. of the target - 10
: tf- the attacker has sonar A - 10
Tf the attacker has sonar C + 10
I f the target is fitted with sonar C - 10
I f the torpedo has guidance P + 10
If the target is shut down and stationary - 30

Torpedoes with guidance "P" are allowed three attacks : -

The first attack as Standard;
The attack as standard less 15%;
The third attack as standard less 35%.

uamage ua.esed bv Torpedoes - Hits on Surface UnitE
Light Torpedoes
Any hit on a ship of less tha.n 1,000 tonnes sinks it. For other shil>S throw .WlO:-
Dice Roll Target Size
l 1,000 to 5,500 Midshil?S forwa:rd, 1.5% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 4_50 points damage,
speed reduced by _5kt.
5, 500 to 2-0, OOO Midships forward, light damage to :-tull, 500 damage points.
20 OOO l?lus Throw to penetrate armour as a medium missilfo'. Penetrating hits cause 800
points damage and the loss of 5kt. Non penetrating hits cause 400
damage only,
2 1,000 to 5,500 Explosion underneath ship, 80% chance of sinking, otherwise ship takes 800
points damage, 2Dl0 fire- points, sonar destroyed, s-peed reduced by
5,500 to 20, OOO As above but 65% chance of sinking and 1,200-damage points.
20,000 plus Underwater explosion, ship takes 1,750 points damage, s-peed reduced by 20kt.
3 1,000 to 5,500 Engine room, severe flooding, speed reduced by ZOJ:t,, Boo -points damage,
IDlO fire points, sonar destroyed,
5,500 to 20, OOO Midships aft, 1,000 points damage, sonar destroyed, speed reduced by lOkt.
20,000 plus Midships aft, 1,000 points damage, speed reduced by 5kt.
4 1, OOO to 5,500 Midships, ship sinks.
5,500 to 20,000 Midships, ship takes 400 damage pc"nts, 10% chance of further intenlal
explosion causing a further 600 po damage and ZDlO fire, si:.oeed r€C:.uced
by 5kt.
20 OOO plus Midships, throw to -penetrate armour as missile. hits
cause 1,200 points damage, J.DlO fire -points, speed reduced by lOkt .. sonar
destroyed one ECM. and one radar point lost carriers may still operate
aircraft. Non penetrating hits cause _500 -points damage only.
5 1,000 to 5,500 Stern, steering gear jammed for five bounds, some flooding to engine room,
speed reduced by lOkt., shi;i takes 600 points damage and lDlO fire -points,
sonar destroyed and aft 1 elioopter pad unuseable.
5,500 to 20,000 As above but BOO points damage and speed reduced by _5kt.
20, OOO plus Stern, all sonar destroyed, 600 points damage, speed reduced by 5kt.
6 All Possible dud, Throw lDlO, if the score is 1, 2 or J then the torpedo is a
dud causing no damage. All other scores treat as a dice roll of 4,
7 1,000 to 5,500 Bow, 20% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 600 points damage and speed
reduced by lOkt.
5,500 to 20,000 As above but 5% chance of sinking, BOO points dar.age, speed reduced by _5kt-
20,000 plus Bow, 1,200 points damage, speed reduced by .5kt.
8 1, OOO to 5, 500 Midships forward, 25% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 600 points
IDlO fire points and 10% off all firing factors.
5,500 to 20,000 Midships forward, l, Boo points damage, 2Dl0 fire points, one ECM point and
all sonar lost, speed reduced by 5kt.
20, 000 1?1Us Midships forward, 2 OOO points damage only.
9 1,000 to 5,500 Midships aft, 15% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 250 -points damage,
speed reduced by lOkt,, sonar destroyed, helicopter pad unuseable.
5,500 plus Midships aft, Boo points damage, speed reduced by _5kt.
10 1, OOO to 5, 500 Midships, JO% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 200 points damage, 2Dl0
fire points, 10% off all firing, speed reduced by lOkt., one point off
ECM, radar and sonar,
5,500 to 20, OOO Midships, Boo points damage, 1010 fire points, 10% off all firing, speed
reduced by 5kt.
20, OOO plus Midships, throw to penetrate armour as if a mediwn missile, Penetrating
hits cause 1,200 points damage, 2Dl0 fire points, speed reduced by 5kt,,
10% off all firing, sonar destroyed, aircraft may still operate if carrier.
Non l?E!netration hits cause 2.50 points damage only,

. .
Heavy Toreedoes
Any hit on a ship of less than 1,000 tonnes sinks it. For other ships roll lDlO:-
Dice Roll Target
1 1, OOO to 5, 500. Midships forward, 50% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 800 points
damage, speed reduced by lOlrl., lo% off all firing.
5,500 _to 20,000 Midships forward, 5% cha.nee.of ship sinking, 1,000 points
damage, lDlO fire points, speed reduced by 5kt.
20,000 plus Throw to penetrate armour as a heavy missile. Penetrating hits cause
1,600 points damage and the loss of 5kt. ;Non penetrating hits cause
Boo points damage only.
2 1,000 t6 20,000 Midships, proximity explosion breaks back of ship, which sinks.
20,000 plus Underwater explosion, ship takes 3,000 points damage, 3Dl0 fire
points, 2($ off all firing, speed reduced by l5kt., aircraft may
not be landed if carrier.
J 1,000 to 5,500 F.ngine room, heavy flooding, ship slows to de<¥]. stop, no r:e:i;:airs
possible; 1,000 points damage, sonar destroyed.
5,500 to 20,000 Midships aft, 1,200 points damage, speed reduced by 1_5k.t,
20,000 plus .Midships aft,_ 1,500 points damage, speed reduced by lOkt.
1,000 to 5,500 Midships, ship sinks,
5,500 to 20,000 Midships, 1,000 points damage, speed reduced by lOkt., all
reduced by 2o%, all sonar destroyed, one ECM and one radar point
lost, 5C/fo chance of a further explosion causing a further 500 points
damage and 2010 fire points,
20, OOO plus Throw to penetrate as i f a heavy missile. Non penetrating cause
1,000 pointa damage and reduce apeed by 5kt. Penetrating hits cause
2,000 points damage, 3Dl0 fire points, 10% off all firing, speed
reduced by 15kt., sonar destroyed, one ECM and one radar point
aircraft can no longer land if carrier.
5 1,000 to 5,500 Stern, ship sinks.
5,500 to 20,ooo Stern, speed reduced by 15kt., rudder jammed, 1,500 points damage,
JDlO fire points, sonar and all stern weapons destroyed,
20, OOO -plus Stern, 2,000 points damage, sonar destroyed, speed reduced by lOkt,
6 All Possible dud, throw lDlO, if the score is 1 or 2 the torpedo is a
dud and causes no damage, Otherwise treat as a dice roll of 4,
7 1,000 to 5,500 Bow, 60% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 800 points damage,
and all forward weapons destroyed, speed reduced by 15kt,
5,500 to 20,0ciO Bow, 10% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 1,200 points damage, sonar
destroyed, one ECM point lost, all firing reduced by 1($, speed
reduced by 15kt.
20,000 plus Bow, 2,000 points damage, speed reduced by 5kt.
8 1,000 to 5,500 Midships forward, 85% chance of ship sinking, otherwise all midships
weapons destroyed, 20% off all firing, 1, OOO points damage and 2Dl0
fire points, speed reduced by lOkt.
5,500 to 20,000 Midships forward, 15% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 1,.200 points
damage, speed reduced by l5kt., all firing reiuced by 10%, all sonar
destroyed and one ECM point lost.
20, OOO plus Midships forward, 2,000 points damage, speed reduced by 5kt.
9 1,000 to 5,500 Midships aft, 20% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 400 points damage,
speed reduced by 15kt.
5,500 to 20,000 Midships aft, 1,000 points damage, speed reduced by lOkt.
20,000 plus Midships aft, 1,200 points damage, speed reduced by 5kt, unable to
land aircraft if carrier,
10 l,000 to 5,500 Midships, 70% chance of ship sinking, otherwise 10% off all firing,
1,000 points damage, 2.DlO fire points, all search radars destroyed,
speed reduced by lOkt.
5,500 to 20,000 Midships, 1,500 points damage, 2Dl0 fire points, lo% off all firing,
speed reduced by lOkt.
20, OOO plus Throw to penetrate armour as if heavy missile. Penetrating hits cause
2, OOO points damage, JDlO fire points, speed by lOkt., 10%
off all firing, all sonar destroyed, one ECM point lost, no aircraft
·can take off or land i f carrier, Non penetration hits cause 4oo pointE
damage only.
Torpedo Hits on Submarines
Small Torpedoes
Tlirow lDlO, _class surface subs as surface ships between 1,000 and 5,500 to!Ules.
Dioe Roll
l - 5 Submarine sunk.
6 - 9 Very severe damage, no further combat -possible, .sub may not dive, and must surface
within five bounds, otherwise it sinks.
10 Severe damage to sensors, all sonars destroyed. periscope gone, all weapons firing systet
fused, no firing possible, although there is little damage to the structure of the bOat.
Heavy Torpedoes
Surfaced submarines all sink, throw lDlO for submerged subs:-
Dice Roll
l - 8 Submarine sunk,
9 - 10 Very severe damage, no fllrther combat possible, sub may not dive, and must surface
within five bounds, otherwise it sinks.

Ramming Submarines
Any ship of 2,000 tonnes or more (except hovercraft, hydrofoils and surface effect craft) may ram
-provided their is over lOkt, A ramming occurs when a surface ship conies into base to base contact
with a submarine which is at periscope depth or on the surface, Submarines taking evasive action cannot
rammed, Any submarine which is rammed will sink, however the ramming shi-p will sustain some damage.
Damage to Ramming Ship - throw J,DlO
Dice Roll Ramming Sti!P.
l - 2 2,000 to 5,500 Light bow damage. controllable flooding, speed reduced by
l - 3 5,500 to 20, OOO 5kt., 1Dl0 x·ramming speed damage points,
l - 4 20, OOO plus

3 - 4 2,000 to 5,500 Some structural damage, controllable flooding, speed

4 - 5 5,500 to 20,000 reduced by lOkt., 2010 x ramming speed damage points,
5 - 10 20,000 plus one sonar point lost,

5 2,000 to 5,500 Heavy damage but controllable flooding, speed reduced by

6 - 10 5,500 to 20,000 lOkt., 2Dl0 x ramming speed damage points, lDlO fire
points, all sonar capability destroyed.

6 - 10 2,000 to 5,500 Heavy damage, severe flooding, speed reduced by 20kt.,

forward weapons out of action for 5 bollnds, all sonars·
destroyed JDlO x ramming speed· damage points and 2Dl0
fire points.


Ship ·na.ta. Tables
The following tables give the basic infoma.tion required to use the rules. '!hey do not give armament
details of individual shipa, as with constant refits these details can literally change daily.

Disp The full load wartime dis.placement.
DL If the ship is fitted with DATA LlNKi N = no, Y = yes,
ECM The Electronic Counter Measure capability of the ship.
Sonar The underwater detection capability of the ship.

Noise The amount of sound generated by the ship. when moving. The louder the ship is the
easier it is to detect.
Ghaff The number of protective screens that can be used in the course of a game, (The US
has also developed CHAFROO, a missile which can be launched from a Mk.. 26 launcher
or from vertical launch banks. Up to six may be carried by Virginia, Califomia and
Spruance class shipa and used in place of offensive or defensive missiles.) '
Speed/Eng The speed of the ship in knots and the type of engines carried, N = Nuclear, GT =
Gas Turbines, S = steam, D = Diesel. There may be more than one type of engine on
a ship.
R&lar The surface to surface and surface to air detection oap9.bility of the ship.

Where a figure is given as B81C this means that until its 1981 refit' the ship would be :rated as B,
after 1981 it becomes C class.

Older Ships· and Obsolete Units

WWII shi'P8 in service until the mid. 1960's should .be rated as: - DL - N, ECM - nil, Sonar - A, Noise -
+ 10, Chaff - nil, Radar - A. Af'ter say 196., theY may be refitted to ECM - A, Sonar °' B, Chaff - 2,
Radar - B, with the exception of Battleships which would not have sonar.

Nimitz 96,350 y c + 10 4 35/N c
Imp. Nimitz 96,850 y c + 10 4 35/N D

lJ:nte:cprise 91,000 y c + 10 4 JJ/N C82D

Kittyhawk 80,300 y B + 10 2 JJ/S c
J. F. Kennedy 82,560 y B + 10 2 32/S c
Forrestal 79,500 y B + 10 2 JJ/S c
Midway 64,0.oo y B + 10 2 JJ/S B

Oriska.ny 41,000 N A + 10 32/S B

41,000 N + 32/S A
New JerSey 57,550 N83Y A83C -8JB + 10 JJ/S A8JC
Virginia l0,4oo y c c + 10 6 35/N c
California l0,4oO y c B + 10 6 35/N c
Truxton 8,600 y B A + 10 4 32/N B

8,600 y B A + 10 4 32/N B

Long Beach 17,500 y B A + 10 4 35/N B

DDG-47 8,900 y c c - 10 6 32/GT D

Belknap 8,250 y B B 0 4 34/s B

Leahy 8,200 y A A 0 4 34/S B

Albany 19,500 y B B + 10 4 32/S B

Des Moines 21,470 N A + 10 2 32/S A

Baltimore 17, 200 N A + 10 JJ/S A

Galveston 14,600 N A + 10 32/S A

Kidd 8,14o y B B - 10 4 32/GT c

Spruance 7,810 y B81C B - 10 6 32/GT 0820

C. F. Adams 4,600 N B B 0 4 32/S B


Forest Sherman 4,200 N A A 0 2 33/s A

Gearing FRAM 3,500 N A A 0 . 30/S A

D. H. Perry J,6oo N81Y B81C c - 10 6 28/GT c

!!§. (continued)
Brooke/Garcia 3,425 N A A 0 2 28/s B
Knox 4,200 N A A - 10 2 28/s B

Tarawa 39,300 y B 0 6 24/s B

Iwo 18,JOO N A 0 2 23/S A

Virginia II y c c + 10 6 32/N D

Ticondaroga 9,100 y c c - 10 6 31/GT D

Ark Royal 50,780 y B + 10 3 32/S c
Invincible 19,500 y c c 0 3 28/GT c
Hermes 28, 700 y B + 10 3 28/s B
Bulwark 27,700 N A + 10 3 28/s A
Tiger 12,000 N72Y A72B + 10 3 J2/S A72B
Type 420 4,260 y c c - 10 3 JO/GT c
Sheffield 4,100 y BBOO B - 10 3 JO/GT c
Bristol 7,100 y B B - 10 3 28/GT.S c
Connty 6,200 N76Y A76B A - 10 3 . JJ/GT,S c
Broadsword 4,400 y c c - 10 3 29/GT c
Amazon 3,250 y B B - 10 3 32/GT B
Leander (gun) 2,860 y B A 0 J JO/S B
Leander (SSM) J,200 y B A 0 3 JO/s B
I.eander (ASW) 2,960 y B B 0 3 JO/S A
Tribal 2, 700 N A A 0 3 24/s B
Rothe say 2,800 N A A 0 3 26/s A

Whitby 2,560 N A A 0 3 26/s A

Salisbury 2,400 N A 0 3 2J/s B
Leo,,.m 2,520 N A A 0 3 2J/S B
Daring J,600 N A A 0 J4/s B
Cavalier z.530 N A A 0 J J4/s B
TYJlS 24 J,100 y c c - 10 6 Jl/GT.D c
Clemenceau 27,300 y A77B B + 10 6 J2/S B

PA 75 !8,4oo y c c + 10 6 28/N c
Jeanne d 1 Axe 12,J60 N82Y A82C B + 10 6 26/s B

Colbert 11,JOO Y B + 10 J 32/S B

C-70 3,900 y c c 0 6 30/D c
Georges Leygues 4,170 N A B - 10 J JO/GT.D B
Toutville .5,800 y B B 0 J J2/S B
Su£fren 6,100 y B B 0 J J4/s B
Aconit 3,84o N A83C B8JC 0 J 27/S B

La Galissoniere 3, 740 N A B - 10 32/S B

Duperre 3, 74o N A B - 10 J J2/S A
D'Estrees J, 71+0 N A A - 10 J2/S A
Kersaint 3,850 N B B - 10 32/s A
Balny 2,2JO N A A - 10 26/s A
Crunmand.ant Riviere 2,2JO N A B 0 26/s A
L'Alsacien l, 700 N A A 0 J 27/s A
Le No:rmand 1, 700 N A A 0 27/s A
D'Estienne D'Orves l, 250 N B A 0 6 24/s B

Tromp 4,JlO y B B 0 3 28/GT c

Fries land. J,100 N A A 0 J6/s B

Kortenaer 3,750 y c c - 10 3 JO/GT c

Van S:peijk 2,84o y A78Jl A78Jl 0 J 30/S B

West German
Hamburg 4,400 N A B 0 4 J5/S B
Type 122 3,800 y c c - 10 4 30/GT.D c
Koln J,000 N A A 0 JO/GT.D A

Shirane 6,800 y c c 0 2 32/s a
Haruna 6,300 N B B + 10 32/S B

J,700 y c a - 10 4 30/GT a
Tachikaze 4,800 N B B 0 2 32/s B

Am.a-tsukaze 4,ooo N A A + 10 33/S B

Takatsuki 4,500 N81Y A81C A81B 0 2 32/S B

Yamagumo 2,700 N A B 0 27/S B

Minegumo 2, 750 N. A B 0 27/s B

Akizuki ),100 N A A + 10 32/s A

2,400 N A A 0 30/s A

:J._-,Jll:i 2,400 N A A 0 32/s A

2,4-00 N A A 0 30/s A
1,200 N C a - 10 4 28/GT B

Chikugo 1,800 N A B 0 25/D A

lGUZU 1,790 N A A 0 25/D A

Cislo 1,850 N A B 0 25/s A

Dedalo 16,420 N + 10 30/s A

PA 11 N 14,JOO N B B 0 3 26/s c
Roger _de Iauria 3,78c N A B 0 28/s B

Descubierta · 1,520 N B - 10 4 26/D B

lJ,250 y c B 0 6 29/GT c
Vitt-o:ti6:·Veneto 9,500 y B B + 10 6 JO/S c
7,300 y B B + 10 6 30/s B
0 6 34/s B
Auiiace 4,550
B 0 6 34/s B

Im-petuoso 3,810 N A76B A 0 J4/s B

Maestrale J,o4o y B a - 10 6 30/GT.D c

Iupo 2.525 N B a - 10 6 32/GT.D c
Al-pino 2, 700 N A B - 10 6 27/GT.D A

Carlo Bergamini 1,650 N A A - 10 25/s A

Kiev 44,000 y B B + 10 4 32/GT a
Kirov )Z,:J00 y c c + 10 6 32/N c
Moskva 19, ,_JC y B B + 10 4 30/s B

Kara 10,JC·O y B B 0 4 JO/GT c

Kresta II 7,rJvo y B B 0 4 )4/GT c
Kresta I 7.500 N B B 0 4 J4/s B

Kynda 5,600 N A A + 10 2 34/s B

Sver:ilov SAM 17,200 N A + 10 32/s B

sverdlov commarid 17,200 y B + 10 2 32/S B

sverdlov 17. 200 N A + 10 32/s A

Cbapaev 15,000 N A + 10 )4/S A

mod. 4.950 y B A 0 4 35/GT B

.Tu.shin 4,750 N A A 0 35/GT A

Kanin 4, 700 N A A + 10 )4/s A

Kildin mod 4,150 N A A 0 34/s A

Kildin ),950 N A A 0 34/s A

Kotlin SAM ),950 N A A + 10 2 34/s B

Kotlin 3,800 N A A + 10 )4/s A

Skory J,lJO N A A + 10 J4/s A

Krivak I I 3,600 y B B - 10 4 )4/GT B

3,600 N A B - 10 4 )4/GT B
Krivak I
Petya I mod 1,100 N A A 0 JO/GT.D A

?etya II 1,100 N A A 0 30/GT.D A

Mirka I and II 1,100 N· A A 0 30/GT.D A

fil!!! Disp §. Speed/Eng Ba.Jar
!:!§§! (continued)
Riga 1,)20 N A A 0 213/s A
Sovremenny 8,000 y c E - 10 6 J4/GT c
· Ud.a.loy 8,500 y c E - 10 4 32/GT.S c
Ka:ra II lJ,000 y c c - 10 4 J4/GT,S c
Fast Patrol Boat Table
Disp Ba.Jar Speed Nationality
I.a. Combattante I 200 A A 2J French
I.a. Combattante II J50 A A 39
la Combattante III 425 A A J6
l4J A J90 A A 32 West German
l4J 400 A A J2
148 265 A A 36
142 230 A A JB
S:inverio 65 A A 50 l'taly
Reshef 450 A A 32 Israeli
Saar III 250 A A A 4o
Saar II 250 A A 4o
Hauk 155 A A J5 Norwegian
Storm 125 A A J7
SnO"gg 140 A A J6
Tjeld 82 A 45
Hug in 150 A A A J5 Swedish
Spica II 2JO A A 4o
S:pica 2JO A 4o
Pegasus 24o A A 48 us
Nanuchka 9JO A A J4 USSR
Sarancha JOO A A 50
Matka 250 A A 40
Osa II 245 A J6
Osa I 210 A J6
Shers hen 180 A 45
Zhuk 50 A JO
Pchela Bo A D 45
Stenka 225 A b A 32
220 A D A 42
Babochka 400 A D
• 4o +
Aircraft Data Table
Aircraft Radar Types
Surface Search: - A =Early ty:pe, B =late tYJ;>e, C =Ultra Modern with ECCM.
Air Search: - A= Early type, B"' late tnie, B+ .. B with ECCM, c = T,W,S, a+= T.W.s. with ECCM
Other:- TF = Tenain Following, D = Warning Radar, IR = Infra Red, R = Rear facing illuminators.

Note - Aircraft radar range (excluding AWACS) is 1-f times the maxllnum range of the missiles carried.

MSP Maximum speed,
TN Number of 2zt turns the aircraft can make :per bound.
ALT altitude.
AS Air Search Radar.
S Sonar.
GS Surface Search Radar.
W Warning :rada.r,
ECM ·, ECM capability , WW = Wild Weasel
EV Evasive factor.
DA Damage Points.
MA Minimum Altitude - the aircraft may not fly lower than this in
:!= !!.
F-14 Tomcat "6 12 7 A D B 20 Bo 2

F-15 Eagle 6 14 7 B D B JO Bo 2
F-16 Falcon 5 16 6 A D A JO 6o 2
F-18 Hornet 5 16 6 A D A JO 6o l

F-4 Phantom 5 B 7 B D A 15 Bo 2
A-7 Corsair J 10 6 B D 15 Bo l

A-4 Skyhawk J 10 6 B 20 60 1

F-8 Crusader 4 10" 6 B A 20 60 2

A-6 Intruder 4 B 6 A B 05 Bo l
Prowler J 6 6 A A D WW 05 Bo 2
_-J Orion 2 6 5 A c A A 00 70 l

.a.-z Hawkeye 2 6 6 AWACS c B 00 60 l

P-2 Neptune 2 6 5 A B B A 00 50 1

SA-) Viking J B 6 c c B 00 60 1

F-111 6 B 7 c D B 10 BO l

11.ghtning 5 12 7 B 25 70 2
Hunter 4 12 6 B 20 60 l

Buccaneer J B 6 c A D A 20 Bo l

Sea Harrier 4 12 6 B B D A JO 70 l
Nimrod AEW J 6 6 AWACS c 00 100 2
Jaguar 4 10 6 A B D A 20 Bo l

Gannet 2 6 5 AWACS A 00 50 2
Scimi ta:t J B 5 A 15 50 2
Shackleton l 6 6 AWACS B OD 60 2
Nimrod J 6 6 B c c B 00 100 l
Mirage 2000 6 14 7 a+ A D B 25 Bo l

15 l
Mirage 5 6 12 7 A B 70
Mirage J 5 12 6 A A D 15 70 2

Mirage Fl 5 12 7 c B D A 20 70 2

Etandard J 12 6 A B D A 20 Bo l

Atlantic 2 6 6 A B B B 00 BO l

Alize 2 6 5 A A B A 00 50 2

. yssR.
MiG 21 Fishbed 6 14 7 A 25 60 2
MiG 23. Flogger A-C and E 6 12 7 B A D A 20 70 2

MiG 25 Foxbat 7 10 7 c D A 15 70 2
MiG 27 Flogger D and F 4 12 7 A B D A 20 70 l

Yak J6 Forger ) 10 6 B B D A JO 70 1

Su 19 Fencer 5 B 6 A c D B 15 Bo 1

Tu 22 Blinder 5 6 7 A B D 05 90 2
Tu 26 Backfire 5 6 7 A c D B 05 90 2
Tu 16 Badger J 6 6 A 00 70 2

Tu 95 Bear 2 6 7 A B 00 Bo 2

Tu 126 Moss 2 6 6 AWACS c 00 Bo 2

Tornado Strike 6 12 6 c D B 20 Bo 1

Tornado PJJV 6 12 7 A D B 25 Bo 1

Saab Draken 5 12 6 A D A 20 60 2
Saab Vi.ggen 5 14 7 B D B 25 Bo 1
F-lo4£ 6 12 7 B D A 25 70 1

Helicopter Data Table
Alouette III 2 4 10 30
Super Frelon 2 4 A D 10 50
Sea Cobra 2 5 15 us
UH-1 2 4 A D 15 30
Sea Knight 2 3 10 50
H-2 Seasprite 2 4 A D/S(l5) 10 20
Sikorsky Sea King 2 3 A D 05 35
Sikomky S-58 2 3 A 05 35
Sikorsky Sea Stallion 2 3 05 50
Sikorsky Sea Hawk (LAMFS III) 2 5 A D/S(25) 10 35
Westland Sea King 2 3 B D C/IR 05 UK
Westland. Wasp 2 5 JO 20
Westland Wessex 2 3 05
A 35
Westland lQ'nx 2 5 A 15
D C/IR 35
Ka:rmov Ka-25 Hormone 2 4 A D/8(12) 10 35
Mil Mi-14 Haze 2 4 A D 05 5c

Sonar D =.Dunking sonar, helicopter must hover at level 1.

S = Sonobouy, ejected from level 1. {the number in parentheses is the number of bcHJJS ·
ECM C = Chaff dispenser.
IR = Infra red flare dispenser.
Turns Helicopters may make turns of up to 180°.

Submarine Data Table
Disp Sonar Speed Nat
L' Inflexible 7,900 A c A - 10 20 SSBN French
le Redoutable 7,500 A B A 0 20 SSBN
Provence 2,400 A c A - 10 25 SSN 20
Agosta 1,500 A B A 0 20 SS 15
Daphane 870 A B 0 16 SS 10
Arethuse 550 A + 10 16 SS 10
Narval l,64o A B + 10 18 SS 10
Ty:pe 206 450 A B 0 17 SS 05 West
Ty:pe 205 370 A A A + 10 17 SS
Type 207 370 A B A + 5 17 SS 05
Resolution 7,500 A B A - 10 25 SSBN UK
Trafalgar 5,000? B c c - 20 35 SSN 20
Swiftsure 4,200 A c B - 15 JO SSN 20
Valiant 4,000 A B A - 10 25 SSN 15
Dread.nought 3,500 A B A - 10 25 SSN 15 UK
P and O Classes 2,0JO A B A - 15 17 SS 10
Savro 1,450 A B A - 10 20 SS 15 Italy
Toti 550 B 0 20 SS 10
Yushio 2,200 A c B - 10 20 SS 15 Jaµan
Uzushio 1,850 A A A - 10 20 SS 10
Oehio/Asa.shio l,650 A 5 J.8 SS 05
Walxus 2,JOO A c B - 10 20 SS 15 Netherlands
Zwaaitlvis 2,370 A A A - 5 20 SS 10
Dolfijn/Potvis 1,500 A A A + 5 17 SS 05
N.i'cken 980 A B - 10 20 SS 10 Sweden
Sj&rmen l,125 A B 0 20 SS 10
Draken 84o A + 10 20 SS 05
Noise Speed
15,750 B c B - 10 25 SSBN
Iafayette 7,250 A c A - 10 15/25 SSBN

E:than Allen 6,300 A B A - 10 15/20 SSBN

George Washington 6,020 A B A 0 15/20 SSBN
Los Angeles 6,000 B c B - 10 30 SSN 15
J,640 A B A 0 15/30 SSN 10
3,8'<-0 A B A 0 15/30 SSN 10
A B + 10 15/30 SSN 10
Skipjack 3.075
2,570 A B + 10 15/19 SSN 10
Barbel 1,750 A B - 10 15/25 SS 15
Typl'-."):>n 20,000 B c B - 10 24 SSBN USSR

15,000 B c B - 10 30 SSCN 15
Delta III 12,000? A c B 0 24 SSBN
Delta II 9. 700 A B A 0 24 SSBN

Delta I 8,100 A B A + .10 25 SSBN

7,900 A A A + 10 27 SSBN
Yankee LI
Yankee .I 7,900 A A + 15 27 SSBN
H:,tel III 4,500 A + 10 20/25 SSBN
Hotel II 4,500 A + 10 20/23 SSBN
Golf' IV 2,500 A + 15 12 SSB
Golf II 2;300 A + 15 12 SSB
· Golf I 2, 300 A + 15 12 SSB
i'apa 5,200? A B A + 5 28 SSCN 05
Charlie II 4,JOO A B A + 5 26 SSCN 05
Charlie ·r 4,ooo A A A + 10 27 SSCN 05
Echo II 4,800 A A + 10 23 SSCN 05
Juliet 2,800 A A 0 19/8 SSC 05
Whiskey Long-bin 1, 200 A A + 10 14/8 SSC 05
Victor III
4, 900
- 10
- 10 '"'

Victor II 4,500 A c A - 5 28 SSN 15

Victor I 4,JOO A B A - 5 30 SSN 15
'8cho I 4, 600 A A + 10 25/30 SSN 05
November 4,000 A B A + 15 30 SSN 10

Tango J, OOO B c A - 10 20/16 SS 10

Romeo l,JJO A A 5 16/13 SS 10
Foxtrot 1, 950 A A A - 10. 16 SS 05
Zulu IY 1, 900 A A - 5 l.B/16 SS 05
Whiskey 1,050 A 0 17/14 SS 05

Where two figures are given for speed the first is the speed dived, and the second is the speed on the
Type Abbreviat'ions:- SS= Attack Submarine, SSN =Nuclear Atta6k Submarine, SSBN =Nuclear Ballistic
Missile Submarine, SSB = Ballistic Missile Submarine, SSCN = Nuclear Cruise Missile Submarine, SSC =

Cruise Missile Submarine.

Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Several missiles are capable of being fitted with nucleax warheads, and most strike aircraft have a
nuclear capability. Nuclear explosion can be either airburst or ground burst.

All ships within lkm. of the expl?sion sink Wlless armoured on all surfaces. Ships with
superstructure armou:r cl.ass 60 against medium missiles stand a 7a%> chance of being sunk, those with
class 4o to 59 stand a 5r:J%> chance. of being those with cl.ass 20 ·to 39 stand a JO% chance of being
strnk, and those with class 00 to 19 armour stand a 10% chance of sinking. Ships survive take the
eg_uivilent of one heavy missile hit, all ECM, radars, exposed weapons, ariels etc. are destroyed,
preventing the ship froID fighting.

Frm, to )km., all ehipe •.500 tonnee eink. Other ships up to 1.5,000 tonnes take the equivilent
of a heavy miesile- hit, unless a:moured, when they take the equivilent of a medium missile hit. All ECM,
and automatic weapons syeteme are knocked out. Any aircraft on deck is destroyed, as are any
aircraft flying at up to level 4 within )Ian, of .the explosion.

Ground Burst
As airburst except that shi:J?S up to 5,000 tonnes within Jkm, have a 50% cha.nee of sinking, any sub withi.D.
jkm. sinks. Only aircraft Within 2k:m. at levels 1 and 2 are affected.

Underwater Explosions
Any sub within ,5krn. sinks!. Any surface ship under 10,000 tonnes within Jkm. sinks, others take the
equivilent of two heavy torpedo hits. All ships within 5km. take the equivilent cf one heavy torpedo

Aircraft Turn Indicator
The use of a turn indicator (c9-lled a "widget"), made of thin cardboard or thin _plywood will help to
turn aircraft through the correct angle. To use the widget place the of the model on the mark
corresponding to the distance the aircraft is to move before turning (diagram A); move the model to the
turn point, keeping the widgEit in the same place (diagram B); turn the model· until its base touches the
bead of the widget (diagram c). Repeat this procedure until the required number of turns has been
Note that each turn must finish with a minimum strait.

A B c
of Models
Thei following firms produce 1:3000 scale warships suitable for use with these rulaS:-
48 East View, 28 Brook Street,
Bamet, Wymesw9ld 1
Herta., L:iughborough,
EN.5 5TN. Leicestershire.
In addition
LoWer Balloo Road,
C:-. Down,
BT23 }Q,Z.
prcxiuce a range of 1:1250 scale aircraft which fit in well with l:JOOO scale ships.

:'lhi:o Record Ganis.
All the details required for each ship in the game.can be kept on a record card similar to the ones
illustrated belnl"', the left hq.nd side shows a typical completed card for a Soviet Kara
Class Cruiser. :that Surface to Air Missiles have a Surface to Surface cap;i.bility they are
limited to a maxinrum of six shots at'surface targets, irres-pective of how many missiles are carried,


Wea:oons Fit Missiles .Weapons Fit Missiles
A SA-N-3 twin ramp SS-N-14 SA-N-3 A
Quad SS-N-14
C Tw-ip SA-N-4
D Twin 76rnm. auto SS-N-14 SA-N-3 D
F RBU 1000 ASW
G 2 x 5, 533nun. TI' TORPEDOES G
H RBU 6000 ASW H
J J 11111111


CHAFF 1 2 3 4 ' Cl! Cl! C•!Cll! ClO!(ll! CHAFF l 2 J 4 5 6 CR CR CR CR CR CR


.ADDITIONAL DATA SHlilET - 15th. May 1982

This sheet has been produced to upiate the data tables in the :rules to cover recent events in the
South Atlantic, and to provide information requested by some of the users of the rules.

Class Speed/Eng

Fearless 12,100 N A + 10 3 21/S A

Sir Bedivere 5,700 N A 0 17/D A

Fort Grange 22, 750 N 0 20/D A

Resource 2),000 N 0 17/S A

Lyness 16,800 N 0 17/S A

Olwen 36,000 N 0 20/S A

Tide Class 27,400 N 0 18/s A

Rover Class 11,500 N 0 19/S A

Endurance J,600 y 0 15/D A

25 de Mayo 19,900 N A + 10 25/S B

General Belgrano lJ,500 N A A + 10 25/s A

Segui ),JOO N A A + 10 30/s A

Almirante StoIDi 2,850 N A A + 10 30/s A

Hercules 4,100 y B B - 10 3 JO/GT c

Comod.oro Py 3,500 N A A 0 30/s A

Minas 19,900 y A + 10 24/S B

Niteroi J,800 y A B - 10 JO/GT.D B

Melbourne 20,JOO N A + 10 23/S B

Vendetta 3,700 N A A 0 30/s B

Almirante I.a.torre 10,000 N A 0 33/s B

Almirante Williams ),JOO N A A 0 35/s B

Luta 3,950 N A A 0 32/GT B

Gordy 2,050 N A 0 38/s A

Kiang Hu 2,200 N A A 0 28/D A

Kiang Tung 2,200 N A A 0 28/D A

Kiang Nan 1,500 N A 0 28/D A

submar:ines Disp Speed

Guppy 2,)00 A + 10 18/14 SS 05

1,250 A A - 10 21 SS 10 West German
Type 209

RA-5 Vigilante 5 8 7 B B D B 10 75 us 1
A-J Skywarrior 3 8 6 A A 05 70 us 2
F7U cutlass 3 10 6 A 15 50 us 2
Skyraider 2 8 6 10 60 us 1
F9F Panther 3 10 6 A 15 50 us 2

S2F Tracker 2 8 6 A A A A 05 60 us 2

F-100. Super Sabre 4 10 6 A 15 60 us 2

Northrop F-5 A-D 4 12 6 A 15 50 us 2

F-5 E-F 4 12 6 B A D A '5 50 us 2

F-5G 4 14 6 B A D A 20 50 us 1
Be 12 (Mail) 2 6 6 A A A 00 65 USSR 1

Sea Vixen 3 8 6 A 10 60 UK 2

Sea Fury 2 12 6 20 40 UK 1

Sea Hawk 3 10 6 A 10 50 UK 2
Canberra. 3 8 6 A 10 85 UK 2

]{fir 5 14 6 A A D 15 70 Ismel 2

Devco Models ere available from;- SKYTREX LTD., 20 Brook·Street, Wymeewold, Loughborough, Leiceeterehire.


Submarines Submarines Submarines
Dlll Trafalgar {x3) 0318 Type 206 (x3)
0112 Swiftsure (x3) 0701 Typhoon (x3)
0113 Resolution (x3) Frigates 0706 Alpha (x3)
0115 Dreadnought (x3) 0707 Victor (x3)
D349 Deutschlend 0708 Yankee (x3)
0116 Oberon (x3) D367 Lutjens D709 Charlie (x3)
Aircraft Carriers D368 Hamburg 0711 Echo (x3)
0387 Bremen 0712 Hotel (x3)
0123 Invincible 0388 Koln
Di2.4 Ark Royal 0713 Juliet (x3)
0389 Thetis (x2) 0715 November ( x3)
0126 Hermes 0396 Sl48 (x2)
0127 Bul111ark 0717 Whisky (x3)

Cruisers Aircraft/Helicopter.carriers

0148 Blake Submarines 0728 Kiev

Dl49 Lion 0729 Moskve
0609 Ohio (x3)
0610 Los Angeles (x3)
· Destroyers D6ll Lafayette (x3)
0164 Manchester 0614 Sturgeon) 0740 Sovremenyi
0165 Sheffield 0741 Udeloy
0166 Bristol Aircraft Car·riers D742 Kirov
Dl67 Hampshire D743 Kera
0621 Tarawa 0744 Kreste II
Dl67aAntrim 0622 Nimitz
Dl68 Daring 0745 Kresta I
0623 Enterprise 0746 Kynde
0624 Iwo Jima 0747 Sverdlov Sam
Frigates 0625 "Kitty Hawk D748 SVerdlov
Boxer 0626
eroads111ord 0627 Midway Destroyers
(as built) 0628 Driskeny
(Ikara) 0760 Krivac II
018lb Cleopatra {Exocet} Cruisers 0761 Krivac I
Dl8lc Andromeda 0762 Kaehin
D642 Virginia D762e Keahin Mod
0182 Ashanti 0643 California
0183 Rothsay D767 Skory
0644 Albany 0769 Kotlin
0184 Whitb• 0645 Des Moines 0769e Kotlin Sam
Minehunter 0646 Galveston
0647 long Beach Frigates
0196 WiJ.ton
Auxillaries, landing Ships & Destroyers 0778 Pauk (x2)
Patrol ·VE:ssels 0781 Grish (x2)
0658 Kidd D782 Nenuchke (x2)
0189 Lyness 0659 Spruance 0785 Petya (x2)
0190 Engardine 0661 Belknap
0191 (x2) D662 Leahy Landing Ships & Auxilleriee
DlSZ. 0664 Coontz
(L.S.T.) 0665 C.F.Adems 0791 Ivan Rogov
0194 0669 Gearing FRAM! 0792 Repouche
ri195 'Dl111en 0793 Alligator
Frigates 0794 Boris Chilikin
Blue Rover
0795 Berezinia
8 L'indisfarne (xZ) 0685 O.H. Perry
·Fort Grange 0686 Knox
,'<,· Inshore Craft
0607 Brooke
0688 Garcia 0799 Dae (x3)

Submarines Lending Shipe & Auxillariee

0214 Agosta. '(x3)
D215 le Redoutable (x3) 0693 Sacramento
0217 Daphne (x3) 0694 Ne111port
0699 Pegasue {x2)
Aircraft Carriers
D248 Jeanne d'Arc CANADA
0249 Colbert Modern Fleet
Frigates 0880 Iroquois
0881 Annapolis
0262 George Leygues D882 MacKenzie
0263 De Grasse 0883 Terre Nova
0264 Dequeane 0884 St. Laurent
0285 d'Orves
0206 Cdf. Riviere
DODO Publications Rules
for Modern Naval Warfare Game Sequence

The game can be split into three phases, ( 1) Surface, ( 2) Air and ( 3) Subsurface. Each
involves a number of individual operations, the basic mechanics of which are to be found in
the main rules. The following sequence is to give a basic idea of the order of play although it
can be altered by players to suit their own games or style of play.

( 1) Surface Ships carry out surface search using visual or Radar stating if active or
Ships then communicate with other ships or aircraft.
Ships then fire guns at targets located .
Fire SSM - throw to penetrate Chaff screen (if any) - determ ine missile
Targets fire anti-SSM or guns at incoming missiles.
Surviving missiles ' throw' to hit - determine results.
Ships launch torpedoes against surface targets.

(2) Air Surface unit attempt to locate hostile aircraft.

Ships fire SAM or guns at aircraft, aircraft can take evasive or launch Chaff.
Aircraft attempt to locate ships and fire ASM, drop bombs or fire cannon,
etc. ·

Note: As some SAM systems have ranges in excess of 1OOKm ship can attempt to locate air
targets 'off table' and engage with long range systems, the same applies to aircraft that carry
long range ASM, these can attempt to locate ships at long range and fire their missiles from
outside the range of defending SAM's.
Air to Air, this can take place at any stage of the game as most air combats
take place outside SAM range.
AEW aircraft attempt to locate attacking aircraft and direct fighters into an
intercept position.
Fighters attempt to locate target then fire long, medium then short range
missiles and guns at targets. Targets may take evasive of drop Chaff, etc.,
or use their own weapons against the fighters.
Air to Subsurface, ASW aircraft can attempt to locate submarines by MAD,
AID or drop sonobuoys, if a target is located weapons may be dropped .
Subs at periscope depth may attempt to locate aircraft and fire SLAM (if

(3) Subsurface Surface units attempt to locate sub by sonar - state active or passive.
If active sub may take evasive or fire decoy.
If ship locates target then weapons may be fired if within range. Weapons
can also be fired if a helicopter or aircraft has located a sub and is in
contact with firing ship.
The sub attempts to locate the ship, the sub then fires torpedoes or missiles.
If the target is another sub then this may take defensive action or fire decoy.
Note: Aircraft can provide targetting information for subs, they can direct
sub launched missiles onto surface targets.

When all the searching and firing is complete the bound is over, all pieces may now move.
Damage control, putting out fires, etc., can take place as required, don't forget that all firing
is simultaneous and that all damage is cumulative and must be recorded.
Additional Weapon Systems:-

Sovi et SA-N-7
New missile fitted to Sovremmeny class.
Surface to Air: HB=1-7, T=SA, BHP%=85, R=30.
Surface to Surface: R=30, G=SA, T=L, S=M, BHP%=65'.
Against surface skimming missiles and others +5%.

Soviet SA-N-8?
Provisional designation for Seawolf type missile carried aboard Uda loy.
HB= 1-3, T=SA, BHP%=85, R=8.
Against surface skimming missiles etc. +20%.

Soviet SS-N-22
Provisional designation for improved SS-N-9, carried on Sovremmeny.
R=300, G=A/IR/J, T=SS, S=M, BHP%=85'.

Chinese CSS-N-2
Improved version of Soviet SS-N-2.
R=40, G= A/IR, T=L, S=M, BHP%=65 .

American Thor
Project only - idea is for long range missile directed onto target by E-2 and F- 14 Aircraft,
by present standards missile will be very large.
Thor, HB=2-7, T=SA/A, BHP%=75, R=S00-1000 Km.

Notes: Spanish Meroka system and Swiss Seaguard are classed as 20mm C.l.W.S.
If you have any questions, suggestions or information relative to the rules please write to:

Copyright DODO Publications March 1982
If you have any queries, or would like a
copy of our latest list, send a stamped addressed envelope
to DODO PUBLICATIONS, 82 Westbourne Road ,
Sheffield S10 2QT

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