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What is “Space Planning”?

Space planning is a fundamental element of the interior design process. It starts with

an in-depth analysis of how the space is to be used. The designer then draws up a
plan that defines the zones of the space and the activities that will take place in
those zones. The space plan will also define the circulation patterns that show
how people will move through the space.  The plan is finished by adding details of
all the furniture, equipment and hardware placement.

The space planning process begins when a person, or a group of people, decides to put a building,
or a portion of a building, to a new and practical use, running the gamut from small residential or
work spaces to vast, complex business and institutional facilities. Except in the simplest space, such
as a small apartment or office, making efficient and functionally satisfying use of space is a complex
task that is far beyond the capabilities of most building users; this is when and why the space
planning specialist, interior designer, or architect, is called in to solve the problem

Space planners are presented with their task in a great variety of ways. Most users or clients are
inexperienced in working with planning professionals and present their space planning problems
without significantly prepared data. It is not uncommon for a business owner or manager to come to
an interior designer and say, in effect, “Our staff has grown by 60 percent over the past few years,
and we are still growing at a very fast rate. Our space is terribly overcrowded; what should we do?”
In cases of this kind, the designer must begin with the basic tasks of charting organizational
structure; identifying personnel, their tasks, and necessary equipment; analyzing the operational
process; and gaining an understanding of the human and cultural qualities of the organization. In
effect, the planning professional must take full responsibility for organizing, analyzing, and
interpreting the problem at hand.

The Synthesis Gap
Among professionals working in the field, a
generally accepted process or sequence of
tasks occurs from the point at which the
planner begins to work on a project to the
point at which project analysis is complete
and the physical planning process begins.
Despite many variations in technique or
terminology that planners may apply, the
basic process of creating a design program
consists of the following steps, presented
here in an extremely abbreviated form:

1. Interview b. Gather case study information on

a. Executive level (organizational similar facilities
overview) c. Integrate researched data with first-
b. Managerial level (departmental
function) phase program
c. Operational level (process and
6. Analyze the data
equipment detail) a. Discover planning affinities (working
interrelationships, public/private
2. Observe (existing or similar facilities) zoning, special acoustic needs, etc.)
a. Assisted observation b. Discover scheduling affinities
b. Unobtrusive observation (maximize use of space)
c. Inventory of existing furniture and c. Identify planning or architectural
relationships (site, structural,
equipment (when it is to be reused) mechanical, and electrical conditions)

3. Establish architectural parameters 7. Interpret and diagram the data (the complete
a. Acquire complete base plan data program)
(including mechanical and electrical a. Define the functional problems in
services) planning terms
b. Compile contextual data b. Establish a basic conceptual
(architectural, historical, social) approach (in terms of human/social
c. Research code constraints and image/esthetic objectives)
c. Prepare relationship or adjacency
4. Organize collected data (the first-phase
program) diagrams (for client and designer
a. Place data in sequential format most
useful for planning visualization)
b. Summarize confirmed quantitative
factors (square footage, FF+E count, 8. 8. Summarize the data (the finished
equipment sizes, etc.) document)
c. Record first thoughts on conceptual a. Finalize project concepts — STATE
planning approach b. Outline and tally basic budget issues
c. Prepare a package for client approval
5. Research the unknowns and to serve as the designer’s manual
a. Gather detailed information on for space planning
process and equipment
13 Points to consider when deciding how to layout your room

 Think about the structure of the room, what are the main focal points? These could be
windows, fireplaces, doors or built in units.  Are they balanced in the room?  If not, think
about what you can add to the space to help balance the structure of the space. Remember
that the human eye is drawn to focal points, and will scan a space when entering it.
 Perception of space is based on body size. Different size spaces suit different size people:
one person’s claustrophobic box is another’s cosy nest.
 Think about the space in terms of volume, eg: if it were a fish bowl, if you add in a sofa,
chandelier, sculptures, bookshelves, table, coffee table etc, you displace some of the water.
Ensure that you don’t overfill the space.
 Aim to create both a prospect and a refuge in each room so you can feel enclosed, but also
have a view beyond to the outside or natural world. Using Prospect and Refuge theory in a
space can make it more comfortable for the human experience. “We prefer a shelter (refuge)
with a view (prospect), because humans have their field of vision to the front (prospect),
therefore needing some sort of protection from behind (refuge).”
 Plan your furniture with a scale drawing of your room or cut paper shapes to size and place
them in the room to work out the best possible arrangement of furniture and accessories.
 Ensure that the circulation passageway through a room follows an easy and economic
pathway from the door to all the other main activity areas.
 Clutter closes down space, so edit your clutter to avoid blocking both circulation and
reducing the perceived size of a room.
 In large or long spaces, subdivide different activity zones to give definition to each part of the
 When planning decoration and lighting, work with the principles that vertical lines draw our
eyes up and horizontal lines draw them across to extend or reduce the proportions of a
 Wallpaper with a square grid or tiling a room in squares will give the impression that it is
bigger than it is – the smaller the grid, the larger the room appears.
 Borrow space from outside by ensuring an uninterrupted view of the outside world. You can
also ‘borrow’ space from adjoining rooms by using the same flooring materials.
 When furnishing small rooms, blur the edges of the room to break up the lines between floor
and walls; draw furniture a little way away from the walls; buy furniture in proportion to the
room; choose furniture with legs to give the illusion of more space.
 Disguise oversized sofas by breaking up their upholstered surface with a different coloured
or textured runner or folded throw.
What is a Baranggay Hall?
A barangay hall is the seat of local government for the barangay, the lowest elected administrative
division of the Philippines, below that of a Philippine city or Philippine municipality. The barangay
captain, the head of the barangay government, will often hold office there. The elected barangay
council, the Sangguniang Barangay, will also hold its meetings there.

The barangay hall also serves as a local community center often providing space for both permanent
and temporary services and events. The barangay's day care center and office space for the tanods
and the barangay health workers are often located there. Medical missions, religious services,
fiestas, and sports contests are often held at or next to the barangay hall.

Like many recent government buildings in the Philippines they usually have concrete block walls,
galvanized iron roofs, and tiled floors.


A barangay building is built to shelter the office of the barangay chairman and council. This serves
as the main building in the local barangay where people usually go to consult the chairman for their
problems and concerns. This also houses all the permits, agreements or other paper works related
to the affairs of the barangay. This can also be the center for livelihood, recreations or other

Barangay Hall in Balangkas, Valenzuela City

Barangay Hall, Barangay Look 1st, Malolos City Bulacan.

Maybo Barangay Hall in Boac, Marinduque

Sulop Barangay Hall


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