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Describing pictures




1. See the two pictures and make a description of them.

2. Use the following expression
 I can see
 There is / are a)
 On the left
 On the right
 In the foreground
 In the middle
 In the background

In the foreground, there are two people. there is a boy and there is a girl. The girl is smiling and the boy is
looking at her. They are probably a boyfriend and girfriendl. They are climbing the mountain. They
wearing casual clothes.

In the middle, I can see three people. There are two girls and one boy. They are Friends. They are

Talking to each other. They are standing up.

In the background , i see a nice dry mountain. It is really big.


In the foreground , I can see a five people. On the right i see a woman and man. she is beautiful woman,
thin and she is walking. She is wearing a white dress, heels and a parasol. The man is looking the mobile
phone. He is wearing a blue shirt, a light blue shor and beach sandals.

In the middle, I can se a woman, she is walking. She is wearing a dress yellow and heels.

On the left, I can see a woman and man. The woman is talking on the phone and is carrying a suitcase.
She wears a black polo shirt and white pants. the man is walking and listening to music with his
headphones. He is wearing a white shirt and black pants.

in the background I can see many palm trees and very tall buildings.

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