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Describe a photo

Medium level

1. This photo shows two young girls who are smiling to each other while one of them is taking
a picture of the other. In the background there is green field.
2. This photo shows an empty urban landscape. There are some dirty buildings covered in
graffiti. In the background is easily seen skyscrapers.
3. This photo shows a white middle-sized airplane on an airport. Next to it there is a red car
and some white vehicles which are preparing the next take off.
4. This photo shows a young blond girl who is holding an old record. She is wearing a colourful
t-shirt and a denim overall. In the background there are some music records.
5. This photo shows a modern highway which is surrounded by a leafy forest. This road leads to
a modern big city as it is seen numerous skyscrapers in the middle of the picture.
6. This photo shows a small village located in a greenfield. The buildings are probably made of
wood. In the background, there is a mountain which is covered by some snow.

Hard level

1. This photo shows a summer landscape. There are two chairs which are made of wood next
to an umbrella. In the background, there is a sky-blue sea. On the top of the photo there are
palm leave.
2. This photo shows a mountain landscape. There are some tents, which are surrounded by big
trees, and people walking and talking to each other. In the background, there is a sunrise
that illuminates the landscape
3. This photo shows a modern coastal city. There are some people who are playing with each
other next to a sky-blue sea. On the right, there are some enormous buildings.
4. This photo shows an old and young guy, who are wearing casual clothes, playing chess on a
brown bench. In the background, there are some trees. It might be the forest.
5. This photo shows a night carnival where there are impressive mechanical games. Youngsters
are waiting to participate in one of them.
6. This photo shows a young man, who is wearing dark clothes, riding a bicycle in a modern big
city. In the background there are some modern buildings and a lot of people walking on the

Read, then Write


More people now have children later in life. What are some of the reasons for this phenomenon?

There are some reasons to postpone a baby arrival. First of all, when someone decide to raise a kid,
it is necessary to take into account that his or her needs have to be satisfied. In fact, some couples
do not decide to increase the family earlier in order to bring newborns a better life. In fact, older
couples perceive higher incomes which enable them to pay for a better educational or health
service. Secondly, some people do not decide to have babies until they are mature enough. To
conclude, the main two reasons to postpone the arrival of a newborn is bringing a better life and
being mature.
In your country, is it important to have a meal together with your family. What are some of the
eating customs?

In Peru, one of the most widespread and important family traditions is eating together in a particular
day of the week. Since ancient times, peruvian families schedule a specific day to have a meal
together. This celebration is accompanied by traditional coast and Andean music. Obviously,
different typical dishes of every peruvian region are served. When the meal is over, it is mandatory
to have a small football match between different family members to kill the time before leaving.
Finally, everyone has to prepare a brief but emotional note and give to one member of the family.

Describe something healthy that you enjoy doing. What is it? Why do you enjoy it?

I am the type of person that loves being healthy. For me, the best way to obtain that is doing
kickboxing. Kickboxing is a combat sport and martial art that uses the fists and legs to hit. I love this
sport because I was able to improve my physical condition and my fighting skills. Additionally, it
makes me feel stronger and I have noticed a change in my cardiovascular condition. When I decide
to enter in a kickboxing gym, I did not imagine my life would change drastically.


Do you think video games and action films promote violence that could be dangerous to teenagers?
Why or why not?

In my humble opinion, audiovisual material with violent content could be dangerous to teenagers.
Firstly, youngsters tend to replicate what they see and heard on media. For example, advertising,
which only lasts seconds, create a desire on kids to wear or play with something. This effect is
magnified with videogames and actions films that have a long duration. Secondly, some games and
shows exhibit explicit violence that could make children develop a mental illness because of a
possible trauma that is acquired by seeing this kind of material. As it is shown in this paragraph,
video games and actions films might have a detrimental effect on teenagers.

Some people give praise to famous scientist and mathematicians. Others think more highly of literary
authors and artist. Which group of professionals do you regard more highly and why?

In my humble opinion, I think that both groups need to be recognized equally. On one hand,
scientists have a strong impact in the development of the humanity. In fact, if science had not
existed, all these equations and theories would not have taken part in the creations of items and
objects that are used daily. On the other hand, art is so much important as it is what make us
humans. For example, authors express their emotions and feelings in a way that makes us empathize
with them. In their work we can recognize our souls. To conclude, I think both groups deserve praise.

Men and women can never share the same responsibilities at home. Do you agree or disagree? Use
specific reasons and details to support your answer.

I do not agree with that statement. In my humble opinion, both genders must share the same
responsibilities at home. Firstly, men and women are equal so there is no reason to allocate some
responsibilities only for women or men because of their gender. Personally, I consider that
responsibilities must be decided by consensus. Secondly, as the house chores are very demanding it
is necessary to have most people involve in that activity regardless of their sex. To conclude, men
and women should take care of the home equally.

Describe the photo

1. In this picture, a group of three doctors are performing a surgery. Everyone is wearing mask,
glasses and are paying attention to the patient. Additionally, they are surrounded by modern
medical equipment.
2. This photo shows a young man, who is wearing winter clothes, snowboarding in a snow
landscape.. He is doing an impressive technique that makes him flies through the air.
3. This photo shows a man, who is wearing a grey hoodie and black backpack, hitchhiking. He is
on a quiet road that is surrounded by plenty of trees.


Describe the photo: Hard

1. This is a photo of an empty modern wagon of a train. On each side, there are numerous
blue seats and advertisements on the walls.
2. This is a picture of a principal road in a modern city where there are numerous vehicles.
On each side of the road, there are flags of Mexico and Great Britain. In the background,
there is a well-designed political building.
3. This photo shows a young man, who is wearing dark clothes, playing the piano. He is in a
crowded road as there are many people passing by. In the background, there are
multiple leafy trees.

Describe the photo: Medium

1. This is a picture of a modern kitchen where there are two young chefs. One of them is
preparing a meal while the guy who is in back is washing the dishes. Next to each one,
there are cooking equipment.
2. This is a photo of an amusement park that takes place at night. There are a large group
of young people waiting for their turn to use the modern mechanical games.
3. This a picture of teenagers who are talking and sharing experiences between each other.
This group is surrounded by numerous leafy trees. In the middle, there is a middle-sized
bonfire. Behind the group, there are some blue tents.

Read and write: Medium

1. Both alternatives are quite exacting but If I had to choose one of them, I would prefer
travel in my home country. Firstly, this activity will enable me increasing my knowledge
about the culture and customs of other places that I have never been into but are part of
my nation. Secondly, doing this activity could contribute in the development of the local
economy, which could reduce the poverty For example, in Peru there are plenty of
tourist attractions that coexist with poor communities. Tourism could change the
situation of the habitants by increasing the economic activity. To conclude, for the
reasons exposed above, I would prefer doing tourism in my own country
2. Today, the economy brings us the possibility of choosing a product regardless of its
origin. Specifically, the purchase of local products has several benefits for the society.
Firstly, the acquisition of this type of products could incentive the reduction of the
unemployment rate. For example, when there is an increase in the demand, industry
owners start hiring people in a higher proportion. Secondly, this last situation is
accompanied by an increase in salaries which could turn into a poverty reduction as
more people is earning more money. To conclude, as it is exposed above, buying local
products has benefits.

Read and write: Hard

1. In my humble opinion, I do not agree that advantages outweigh disadvantages of moving

business to the countryside. Although, this situation will increase the prosperity of the area,
the relocation of business has some problems. First, a proliferation of traffic, noise and
pollution could occur as more people are going to transport to rural areas. Secondly, it is
possible that business could disturb the quite life of the habitants as business workers have
a fast paced lifestyle than rural habitants. To conclude, for the reasons exposed above, I
considerer that there are more disadvantages relocation of business in rural areas.
2. In my humble opinion, the use of animals is permissible to satisfy basic needs. First, it is a
requirement to eat balance food to survive. Although, vegetables are a great source of
nutrients there is a lack of some vitamins that are only obtained in animals such as cows and
fishes. Secondly, the test of medicine and vaccine to faces illnesses is dangerous. In that
context, to prevent humans to be harmed is a requirement to exploit animals. To conclude,
for the reasons exposed above, humans must use animals for survival needs.

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