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Growth Hacking - Definitive Guide for Facebook Group Admins · Leadsbait

I’m Karan, and I’ve been writing about digital marketing
since the days of word spinning to rank websites.
Content creation has come a long way since then.
The advent of social media has put the focus on
quality content to draw leads for brands. I’m currently
working for LeadsBait as a copywriter. I specialize on
topics related to brand marketing using social media

At LeadsBait we help businesses succeed with

Facebook Groups by creating education content like
eBooks, videos, and podcasts to our target audience.
We have considerable expertise with community
building for brands by leveraging the power of
Facebook groups.

Recently we have released a free chrome extension that

is able to generate qualified leads from your Facebook
Group by exporting the answer given by your Facebook
Group members to the Google Sheet of your choice.

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Table of Content
• Why Opt for Facebook? 04
• Using Facebook Groups 06
• Creating Your Facebook Group 07
• Privacy Settings For Your Group 11
• Benefits of A Facebook Group 22
• Facebook Groups For Growth 24

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Growth Hacking - Definitive

Guide for Facebook Group
You’re here because you want to learn more about using
Facebook groups to improve your branding efforts. This
eBook will take you through everything you need to know
about Facebook Groups.
Let’s get started!

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Why Choose Facebook?

Facebook is one of the largest used social media plat-

forms of our time. It is a potent marketing tool which ev-
ery marketer uses to leverage their brand identity. This is
because Facebook has several tools which are aimed at
increasing your audience as well as their engagement.

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Benefits Of Facebook Over

Other Social Media Platforms

1 Number of Users

With 2.6 billion monthly active users,

Facebook reaches 35% of all people on the

Mobile Trends 2
The Facebook app is the most popular app
installed on mobiles. The app alone has 1.2
billion users every month.

3 Engagement Rate

With an average engagement rate of 28.3%

globally, the social media platform has
always attracted people.

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Facebook Groups For


One such powerful tool in Facebook’s arsenal for

marketers is Facebook Groups. As a marketer for a brand,
it is imperative that you utilize the power of Facebook
groups. The newest iteration of Groups is significantly
more powerful and feature-rich when compared to the
earlier versions.

It is now a place where a lot of conversations about

brands take place and where members can get answers
quickly about any specifics from the brands themselves.
That said, let’s get you started with Facebook Groups!

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Creating Your Own

Facebook Group
Facebook has always been intuitive, and Groups creation
has been simplified. You should also note that the layout
has been updated. So instead of a menu on the left side
of the browser, you have a button with a + symbol on the
right from which you can create anything from posts to

1 Click on the + sign and you’ll be taken to

the group creation menu.

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Type in the group name you have in mind.

Next, you need to choose the group’s
privacy setting. This will be explained in a
2 bit more detail below. And finally, choose
friends you want to include. Here, you can
also add in emails and the invite will be
sent to their mailboxes.

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Once you’re done with the initial creation, this is what your group will look like.

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You need to add in several details like the about section

so people will have a clear idea of what to expect when
they join or are invited to the group. Here’s an example of
what the group will look like once it is all decked out.

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Facebook Group Privacy

A group has 2 privacy settings, public and private. Like
their namesakes, public groups can be accessed and
searched for by anyone, while private groups have a few
more restrictions.

Here’s a simplified version for easy reference.

Furthermore, when it comes to private groups, there is

also a visibility setting so mods have additional control
over their groups. Admins can set their private groups to
be either visible or hidden.

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While visible is the default setting, when you set it to

hidden, the group is not shown on searches. It should
be noted that even content in private groups are subject
to Facebook guidelines and reviews. This is to maintain
security and prevent misuse of data.

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Setting Up Your Facebook

Now that you’ve created a Facebook group, you need to
spruce it up so it will get more attention from people.

Getting Started With Your Group

Here, we are going to highlight a few things that you need
to look at when it comes to group creation.

Group Description
A group description is important to humans as well as
search engines. It is important to let people know through
the description what the group is about. Settle on a group
description that is clear and don’t change it very often

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Setting down rules is very important for a group as it
can prevent conflicts and settle disputes later on. This
also lets members know what can be posted and what is

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Cover Photo
A cover photo is strongly related to your group’s image
and it should have elements that people associate with
your niche. If you already have an audience, here is where
you can run a contest for user-generated content.

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Welcome Post
A post that welcomes new members to the group would
be a good addition. This can be in the form of text,
image, or video, but it is important to be relevant to your
audience. This post sets the tone for future posts, so
double check just to make sure.

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Growing Your Group

As a group admin, all of us want a big thriving community
full of conversations and ideas. We need to focus on what
you need to do to get more people interested in your

Using Facebook Tools

As a Facebook group admin, you are given several tools
which when used creatively can get you more members.
Let’s take a look at how you can use them.

Tags And Keywords

Facebook‘s search algorithm picks out appropriate
keywords and phrases out of the group’s description so
people can find relevant groups quicker. Admins need
to make sure that a group’s subject matter has popular
words associated with their niche. Group tags as well as
location tags can make it easier for people to find groups.

Facebook Pages
Using Facebook pages to promote groups is a method
that has worked really well, especially if you have a
private group. Facebook pages can be used to vet
members before they are invited to your group.

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Getting Organic Growth

A very effective method for growing your group is to
encourage the members towards being a community.
Members who are happy with the group will share it with
their friends and family, which will net you even more
Creating a positive impact with your members goes a
long way to achieving word-of-mouth growth, which is
crucial to bigger group numbers. Your group members are
very powerful allies when it comes to promotion.

Cross Promote Your Group

When promoting your group, the idea is to get it out on as
many channels as you can. These are a few effective ways
you can accomplish cross promotion for your Facebook

Connect To Your Community

Every group is a part of the bigger ecosystem, so you
could get in touch with other people from related groups
and establish a network. Reaching out to influential
people in your niche and collaborating with them is a
good method to get a sizable chunk of followers.

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Use Other Social Media Platforms

Since there are different social media platforms available,
the best way to generate interest is to post on the most
popular ones. Facebook is already integrated with
Instagram, so cross-posting your content to Insta can be

Make Your Community A Brand

People like to be part of something special. A group is a
chance for like-minded people to come together to share
their thoughts. A good method to grow a group is to get
your community ‘branded.’ A brand-look can be instilled
in several ways —

1 Using Visuals

Choose visual elements that are

synonymous with your group identity.
This includes color palettes, emojis, and
imagery. A good place to showcase this
would be the group cover photo.

Reward Contributors 2
All said and done, a group is all about
the contributors. Use badges and tags to
recognize the most active contributors
in your group. Almost every group has
badges, which means that it does work!

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Improving Group Engagement

One of the goals of a group admin is to improve
engagement numbers of the group. There are several
ways this can be done and we’re going to detail a few of
them here.

1 Posting At The Right Time

Groups have tools like Insights that can

give admins access to a wide range of
information involving the group, including
the times when engagement is high. Use
this to your advantage - post content
when active member numbers are at their

Tag And Welcome New Members 2

Make it a point to welcome new members
to your group, preferably with a tagged
post. The tag means that your welcome
post will definitely be seen. This opens up
more opportunities of discussion with your

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3 Decide On The Right Questions

If you want the right people to get in the
group, then you have to choose the right
questions! This is where admins can ask
members why they want to join the group
as well as give them a freebie in exchange
for their signup.

Respond To Comments 4
One key point of keeping the members
engaged is to reply to comments on the
group. Being an admin isn’t just about one
way communication. You’ll find increased
engagement when you create conversation
through replies.

5 Opt For Interactive Content

When you want members engaged then
as an admin, you need to give them a
platform where they can do that. Polls and
contests are your go-to when you want
several users interacting with you as well
as each other.

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Benefits Of A Facebook
Every other brand has an active Facebook group and
for good reason. A group offers brands a platform from
which they can reach out to and as well as attract clients.
These are a few more reasons why—

• Personal Engagement
• Immediate Feedback
• Easier Communication
• Trust Building
• Creating A Community

Personal Engagement
Groups are a melting pot of discussions and ideas
which you just cannot find on other mediums. The entire
situation is more personal to the members. Compared to
a page, a group invites more discussion.

Immediate Feedback
For brands, gathering customer feedback is a critical part
of their business strategy. Because groups inherently
have a high level of engagement, polls are quickly
actioned on by the members.

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Easier Communication
A group provides a stage for better communication when
it comes to crucial announcements like product launches
or offers. The members also share their thoughts on the
updates that brands share. This kind of communication is
important for brand development.

Trust Building
As a trust building method, Groups are one of the best
ways to get it done. Trust is one of the more important
attributes that people associate with brands and it is
not easy to gain. Group admins need to spend time
interacting with their members to build trust.

Creating A Community
A group is perhaps the easiest way people can build
communities on social media. It has several tools to get
people interested as well as engagement options like
reward systems.

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Facebook Groups For


As you can see, Facebook groups are one of the best

business tools people can use to grow their brand and
reach out to people. Admins can further improve their
groups metrics by using pages to run Facebook ads
or cross posting on other social media platforms like

Nine out of ten brands already have a Facebook group as

part of their strategy - it is that powerful. Apart from just
numbers, groups can help build trust with your members.
It also serves as a platform for discussion where admins
and members can come together to talk about prevailing
issues or to coordinate events.

We hope this has helped you get you started on running a

Facebook group more effectively. Do reach out to us if you
have more ideas on how groups can be used to generate
growth for businesses.

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