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According to the memo from the advertising director of the Super Screen

Moive Production Company, it states that the lack of reach of the good reviews to
prospective viewers was the reason why fewer people had attended these movies, and
so they should allocate a greater share of its budget next year so that they can
reach the public through advertising. However there are a few questions that remain
unanswered that, if done so, could stengthen their recommendation.

Firstly, it states that according to their marketing department, fewer

people had attended the Super Screen-produced movies than in any other year. Here,
the actual decrease with respect to the number of people has not been mentioned to
specify what they mean by fewer people. So it does not show whether the marginal
difference was big or very small. If the data is provided and it shows that there
was a huge marginal difference, then the statement could be considered as a valid
reason for giving the recommendation.

Secondly, it states that despite the decrease, the number of positive

reviews of these movies had increased during the past year and so, it was clearly
the fact that there reviews were not reaching the prospective viewers due to which
the attendees had decreased. This could imply that the movies that had been made
were of a better quality than those in the previous years. Here, again, they have
not mentioned the difference in the number of positive reviews to show what the
actual increase is, with respect to the reviews. They have also not showed a
comparison with the negative reviews or provided a number for the same. Also, they
mention that the lack of reach of these reviews was directly propotional to the
number of attendees. They have not mentioned whether these viewers had the same
tastes with respect to the genre of movies or if they liked watching Super Screen
produced movies. A possible solution could be a survey to find out the interests
of the public in such movies. Answering these questions and providing the data
could strengthen their arguement for the change in budget allocation.

Lastly, they state that it was the public's lack of awareness that movies of
good quality were available that they could not watch such movies. Here, they have
not mentioned how many theatres these movies are actually played at, or what the
cost of the tickets are. The interests of the public have also not been mentioned.
Considering these factors and proving that they could not possibly be the reason
would ensure that the lack of awareness is one of the reasons for the decrease in

Hence, we can say that if all the above questions are answered and different
factors are taken into consideration and evaluated, then the recommendation would
prove strong enough for consideration of a larger allocation of budget for
advertising these movies.

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