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Reflection Note

Name: Kharla May E. Jarabe

Textbook: Daniel and End Time
Chapter#: 1

The following are the things I’ve learned from the commentary:

1. “Daniel and his three friends were among the captives taken away from their homes to Babylon.”

2. “The Hebrew boys-Daniel and his friends were given new names in honor of the gods of the
Babylonians and was served and fed with the food and drinks of the king.”

3. “Daniel purposed in his heart.”

4. Daniel knew that in the heathen court of the king of Babylon, there would be many temptations for
him and his companions.”

5. “The prince of the eunuchs agreed to try Daniel’s proposal for ten days.”

6. “Daniel and his three friends were ten times smarter.”

7. “When we purpose in our hearts’ to follow God and obey both His physical and His moral laws, he will
bless us in whatever we undertake.”


The first chapter of the book of Daniel remind and made me realize that there are instances in
our lives wherein we are called and tempted by the worldly pleasures to test our ability to obey and
trust God. We are being changed, our purity and health are being destroyed to be conformed from God.
But even though the world is pulling us away from God, there is always that someone who will lead us
back to God only if we let them in our lives. When we gave our confidence in God He will show favor in
us and gave us victory that others cannot have. If we gave ourselves to God he will always bless us in
whatever things we face because God always supports His children and faithfulness always pays off.

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