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Reflection Note

Name: Kharla May E. Jarabe

Textbook: Daniel and End Time
Chapter#: 4

The following are the things I’ve learned from the commentary:

1. “As it happens with all monarchs as they become rich and powerful, king Nebuchadnezzar became
proud and tyrannical.”

2. “Nebuchadnezzar awakened from another disturbing dream.”

2. “When God sends a prophetic dream to a person who is not a follower of God, they will have to find a
true worshipper of God to interpret it.”

3. “Those who neither loved nor feared God could not understand the mysteries of the kingdom of

4. “The king was a mighty warrior, he did not scare easily, but when God chooses to scare someone,
even the bravest man trembles.”

5. “Sometimes God’s people have to tell people things that are not easy to say. But they are true and
have to be said.”

6. Daniels’s interpretation to the king’s dream was fulfilled. “King Nebuchadnezzar begun to act like a
wild animal. He ate plants and grass like a grazing animal, stayed out in the rain, his hair grew shaggy,
and his nails like bird’s claws.”

7. “The truth comes home to the king very clear; God is the one who is in charge of kingdoms and kings.”

8. “The mighty monarch had become the humble child of God, obedient to His will.”


The whole 4th chapter of the book of Daniel tells us that if we begun to depart from the ways of
God, we need those people who truly worship and honor God to be enlightened again that God is the
one true God. We sometimes felt like we can do everything within our own might, we are very confident
and even don’t feel afraid of what might happen because we are very proud of ourselves, but if these
things conformed us from God or build a gap between God and us, He would do His best even if it hurts
us just to bring us back in His side to be saved from evil and not be destroyed. At the end of the days,
when we realized everything we have done, we’ll be able to lift up our eyes too unto heaven, give
thanks to Him for putting us back to where we belong and honor the everlasting God for His mercy
endureth forever. And we would be able to tell the world that God is the one who is in charge of
everything and we are nothing without Him.

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