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TYPES OF NERVE ENTRAPMENT o Phalen’s maneuver: flex wrist for 1
minutes  numbness in the areas
CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME innervated by median nerve
- Nerve entrapment disorder: compression of o Tinel’s sign: ketok carpal tunnel
median nerve yg kena nya di carpal tunnel ligament (pada sisi telapak) pake alat
- Causes: pain, numbness, tingling (di: thumb,  tingling/prickling in the areas
index finger, middle finger, ring finger – thumb innervated by median nerve
side) o Durkan’s test: secara manual - teken
pake jempol kt carpal ligament for
ANATOMY 30 seconds
- Electrophysiological testing
o Nerve conduction studies: ukur
signal that travels the nerves of the
hand (jd bs detect kalo gaada signal
yg travel: damaged pd nerve tsb)
o Electromyogram (EMG): ukur
electrical activity in muscles (bs liat
apakah ada nerve/muscle damage)
- X-ray: to exclude arthritis, ligament injury,
- MRI: better to see soft tissue. To see apakah
ada abnormal tissue yg impact median nerve,
atau liat struktur median nerve nya – misal:
scarring due to injury/tumor


HOW IT HAPPENS? - Behaviour modification: hands parallel to each

other & table, use mouse, wrist support while
Inflammation of nearby tendons & tissues  local typing
edema  ↑fluid (in a very tight space)  neken median - Physical therapy: stretching & isometric
nerve exercises
- Non-surgical:
SIGN & SYMPTOMS  biasanya kena 2 tangan krn ada:
o Splinting or Bracing: pake splint sbg
Repetitive stress (typing), worsens at night (stlh dipake
pengaman wrist spy ga nekuk (flex)
saat siang hari)
saat tidur - reduce pressure
- Paresthesia (tingling/prickling/burning/numb) o NSAID – e.g ibuprofen, naproxen: to
– di 4 hari tsb dan bs nyebar sampe forearm relieve pain & inflammation
- Muscle weakness  dropping things/ga bs do o Steroid injections
simple things such as ngancing baju - Surgical: “Carpal tunnel release” : transverse
- Thenar muscles atrofi (severe cases) carpal ligament di cut, spy lig nya lebih gede
nggak neken gt
RF o Open carpal tunnel release
- Repetitive stress – typing, prolonged period o Endoscopic carpal tunnel release
- Hand & wrist position – activities that involve RECOVERY
extreme flexion/extension for prolonged
period - Stlh operasi  elevate hand above heart,
- Heredity – smaller anatomic carpal tunnel move fingers to avoid swelling and stiffness
- Obesity - Symptoms yg msh terasa: pain, swelling,
- Pregnancy stiffness, minor soreness – for several months
- Underlying condition – e.g Rheumatoid - Grip & pinch strength – return 2-3 months – 6-
Arthristis (autoimmune), DM, thyroid gland 12 months (severe cases)
imbalance - Wear splint for several weeks


- Anamnesis of symptoms - Bleeding

- Physical exam: - Infection
- Nerve aggravation/injury - Injury (e.g ankle sprain)  inflammation near
- Systemic dz: DM, arthritis
CUBITAL TUNNEL SYNDROME - Prolonged standing, walking, exercising

- Pressure/stretching of the ulnar nerve SIGN & SYMPTOMS – biasa dirasakan di ankle (medial
side)/telapak kaki  bs radiate ke: heel, arch, toes, calf
- Tingling/burning sensation
- Pressure: ulnar nerve nya keteken in a long - Numbness
period of time - Pain
- Stretching: elbow bent for a long period of
time  stretch nerve behind the elbow DIAGNOSIS & PEMERIKSAAN PENUNJANG
(happen during sleep) - Tinnel’s sign: daerah medial maleolus (mata
- Anatomy: ulnar nerve ga stay in place: snaps kaki bagian medial)
back anf forth bony bump as elbow is moved
(e.g kepentok elbow kita)  if repetitive bs TREATMENT
iritate nerve nya
- Anti-inflammation med
SIGN & SYMPTOMS - Steroid injection
- Surgery: release compression
- Pain
- Loss of sensation
- Tingling

DIAGNOSIS & PEMERIKSAAN PENUNJANG - Neuropathy: a term refers to general

dz/malfunction of the nerve
- Anamnesis - Often classified according to types/locations of
- Physical exam: nerves affected
o Tinnel’s sign: (ketok) at medial elbow - Bisa classified jg krn dz: e.g diabetic
o Elbow flexion test: 3 menit at 120° neuropathy
 produce symptoms
o Waternberg sign: kelingking nya
lebih jauh/abduksi gt - Peripheral neuropathy
o Fromment sign: ambil kertas (posisi o Neuropathy at peripheral nervous
tgn kyk salaman gitu)  jempol jadi system (PNS) – nerves at extremitas
flexi krn ulnar nerve nya lemah jd o Proximal neuropathy: nerve damage
jempol flexi utk mempertahankan that causes pain at shoulder, paha,
- Cranial neuropathy
- Keep elbow extended (jgn ketindih) o Neuropathy at Cranial Nerve (CN)
- Anti-inflammatory medication o Specific types: optic neuropathy &
- Surgical: release auditory neuropathy
- Autonomic neuropathy
o Damage to involuntary nervous
TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME system (nerve yg control janting,
- Compression on posterior tibial nerve  digestion tract, bowel and bladder,
symptoms: from the ankle to foot sexual response, respiration)
- Similar to CTS, compression of a nerve in a - Focal neuropathy
confined space o Neuropathy that is restricted to 1
nerve/group of nerves/1 area of the
CAUSES & RF body


- Enlarged/abnormal structure that occupies the
space within tunnel  neken nerve nya (e.g - Diabetes
varicose vein, ganglion cyst, swollen - Vitamin deficiencies: vitamin B12, folate
tendon/arthritic bone spur)
- Autoimmune neuropathy: rheumatoid
arthritis, systemic lupus, Guillain-Barre
syndrome (GBS)
- Infection: HIV/AIDS, Lyme dz, leprosy, syphilis
- Post-herpetic neuralgia: komplikasi shingles
(varicella-zoster virus infection)
- Alcoholic nauropathy
- Genetic disorder
- Amyloidosis: abnormal protein fibers are
deposited in tissues and organs  lead to
organ damage and neuropathy
- Uremia: high conc of waste products in blood
due to kidney failure
- Toxins & poisons: lead. Arsenic, mercury, some
industrial solvents, nitrous oxide,
organophosphate pesticides
- Drugs/medication: cancer therapy (e.g
vincristine, antibiotic: metronidazole,
- Trauma/injury: ijury to nerve: prolonged
pressure on nerves  ↓blood flow to the
nerves (ischemic)
- Tumors
- Idiopathic

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