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Faculdade de Ciências Naturais e Matemática

Disciplina: English Docente: Luisa Almeida

Text suplementares -8

Future forms 1 "•'4' 1.31 Read to Part 1 of a conversation

between two flat mates. Why is Sandy
Have you got any plans
for the weekend?'
Zoe: Hi!
A spontaneous decision:
Sandy: Oh, hello.
Zoe: You don't Look very happy. Has something
'No, I haven't. I think
happened at work?
call Jan and see if she free:
Sandy: No, work's fine. David hasn't rung, and
An intention: we're supposed to be going to a party
(be) going to tonight. What are you doing tonight? Do
'Not yet. I'm going to call you fancy coming to the party with me?
Jan and see if she's free. Zoe: I'd Love to, but (1) Steve's coming round ,
and (2) we're going to plan our summer
An arrangement:
present continuous
Sandy: Oh, well, what am I going to do? ...
'Yes, I have. I'm having
I know - (3) I'LL phone James .
lunch with Jan on Saturday:
2 Three different ways of talking about the future are highlighted in
the conversation. Which form is used to talk about ...
a) a spontaneous decision (you speak at the moment you
decide to do something)?
b) an intention (you speak after you have already decided to do
c) an arrangement (you speak after you have already arranged to do

3 Read Part 2. Underline the most appropriate future form.

James: Hello.
Sandy: Hi, James, it's Sandy. What (1) will you do / are you doing tonight?
James: Nothing! Well actually, (2) I'll meet / I'm meeting Alex and Suzy in town, but ...
Sandy: Do you fancy coming to a party? Alex and Suzy can come too.
James: Yes, that sounds great. (3) I'm meeting / I'll meet them at the Star Bar at 8.30.
Sandy: OK, (4) I'll see / I'm going tosee you there. Bye. ... (Puts the phone down.)
(5) go / I'm going to the party with James.
A James Zoe: Good idea.
Sandy: And next time I see David (6) I'm telling / I'm going to tell him the relationship is
definitely over.
Zoe: Hmrn. (7) I'LL believe / I'm believing that when I see it.

1.32 Listen and check.

Faculdade de Ciências Naturais e Matemática
Disciplina: English Docente: Luisa Almeida
Text suplementares -8

4 Complete Part 3 by putting the verb in the most appropriate future form.
Zoe: Hello.
David: Is Sandy there, please?
Zoe: Yes, hold on a moment - I (1 get) will get her for you. ... It's David.
Sandy: Oh, hello, David.
David: Look, I'm really sorry I didn't call earlier, but I'm still at the office and
Sandy: Oh, that's all right - I forgot you were going to ring anyway.
David: Listen, I'm afraid I can't come to the party, I (2 have) am having dinner with
A David
some important clients.
Sandy: It doesn't matter - I (3 go) will go to the party with someone else.
David: Oh, right. OK, well I (4 call) am going to call you.
Sandy: When? I mean, all right. Goodbye.
David: Bye.
Zoe: So?
Sandy: Well, he apologized - and he (5 have) is having dinner with an important client.
Anyway, I must go. See you later.

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