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Hypospadias and Early Gestation Growth Restriction in Infants

Naveed Hussain, Azhar Chaghtai, C. D. Anthony Herndon, Victor C. Herson, Ted S.

Rosenkrantz and Patrick H. McKenna
Pediatrics 2002;109;473-478
DOI: 10.1542/peds.109.3.473

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Hypospadias and Early Gestation Growth Restriction in Infants

Naveed Hussain, MBBS*; Azhar Chaghtai, MD*; C. D. Anthony Herndon, MD‡; Victor C. Herson, MD*;
Ted S. Rosenkrantz, MD*; and Patrick H. McKenna, MD‡

ABSTRACT. Objective. There has been a major in- involved. Pediatrics 2002;109:473– 478; hypospadias, SGA,
crease in the incidence of hypospadias in infants in the intrauterine growth, temporal trend, risk factors.
1990s, but the risk factors are not known. Although there
are scattered reports in the literature regarding the asso-
ciation of low birth weight and hypospadias, this has not ABBREVIATIONS. SGA, small for gestational age; AGA, appro-
priate for gestational age; LGA, large for gestational age; NICU,
been systematically studied. The objective of this study
neonatal intensive care unit; UCHC, University of Connecticut
was to determine the association between early gestation Health Center; GA, gestational age; BW, birth weight; SEM, stan-
intrauterine growth and hypospadias. dard error of the mean; EDC, endocrine disrupter chemicals.
Methods. A retrospective review of 13 years of admis-
sions to 2 tertiary care neonatal intensive care units (NI-

CUs) in Connecticut (1987–2000) showed that 112 (1.66%) he development of a normal urethra in males is
of 6746 male infants had any degree of hypospadias. Of a complex process, and factors that lead to its
these, 8 were part of a genetic syndrome and were ex- abnormal development, resulting in hypospa-
cluded. A retrospective cohort analysis of these 6738 in- dias, are largely unknown.1 Hypospadias is one of
fants was performed. Infant growth parameters at birth the most common congenital anomalies in males.2
(weight, head circumference, and length) were analyzed
along with maternal risk factors known to be associated
Reports from Europe and the United States have
with changes in fetal growth, including maternal age, shown an increasing incidence of hypospadias from
race, diagnosis of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and 1970 to the present.3,4
maternal use of alcohol or tobacco or substance abuse The risk factors for hypospadias are not well un-
during pregnancy. derstood. An association between low birth weight
Results. The incidence of hypospadias in the NICU and hypospadias has been made,4 – 6 but a systematic
population increased 10-fold from 0.4% in 1987 to 4% in analysis of the association between hypospadias and
the first quarter of 2000. Hypospadias was significantly growth restriction has not been conducted. It is also
more common in infants who had uniformly poor intra- not clear whether the low birth weight is attributable
uterine growth (<10th percentiles) in the various param- to a lower gestational age or intrauterine growth
eters measured: birth weight, length, or head circumfer-
ence. There were no significant differences in maternal
restriction.5,6 With currently available norms for in-
age or race, nor were there differences in the use of trauterine growth to classify even the most immature
alcohol, tobacco, or street drugs by the mother. There infants into small, appropriate, or large for gesta-
were no differences between singletons and multiple- tional age (SGA, AGA, and LGA, respectively), it is
gestation births. However, the frequency of occurrence possible to delineate whether the intrauterine growth
was significantly higher among first-born infants (1.9%) was affected in early or late gestation on the basis of
compared with all other infants (0.9%). birth weight and corresponding changes in head cir-
Conclusions. The incidence of hypospadias in our cumference and length.7,8 An infant who is propor-
NICU population has increased 10-fold during the 13- tionately affected in all of its growth parameters is
year period of study. There was a significant association more likely to have incurred an insult early in ges-
of hypospadias with poor intrauterine growth. The
growth restriction was probably of early gestational
tation, whereas the infant who is disproportionately
cause as there was proportionate involvement of somatic affected, with sparing of changes in its length and
(weight and length) and brain growth (head circumfer- head circumference, is more likely to have incurred
ence). The increasing frequency of hypospadias and its an insult later in pregnancy.7,8
association with poor intrauterine growth originating in We hypothesized that hypospadias is associated
early gestation suggests that common environmental fac- with restriction in fetal growth early in pregnancy.
tor(s) that have an impact on both conditions may be The aim of this study was to describe the association
between hypospadias and intrauterine growth and
to characterize some of the risk factors that may be
From the Division of Neonatology, *Department of Pediatrics, University involved.
of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut; and ‡Division of
Urology, Department of Surgery, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center,
Hartford, Connecticut. METHODS
This study was presented, in part, as a platform presentation at the Society We undertook a retrospective cohort study of a total of 6746
for Pediatric Research Meeting; May 12–16, 2000; Boston, MA. male admissions to the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) at
Received for publication Sep 29, 2000; accepted Aug 23, 2001. University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC; 3157) and the
Reprint requests to (N.H.) University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (3589) between January
Farmington, CT 06030-2948. E-mail: 1987 and April 2000. These NICUs take care of infants from the
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2002 by the American Acad- central and northern regions of the state of Connecticut. It is
emy of Pediatrics. important to note that the reason for NICU admission was not

PEDIATRICS Vol. 109 No. 3 March 2002 473

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hypospadias in any of these infants. Diagnosis was based on not change significantly during the period of study
physical examination by an essentially constant group of caregiv- (data not shown).
ers over the entire period of the study. Confirmation of the diag-
nosis and grading of severity were done by consultant urologists.
In cases in which ambiguous genitalia were noted, other causes, Hypospadias and Prematurity
such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, were ruled out by labora- As this study was done in a NICU population, we
tory testing before male gender was ascribed to the infant.9 investigated whether the change in frequency was
Eight infants with multiple anomalies or recognized genetic related to prematurity. Figure 2 shows that there was
syndromes associated with hypospadias were excluded from the
analysis. Presence of cryptorchidism was not used as a criterion no relationship of the frequency of hypospadias to
for exclusion. Additional analyses were done on the remaining the gestational age (at birth) of an infant. The fre-
6738 infants. quency of hypospadias ranged between 0% and 3.5%
Data were collected prospectively on all admissions, based on a across the 23- to 43-week range of gestational ages.
standard questionnaire or data sheet, and entered into computer-
ized databases. From these fields of data sets, queries for infant
data included information on gestational age (GA), birth weight Hypospadias Is Associated With Poor Intrauterine
(BW), birth length, occipitofrontal head circumference at birth, Growth
and singleton versus multiple births. Queries for maternal data Intrauterine growth was assessed with 3 parame-
included information on maternal age, race, gravidity, use of ters: BW, length, and head circumference. Figure 3
alcohol, use of tobacco, substance abuse, maternal diabetes, hy-
pertension, or preeclampsia. For the purpose of this analysis, shows the relationship of hypospadias to intrauter-
infants were classified on weight percentiles based on the Con- ine growth. Of the total number (6738 infants) of
necticut standards published in 1996.10 Infants less than the 10th male admissions, 1122 were SGA. Hypospadias was
percentile were considered SGA, whereas those greater than 90th found in 43 (3.83%) of the 1122 SGA infants com-
percentile were LGA; the rest were considered AGA. For head
circumference and length, current growth percentile standards by
pared with 59 (1.27%) of the 4626 AGA infants and 2
Britton et al,11 compiled from a large US population, were used. of the 505 LGA infants (0.39%; P ⬍ .0001). A total of
Statistical analyses of data included regression analyses of hy- 487 infants did not have complete growth data for
pospadias frequency in relation to the growth parameters studied. evaluation.
Univariate analyses of risk factors were done using t test for
continuous variables and ␹2 test for nominal variables. Signifi- Hypospadias and BW Percentiles
cance was determined by P ⬍ .05. The statistical package StatView
4.0 (Abacus Concepts, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA) was used for these To eliminate the impact of GA on BW, we corre-
analyses. lated the percentiles of BW for each GA category
with the occurrence of hypospadias. As shown in Fig
RESULTS 4, when infants were stratified by the BW percen-
Temporal Trends: Increasing Frequency of Occurrence tile,10 we found that there was a significant associa-
of Hypospadias tion (P ⬍ .0001) of increased frequency of hypospa-
dias in the lowest weight (3rd–10th) centiles and
Figure 1 shows the frequency of occurrence of
conversely the least frequency in the highest weight
hypospadias in the 2 NICUs for the 13 years of study
(90th–97th) centiles. There was a logarithmic rela-
from 1987 to 2000. Hypospadias frequency in both
tionship as shown by the best-fit curve, with R2 ⫽
NICUs increased from 0.4% in 1987 to 4% in the first
quarter of 2000. This was a significant increase with
time (P ⫽ .025), and the relationship of hypospadias Hypospadias and Birth Length Percentiles
frequency to time was linear (R2 ⫽ 0.921) by a re-
Change in longitudinal growth follows changes in
gression analysis. The referral patterns and popula-
weight when there are chronic problems of fetal
tion distribution (GA, BW, proportion of SGA in-
growth. When hypospadias frequency was plotted
fants, race, gender, and mortality rate) of infants did
(Fig 5) with birth length percentiles,11 we found that
there was a significant association (P ⬍ .02) of in-
creased frequency of hypospadias in the lowest
length (3rd–25th) centiles and, conversely, the least

Fig 1. Temporal trends in the frequency of occurrence of hypos-

padias in 2 NICUs in Connecticut (N ⫽ 6738 male infants). Data
from January 1987 to April 2000. Significant trends in increase in Fig 2. Lack of any relationship of frequency of hypospadias to
frequency shown by linear regression analysis. gestational age at birth in the study population (N ⫽ 6738).


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Fig 6. Relationship of hypospadias frequency to percentiles of
Fig 3. Flow diagram showing the distribution of infants with head circumference at birth in newborn infants (based on current
hypospadias in relation to their intrauterine growth status. Statis- US norms11). There was a significant inverse relationship.
tical analysis by the ␹2 test.

head circumference (3rd–25th) centiles and, con-

versely, the least frequency within the highest head
circumference (75th–97th) centiles. There was a lin-
ear relationship as shown by the best-fit curve with
R2 ⫽ 0.98.

Combination of Growth Parameters and Hypospadias

To add support to our hypothesis, we found that
when infant growth was affected in all 3 parameters,
(weight, length, and head circumference), the maxi-
mum occurrence of hypospadias (4.5%) was found.
In contrast, when none of these growth parameters
were ⬍10th percentile, the frequency of hypospadias
was markedly lower (1.1%) and this difference was
Fig 4. Relationship of hypospadias frequency to percentiles of statistically significant (P ⬍ .05).
BW in newborn infants (based on local Connecticut norms10).
There was a significant inverse relationship. Maternal Factors and Hypospadias
We investigated whether any of the maternal fac-
tors that are known to affect fetal growth had an
impact on the occurrence of hypospadias. Infants
with hypospadias were born to mothers of a more
advanced age (29.0 ⫾ 0.6 years; mean ⫾ standard
error of the mean [SEM]) compared with mothers of
nonaffected infants (27.6 ⫾ 0.8 years; mean ⫾ SEM),
but the difference did not reach statistical signifi-
cance (P ⫽ .057). However, the frequency of occur-
rence of hypospadias was higher among first-born
infants (1.9%) compared with all other infants (0.9%),
and this difference was statistically significant (P ⬍
.001). There were no differences in the occurrence of
hypospadias associated with differences in maternal
race or diagnosis of gestational diabetes, hyperten-
Fig 5. Relationship of hypospadias frequency to percentiles of sion, or preeclampsia. There were also no significant
birth length in newborn infants (based on current US norms11). differences between singletons and multiple births
There was a significant inverse relationship.
(data not shown). The information about the mater-
nal use of alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs was avail-
frequency within the highest length (75th–97th) cen- able only from 1 center (UCHC). None of these 3
tiles. There was a linear relationship with R2 ⫽ 0.93. factors was significantly associated with the inci-
dence of hypospadias (data not shown).
Hypospadias and Head Circumference Percentiles
In problems of fetal growth, head circumference is Severity of Hypospadias
the last to be affected among the 3 parameters stud- The severity of hypospadias, based on meatal
ied. In Fig 6, hypospadias frequency was plotted opening, was available from all 52 infants from 1
with head circumference percentiles,11 and, again, of the sites (UCHC). An anterior hypospadias (glan-
there was a significant association (P ⬍ .0004) of dular and distal penile) was seen in 65%, mid-hypo-
increased frequency of hypospadias in the lowest spadias was seen in 12%, and posterior hypospadias

Downloaded from at University of Connecticut on February 9, 2009
was seen in 23% of the infants. The BW percentile of this is not clear, but with the increase in incidence of
infants with anterior hypospadias was 24 ⫾ 4 centile hypospadias that has been noted, the increase in
(mean ⫾ SEM) and those with posterior hypospadias severity is not unexpected and strengthens the argu-
was 13 ⫾ 7 centile (mean ⫾ SEM); however, because ment that external factors may be involved.
of relatively small numbers, a relationship of severity The causes for poor intrauterine growth are many.
of hypospadias to severity of growth restriction A myriad of factors, from genetic to placental to
could not be made definitively. Of note were 4 in- maternal conditions and environmental changes,
fants with severe symmetric growth retardation have been studied. Some of these factors, such as
whose hypospadias was so severe that gender as- maternal preeclampsia,17 gestational diabetes, and
signment initially was not possible at birth. Only the use of alcohol or tobacco or substance abuse by
after investigations for ambiguous genitalia were the mother,4,18 were investigated in our study and
completed was it confirmed that these were male were not found to be important in relation to the
infants with severe hypospadias. Cryptorchidism occurrence of hypospadias in the infant. A higher
was present as a related diagnosis with hypospadias incidence of hypospadias was seen in first-born in-
in 27% of infants. fants in our study. Although this has been noted in a
previous report,19 no explanation has been forthcom-
DISCUSSION ing. It is known that first-born infants are more likely
We found a trend of increasing incidence of hypo- to have growth restriction,20 and the relationship to
spadias between January 1987 and April 2000 in a hypospadias may be linked to this observation. Ad-
selected population of infants who were admitted to vanced maternal age was found to be a risk factor by
tertiary-level NICUs in Connecticut. This 10-fold in- Fisch et al.21 In our study, there was a similar trend,
crease was not explained by changes in referral pat- but no significant relationship could be demon-
terns or criteria for diagnosis in these centers and strated.
probably reflects a true overall increase in incidence. There is controversy regarding the pathogenesis of
These data agree with the trends suggested by Pau- hypospadias.1,22,23 Heinonen et al24 and Kallen and
lozzi et al3 and, more recently, by Riley et al,12 but colleagues4,13 explored various maternal risk factors,
the magnitude of change is much greater. It is ex- but no definite conclusions were drawn. Many are of
tremely difficult to obtain retrospective population- the opinion that it is unlikely that genetic factors play
based data on the true state or nationwide incidence a role.25–28 Recent evidence from animal29,30 and hu-
of hypospadias because congenital defect registries man studies31,32 has suggested a relationship of male
do not usually track this malformation. We believe genital abnormalities with environmental factors.
that the current report reinforces the need for pro- Hypospadias is more commonly seen in infants of
spective tracking of the incidence of hypospadias at infertile couples who conceived by in vitro fertiliza-
the state and national levels. tion33 or other assisted reproductive techniques.34
A significant association between hypospadias Fertility drugs have been suspected, but a recent
and intrauterine growth restriction is demonstrated meta-analysis failed to show an effect.35 Anti-andro-
in this report. This association with low BW has been gen compounds have been implicated36; especially
suggested6,13,14 but has not previously been well the environmental anti-androgens or “endocrine dis-
characterized. A recent report reaffirmed the associ- rupter chemicals” (EDCs) have been implicated in
ation and speculated on factors involved in critical causing male genital abnormalities, including hypo-
periods early in gestation.15 It is widely known that spadias in humans,37,38 and there seems to be in-
factors that inhibit intrauterine growth of the infant creasing evidence for this from animal studies.39 – 41
cause a proportionate decrease in somatic (weight Conversely, in case reports of overdosage with me-
and length) and brain (head circumference) growth if droxyprogesterone in early pregnancy, there seemed
these factors are active early in gestation.7,8 If growth to be no adverse effects on the fetus.42 However, it is
inhibition is caused by nutritional and other factors important to bear in mind that the exposure of the
in the second and third trimesters of gestation, then EDCs, albeit in low concentrations, is continual and
there is relative sparing of brain growth (head cir- starts from conception through the most critical pe-
cumference) with a predominant effect on weight riods of early embryogenesis. Moreover, the pres-
initially and changes in length occurring after a more ence of a combination of these agents may have more
prolonged insult.7,8 In our analyses of intrauterine than an additive effect.
growth parameters, we found that there was a con- Because a cause-effect relationship has not been
sistent involvement of growth parameters, ie, demonstrated between known factors for poor
weight, length, and head circumference, in infants growth and hypospadias, we speculate involvement
with hypospadias, and this finding is highly sugges- of other unknown factors. A common theme that
tive of an effect in early gestation on growth—per- may perhaps interrelate the incidence of growth re-
haps early enough to affect adversely urethral devel- striction and hypospadias is the report that some
opment. environmental factors, especially “endocrine dis-
There was a higher incidence (35%) of the more rupters,” have been shown to be associated with
severe forms of hypospadias, ie, mid- and posterior, both growth restriction and hypospadias. Heindel
in our study. This represents a notable increase in the et al39 showed that contaminated groundwater can
severity of hypospadias compared with a previous cause both growth restriction and reproductive
study, which reported that only approximately 13% abnormalities in mice. Gray et al40,41 demonstrated
of the cases were of the severe type.16 The reason for similar effects with some well-known EDCs with


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malformations in the male rat. Toxicol Ind Health. 1999;15:94 –118 from Long Island Sound. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1985;35:331–334
41. Gray LE, Kelce WR. Latent effects of pesticides and toxic substances on 46. Dolk H. Rise in prevalence of hypospadias. Lancet. 1998;351:770


“The main aim of health research is to improve the health of people. Yet the
performance of researchers tends to be measured by the scientific quality of their
research rather than by its impact on health. This is unsatisfactory, even nonsen-
sical, so a committee on the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is
trying to devise a way of measuring the social impact of applied health research.
Its first report was discussed at a recent meeting in Amsterdam,1 and the Academy
now plans to experiment with methods of measuring social impact.”

1. Health Sciences Subcommittee of the Medical Committee of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The Societal Impact of Applied Health Research: Towards a Quality Assessment System. Amsterdam, the Netherlands:
KNAW; 2001.

Smith R. Measuring the social impact of research. BMJ. 2001;323:528

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Downloaded from at University of Connecticut on February 9, 2009
Hypospadias and Early Gestation Growth Restriction in Infants
Naveed Hussain, Azhar Chaghtai, C. D. Anthony Herndon, Victor C. Herson, Ted S.
Rosenkrantz and Patrick H. McKenna
Pediatrics 2002;109;473-478
DOI: 10.1542/peds.109.3.473
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