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Player Aid

Classes Definition
Tactician Hold Your Nerve succeeds without roll
Bruiser BULKY items take only 1 hand slot
Marksman Adds WHITE DIE instead of RED when using RIFLE
Runner Automatically passes climb tests
Support As noted on card

Actions Definition
Move Sneak: 4". Run: 8"; NOISE
Shoot Creates MAYHEM
Must be in base contact but cannot search if survivor or hub is also in
contact with enemy
Hide Prone if in contact with barrier
Stand Up Stand up
Hold Your Nerve (Reduce Threat) Roll BLACK DIE. SHIELD: Reduce Threat by 1
Swap Item Swap between Pack and Inventory slots, or other survivor in kill zone
Make Noise NOISE
Repair Roll BLACK DIE. SHIELD: 1 Success
NOISE. Shooting a window breaks it automatically; NOISE and
Start a fire When holding a weapon with the FLAMMABLE keyword

Panic Definition
Flee! Run 8" in a straight line directly away from nearest enemy and
take no further actions
Question Mark Terrified! Only perform 1 action this turn
Quiet! Only perform 1 action this turn but cannot make NOISE or
Scream Scream! Make NOISE then take one more action. Threat +1
Berserk! Act normally (2 actions) and add 1 x RED DIE to melee.
Threat +1
Keywords Definition
Target in Kill zone takes 1 WHITE DIE damage, then roll BLACK DIE. BLANK: arm
[lose 1 Item slot]. SHIELD: leg [can not Run]
Armour Piercing Target loses 1 DIE of their choice from defence pool when being shot
Assault 1 extra shot for free if within 6"
Attachment When attached, item doesn't use slot
Bludgeon Roll BLACK DIE. SHIELD: target is prone
Select target, centre kill zone and roll DICE as normal. ! = hit. No ! = miss; target
can move kill zone 3" away (BLUE DIE if playing solo). ! Only applies to a single
target. Everything under kill zone has to defend. NOISE/MAYHEM comes from
impact point only
Bulky 2 Hand slots required to carry this item [1 in pack].
Fences collapse if 3 or more walkers are in contact with them (does not apply to
doors or barricades)
Deadly Precision 2 Actions can be used. Add 1 ! automatically to the result
When carrying 2 duel-wield weapons, choose which you attack with; you may
Dual Wield
reroll 1 DIE of your choice
Flammable Place Fire token on any walker hit by melee [Does not effect Survivors]
Walkers gain +1 RED DIE for each that is on fire
Walkers can catch fire by walking through flames/objects on fire
During END PHASE, roll BLACK DIE. SHIELD: walker is prone and fire token
Handgun Can be used in melee
Headshot/Ammo Check Roll BLACK DIE. BLANK: gun runs out of ammo [AMMO CHECK]
Masked Scent Walkers stop 1" from survivor [ignored during MAYHEM]
Ignored during HIGH THREAT
When creating NOISE, roll BLACK DIE. SHIELD: walker stops;BLANK: walker
enters base contact
Provides the number of shots (on weapon card) for 1 Action. Can be used on
Multiple Shots
multiple targets but must be within killzone of first target
One Use Used once and then must be discarded
Reliable May re-roll AMMO CHECK
Rifle Needs 2 actions to use. Add 1 RED DIE to shooting.
Can only defend. Walkers are killed if lose melee. Survivors lose health as
Sharp When winning melee, Roll BLACK DIE. SHIELD: target loses 1 Extra Health
If within 6", the target is PRONE if not killed. Headshots are ignored when
target outside 6"
Stun Target is PRONE if loses melee (Max 1 target)
Unreliable Roll BLACK DIE. BLANK: gun is broken and cannot be used

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