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AOAC Official Method 950.49
Ash of Nuts and Nut Products
Gravimetric Method
First Action 1950
A. Method I
Heat test portion of appropriate weight for product being
examined (usually 5–10 g) in 50–100 mL Petri dish at 100°C until
H2O is expelled; add a few drops pure olive oil and heat slowly over
flame or under infrared lamp until swelling stops. Place dish in
furnace, heat to ca 525°C and leave until white ash is obtained.
Moisten ash with H2O, dry on steam bath and then on hot plate, and
re-ash at 525°C to constant weight.
B. Method II
Carbonize test portion of appropriate weight for product being
examined (usually 5–10 g) in 50–100 mL Petri dish at ca 525°C and
treat charred mass with hot H2O to dissolve soluble salts. (In case of
low-purity products, addition of a few drops of olive oil, as in A,
may be desirable). Filter through ashless paper, ignite paper and
residue to white ash, add filtrate of soluble salts, evaporate to
dryness, and ignite at ca 525°C to constant weight.
References: JAOAC 33, 753(1950); 34, 357(1951).


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