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Endangered animals and their threats.

An endangered animal is an animal that is in danger of becoming extinct. The
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) reports that out of
76 000 species of animals and plants surveyed, more than 22 000 could become extinct.

Animals like orang-utans, penguins, giant pandas and blue whales are categorised as
endangered animals.

Orang-utans lose their homes when forests are cut down. Baby orang-utans are caught
and sold as pets in some countries. These orang-utans only has 50 to 60 years of lifespan.

Penguins have only 15 to 20 years of lifespan and these penguins are becoming
endangered animals because water pollution such as oil spills. It poisons many penguins.

Giant pandas which can be found in mountain forests of southwest of China are
becoming endangered animals. When forests are cleared for farming and for buildings, they
have difficulty finding food and lose their homes. They only have 20 years of lifespan.

The blue whale has about 80 years of lifespan. The water pollution destroys the areas
where the whales live and feed. They are also killed for their meat.

Love the animals…

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