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Mock Trial Script

Here is a trial script. Take the time to familiarize yourself with it. Work on your sections.

Bailiff: All rise, the Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge ……. presiding.
Judge: Please be seated. Today’s case is that of …. Now, are there any opening statements?
Prosecutor ….., please state your case.
Prosecutor: Opening statement …
Judge: Defense attorney …………, please state your case.
Defense Lawyer: Opening statement …
Judge: Does the prosecution wish to call any witnesses?
Prosecutor: The prosecution calls ………… to the witness stand.
Bailiff: Ms. ……………, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
Witness: I do your honor.
Prosecutor: Ms. ……….., where were you on the night of ………..?
Witness: Witness Testimony I
Judge: The defense may now question the witness.
Defense Lawyer: Ms. …., please describe …….
Prosecutor: Objection, your honor. [Object to something silly and irrelevant]
Judge: Sustained.
Witness: Witness Testimony II …
Judge: If there are no further questions, the prosecution may call another witness.
Prosecutor: We have no more witnesses, your honor.
Judge: Prosecution please read your closing statement.
Prosecutor: Closing statement …
Judge: Defense, please read your closing statement.
Defense Lawyer: Closing statement …
Judge: The jury will now deliberate and deliver a verdict.
Judge: Jury members, you have now heard the evidence. Now it is your job to decide whether
…… The jury foreman will make sure that each of you has a chance to give your ideas and to
take your vote. When you have decided, you will present your verdict.
(The jury deliberates in front of the class. After the jury reaches a verdict, they will give their
verdict for the plaintiff or the defendant.)
Judge: Have you reached a verdict?
Jury foreman: Yes, we have, Your Honor.
Judge: What is the verdict?
Jury foreman: We the jury voted and decided that …. (Jury foreman reports the decision of the
Judge: Thank you, jury members.
Bailiff: Court is adjourned.

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