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7 Identification of Hoinogeneous sections for structural design

3.7,1 General
Identification of section of uniform performance as desoibed in Chapter-2 of
the book is ptimarity intended to select sample size fOf' conducting deAection
test in a pavement, The basis of idemification was based on measurment of
surface distresses sud-i as cradcing, rutting, depression etc. as pavement
response parameter, FJJEREROEROIOIOIOIOI
Structural evalua!ion and con-esponding strengthening requiremem in terms
of overlay design are done b ased on badccalculated moduli of in-service
pavement layers with deAection DFJDFJDJFKDJmeasuremem as one of the
sign ficant input. lherefore, sections of uniform performance, identified based
on distresses as as pawment response para�er, will not be appropriate
to consider as homogeneous units for strcutural des gn, It is
prudent to identify homogeneous sections based on deAectioos as
pavement response parameter fOf' structural evaluation and op,zimum design
of oveiiay.
Surface curvature index (SCI), calculated as the difference between deAection
readings at the center of the loading plate and at a radial distance cl 300 mm
taken with a FWO device on a pavement, which reAects the contribution of
upper layers cl pavement, is generally taken as the pavement responsible
variable for identification of various homogeneous unit, The processes of
identification and delineation cl various homogeneous units that generally
exists in a measurement series of a pavement response variable is desoibecl
in detail in the below section,
3.7,2 Delineation method for identification of Homogeneous Unit
Figure-6 below illustrates the typical plot of a response variable 'SCI' as a
function of distance along a project,

t,:.'.... �F¼

. L-----4
uw,.i 1.1'>..·t UHi.- uoM l

0 � - �- - - � � - m» 1-1�,- 1-•-

Figure-6: Typical p a v ement response v ari able v ersus Distance plot

for a project.

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