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Ecas, VN Valery C.

July 2, 2020

Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control (GBRI)

1:00-3:00 pm (Monday – Friday)

Case 1

1. If I were Yvonne Pillar, I will not obey my boss because it is

illegal. I would rather be terminated than to do such things that against

my will.

2. No

3. In the military slogan “Obey first before you complain”, it is very

obvious that in military you have to obey the command of all higher

officials because that’s their protocol. It is very irrelevant when you

compare the situation in the military field and in the company.

Case 2

1. No, because It is not right to sell pirated dvds and vcds and x rated

rapes even in the certified video shop because it is illegal and

punishable by law.

2. I would not patronized pirated dvds and vcds even it is cheaper than

the original one because nowadays it is not much convenient. There are

many gadgets that very accessible like computer, iPhone and the like which

easy and to access even the original one

Case 3

1. Mr. X was guilty of what he did because there was a tears falling in

his eyes which tell the truth. If he is not guilty, why would he cry when

the teacher catch him cheating.

2. The aggravating situation that will increase Mr. X moral culpability

is that he knows already that the examination in math is pass approaching

and he is the one who said to his friend to go to the party for them to

study for their exam, yet they did not go but still Mr. X did not study

her notes instead he make a kodigo. That’s why he is caught cheating which

make him regrets.

Case 4

1. Yes, because he admit that the incident is his fault.

2. The coercion is not sufficient reason to excuse a person from moral

liabilities because if the person has a moral liability it is badly needed

to pay the obligation. Nevertheless, it is depend upon the situation

whether owner or the manager allow him/her to return the stolen property

or they need to pay for it.

Case 5

1. False. It is because it is the first time he asked for Li Yan for a

date and it is out of work. If Ralph continue to persuade Li Yan for a

date though Li Yan refuses it, it is a form of sexual harassment.

2. True. It is really true because one can complain a sexual harassment

if it is against your will and you didn’t do so. And in the case Li Yan

enjoy the date with Ralph.

3. False. Ralph’s subsequent behavior with gifts and love notes is a

form of sexual harassment because we all know that Ralph has a feeling of

Li Yan which makes Li Yan intimidate and nervous that Ralph may start

stalking her. Aside from that Li Yan cannot focused on her works because

of the happening.

Case 6

1. False. Paul had harass Sharon through his words that he uttered which

makes Sharon offended. As what sexual harassment defined that it can

jeopardize the Victim’s “emotional and mental health. Sexual harassment in

the workplace can Cause significant stress and anxiety.

2. True. Because it is out of work and he told it to Sharon which makes

her confuse why would he do such things.

3. True. Because it can lead to the loss of self-esteem and it may even

compromise personal relationships.

Case 7

1. False. It is okay to wear jewelry at the office area and it is not in

violation of any workplace rule. Maybe Margaret is jealous at Leonard’s

attire. And it’s called fashion when you like those things to be wear but

not that much, besides Leonard was used to it.

2. True. Because he is a victim of harassment through Margaret’s

harassing comments, asking him an intrusive question and gossiping his

personal life which makes him annoyed.

3. True. Leonard is a victim of discrimination on the basis of sex,

sexual orientation and retaliation in a way that anyone can be promoted no

matter who you are and where you came from unless you do bad things in the


Case 8

1. As a manager, in this situation I will give her time to manage her

work at home so that she can took care of her mother.

2. By this way, I will continue the flow of work which I had started and

follow what is necessary action needed to be done.

3. As a manager, I need to be more careful in decision making to balance

and maintain the proper way of managing the company as well as the


4. The affected parties that need to be identified are the coworkers as

well as the managers because they are the one who serves as the backbone

of the company. If they are not exist, the company might not exists too.

5. In the resolution of this situation, all of the staff of the company

were involved in the situation.

6. The possible course of action that should be done is time management

for them to continue the flow of the company aside from the occurrence of

situation of one staff.

Case 9

1. Yes it is misleading and also the practice is dishonest, because

you are committing the act fraud. My involvement is a witness of the

fraudulent that the staff had done.

2. To maintain my objectivity, which is not to allow bias, conflict of

interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business

judgments, I will would be likely to conclude that the threats would be

eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level by the application of the

safeguards, such that compliance with the fundamental principles is not


3. I will ensure that the financial information that I produce on behalf

of my client is in accordance with technical and professional standards in

a way it comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoid any action

that discredits the profession.

4. To protect my reputation and that of my firm and profession, I will

be straightforward and honest in all professional and business

relationships and respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a

result of professional and business relationships and, therefore, not

disclose any such information to third parties without proper and specific


5. The relevant facts need to be identified in this situation is to

clarify the good manufactured by the company and the sales from its


6. The affected parties that need to be identified are the production

staff as well as the account and client.

7. The person involved in the resolution are the firm’s production manager

8. The possible course of action that should be undertake is to identify

both parties and state the flow of the firms production that are needed

them to know.

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