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ABC Community

Adela Abdelaziz
Teaching and Learning With Technology

Teaching and learning with technology is a very important part of education. Technology

is a tool that I feel helps students learn in a more creative, positive, and unique way. They are

able to learn different ideas and different concepts with technology. They also learn to combine

ideas and work together with other students in order to complete a task and learn certain

material. I think technology is a very important part of education especially in special education.

In special education classes, different types of technology such as assistive technology and

adaptive technology are used in that specific part of education. I believe that taking technology

away will make it harder for students with special needs to learn than it is for them today.

Technology is known to improve students with disabilities especially in the situation that the

student can work independently without the constant need of teacher involvement. Technology

also helps with fine motor skills and other skills students struggle with that may get in the way of

learning. The technology that helps with that is called assistive technology. Talking calculators,

pens, special pencil grips, etc…, are all different examples of assistive technology that are used

in school. Technology is a very important part of learning especially when it comes to students

with special needs because of the fact that students in special education already struggle with

learning as it is whether it’s with fine motor skills, speech, etc…. I believe that technology helps

students better understand material and help them find different ways to make learning

comfortable and exciting.

Identification of Standards

In my research on the Nevada Standards site, I found that students are very much

involved in problem solving, communicating and reasoning in all grade levels, which indicates

that students in Nevada are more likely to work in group settings rather than in an individual

setting. This learning method is a very effective method because there is a tremendous amount of

help from peers if needed. Students are able to develop strategies to solve everyday problems in

a mathematical format and develop strategies to solve these problems by implementing their

ideas and reflecting on their findings.

As oppose to the Nevada standards, the ISTE standards are more technology based.

Students’ interactions with other students is very minimal in this standard. Instead of finding

solutions to everyday problems, the ISTE standard requires students to develop technologies to

solve problems. Instead having a one-on-one interaction, students will build a network for their

learning environment. They also use technology to provide feedback to their peers in given

mathematical problem solving situations. Testings are technology based as well majority of the

time whereas in Nevada standards there are a variety of written, oral and visual tests.

I chose Standard 1 from the Nevada standards because there are multiple group

assignments, games can be implemented to easily learn and understand the concepts of those

lessons. Students will be able to solve each mathematical problem, reasoning in a group setting,

discuss number relationships together and come up with reasonable answers together.

From the ISTE standards I chose standard 1a because as an educator I think that it is very

important to give a student a chance to set their own educational goal. Each student learns
differently and this standard allows the students to come up with strategies, technological tools

that would help them understand and help them achieve those set goals.
Lesson Plan

Name of Lesson: Creation Multiplication

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Technology Content Standard Addressed: The standard that students will

address in this lesson is Empowered Learner 1a: Students articulate and set personal

learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on

the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.

Other Content Standard Addressed: To solve problems, communicate, reason,

and make connections within and beyond the field of mathematics, students will

accurately calculate and use estimation techniques, number relationships, operation rules,

and algorithms; they will determine the reasonableness of answers and the accuracy of


Objective: Students will create a method for future students so that they can

understand the multiplication process. Students will understand how to work in groups

and the meaning of teamwork. Students will also understand the multiplication process

and practice checking their work to make sure their methods are effective.

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: PowerPoint, Keynote, or any

program students see fit for this project.

Suggested Group Size: The entire class split into 4 groups

Procedures: Students will be split up into 4 groups. They will be given a number

from 1-4. When they receive that number, the class will sit with their groups and will

begin to brainstorm methods to help future classes better understand the multiplication

process. Each group will present a method for next years class in which they think it will

help future classes.

Assessment: Each student that comes up will solve a multiplication problem that the

students should have already learned. Once they solve it, if a student gets it wrong

multiple times, they will be marked down to reassess their multiplication abilities.
Student Sample

Multiplication Monopoly

58 300 72 46 3600 Finish

225 642 86 70 94 100
27 200 24 275 193 236
800 18 458 54 130 21
66 60 25 182 40 1000
45 32 475 65 33 6
Start 30 74 99 48 46
6 37 11 X 6 23 3
X5 X2 9 X8 X2 X2

11 13 95 16 9 100
X3 X5 X5 X2 X5 X
8 91 5 12 11 7
X5 X2 X5 X5 X6 X3

13 6 229 9 80 59
X 10 X 9 X2 X 2 X 10 X 4

193 55 6 50 9 50
X1 X5 X4 X4 X3 X2

47 7 43 107 25 29
X 2 X 10 X 2 X 6 X9 X2

25 9 23 36
X 12 X 8 X 2 X

Section 2 Citation:

Dikusar, Aleksandra. “The Use Of Technology In Special Education.” ELearning Industry, 10

Aug. 2018,

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