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Treatment Plan

Name: N.


Diagnosis: Extreme Prematurity and multiple births, Feeding Difficulties, Chronic Lung
Disease, ROP

Problem List/Current abilities:

- Current abilities
o Sits w/ CGA
o Reaches for toys and brings to mouth from sit, returns to upright
o Extends through UEs in prone, lowers self to reach for toy
- Problem list:
o Not yet full WB thru UEs in 4 point position
o No raking grasp or one hand pick up
o Not yet banging two toys together

1) Independent crawl and get into/out of sitting from floor
2) Reach and grasp toy from 4 point quadruped w/ SBA
3) Banging two toys together independently

Activity List:
1. Rocking in seated hip/knee flexion, and rocking in quadruped position to develop
strength and coordination necessary for crawling
2. Play time with toys on cushion on floor to develop stability in kneeling (work crawling
up onto cushion, enduring play on cushion, getting off of cushion)
3. Play with light ring-shaped toys: holding onto two toys, holding two toys with therapist
banging on one toy, hand-over-hand toy banging, attempt imitation of toy banging
4. Reaching for toys in quadruped position w/ moderate assistance
5. Educate parent on set down/pick up incorporating side position to practice moving
into/out of sitting from supine

Outcome of TX plan/Goal progress:

Improve strength and coordination necessary for crawling, banging toys, and quadruped
play; facilitate coordination of moving in/out of sitting from floor

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