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Historical Marker Placed Near t·h e Questions & ~nswers

Masonic Temple at Chambersburg Question: Was Sir Winston Churchill a
On July 30, 1964, an impressive and Master Mason?
inspiring ceremony marked the unveil- Answer: Yes, Sir Winston Churchill was a
ing of an historical marker placed in Master Mason. He was initiated into Free-
front of the Masonic Temple, Cham- masonry as a young man but never took an
active part. He was Entered in United
bersburg, Pa. The marker was placed Studholme L odge, No. 1591, London, and
by the Pennsylvania Historical and received his Master Mason's Degree on
Museum Commission and carried the March 25, 1902, in Rosemary Lodge, No.
following inscription: 2851, London.

Built 1823-1824. Oldest a Mason?
Pennsylvania building Answer: President J ohnson received the En- VOLUME XII FEBRUARY • 1965 NUMBER 1
tered Apprentice Mason's Degree in John-
erected solely for Ma- son City Lodge, No. 561, A. F . & A. M.,
sonic use and now used
exclusively for that
purpose. Spared when
Johnson City, Texas, on October 31, 1937.
Although he was elected to receive all three
Degrees, he never advanced beyond the
Grand Master's Message A Factual View of Freemasonry
Confederates burned Entered Apprentice Mason's D egree. BY THE REV. BISHOP FRED PIERCE CORSON
The Pennsylvania Freemason has afforded me a unique A Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Pennsylvania
town on July 30, 1864. Question: Is Vice President Hubert H. opportunity to discuss Freemasonry in Pennsylvania with
Humphrey a Master Mason? all the Brethren in this Jurisdiction. Freemasonry has many friends and some enemies.
The Masonic Bodies that meet in Those who oppose it are to be found among Protestants,
this historic building include: George Answer: Yes, Vice President Humphrey is a I have appreciated this opportunity to give you my ideas
Master Mason. He is a Member of Cata- Catholics, atheists, fascists and communists. Much of the
Washington Lodge, No. 143; General and to request your full cooperation on various Grand
ract L odge, No. 2, he ld at Minneapolis, opposition is the result of
James Chambers Lodge, No. 801; Minnesota. Lodge projects.
half truths or untruths about
George Washington Chapter, No. 176, For instance, I urged Masons in Pennsylvania to con- Freemasonry. Many, espe-
George Washington Council, No. 66, Question: What is the difference between a tribute more than $250,000 to the Guest Fund at the
"square" and an "oblong square?" cially among the Roman
Royal and Select Masters, and Conti- Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown. This I am now assured Catholics, are seeking a true
Answer: A "square" is a rectangle with all will become a reality. I deeply appreciate your generosity.
nental Commandery, No. 56, Knights four sides equal while an "oblong square" image of Freemasonry and
Templar. is a rectangle with two pairs of sides which I will give a more detailed report in the next issue. because they now see it as
· Bro. Paul G. Pensinger, District Dep- may not be equal. In this issue, I am foregoing my usual column in order it really is, that is, not a
uty Grand Master of the 4th Masonic that Pennsylvania Brethren will have the unusual oppor- "religion" or in opposition to
Question: Explain briefly the number of Ma-
District, expressed his gratitude to the sonic Lodges in Japan and what Grand
tunity of being the first to read an outstanding article, "A any religion, are coming to
Commission for the erection of the Participants in c eremonies Jnarking Lodge Jurisdictions govern these Lodges. Factual View of Freemasonry," by Bro. Fred Pierce Corson, appreciate it. One of the
m arker, stating: "It stands as a symbol the unveiling of an historical marker Answer: There are a t otal of twenty-three
a Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, fine expressions of the new
of the community." near the Masonic Temple, Chambers- Masonic Lodges in J apan with a total Bishop of the Methodist Church of the Philadelphia area, ecumenical movement is the
burg, Pa., are (left to right) Bro. Paul membership of approximately 3500. Fif- and President of the World M ethodist Council.
G. Pensinger, District Deputy Grand
united efforts of Freema-
Being persuaded that a just appli- teen of these Lodges are under the Juris- As President of the World Methodist Council, Bro.
Master of the 4th Masonic District; diction of the Grand Lodge of Japan; four sonry and the Knights of
cation of the principles on which the Irwin Richman, Acting Curator of are under the Grand Lodge of the Philip- Corson has attained the summit of global Methodism and Columbus in human welfare
Masonic fraternity is founded, must be History of the Stat!) Historical and pines; two under the Grand Lodge of Scot- is the titular head of 50,000,000 Methodist s throughout projects.
promotive of private virtue and public Museun1 Conunission; Bro. James A. land; one under the Grand Lodge of the world. Freemasonry is not on
prosperity, I shall be happy to advance Strite and Bro. Horace l\1. Grayson, England and one under the Grand L odge
Trustees of George Washington Lodge, of Massachusetts. The Grand Lodge of Bro. Corson was a delegate-observer to the Vatican trial except within itself.
the interest of the society, and to be No. 143, and Bro. Thomas G. Burkey, Japan is now in good fraternal relations Council in Rome. Bro. Fred Pierce Corson
The abortive movements of
considered by them as a deserving immediate Past Master of George Grand Chaplain
with fifty-eight leading Grand Lodges of Last year he was qlecorated by the King of Norway with the past to destroy Free-
Brother. -GEoRGE WASHINGTON Washington Lodge, No. 143. the world and is expected to be honored
masonry when not inspired by unreasonable and illiterate
by others to follow, thanks t o the world- the medal of the Order of St. Olav, and was the recipient
wide Fraternity of Freemasonry. of the Gourgas Medal, the highest honor of the Supreme emotionalism were made possible by movements within
Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern the world-wide Lodge which were a denial of the precepts
THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Second Class Question: What is the total number of Free-
Distribution Office POSTAGE M asonic Jurisdiction. of the Lodge. Among these were Masonic Jurisdictions
masons in the lawfully warranted and duly
MASON IC HOMES PAID AT constituted Lodges of the World? In 1963 he received the World Outlook Award, "Meth- which were humanistic and not theistic, and groups who
Elizabethtown, Pa. 11022 Elizabethtown
odist of the Year," and was the first Protestant clergyman used the Lodge to promote anti-clericalism rather than a
Pennsylvania Answer: An approximate figure for this ques-
(Send FORM 3579 to Above Address)
tion would be six million Members. to receive an honorary degree from St. Joseph's College. common brotherhood. In fact, on the record, Freemasonry
has been more sinned against than it has sinned.
Bro. Corson is not a swivel chair leader; he has logged
Question: What would be the total member- Some very hopeful changes are coming about in the
ship of the forty-nine Grand L odges of the hundreds of thousands of miles representing the Methodist
broadening and understanding of brotherhood which are
United States of America? Church or the United States government.
causing all of us to take a new look at each other. When
Answer: The total membership of t he forty- It would not be possible in the space available to give this takes places with Freemasonry, some new and better
nine Grand L od ges of the· United States all the accomplishments of Bro. Corson. However, I am
is slightly more than four million which is insights of appraisal and appreciation are bound to appear.
t wo-thirds of the total population of Free-
deeply appreciative of the time he has taken to express his Freemasonry is not a religion. It has never claimed to
masons in the world. feelings about Freemasonry. be and has always corrected those of the brotherhood who
unthoughtedly would say "Freemasonry is my religion."
Editor's Note: If you hav~ a question on Fraternally yours, Freemasonry h as always been a friend and ally of religion.
Freemasonry, share it with us. We will
make every e ffort to answer it. If per· Religious people have found a congenial fellowship within
missible, we will include both the question the Lodge and have not been embarrassed by what takes
a nd the answer in this Question a n d An- place there. In many respects, Freemasonry may b e called
POSTMASTER: Please incl ude Complete Name, Address and Ide ntification No. on Return clipping. swer column for others to read. R. W. Grand Master (Continued on Page 2)
THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON A Factual View of Freemasonry
Issued Quarterly
February, May, August and November at
Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, by
(Continued from Page 1)
a religious institution owing its "origin Good Masons make good churchmen.
From Our Grand Secretary's Office
The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most
and morality to the religious element." Every clergyman can testify to the ment Knights Templar of the United
Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free a nd Ac-
cepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Juris-
December Quarterly Communication States and the Scottish R ite.
diction Thereunto Belonging, th rough its But this is something different from truth of this. They make loyal and
Lodge No. 346 was granted permis-
COMMITTEE ON MASON IC CULTURE-William E. being a religion. A hospital can be a sacrificing patriots. Our colonial his- The December Quarterly Communication held on Dec~mber 2, 1964, was
Yeager, P. G. M., Chairman, William E. Montgomery, religious institution but not a religion. tory supplies the proof for this asser- sion to r eceive and act upon a fou rth
very well attended with Corinthian Hall filled t o overflowmg.
Vicc .. Choirmon, W. Fr~derick Warren, Blaine F.
tion. All Masons are not ardent church D istinguished Guests were welcomed from Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode petition for initiation and memb ership.
Fabian, W. Irvine Wiest and Paul C. Rodenhouser. Freemasonry is a patriotic fraternity.
Approved and Authorized To Be Printed by Its secrecy is not maintained in order members but neither are all church Island Vermont, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Belgium, the Grand C~apter~ Grand Committee Reports
EARL F. HEROLD that it might be subversive. In fact, members ardent for the church either. Counc,il and Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania, the Scotttsh Rtte, the The proposed amendment to the By-
Right Worshipful Grand Master
all the "secrets" of Freemasonry are Yet the proof is clearly and abundantly Masonic Service Association, and the R oyal Order of Scotland. L aws of Lodge No. 304 was approved
WILLIAM A. CARPENTER, Editor evident that the Masonic F raternity is
available to anyone who goes to the Immediately after the presentati~n of o~r upon the recommendation of the Com-
Mailing Address: trouble of finding out about them. Just an influence for good in personal and Guests, the annual election was held m Renats- mittee on By-L aws.
One Norlh Brood Street, Philadelphia, Po. 19107 recently Catholic scholars have been community life. sance Hall The present Grand L odge Officers Upon the recommendation of the
Send Form 3579 to Distribution Office
invited to investigate Freemasonry as If we are going to judge Freemasonry and the Committee on Masonic Homes were re- Committee on Corr espondence, Grand
Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Po. 17022 it relates to some of the positions taken or the church or any other institution elected to serve another term as follows: L odge adopted separate r esolutions
Second Class Postage Paid at by the Catholic Church and Masonic of society on selected incidents only of Bro. Earl F . H erold, R. W. Grand Master whereby fraternal recognition was e~­
Elizabethtown. Pennsylvania officials are cooperating through confer- its worst, what institution would sur- tended to the Grand Lodges of Austna
Bro. Robert E. D eyoe, R. W. D eputy Grand
Vol. XII February, 1965 No. ences and the provision of literature. vive condemnation? Out of such a Master and P eru.
Contrary to the popular notion, espe- presentation comes only quarreling and Bro. John K. Young, R. W. Senior Grand Bro. Richard A. Kern, Chairman of
cially among Catholics, Freemasonry is misrepresentation. Pope John XXIII Warden the above Committee, also presented a
Founder of Famous not anti-Catholic. It allows every mem- called all people of good will "to forget Bro. Hiram P. B all, R. W. Junior Grand comprehensive report on t~e Sixth
ber full freedom to exercise the right the bitter quarrelings of the past" and Warden Conference of the l nter-Amencan Ma-
"White Cane" Now of private judgment in the fulfillment to strive for better relations in the fu- Bro. Louis Bacharach, R. W. Grand Treasurer sonic Confederation which was held in
A Mason Fifty Years of his citizenship. Freemasonary took
no position in the recent national elec-
ture. Often people of character and
high mentality do not take the trouble
Bro. Ashby B. Paul, R. W. Grand Secretary Lima, Peru.
Annual Reports were also presented
Bro. Robert C. H aven, a Member of tion which would require a denomina- to find out the facts before they con- Committee on l\'lasonic Homes by the following Com~ittees : Future
Beta Lodge, No. 647, held at Wilkins- tional preference for the Presidency of demn. Masonic conduct, ritual and Planning for the Masomc Tem~le and
Bro. Scott C. Rea
burg, Pa., proudly wears his new Grand the United Stat es. To be sure, some precepts are available for any observer. B ro. Robert E. Woodside, Jr. other Properties in Philadelphia, Ma-
Lodge Fifty Year Masonic Servict:: Masons opposed Mr. Kennedy because They clearly prove tliat Freemasonry Bro. Scott S. L eiby, R.W.P.G.M. sonic Culture, General Relief, Almon-
Emblem recently presented to him. he was a Catholic but we do not con- is not atheistic, nor is it a religion, nor Bt•o. Ashby B. Paul ers Bursars and Stewards.
Bro. C. Howard Witmer R. W . Gr and Secretary
Bro. H aven, 82 years of age and a demn the Catholic church because does it deny the supernatural. The Bro. William E. Y eager, R.W.P.G.M. Upon the recommendation of the
retired safety executive, now lives in some of its members are outspoken periods of governmental proscription Bro. Ellis E . Stern Committee on Masonic H omes, a reso-
Ann Arbor, Mich. He was the one who against what is taking place with the have not been confined to edicts against Bro. Willis R. Michael T he complete reports will be printed lution was adopted whereby authority
conceived and founded the famous Protestants in the Vatican Councils. Free'm asonry nor do they prove Free- Requests for fraternal recognition in the P roceedings for 1964. was granted to transfer some radium
"White Cane," now a national symbol Freemasonry teaches that the soul masonry to be worthy of ostracism. were received from the Grand Lodge Bro. Earl F. Herold, R. W. Grand and associated equipment from the
for the safety of blind persons walking of man is eternal; that if a m an dies T he Protestant Church has suffered of Austria and the Grand Lodge of M aster called upon Bro. A. Neill Os- Masonic Homes at E lizabethtown to
near and across highways. he shall live again. Its whole code of from such mass hysteria politically in- Mato Grosso, B razil, which were re- good, M. W. Grand Master of Massa- St. J oseph's Hospital at L ancaster.
An impressive and touching cere- morals, ethics, citizenship and brother- duced and so has the Roman Catholic ferred to the Committee on Corre- chusetts, to represent and speak for The R. W. Grand Master called upon
m ony took place recently when Bro. hood is based on that fact. When the Church. And it would be difficult to the D istinguished Guests from the oth- Bro. Irving E. P artridge, M. W. Grand
Glenn L. Alt, M. W. P ast Grand M aster ritual of the Lodge says that to be prove Freemasonry's hostility to the er Jurisdictions. Bro. Osgood r espond- Master of Connecticut, to speak for
of the Grand L odge of Michigan, ac- "received into Thine (God's) Everlast- church-any church-after Mr. Ken- Committee Reports ed eloquently and commented on our the Distinguished Guests. Bro. Part-
companied by the Worshipful Master ing Kingdom is the joy and the just nedy's election to the Presidency. So Fraternity and its challenges. ridge responded in a most gracious and
and several Officers and M embers of reward of a pious and virtuous life," The Committee on By-Laws pre- The Grand Master also introduced inspiring manner.
far as I know, no Mason was excom-
Golden Rule Lodge, No. 159 of Ann no defense of these words is needed municated for supporting President sented its report including resolutions Bro. D aniel W . Hamm, who is the only Bro. H erold also presented Brothers
Arbor, was pleased to visit with Bro. because this is the Lodge's open belief K ennedy's candidacy. whereby the following were approved: living Warrant Member of Jordan Harry L. Martyn, W illiam H. Cantwell,
Haven at his home and presented the regarding eternal life. Freemasonry Complete By-Laws of 1 L odge Lodge No. 673 in Allentown. ~ro. W. Irvine Wiest, J ohn S. Royer and
All of this leads me to say that God
gold Grand Lodge Fifty Y ear M asonic rightly puts the requirement of mem- Amendments proposed by 21 L odges H amrn has served as Representative F . P arsons Kepler, Sr., each of whom
has given us a new opportunity to pro-
Service Emblem to him in behalf of bership on conduct and not "conver- mote the Fatherhood of God and the Amendments as revised by Commit- in Grand Lodge from the above Lodge made brief remarks.
the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Penn- sion" which is an experience of religion Brotherhood of M an. H eaven knows tee for 1 Lodge. for 46 years, and was Worshipful Mas-
sylvania. The proposed amendment submitted ter of the L odge 50 years ago. ' Officers Installed
and not of fraternity. full well how much we need to do this.
The Masonic oath has been attacked by 1 Lodge was not approved. . Grand Lodge closed at 3: 10 J;>.M. P romptly at high Noon, the Grand
Statement of Ownership
Let us not destroy each other's attempt Lodge Officers who had been electe?
as an unwarranted contract in brother- and right to worship God and to The Committee on Finance revtewed
Management and Circulation
hood. The promise to observe the the Budget R eceipts and E xpenditures Annual Grand Connnuuication at the D ecember Quarterly Commum-
(Act of October 23, 1962; Section 4369, strengthen our brotherhood through
Title 39, United States Code) moral claims inviolate between brother listening to unsubstantiated assertions, for the fiscal year ending November As St. John the Evangelist's Day fell cation were duly installed.
February 15, 1965; The P!!nnsylv.onia Freemason;
Masons is, however, to be commended 15, 1964, and presented the propos.ed on Sunday, the Annual Grand C~m­ Bro. H erold announced the appoint-
published quarterly at D1stnbut.1on Office, Ma- past shortcomings and current igno-
sonic Homes of Pennsylvamo, Elizabethtown, Po. and not condemned. And treating r ance. Rather, let us prove worthy of Budget for the present ~seal year, In- munication was held on the followmg ment of eight new D istrict D eputy
17022, with location of headquarters a.t Moso~1c Grand Masters which are listed on
Temple, Brood and Filbert Streets, PhlladeiJ?hla, secrets exchanged in trust and confi- each other's confidence even though we dicating estimated Receipts and Ex- day, D ecember 28, 1964.
Po. 19107. Publisher: The R1ght Worshipful
Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable dence with the integrity of the confes- penditures of $3, 100,000. T he pro- Included in the attendance of ap- Page 4 of this issue.
have different approaches to the fulfill- G rand Lodge closed in harmony at
rroternity of Free and Accepted Masons of
Ed itor, William A. Carpenter, sional is a practice which, if universally po:>ed Budget was approved as sub- proximately 250 Brethre.n, . v.:ere Dis-
Pennsylvania . ment of our obligations to God and our tinguished Guests from Vtrgmta, Mary- 1:15 P.M.
Librarian and Curator, Grand Lodge F. & A. M. observed, would greatly improve hu- mitted.
of Pennsylvania; Owner, The Right Worshipful
man relations. An honorable man who fellow man by the improvement of our- land New Jersey, Connecticut, New Fraternally,
Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Brief reports were presented by the
Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Penn- voluntarily keeps a pact would also selves and our institutions and by a following Committees or Trustees: Ha~pshire, D elaware, Indiana, ~i~s~s­

sylvania. Known bondholders, none. Stockholders,
none. No advertising handled. Free d istribution keep the oath t aken in the court "to union of our collective fraternal efforts Masonic Culture, Masonic Homes ~t sippi, Maine, Illinois, West Vtrgmta,
overages 256,000 each quarter. I certify that
the statements made by me are correct and tell the truth, the whole truth and when there are no Biblical prohibitions Elizabethtown, Patton School, Masomc Ontario (Canada), Grand Chapter,
complete: William A. Carpen ter, Editor. Grand Council and Grand Command-
nothing but the truth." to prevent it. Temple, P ension Fund and Employ-
ery of P ennsylvania, Grand Encamp-
2 ment Bureau.
Eight District Deputy Masonic Cultures Workshops Held 36th Masonic District
Grand Masters Named Has Active Visitation
Eight new District Deputy Grand
Masters have been appointed by Bro. In Shenandoah and Danville Areas Between Its Lodges
Earl F. Herold, R. W. Grand Master.
They include: Masonic Culture Workshops recent- ideas and experiences and distribute The "Wayfarers" of the 36th Ma-
Bro. Joseph J. Myers, District "B," ly conducted at Shenandoah and Dan- materials used in this program. sonic District have a most active and
vice Bro. Rochester B. Woodall. Bro. ville were well attended and, from all Similar Masonic Culture Workshops closely-knit organization.
Myers resides in Havertown, Pa., and reports, have been most successful. are soon to be conducted in the 6th For many years several of the
is an industrial engineer in building In accordance with the R. W. Grand Masonic District, the 40th Masonic Lodges in and around Delaware County
maintenance of The Atlantic Refining Master's pleasure that Workshops be District in March. Plans are in the have enjoyed an organization for the
Company, Philadelphia. held on a District level, Bro. Thomas making for Workshops in the Harris- purpose of visitations between the
Bro. Wallace H. Alexander, 2nd F. Becker, District Chairman for the burg and Hazleton areas, Allentown, respective Lodges and other fraternal
Masonic District, vice C. Lester Ma- Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Delaware County and Chester County. activities.
thias. Bro. Alexander lives in Harris- Culture in the 58th Masonic District, It is the hope and desire that other Meeting at the earliest date possible
burg and is owner of the H. B. Alex- arranged for a Masonic Culture Work- Districts will give consideration to this in the year, the Worshipful Masters of
ander & Sons, Inc., contracting firm. shop held in the Masonic Hall, Shen- activity and arrange similar Work- the 36th Masonic District and several
Bro. Forrest W. Hunt, 9th Masonic andoah, Pa. Over 70 of the Brethren, shops. The Grand Lodge Committee neighboring Lodges get together and
District, vice Bro. David C. Adams. including Worshipful Masters, Ward- on Masonic Culture will cooperate and arrange a visitation schedule between
Bro. Hunt lives in Northampton and Bro. Charles S. Baker, Jr., of the Library and Museum Staff, Masonic Temple, ens, Secretaries and Committees on Ma- participate in every way possible. their Lodges for the balance of the year.
is cashier and trust officer of the Ce- Philadelphia, is shown "pulling out" several Masonic books ordered by the Brethren sonic Culture of the eight Lodges in When the visitation schedule is com-
from our Grand Lodge Circula ting Library. This special service is available to all the 58th Masonic District attended. pleted a folder is printed carrying the
ment National Bank.
Bro. William Brady Hetrick, 19th
Pennsylvania Masons who may borrow two Masonic books at a time, free of charge,
from the more than 250 Masonic titles listed in the new Circulating Library The Masonic Culture Workshop con- Past Master 63 Years names, addresses and telephone num-
Masonic District, vice Bro. Richard Brochure also free upon request. ducted in Danville on January 25, Bro. Earl H. Beshlin, 94 years of age bers of the Worshipful Masters and
A. Rosenberry. Bro. Hetrick lives in 1965, was a joint effort of two Ma- and still active as an attorney at law, Wardens of each Lodge and the dates
Lewistown. He is a salesman and mem- sonic Districts. Bro. W . Jack Lewis, has the distinction of of the respective visitations. Also list-
ber of State House of Representatives.
Bro. John D. Haines, Jr., 21st
Many Masonic Books Are Available District Chairman for the 35th Mason-
ic District, and Bro. Charles F. Snyder,
being a Past Master
for 63 years.
ed are the dates of the annual ban-
quets of each Lodge with an effort to
Masonic District, vice Bro. William District Chairman for the 46th Masonic avoid conflicting dates.
M. Townsend. Bro. Haines, residing In Grand Lodge Circulating Library District, arranged for this particular
Bro. Beshlin was
Entered in North Star
Another highlight ·in the year's ac-
tivity of the "W ayfarers" is an annual
in Curwensville, is a registered engi- Workshop. Over 85 of the Lodge Offi- Lodge, No. 241, held
neer and superintendent of North Our new 32-page Circulating Library Jurisprudence of Freemasonry . . . . Mackey
cer s and Members of the Lodge Com- Noontime luncheon of the Worshipful
brochure, containing the rules, regula- Religion of Freemasonry ...... . . Whymper at Warren, Pa., and
American Refractories Company for History of Cryptic Rite .. .... ... ... Macoy mittees of the Lodges in these two Masters, the Worshipful Masters-elect
tions and listings of over 250 Masonic served as Worshipful and past officers of each lodge on the
mining operations. Military Lodges ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . Gould Masonic Districts attended this Work- Master in 1902.
Bro. Robert Batto, 37th Masonic books now available for Masons of Beginnings of Freemasonry shop. 27th of December. This luncheon is
District, vice Bro. Jonas Cordingley, Pennsylvania Lodges to borrow, is in America ... , . , ............. johnson The men of First often attended by 100 or more of the
These Masonic Culture Workshops Presbyterian Church
Bro. Batto lives in Rochester, Pa., and available for distribution in quantities This new Circulating Library bro- Brethren.
are now being conducted on a week- of Warren recently Bro. Earl H.
is a commercial photographer. to Lodges. chure will be mailed upon request by Beshlin Bro. John B. Cottrell, Jr., District
The Masonic books available are day evening and take approximately honored Bro. Beshlin
Bro. Guy E. Walker, 41st Masonic writing to Librarian and Curator, Ma- three hours. The sessions afford an Deputy of the 36th Masonic District, is
District, vice Orland A. Kipp. Bro. classified in sixteen groups and a brief with a testimonial dinner. He has been most active in this organization.
sonic Temple, One North Broad Street, excellent opportunity to discuss the
Walker lives in Somerset and is Presi- description of each book is given to active in the local church since 1892.
Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. Masonic Culture program, exchange
dent and manager of the Somerset assist the borrower in locating the par-
Thrift Finance Company. ticular books of his choice. Must Be in the Heart
Bro. John L McCain, 55th Mason- Members of Pennsylvania Lodges
may borrow books from the Circulat-
Charity Above All A Freemason's true Masonic value
ic District, vice Joseph McChesney, cannot be determined by the number
ing Library of Grand Lodge either in Freemasonry is by no means a fin-
Bro. McCain is a former vice-president ished product. Its history is still un- of degrees he may obtain. Degrees
in charge of production for the Hach- person or by mail. Two books are are conferred on men, but unless Free-
permitted at a time and may be held written. It is the process of growth
meister, Inc., of Pitsburgh. and development, and so it must ever masonry is instilled in their hearts, no
for a three-week period free of charge,
except for the return postage, if needed. continue until sympathy shall blossom, amount of degree work will produce
hatred die away, prejudice disappear Freemasons.
Questions & Answers The following is another partial list-
and charity possess the earth. The great principles of our ancient
ing of the many available and highly
Booklet Is Still Available recommended books for Freemasons
and honorable Fraternity may be
summed up as a philosophy of life, de-
The 36-page pocket size Ques- to read:
tions and Answers booklet is still ANOTHER REMINDER signed to promote a greater feeling of
The Story of The Craft . . . . . . . . . . . V ibert brotherhood among men.
available for purchase. Contributions to the "Guest Fund"
The Newly-Made Mason ........ Haywood appeal for the Masonic Homes at A Lodge can well be judged a school
This booklet, containing 124 Brother and Builders ........... . Newton Elizabethtown, Pa., are in excess of of Freemasonry. Whether the Frater-
answers to questions frequently The Speculative Mason ........ Ma cBride
English Speaking Masonry . . . . . . . Robbins
8246,000.00 a t this writing. nity has fulfilled its lofty purposes and
asked about Freemasonry, may If you have not ntade your con- ideals depends largely upon the powers
The Cathedral Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott tribution, please do, so tha t we may
be purchased in single copies or Masonic Symbolism ............... Hunt of assimilation and a pplication of those
reach our goal o f 8250,000.00 b y
in quantity at ten cents each by The Genesis of Freemasonry . . . . . . . Knoop
March 15, 1965, the closing date of who become Members of our Lodges.
· writing to Librarian and Curator, Hand to Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staurt this annual appeal. The lessons learned by the initiates
Masonic H arvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claud y
Masonic Temple, One North Short Readings in Masonic History . . Tatsch
Make your contributions payable of our Symbolic D egrees must be put
to the "Guest Fund" and mail to Shown above is a portable display of the severa l pieces of litera ture available for
Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa., The Story of Freemasonry . . . . . . . . . Sibley the use of the Lodge Committees on Masonic Culture. This display and quantities of to use in their daily contacts with oth-
the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown,
19107. Washington, the Man and Mason .. Callahan Pa. 17022. the various folders , bookle ts and papers are taken to the Masonic Culture Work- ers. Then, and only then, will Freema-
Concise History of Freemasonry . . . . Gould shops now being conducted on a District level. sonry have achieved its real purpo!ie.
4 5
Gr. Holy Royal Arch
A Mason For 72 Years
Chapter of Penna.
1fn Jflemortam Oldest on Continent
Right Worshipful Past Grand Master At the Quarterly Communication of
the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter
P ennsylvania Masonry lost an active in 1911 and served as Worshipful
of Pennsylvania, held T hursday, De-
and useful M ember in the death of Master in 1921. H e was appointed
cember 3, 1964, at the Masonic T em-
Bro. Albert T. E yler, R. W. Past Grand District Deputy Grand M aster of the
ple, Philadelphia, the following Com-
M aster, on January 18, 1965. Bro. 48th Masonic District from 1936 to panions were elected and installed :
Eyler was at his win- 1947.
ter residence in Lake Bro. Eyler was elected R. W. J unior M ost E xcellent Grand H igh Priest
Worth, Florida, at the Grand Warden in D ecember, 1947. W. IRVINE WIEST of Shamokin
time of his death. Serving his two years as R. W. Junior Most Excellent Grand King
Born in Irwin, Grand Warden and then as R. W. ARTHUR R. DIAMOND of P hiladelphia
Westmoreland Coun- Senior Grand Warden, he became Act-
ty, Pa., in 1889, Bro. ing D eputy Grand Master in August, Most Excellent Grand S cribe
Eyler was educated 1951, upon the death of Bro. Edward ]AMES D. SMITH of W ashington The M asonic T e mple and Scott ish Rite Cathe dral, Scranton, P a . This Temple
in the public schools F. Roberts, D eputy Grand Master. M ost Excellent Grand Treasurer w~s open ed in 1930. Th.c mor!~agc burning c c r .;m o n y was accomplish ed last year.
of Pittsburgh and was Brother Eyler was installed R. W. Stx Lodges a r c h cl~ her~? m ad~tho n to a Royal Arch Chapter, Counc il, Comma ndc r y
Bro. George L. Roberts CHARLES E. TULL of Philadelphia and the four Scotttsh Rue Bodtes of Valley of Scrnnto n . It is located at 420 Nor th
a graduate of the Grand Master on December 27, 1951. Washing ton Ave., Scranton, Pn.
American Institute of Another Pennsylvania Mason with M ost E xcellent Grand Secretary
In addition to his active church life, a record of continuous membership ex- JoHN C. F. KITSELMAN of Philadelphia
Banking. He later went into the insur- Bro. Eyler found time to affiliate and
ance business for himself, and handled participate in practically all of the
ceeding seventy or more years, is Bro.
George L. Rober ts of Temple Lodge, R oyal Arch M asonry, as a separate YOUR CORRECT ADDRESS IS MOST IMPORTANT
all types of insurance through the Masonic bodies. A m ember of the and independent organization, is of . If,. at any time, your mailing address changes, please notify your Lodge Secretary
Aetna Company. No. 248. tmme~ 1at~ly..
Scottish Rite Bodies, Valley of Pitts- Bro. Roberts, now living in Tunk- comparatively modern date. T he R oyal Y our L odge S ecretary has special forms for reporting such changes to
He had been a resident of the Bor- burgh, he was created a Sovereign t he D 1stnbutJon Office for T he P ennsylvania Freemason.
hannock, Pa., was born June 16, 1868, Arch is founded upon and is but a part ~ailure t o report your correct mailing address can only result in unnecessary
ough of Dormont, Pittsburgh, Pa., since Grand Inspector Genera l, 33 °, in 1950. of the M aster's D egree, as the Mark handhng of your copy of T he P ennsylvania Freemason. In fact, copies of The
1922, and was most active in the pub- in Falls Township, Wyoming County,
H e was High Priest of Homewood is but an appendage of the F ellow Penn~ylvania Freemason with incorrect addresses are destroyed except for t he panel
lic school system of Dormont. Pa. He was Entered in Tem ple Lodge,
Royal Arch Chapter; Thrice Illustrious Craft. The separation grew out of, and showmg your name and address. This portion of your copy is attached to a Postal
H e had been a life-long member of No. 248, on January 11, 1892. R eturn F orm 3579 a nd mailed back to our D istribution Office. T hese P ostal Returns
Master of Liberty Valley Council, and was one of the results of the schism in cost us ten cents each. One at a time, these P ostal Returns do not seem much
the Methodist Church and had taught Commander of Duquesne Command- E ngland, which occurred in the fore- but m u ltiplied by 2,000 or more makes them quite expensive. '
a Bible Class in the Mt. Lebanon ery. He was a member of Syria Tem-
Methodist Church, Pittsburgh, from ple, A.A.O.N.M.S., a m ember of Red
Bro. Silbaugh, P.M., part of the 18th century. T his schism Y our cooperation in making certain that your co rrect mailing address is always
listed with your L odge Secretary will be greatly appreciated. By so doing, you will
was not completely harmonized there
1922 until 1948.
He was one of the original Dads of
Cross of Constantine and Appendant Belle Vernon Lodge, until 1813. The remembrance of it is
assure yourself of futur e copies of T he Pennsylvania Freemason.
Orders and the National Sojourners. embedded in the phraseology of our
Templar Chapter, O rder of DeMolay,
A public-spirited citizen, an ardent Nationally Honored ritual, in the t erm "Ancient York
in Pittsburgh, and was a member of the Bro. Lawrence Silbaugh, P ast Master Mason."
Board of Directors of Mt. Lebanon- churchman, deeply interested in the
welfare of youth, devoted to Freema- of Belle Vernon Lodge, No. 643, held The earliest mention of the R oyal
Dormont Y . M. C. A., Pittsburgh. at Belle Vernon, P a., has distinguished
sonry's principles and concerned in all Arch as a separate degree, is in 17 40.
Bro. Eyler was a M ember of Home- himself as the recipient of the National
its activities, Bro. Eyler will be greatly It is noticed as one of the results of
wood Lodge, No. 635, held at Home- Safety Council Award · and also the
wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. H e was Entered missed in numerous areas of services. the schism in England, and as a differ-
Certificate of Merit, the h ighest award ence between the work of the two op-
possible from the American National posing bodies. The seceders from the
Red Cross. Grand Lodge of England called them-
A veteran West P enn Power Com- selves "Ancients," and stigmatized the
pany linesman, Bro. Silbaugh was so Grand L odge and its adherents as
honored for saving the life of a 13- "Moderns." They organized as "The
month-old child by mouth-to-mouth Grand Lodge of All England," and cut
resuscitation in an emergency situation off the R oyal Arch from the Master's
last August while he was working near D egree.
the child's home. The first Royal Arch Chapter ever The n ew Maso nic Hall of Community L odge, No. 744, locate d on th e West Ch este r
The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. opened in America, of which any ac- Pike n ear Broo mall, Pa. Built o n a two acre plot this 1\fasonic Hall was converted
front a two· story ty pe d welling . Comple ted a nd used f o r the first time on Sep·
Gerard Kenna fell while playing. She count has been published, is that of te mbc r 12, 1963, the building provides a Lodge R oom 66 x 33 f eet, a Social R oom
swallowed her tongue and went into No. 3, in Philadelphia, meeting under 70 x 32 f eet a nd the n eccssat·y lobby, kitche n , boile r roo m, wash. r ooms, e tc .
convulsion, shutting off her breathing. the Lodge W arrant, about the year Conve rted a nd furni sh ed a t a cost of 860,000.00, the unit a lso provides adequate
Her mother picked her up and ran out- 1758. The Grand Chapter of Virginia parking facilities adjacent to the building.
doors where she summoned a neighbor. records the first documentary evidence
The neighbor took the child and ran of the conferring of the R oyal Arch is the oldest on this continent, having body was received and read in our
up the road to where Bro. Silbaugh was Degree to be found in t he world as been formed by our Grand Lodge on Grand Lodge May 30, 1796. The
being in possession of F redericksburg November 23, 1795, with William B all, G rand Chapter continued under the
. . -1
-- ~
working. Bro. Silbaugh applied the
immediate mouth-t o-m outh resuscita-
tion bringing the child out of the con-
L odge, No. 4, at F redericksburg, Vir-
ginia, and bears the date of D ecember
then G rand M aster, as Grand H igh
P riest. A communication was immedi-
jurisdiction of the Grand L odge until
1824, when the Grand Chapter was
A reproduction of an e tching showing the Old Tun Tavern, situated at 'Vate r Street vulsion state. Little Terry Jo K enna 22, 1753. ately addressed to the Grand L odge of made an independent body, electing it s
and Tun Alley, 100 feet south of Chestnut S treet, Philadelphia, Pa. It wus on the All E ngland and a reply from that own officers as at present.
second floor of this building where the first Lodge of Free masons was or"an ized was then taken to a hospit a l and soon T he Grand Chapter of P ennsylvania
in North America. " was back home playing again.

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