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 Lavinia Lavai
Eltonia Leonard
Bethany Trimmingham
Makayla John
Xaverna Black

Makeup has evolved from being accessible to only superior races, to now being accessible at the
nearest corner store. Information was obtained from SMM, Ruby Rose and Buzzfeed. The poem showed
how makeup makes women feel more attractive or have a low self-esteem. SMM personified his lines to
impact women by allowing them to feel better about their raw beauty. Ruby Rose conducted a music
video supported by powerful lyrics which connected to viewers’ point of view on makeup. Which lead to
the realization that makeup only adds to your beauty – not create it. Buzzfeed simply assisted users by
demonstrating styles and design through a video tutorial.
In acquiring information about the use of makeup, two poems and a video were used. From
these sources, it was learnt that makeup is used for several reasons which include hiding insecurities,
changing your appearance like physical appearance or skin texture.
The disadvantages of Makeup were obtained from a blog, twitter rant and a song. From the
blog, it was learnt that most makeup products alter your skin regimen, this being the main disadvantage.
The song was also based on women wearing makeup to satisfy society as they feel ugly without it. Over
twitter, naturalists argued over women wearing makeup with the ‘#youdontneedmakeup’ movement,
opposing the fact that women should wear makeup.
While investigating positive effects of Makeup, it was noticed that makeup has many different
purposes in everyday life. Two poems and a blog discussed the positive effects of makeup being the
highlight of a person’s day. Makeup can make you appear confident and look fresh. It enriches
imagination and is also an empowering tool that should not be eschewed.
Two YouTube videos and a poem, aided the research about the brands associated with makeup.
The poem entitled ‘Makeup’ portrays a woman who wore makeup to boost her self- confidence, but
overtime, she felt more insecure because it damaged her skin and created more flaws. The persona
utilized figures of speech to provide the readers with vivid visual imagery of this situation. The first video
entitled ‘Is Makeup Bad For You?’ is factual. The second is ‘Top 10 Most Expensive Makeup Brands
Worldwide’. Both cautioned the harmful substances found in makeup and gave realization that makeup
brands make a great amount of profit from their product popularity. It influenced us by limiting the
usage of makeup and cautioning others about it harmful effects.

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