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Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, Vol. 40, No.

6, 2010

Speech Disorders in Right-Hemisphere Stroke

G. M. Dyukova,1 Zh. M. Glozman,2 E. Yu. Titova,3

E. S. Kriushev,4 and A. A. Gamaleya5

Translated from Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, Stroke, Vol. 109, No. 5 (part II),
pp. 11–21, May, 2009.

Clinical practice shows that right-hemisphere cerebral strokes are often accompanied by one speech dis-
order or another. The aim of the present work was to analyze published data addressing speech disorders
in right-sided strokes. Questions of the lateralization of speech functions are discussed, with particular ref-
erence to the role of the right hemisphere in speech activity and the structure of speech pathology in right-
hemisphere foci. Clinical variants of speech disorders, such as aphasia, dysprosody, dysarthria, mutism,
and stutter are discussed in detail. Types of speech disorders are also discussed, along with the possible
mechanisms of their formation depending on the locations of lesions in the axis of the brain (cortex, sub-
cortical structures, stem, cerebellum) and focus size.

KEY WORDS: speech function lateralization, speech disorders, right-sided strokes.

At the first stage of examination of a patient with fied by the introduction of neuroimaging methods into neu-
stroke, the neurologist has to determine not only the etiolo- rological practice. However, cases of speech disorders in
gy of the stroke, but also the question of the topical diagno- right-hemisphere strokes, their causes and clinical features,
sis of the focal brain lesion. One of the first questions is that and the associated questions of the lateralization of speech
of the lateralization of the stroke. The main criteria for iden- functions continue to be discussed and this question is very
tifying the lesioned side is usually the presence or absence relevant in theoretical and practical neurology.
of speech disorders and the side of the sensorimotor defect Existing clinical observations have provided grounds
affecting the limbs and face. As a rule, in left-hemisphere for some re-examination of the stringent theory of the later-
strokes, particularly in the acute stage, the right-sided limb alization of brain functions and have provided deeper
deficit is combined with speech disturbances, though the insights into the organization of speech functions and the
neurologist is not infrequently faced with the situation in structure of speech pathology.
which one or another speech disorder is combined with The aim of the present work was to analyze published
motor or sensory abnormalities in the left limbs. In this sit- data addressing speech disorders in right-hemisphere strokes
uation, the type of speech disturbance and its location along with assessment of the locations and sizes of focal brain
the brain axis (cortex, subcortical structures, stem, cerebel- lesions, types of speech disorders, and the possible mecha-
lum) are particularly important. The diagnosis of acute nisms of their formation.
cerebrovascular lesions has now been significantly simpli- The following clinical variants of speech disorders are
recognized in neurological practice: aphasia, dysprosody,
1 Department dysarthria, mutism, and stutter [1]. In this context, we will
of Nervous Diseases, Sechenov Moscow
Medical Academy; e-mail:
consider their appearance in right-hemisphere cerebrovas-
2 Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. cular lesions.
3 Clinical Hospital No. 83. Speech functions and their lateralization. The role of the
4 State Scientific Center for Medical-Biological Problems, right hemisphere in speech activity. The functions of speech
Russian Academy of Sciences. are to encode thoughts and feelings in the form of language,
5 Department of Neurology, Russian Postgraduate Medical and to translate external utterances and incoming informa-
Academy, Moscow. tion into mental concepts [2]. Four main speech modalities
0097-0549/10/4006-0593 ©2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
594 Dyukova, Glozman, et al.

are distinguished – impressive speech, oral (expressive) ic [9]. Thus, the involvement of the right hemisphere in
speech, reading, and writing. Impressive speech includes speech processes increases in left-hemisphere epileptic
perception, understanding of oral speech, and its retention seizures and during recovery after left-hemisphere strokes.
in operative memory. Oral (expressive) speech consists of It is often said that there is a relationship between the
the formation and expression of thoughts and feelings in the location of brain speech areas and right- or left-handedness
form of spoken grammatically and lexically correct words, [10]. In the European population, “pure” right-handers
phrases, and texts, along with the ability to repeat foreign account for about 40% of the total population, 50–55%
speech and names of objects. Reading is the visual percep- being ambidextrous, i.e., to some degree left-handed, and
tion and understanding of text. Writing is the formulation 4.5–10% being “pure” left-handers [11]. Among right-han-
and expression of thoughts and feelings by means of writ- ders, 90–96% show left-hemisphere speech dominance [7].
ing words and phrases [3]. Each of these speech modalities The question of speech representation in left-handers ini-
is a complex functional system consisting of a multiplicity tially evoked strong controversy. However, the suggestion
of components supported by the operation and interaction that hemisphere specialization in left-handers was the mir-
of different brain areas. Lesioning of any brain area impairs ror image of that in right-handers and that the right hemi-
the functional system as a whole, i.e., all its modalities sphere was dominant in speech did not receive support. It is
are impaired (to different extents and with qualitative speci- now accepted that about 76% of left-handers also have
ficity) [4, 5]. speech representation on the left, while of the remaining
Speech functions, like other mental functions, are 24%, about 14% have bilateral speech representation, with
characterized by hemisphere asymmetry and interhemi- the right hemisphere being dominant in 10%. Overall, right
sphere interactions [2]. During early childhood, the hemi- hemisphere speech dominance is much rarer than left-hand-
spheres are equipotent in relation to speech. Specialization edness. At the same time, the probability of right-sided
of the hemispheres starts during the second year of life, speech dominance is much higher in left-handers than in
after which there is a gradual increase in interhemisphere right-handers.
asymmetry, which reaches its greatest extent by adulthood, Apart from left-handers and those with a genetic pre-
gradually fading out with further aging [5, 6]. disposition, atypical speech lateralization is also influenced
Development of lateralization of individual mental by factors such as lesions to the left hemisphere of the brain
functions to one hemisphere leads to reciprocal inhibition of at the embryonic or early childhood stages of development,
the areas of the other hemisphere linked with this function, which leads to a shift in dominance towards the structural-
i.e., so-called “tonic inhibition” by the other hemisphere. ly unharmed right hemisphere [12]. Displacement of the
This reciprocity implies suppression rather than elimination cerebral mechanisms of speech to the other hemisphere
of functions (which is important in relation to the rehabili- may not be identical for speech and the hands. Social and
tation of impaired functions). cultural factors such as illiteracy, the use of tonal languages,
There are several methods for determining the func- and hieroglyphic writing also play some role in the incom-
tional asymmetry of speech functions [7]. The methods plete lateralization of speech with a predominance of right-
used are dichotic listening and object naming with separate hemisphere dominance [9].
visual stimulation of the visual field. Patients with transec- Left-hemisphere speech functions in right-handers
tion of the corpus callosum or hemispherectomy have pre- have been well studied, as lesions produce profound and
viously provided a good model for studies of the speech distinct speech disorders [4, 13]. Less obvious is the
functions of each hemisphere. The Wada test consists of involvement of the right hemisphere in speech processes,
sequential chemical “exclusion” of the hemispheres by though sufficient data have now been accumulated regard-
administration of short-acting barbiturates into the carotid ing its contribution to speech-thought activity.
arteries [8]. In addition, CT scanning has been used to The main speech functions of the right hemisphere in
assess the sizes of the brain lobes, including the size of the right-handers can be identified [3, 14]: regulation, percep-
“temporal area” [3]. Hemisphere dominance is now identi- tion, and production of the intonation-melodic aspect of
fied and speech functions are located using functional neu- speech, which emphasizes and colors the sense of an ora-
roimaging studies: fMRI, single-photon emission computed tion, the global perception of the schemes of texts, pictures,
tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography and life situations, the global understanding of gestures and
(PET), and transcranial Doppler scanning, which allow expressions as components of verbal communication, the
assessment of speech-related changes in cerebral blood operation of speech automatism and stock phrases, the
flow and metabolism in the hemispheres. global perception and reproduction of the sound images of
Numerous clinical observations and studies have words, and the storage of speech automatisms, which are
demonstrated that the left hemisphere is dominant for speech not subject to deconstruction into sound units, in memory.
in most people [2, 3]. Only 1–2% of people have right-hemi- Thus, right-hemisphere speech production is ordered
sphere speech dominance. The functional asymmetry of the in nature and is manifest as prepared formulas, in contrast
hemispheres is not global in nature, but is partial and dynam- to left-hemisphere speech, with is actively constructed by
Speech Disorders in Right-Hemisphere Stroke 595

speakers in accordance with the ongoing situation. Speech aphasia occurs in lesions to the posterofrontal areas of the
produced by the right hemisphere is characterized by being brain anterior to Broca’s area.
involuntary and is controlled by the left hemisphere. The 4. Conduction aphasia, which is interpreted as a spe-
right hemisphere is also involved in the processes of speech cific variant of afferent motor aphasia in left-handers [3],
perception and is responsible for recognition of the seman- involves an uncoupling of the centers for impressive and
tic categories of words and the differentiation of words of expressive speech. Spontaneous, situation-related speech is
foreign and mother tongues [14, 15]. relatively preserved; repetition, naming, and reading aloud
Dominance of the right hemisphere in the perception are impaired. This type of aphasia occurs in lesions to the
and realization of speech prosody, i.e., the component of white matter of the posterior areas of the parietal lobe at the
speech characterized by its melody, intonation, and emo- junction with the temporal lobe.
tional tone, is widely recognized [16]. 5. Sensory aphasia (Wernicke’s aphasia, acoustic-
Aphasia is a systematic disorder affecting all speech gnostic aphasia) consists of impairments to phonematic
processes in organic brain lesions and is combined with hearing, i.e., the ability to extract and discriminate the
defects to other mental functions and personality in patients; meaning-distinguishing features of speech sounds, resulting
it impairs patients’ ability to communicate [17]. Aphasia is in alienation of the meanings of words. The understanding
characterized by impairments to all speech modalities of dif- of oral and written speech is severely compromised; speech
ferent severities. The functions of the peripheral articulatory remains fluent and rapid (to the extent of logorrhea), though
apparatus and hearing are generally preserved. all meaning is lost; there are many literal paraphasias, par-
Different authors have provided different descriptions asite words, pseudoneologisms, and random words (“word
of aphasic syndromes [1, 3, 4, 7, 13, 17–20] and the task of salad”). This occurs as a result of lesions to the posterior
producing a coherent classification remains. However, third of the superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke’s zone).
Luriya [4] has proposed identification of the following 6. Acoustic-mnestic aphasia is characterized by nar-
clinical variants of aphasia, reflecting the interaction of rowing of the volume of acoustic perception and verbal
the main mechanisms underlying speech disorders and the memory and instability of name retention, resulting in
locations of focal lesions: defects in word understanding and object naming. This type
1. Motor efferent (kinetic) aphasia is characterized by of aphasia is associated with lesions to the central part of
impairments to all types of expressive speech due to the lack the temporal gyrus, i.e., the extranuclear zone of the audito-
of timely substitution of innervation supporting the rapid ry analyzer. The affected cortical zones are also connected
and smooth switching from one speech element to the next, to the visual analyzer, so patients often experience difficul-
with preservation of the reproduction of individual elements ties in naming objects and events and finding the right word
of articulation and phonematic hearing. Speech is slowed, and its image (optical-mnestic aphasia). Some authors com-
has few words, is poorly articulated, and shows literal para- bine acoustic-mnestic and optical-mnestic aphasia under
phasia (sound substitutions), perseveration, and agramma- the term amnestic aphasia.
tism. Impressive speech and intellectual processes are just 7. Semantic aphasia leads to impairments to the under-
as deautonomized. This type of aphasia results from lesions standing of complex speech, where the meaning of each
to the anterior parts of the speech zones of the brain, i.e., the word depends on its relationships with other words, along
inferior parts of the premotor area or Broca’s area. with lack of understanding and confusion in the patient’s
2. Motor afferent (kinesthetic) aphasia is characterized own speech of particular logical-grammatical structures,
by derangement of all components of expressive speech, prepositions, conjunctions, and other components express-
i.e., difficulty in constructing elements of articulation. The ing temporal and spatial relationships in language. This
articulation of sounds which have similar sites or means of type of aphasia develops in lesions of the parietal-temporal-
formation is particularly severely affected; literal parapha- occipital parts of the brain.
sia and oral searching (searching for articulatory postures) 8. Total (global, sensorimotor) aphasia, with loss of or
are also seen. This type of dysphasia is associated with severe impairment to both impressive and expressive speech
lesions to the inferior parts of the parietal cortex adjacent to in all its manifestations. This occurs in extensive lesions in
the postcentral gyrus, supporting the kinesthetic basis of the the basin of middle cerebral artery affecting the pos-
movements of the articulatory apparatus. Oral apraxia, i.e., terofrontal and temporal areas.
the inability to perform speech movements spontaneously, 9. Subcortical aphasia is characterized by impairments
is often seen in afferent motor aphasia syndrome. to prosody and the smoothness of speech. It is described in
3. Dynamic aphasia consists of impairment to the plan- lesions of the deep structures of both hemispheres – capsu-
ning and programming of orations and the inability to for- lostriate structures, the periventricular white matter, and the
mulate thoughts as sentences. Sharp reductions in speech thalamus [3].
initiatives and decreases in the fluency of speech are seen. Considering only the dynamic characteristics of speech,
Associative processes are profoundly affected, while repeti- the non-Russian literature [21] divides all aphasias into
tion and writing to dictation are preserved. This type of smooth (fluent) aphasia and non-smooth (non-fluent) types.
596 Dyukova, Glozman, et al.

Examination of patients with aphasia requires detailed analogous types of aphasia. Second are cases with atypical
assessment of the main functions of speech, i.e., auditory locations of speech functions, which account for 30% of
perception and speech understanding functions, production cases of CA. Lesion foci are seen in locations other than the
of spontaneous, automated speech, word and sentence repe- expected right-hemisphere locations. Cases of atypical
tition, and object naming, as well as the presence of aphasias locations are almost always characterized by moderate
or paraphasias (substitution or transposition of letters, sylla- speech deficit, even when there are extensive lesions in the
bles, and words), perseveration (repetition of letters, sylla- area of the sylvian sulcus. Alexander and Annett [27] pro-
bles, and words), the ability to read and understand texts, posed that this anomaly resulted from the non-correspon-
spontaneous writing, copying, and writing to dictation. dence of the lateralization of the phonological and semantic
There is a series of special unified scales and tests for iden- speech systems associated with the atypical lateralization of
tifying types of aphasic disorders [4, 22]. all cognitive functions in a small population of people.
The timely correlation of brain lesions and speech disor- These authors suggested the “right-shift” theory, whereby a
ders is important. Aphasia in the early period (acute aphasia) particular gene (rs+) is responsible for asymmetry in the
can often be more severe than expected from the lesion itself, modal organization of brain functions. If the rs+ gene is pre-
because of delayed suppression of speech functions at later sent (more than 90% of cases), there is a predominant dis-
stages (chronic aphasia), when aphasia, conversely, becomes placement of the lateralization of functions to the right
less severe because of functional compensation. Thus, the hemisphere, these including speech functions, “handed-
most appropriate time for investigation is the period from the ness,” and praxis. When the gene is absent (rs–), there is no
third week to the third month from the moment of the vascu- preference for lateralization and the organization of all lat-
lar accident,, the so-called “focal lesion phase” [23]. eralized functions is defined by random developmental fac-
The types of aphasia described above generally occur tors, which are independent for each modality. The result is
after lesions of the corresponding areas of the left hemi- that all possible variants of the lateralization of brain func-
sphere. Data from various sources [3, 23] show that lesions tions can occur [27].
to the right hemisphere produce aphasia in 25% of left-han- Marien et al. [21] reported a detailed analysis of cases
ders and 2–5% of right-handers. of aphasia in right-handers occurring as a result of vascular
Crossed aphasia (CA). Aphasia occurring in right-han- lesions to the right hemisphere (ischemic and hemorrhagic
ders with lesions to the right hemisphere has been termed strokes, ruptured aneurysms with parenchymal damage)
crossed aphasia. This is a rare and interesting neurobiolog- described in the literature from 1975 onwards. Of the 152
ical phenomenon supporting the hypothesis that brain func- clinical cases considered, the criteria of probable CA were
tions are organized as systems, with consideration of their met in 49 (32.2%) (of which 35 (71.4%) were men and 14
lateralization [22–25]. CA has been defined by various (28.6%) women, mean age was 60.2 years (from 32 to 80
authors using different combinations of diagnostic criteria. years)). Correlations between the locations of lesions and
Marien et al. [21] proposed a classification of CA with iden- speech disorders could only be assessed when sufficient
tification of unlikely, possible, and probable cases of CA. data from neuropsychological evaluation and neuroimaging
Possible CA is diagnosed when the following criteria are (CT, MRI, surgery) were available, i.e., in 38 patients. The
fulfilled: presence of a focal lesion only in the right hemi- severity of impairment to speech function was expressed on
sphere with the left hemisphere structurally intact; the pres- a points scale (0–18) on the basis of language tests, whose
ence of aphasia; and confirmed right-handedness (from results defined mild (1–6 points), moderate (7–12 points),
birth, not due to retraining at school or physical trauma to and severe (13–18 points) aphasias. After systematic assess-
the left hand). Cases of CA not satisfying these criteria are ment of aphasic syndromes, 26.5% of cases were classified
assessed as unlikely. Probable cases are those in which as Broca’s motor aphasia, 24.5% as Wernicke’s sensory
there is no history of references to left-handedness or aphasia, 12.2% as global aphasia, 14.3% as conduction
ambidextrousness in the family and there is no indication of aphasia, 14.3% as transcortical aphasia, 6.1% as amnestic
brain damage during the neonatal or postnatal periods and aphasia, and 2% as fluent-type atypical aphasia. The age
no indications of epileptic seizures in childhood; there are distributions of the different types of aphasia were not sig-
also no non-biological factors which might influence the nificantly different. Oral speech and writing were impaired
functional organization of the brain (including lateralization to equal extents. Apart from aphasic disorders in a number
of speech functions), such as illiteracy, speaking of two or of these patients with CA, there was also a series of non-
more languages, us of a tonal language or hieroglyphic verbal cognitive impairments, such as dysprosody, left spa-
writing [26]. tial neglect, constructive apraxia, ideatory and ideomotor
Two main types of CA can be distinguished [23]. First apraxia, and oral apraxia.
is the so-called “mirror reflection” type, encountered in Thus, analysis of a group of patients with probable CA
about 70% of cases of CA. In these cases, lesion foci in the occurring after strokes, selected on the basis of clear diag-
right hemisphere are located in the standard, typical areas nostic criteria, led the authors of [21] to the conclusion that
corresponding to left hemisphere lesions in patients with CA differs from non-crossed aphasia (NCA) in terms of the
Speech Disorders in Right-Hemisphere Stroke 597

following aspects: CA is more frequently encountered functional suppression of an anatomically undamaged left
among men than women; the relative incidence of clinical hemisphere was observed in these patients with CA during
variants of CA is independent of age; quite severe impair- the acute stage of stroke, but was absent at the recovery
ments to writing are often seen. There are also similarities. stage. Diaschisis showed rapid recovery. Other investigators
Thus, contrary to previous opinion, CA is rarely transient, showed that this was not always the case and that recovery
and recovery of speech functions is not guaranteed even with did not occur by six months after stroke. This may be asso-
the passage of time. Nonverbal psychological impairments ciated with the development of irreversible structural
in CA can include both dysfunctions of the subdominant changes such as transneuronal degeneration, which is not
type (spatial neglect) and dysfunctions of the dominant type included in the definition of diaschisis but is quite difficult
(apraxia), as well as impairments to other, less lateralized to distinguish from it in terms of functional neuroimaging
functions (constructive apraxia, acalculia). data [30].
Subcortical CA in lesions of the deep structures of the Overall, it can be concluded that CA is not a homoge-
right hemisphere occurs very rarely and its mechanism is neous syndrome characterized by good recovery. CA, like,
very poorly understood. It has been suggested that cortico- NCA, is composed of a variety of syndromes. From the
striato-pallido-thalamo-cortical pathways play a significant clinical-anatomical point of view, CA cannot be regarded as
role in normal speech activity, performing and reprocessing a mirror analog of aphasic disorders occurring in left-hemi-
semantic material. Damage to these pathways, as well as sphere foci. Various and sometimes incomplete dissociative
compression of surrounding cortical structures, can there- intra- and interhemisphere combinations of symptoms are
fore lead to aphasic disorders [28]. The case described by seen significantly more often in CA than in NCA [22, 25].
the authors showed global aphasia in the presence of a However, there is at present no single theory providing a
lesion mainly to the putamen extending to the periventricu- complete explanation of the characteristic impairment to
lar white matter of the right hemisphere. speech functions in CA.
Diaschisis plays a particular role in the formation of Dysprosody. While aphasia is quite rare in right-sided
CA, particularly in the acute phase of stroke [29]. Diaschisis strokes, disorders to the emotional components of speech,
is the functional inactivation of parts of the brain from the i.e., prosody and emotional gesticulation, are seen in many
focus of the primary structural lesion, with functional patients. This in turn supports the view that the right hemi-
changes in cerebral metabolism. There is no ischemia, sphere has a leading role in supporting these speech com-
edema, or any other structural change in the distant location, ponents [16, 33, 34].
and the reduction in metabolism occurs because of interrup- Dysprosody refers to impairments in speech pitch and
tion of neuronal connections and loss of afferent spike activ- melody. Speech loses its intonational expressiveness,
ity from the area containing the focus. The state of brain becoming monotonous, colorless, and dull, and it acquires
metabolism and the cerebral circulation are closely related, a nasal tone. The ability to understand and transmit the
so diaschisis can be detected using functional neuroimaging meaning of verbal intonation is lost. The interpretation
methods such as SPECT and PET [30, 31]. In stroke, diaschi- of complex non-speech sounds is lost (auditory agnosia)
sis is most often encountered in the cerebellum on the side and patients become unable to recognize melodies, male
contralateral to supratentorial damage (crossed diaschisis), and female voices, and familiar noises (auditory image per-
and is essentially proportional to the extent of damage to the ception is impaired). Dysprosody (aprosody) is generally
pyramidal tract. Cortical diaschisis arising in small, deep, the main characteristic of speech in patients with damage
subcortical lesions and infarcts in strategically important to the right hemisphere [26].
zones (for example, the thalamus) has been described [32]. Impairments to prosody and gesturing are evaluated in
The role of diaschisis in the mechanisms forming spontaneous speech, with assessment of the ability to repeat
speech disorders has been discussed in the literature. Bakar different components of prosody and to understand prosody
and Kirshner [29] described three patients with CA (all on hearing, and assessment of visual understanding of emo-
right-handers). The neurological status of these patients tional gesticulations [16].
included left-sided hemiparesis and speech disorder: two Ten right-handed patients with ischemic strokes in the
patients had total aphasia and one had Broca’s motor apha- right hemisphere, accompanied by impairments to prosody
sia. In all cases, CT scans confirmed lesions to the right in the form of speech drabness, monotony, and disappear-
hemisphere with no foci in the left hemisphere. Functional ance of emotional coloration, were studied [16]. Speech in
neuroimaging by SPECT (or PET) during the acute phase of some patients was described as indistinct and unintelligible,
stroke showed extensive zones of hypoperfusion or similar to the speech of patients with dysarthria. These
hypometabolism in the right hemisphere, as well as the ini- patients showed impairments to spontaneous gesticulation.
tial signs of decreased perfusion and metabolism in the left Understanding of prosody and gestures was preserved in five
hemisphere. Investigation of one of the patients at two patients. One patient showed dissociation between under-
months on the background of improvements in clinical standing of prosody and gestures: impairments to the under-
symptomatology demonstrated no signs of diaschisis. Thus, standing of prosody were accompanied by preservation of
598 Dyukova, Glozman, et al.

gesture recognition. Behavioral changes were also seen: ability to reproduce various physical, tonal, and sound fea-
although patients retained the ability to laugh and cry, these tures of speech sounds in oral speech; unintelligible and
emotions were pathological, not corresponding to the con- slurred articulation with swallowing of sounds is character-
text and not controlled by the patient (exaggerated laughter istic. Articulatory movements and speech are slow, patients
and crying). However, impairments to emotional prosody complain of the sensations of a “thick” tongue and “porridge”
could be seen to different extents both in patients with emo- in the mouth. Patients’ phrases are constructed correctly,
tional-mental disorders (depression) and without these con- vocabulary is not affected, and the grammatical structure of
ditions. Strokes in these patients were located in the basin of words is not impaired. Reading, writing, internal speech,
the right middle cerebral artery, with involvement of the syl- and understanding of speech are preserved [7, 40].
vian sulcus area, with lesions to the inferior parts of the Several types of dysarthria have been discriminated on
frontal lobe or anteroinferior parts of the parietal lobe. Two the basis of the locations of lesions [41]. Bulbar dysarthria
patients had subcortical foci with lesions to the basal ganglia occurs in lesions of the cranial nerve nuclei, when it is com-
and white matter. Thus, all the patients in the study with bined with dysphagia and dysphonia, along with atrophy of
right hemisphere lesions were unable to produce the emo- half of the tongue, loss of tongue tone, and loss of the glottal
tional component of prosody, while some patients were reflex. Pseudobulbar dysarthria occurs in lesions of the cor-
unable to discriminate the emotional tones of speech. ticonuclear pathways, predominantly the corticosublingual
Weintraub et al. [33] investigated nine right-handed and corticofacial pathways, and can be combined with dys-
patients with unilateral right-hemisphere strokes without phonia, dysphagia, oral automatism reflexes, and increased
aphasic disorders. Patients were asked to perform a series of tongue tone. Cerebellar dysphagia occurs in lesions of the
tasks to verify their ability to discriminate stress in words cerebellum and corticocerebellar connections and is charac-
and sentences, as well as the ability to repeat and voluntari- terized by ataxia, impairments to speech fluidity, and jerky
ly produce stress and intonation. This group of patients made pronunciation of words.
errors in all the tasks, while the control group of healthy sub- Dysarthria can be seen in lacunar syndromes, such as
jects made only occasional mistakes. These observations led “dysarthria – clumsy hand,” “dysarthria – motor hemipare-
to the conclusion that there was a more generalized impair- sis,” “isolated dysarthria,” “dysarthria – facial nerve palsy,”
ment to prosody in right-sided lesions, including disorders and “dysarthria – face and tongue palsy” syndromes
of the non-emotional components of prosody. The results of [42–44]. In addition, some authors use a classification of
this study were subsequently confirmed in larger cohorts of dysarthrias based on analysis of the movements and impair-
patients [35–37]. ments of the tone of the affected muscles (flaccid, spastic,
Furthermore, it was proposed that the functional- ataxic, hypokinetic, hyperkinetic, and mixed types) [40].
anatomical organization of prosody in the right hemisphere Different types of dysarthria can impair articulation, reso-
is the same as the organization of logical language in the nance, phonation, respiration, and speech melody to differ-
left hemisphere, with the suggestion that impairments to ent extents.
prosody should be assessed analogously to the assessment Strokes in the right hemisphere (in the basin of the right
of aphasia, identifying motor, sensory, total, amnestic, and middle cerebral artery) most commonly lead to mild
transcortical types of dysprosody [16, 35]. However, this dysarthria, transient in nature, because of the bilateral inner-
hypothesis has yet to receive definitive support [38]. vation of the bulbar musculature. Cases in which left-sided
Blonder et al. [39] compared the ability to produce hemiparesis is accompanied by severe dysarthria produce
spontaneous emotional speech in patients with left-hemi- diagnostic difficulties and are often suggested to involve an
sphere and right-hemisphere strokes. Their observations additional stroke in the brainstem or contralateral (left) cor-
showed that patients with right-hemisphere lesions smiled tex. However, this clinical picture can in fact occur after sin-
and laughed significantly more rarely, though their speech gle right-hemisphere strokes.
contained significantly more emotional words. Impairments Ropper [45] described 10 patients (nine right-handed
to prosody were rare in patients with left-hemisphere and one ambidextrous) with acute right-hemisphere strokes
strokes. The authors of [37] concluded that impairments to with no lesions in other brain areas, accompanied by severe
emotional prosody and mimicry of expressions in right- dysarthria inconsistent with the dysarthria of lacunar syn-
sided strokes were not associated with a cognitive deficit or dromes. The patients were investigated during the three
the inability to experience emotions, but represented a spe- weeks following stroke. The clearest features of dysarthria
cific impairment to the ability to encode nonverbal infor- were: slowness, incomplete pronunciation of syllables, inar-
mation. It remains uncertain whether the ability to recog- ticulate, monotonous speech, hypophonia, and dysprosody,
nize emotions depending on their modality or the type of and some similarity with cerebellar dysarthria. Most patients
emotions is impaired. showed weakness of the orofacial musculature, along with
Dysarthria is a speech disorder associated with impair- hemiparesis of different severities. There were no aphasic
ments to the intelligibility, smoothness, loudness, and clar- disorders. CT scans demonstrated right-hemisphere lesions,
ity of articulations. Dysarthria involves impairment to the mainly superficial, in the frontal lobe (the basin of the supe-
Speech Disorders in Right-Hemisphere Stroke 599

rior frontal branch of the right middle cerebral artery) in five firmed single non-extensive foci. Articulation, phonation,
cases, three patients having more extensive foci in the basin prosody, and the overall severity of dysarthria were
of the right middle cerebral artery and two having deep assessed separately. These studies showed that dysarthria in
infarcts in the semioval center and a large lacuna in the inter- extracerebellar strokes occurred more often in left-sided
nal capsule. Dysarthria improved slowly over periods of 1–3 lesions (89.5% versus 10.5%), but was more common in
weeks. These observations led Ropper to suggest that damage cerebellar strokes when lesions were on the right side
to the connections between the cerebellum and right hemi- (77.7% versus 22.3%). No relationship was found with the
sphere play a role in the mechanisms of dysarthria, altering patient’s right- or left-handedness. In right-sided strokes,
the influences of the right (non-dominant) hemisphere on the dysarthria was less severe than in left-sided strokes, regard-
cerebellar speech modulation system. less of the topography of foci. Articulation was more
Ichikawa and Kageyama [43] and Urban et al. [46, 47] severely affected in left-sided foci, which supports the clear
observed patients with dysarthria of different severities aris- hemisphere lateralization of speech motor control. Overall,
ing in lacunar syndrome. In fifteen of the 35 patients (43%), the severity of dysarthria in unilateral stroke (both right-
lacunae were located in the right hemisphere, mainly in the and left-hemisphere) varied from mild to moderate, severe
internal capsule (the genu or posterior limb) and corona radi- dysarthria being apparent only in rare cases. Most cases
ata. One case had a lesion to the lower parts of the motor showed virtually complete recovery over 1–4 months,
cortex. The characteristics of dysarthria in these patients though mild dysarthria could persist.
were comparable regardless of lesion location. Recovery Mutism is the loss of the ability to vocalize, a type of
was seen over 2–4 months. speech disorder in which the patient does not speak and
Urban et al. [47, 48] sought better understanding of the does not respond to questions, but retains consciousness
mechanisms producing dysarthria using transcranial mag- and the ability to produce written speech [51]. The patient
netic stimulation (TCMS) and SPECT. The authors con- does not have aphasia, and only sometimes is transient
firmed the role of the corticobulbar tract, sensory afferent mutism seen in the acute stage of motor or global aphasia.
fibers, and the cortico-ponto-cerebellar tract in dysarthria. In CNS lesions, mutism results from impairments to the
TCMS demonstrated that lesions of the central sublingual facial, vocal, lingual, and/or respiratory movements respon-
and orofacial motor pathways were more significant in pro- sible for sound production and is most commonly seen in
ducing non-cerebellar dysarthria. More prolonged dysarthria lesions of the speech-dominant hemisphere. Mutism associ-
could occur in central unilateral lesions of the sublingual ated with unilateral cortical lesions is usually transient;
system, unlike unilateral peripheral lesions (where articula- decreased phonation only affects verbal vocalizations and is
tory deficits disappeared within a few days). Its cause could characterized by preserved or even excessive nonverbal
only be conjectured. It may be that in unilateral peripheral vocalizations (cries), and paresis of voluntary mimicking
damage to the sublingual system, pathological tongue movements with preservation of emotional movements.
movements are quickly compensated for by central mecha- Focal lesions of different locations in the limbic system
nisms, while these mechanisms may be damaged in central (temporal lobe, thalamus, subthalamic area) also degrade or
lesions. Another possibility is that unilateral damage to the eliminate vocalization. This mainly affects emotional
central corticosublingual pathway leads to imprecise tongue phonation and emotional mimicking expressions, while vol-
movements or concentrates movement on one side because untary mimicking remains intact (unlike pseudobulbar pare-
of imbalanced muscle tone. It was suggested that strokes in sis). More profound deterioration of phonation, combined
the area of the corona radiata might lead to simultaneous with a generalized reduction in motor activity, is encoun-
damage to the corticobulbar pathway and the pathways tered in akinetic mutism – a state in which all vocalization
from the corpus callosum to the contralateral hemisphere and spontaneous movement are lost, other than gaze fixa-
which conduct information relating to speech motor func- tion and tracking.
tion [49]. It is also likely that there is individual variation in Mutism occurs most frequently in multi-infarct states,
the proportions of crossing and non-crossing corticonuclear bilateral lesions affecting the anterior parts of the cingulate
pathways. The literature also contains discussions of the gyrus, adjacent to the third ventricle, anterior to the limb of
role of diaschisis [30], including cerebellar, in the mecha- the internal capsule, and the mesodiencephalic area.
nisms producing dysarthria in unilateral hemisphere However, it can also occur in unilateral infarcts involving
strokes. Damage to the cortico-ponto-cerebellar tract rostral the parietal lobe and caudate nucleus or on occlusion of the
to the pontine nuclei may lead to contralateral cerebellar recurrent artery of Huebner [44]. In addition, mutism has
diaschisis, while damage distal to the crossover leads to been described in large lesions of the anterior lobes extend-
ipsilateral diaschisis. ing to the putamen, which corresponds to the anatomy of
Urban et al. [50] conducted a prospective study of Broca’s aphasia and transcortical aphasia.
speech characteristics in dysarthria, taking cognizance of Although unilateral lesions of the right hemisphere can
lesion lateralization. A total of 62 patients were studied in also lead to various cognitive and behavioral abnormalities,
the acute stage of stroke with dysarthria and MRI-con- the occurrence of mutism in these lesions is very rare.
600 Dyukova, Glozman, et al.

Chaudhuri et al. [52] described a patient with left- vasomotor manifestations (sweating, erythema, pallor);
sided paresis of the facial musculature and hand monopare- there is no impairment to social intercourse, the patient may
sis accompanied by mutism. Understanding of heard speech be irritated, but is not embarrassed [56]. All these points
was preserved. MRI scans demonstrated a stroke in the right raise doubts that the cases described can in fact be inter-
parietal lobe affecting cortical and subcortical structures. preted as true stutter.
On further observation, recovery of speech was precipitate Although acquired stutter is most often seen in lesions
and complete, without any residual dysarthria. The authors of the dominant (left) or both hemispheres, the literature
explained this rare case by suggesting a diaschisis effect or includes descriptions of patients with acquired stutter and
impairment to the modulation of left hemisphere function lesions in the right hemisphere [55, 59–61]. Ardila and
resulting from the right-sided stroke. Lopez [55] noted that focal lesions of the right hemisphere
Berthier et al. Described another case [53]. This was a quite frequently lead to a mild tendency to repeat sounds
right-handed patient with mutism, multimodal neglect syn- and syllables, simulating acquired stutter, though these
drome, oral apraxia, and ideomotor apraxia of the right hand cases showed an association between the acquired stutter
developing suddenly as a result of an acute cerebrovascular and loss of verbal automatism and the stutter was interpret-
accident in the right hemisphere. Pathological anatomical ed as deautomation of the flow of speech. Profound stutter
investigation revealed a focus of ischemic stroke involving in the absence of other speech disorders in right hemisphere
the whole of the right insula, the adjacent white matter, and lesions is rare.
the inner cortical surface of the right fronto-temporo-parietal Jorner and Massey [59] described a case of stutter
operculum, with sparing of the left hemisphere. accompanied by a right hemisphere lesion in a right-handed
Thus, the literature contains only rare cases of mutism man aged 62 years. The stutter, interpreted as palilalia, was
in right-hemisphere stroke. The clinical-anatomical charac- combined with apraxia relating to dressing, constructive
teristics of mutism require further study. apraxia, left-sided homonymous hemianopia, and central
Stutter. There are two types of acquired neurogenic paresis of the facial musculature. CT scans showed an exten-
impairments of speech fluency: cortical stutter and palilalia. sive stroke in the basin of the right middle cerebral artery.
Stutter is a defect of diction with involuntary repetition and Ardila and Lopez [55] reported a right-handed man of
lengthening of sounds and syllables, difficulty in pronounc- 50 years with a CT-demonstrated extensive lesion in the
ing them, and pauses and spasms of speech [54, 55]. right temporal lobe. Neurological status included left-sided
Palilalia is the involuntary repetition of words and phrases, hemiparesis, apraxia of dressing, and the depersonalization
primarily associated with bilateral lesions of the frontal and déjà vu phenomena, as well as speech disorder in the
lobes or basal ganglia. Transient stutter is usually combined form of sound and syllable repetition during spontaneous
with lesions of expressive speech (aphasia). It is possible speech, repetition, and reading.
that these cases do not involve true stutter, but the persever- Soroker et al. [61] described a patient with stutter
ation of efferent motor aphasia, which is reminiscent of developing after a limited subcortical stroke in the right
stutter. Stable impairments to speech fluency without other hemisphere. The patient was right-handed, and he had never
speech impairments are quite rare. previously stuttered and no member of his family stuttered.
Acquired stutter has been described in strokes in both The authors suggested a possible mechanism for the devel-
the dominant and non-dominant hemispheres; it can occur opment of stutter in terms of damage to the pathways of the
in lesions of all lobes of the brain, as well as in subcortical corpus callosum, which coordinates the activity of the two
lesions [56–58]. The variety of possible lesion sites sup- hemispheres in speech processes.
ports the view that stutter is not a specific symptom of focal Thus, the question of differentiating stutter, persever-
brain dysfunction. Its particular neuronal mechanisms ation, and deautomation of speech remains problematic
remain unclear. On the background of existing predisposi- and the cerebral locations of these disorders requires fur-
tion to stutter, stroke may be the decisive factor leading to ther study.
the recurrence of childhood stutter completely overcome In conclusion, the following types of speech disorders
during adulthood. can be seen in patients with strokes causing lesions in the
The clinical features of acquired stutter are quite diverse right hemisphere. Dysprosody is the most common impair-
and depend to a large extent on the brain areas involved. ment, associated with the leading role of the right hemi-
However, a series of common characteristic features can be sphere in supporting prosody and the understanding and
seen with foci in different locations. Repetition in acquired reproduction of the emotional components of speech,
stutter can affect any part of a word, be it mono- or poly- mimicry, and gesticulation. Dysarthria, from mild (in lacu-
syllabic, and any part of a sentence; there is no adaptation nar strokes) to severe, results from lesions of the corticobul-
effect (i.e., improvement of repetition) and no suppression bar and cortico-ponto-cerebellar tracts and sensory afferent
during singing, reading of verses, etc. Furthermore, there is fibers, and can also result from diaschisis. Aphasia is
no synkinesis in the movements of the lips, tongue, eyelids, explained by the partial or complete dominance of speech by
brows, body, arms, or legs and there are no concomitant the right hemisphere occurring in some people because of
Speech Disorders in Right-Hemisphere Stroke 601

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