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Name: ___________________________________________ Score: _________

Grade & Section: ________________ Date: __________

I. Identify the following.

1. A serious disruption in the functioning of a society, causing widespread human, material or
environmental losses which exceeds the ability of the affected society to cope within its’ own
2. A phenomenon that poses threat to the people, structure or economic assets and which may cause
a disaster
3. Characteristics and circumstances (physical, social, economic and environmental factors) of a
community, system or asset that makes it susceptible to the damaging effects of hazard
4. Combination of strengths and resources (physical, social, economic and environmental factors)
available within a community, society or organization that can reduce the level of risk or effects of
5. The entire array of activities aimed at reducing the severity of impact of the disaster-causing event
which are undertaken before, during, and after a disaster is referred to collectively as
6. Conceptual framework to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society
7. Systematic process of using administrative decisions, organization, operational skills and capacities
to implement policies, strategies, and coping capacities of the society and communities.
8. Activities undertaken immediately during disaster occurrence
9. The immediate repair or re-establishment of essential services
10. The rebuilding of community services & facilities to a level of at least equivalent to those existing
before emergency
11. The relationship of the disaster related factors with the national development planning
12. A long-term measure which could prevent a disaster from occurring or preventing its worst effects
13. Measures to lessen the impact of disasters
14. Ability to react before hazard occurrence
15. Information given to the public when a threat has been identified and assessed, as about to affect a
particular area
II. Enumerate the following.
A. (5) Steps of DRR
B. (5) Examples of DRR activities which are done before a disaster
C. (3) Aims of DRR & DM

I. Identification
1. Disaster
2. Hazard
3. Vulnerability
4. Capacity
5. Disaster Management
6. Disaster Risk Reduction
7. Disaster Risk Management
8. Emergency Response
9. Rehabilitation
10. Reconstruction
11. Development
12. Prevention
13. Mitigation
14. Preparedness
15. Warning

II. Enumeration
A. 1. Risk Identification
2. Risk Analysis
3. Risk Prioritization
4. Risk Treatment
5. Monitoring and Evaluation
B. 1. Building code revision and implementation
2. Hazard and vulnerability analysis
3. Zoning and land use management
4. Public awareness and education
5. Early warning systems including forecasting and dissemination of warnings
C. 1. Prevention
2. Mitigation
3. Preparedness

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