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Length contraction is the phenomenon that a moving object's length is measured to be shorter

than its proper length, which is the length as measured in the object's own rest frame.[1] It is also
known as Lorentz contraction or Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction (after Hendrik
Lorentz and George Francis FitzGerald) and is usually only noticeable at a substantial fraction of
the speed of light. Length contraction is only in the direction in which the body is travelling. For
standard objects, this effect is negligible at everyday speeds, and can be ignored for all regular
purposes, only becoming significant as the object approaches the speed of light relative to the


 1History
 2Basis in relativity
 3Symmetry
 4Magnetic forces
 5Experimental verifications
 6Reality of length contraction
 7Paradoxes
 8Visual effects
 9Derivation
o 9.1Using the Lorentz transformation
 9.1.1Known moving length
 9.1.2Known proper length
o 9.2Using time dilation
o 9.3Geometrical considerations
 10References
 11External links

Main article: History of special relativity
Length contraction was postulated by George FitzGerald (1889) and Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1892)
to explain the negative outcome of the Michelson–Morley experiment and to rescue the hypothesis
of the stationary aether (Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction hypothesis).[2][3] Although both FitzGerald and
Lorentz alluded to the fact that electrostatic fields in motion were deformed ("Heaviside-Ellipsoid"
after Oliver Heaviside, who derived this deformation from electromagnetic theory in 1888), it was
considered an ad hoc hypothesis, because at this time there was no sufficient reason to assume that
intermolecular forces behave the same way as electromagnetic ones. In 1897 Joseph
Larmor developed a model in which all forces are considered to be of electromagnetic origin, and
length contraction appeared to be a direct consequence of this model. Yet it was shown by Henri
Poincaré (1905) that electromagnetic forces alone cannot explain the electron's stability. So he had
to introduce another ad hoc hypothesis: non-electric binding forces (Poincaré stresses) that ensure
the electron's stability, give a dynamical explanation for length contraction, and thus hide the motion
of the stationary aether.[4]
Eventually, Albert Einstein (1905) was the first[4] to completely remove the ad hoc character from the
contraction hypothesis, by demonstrating that this contraction did not require motion through a
supposed aether, but could be explained using special relativity, which changed our notions of
space, time, and simultaneity.[5] Einstein's view was further elaborated by Hermann Minkowski, who
demonstrated the geometrical interpretation of all relativistic effects by introducing his concept of
four-dimensional spacetime.[6]

Basis in relativity[edit]

In special relativity, the observer measures events against an infinite latticework of synchronized clocks.

First it is necessary to carefully consider the methods for measuring the lengths of resting and
moving objects.[7] Here, "object" simply means a distance with endpoints that are always mutually at
rest, i.e., that are at rest in the same inertial frame of reference. If the relative velocity between an
observer (or his measuring instruments) and the observed object is zero, then the proper length  of
the object can simply be determined by directly superposing a measuring rod. However, if the
relative velocity > 0, then one can proceed as follows:

Length contraction: Three blue rods are at rest in S, and three red rods in S'. At the instant when the left ends
of A and D attain the same position on the axis of x, the lengths of the rods shall be compared. In S the
simultaneous positions of the left side of A and the right side of C are more distant than those of D and F. While
in S' the simultaneous positions of the left side of D and the right side of F are more distant than those of A and

The observer installs a row of clocks that either are synchronized a) by exchanging light signals
according to the Poincaré–Einstein synchronization, or b) by "slow clock transport", that is, one clock
is transported along the row of clocks in the limit of vanishing transport velocity. Now, when the
synchronization process is finished, the object is moved along the clock row and every clock stores
the exact time when the left or the right end of the object passes by. After that, the observer only has
to look at the position of a clock A that stored the time when the left end of the object was passing
by, and a clock B at which the right end of the object was passing by at the same time. It's clear that
distance AB is equal to length  of the moving object.[7] Using this method, the definition
of simultaneity is crucial for measuring the length of moving objects.
Another method is to use a clock indicating its proper time , which is traveling from one endpoint of
the rod to the other in time  as measured by clocks in the rod's rest frame. The length of the rod can
be computed by multiplying its travel time by its velocity, thus  in the rod's rest frame or  in the clock's
rest frame.[8]
In Newtonian mechanics, simultaneity and time duration are absolute and therefore both methods
lead to the equality of  and . Yet in relativity theory the constancy of light velocity in all inertial frames
in connection with relativity of simultaneity and time dilation destroys this equality. In the first method
an observer in one frame claims to have measured the object's endpoints simultaneously, but the
observers in all other inertial frames will argue that the object's endpoints were not measured
simultaneously. In the second method, times  and  are not equal due to time dilation, resulting in
different lengths too.
The deviation between the measurements in all inertial frames is given by the formulas for Lorentz
transformation and time dilation (see Derivation). It turns out that the proper length remains
unchanged and always denotes the greatest length of an object, and the length of the same object
measured in another inertial reference frame is shorter than the proper length. This contraction only
occurs along the line of motion, and can be represented by the relation
L is the length observed by an observer in motion relative to the object
L0 is the proper length (the length of the object in its rest frame)
γ(v) is the Lorentz factor, defined as
v is the relative velocity between the observer and the moving object
c is the speed of light
Replacing the Lorentz factor in the original formula leads to the relation
In this equation both L and L0 are measured parallel to the object's
line of movement. For the observer in relative movement, the
length of the object is measured by subtracting the simultaneously
measured distances of both ends of the object. For more general
conversions, see the Lorentz transformations. An observer at rest
observing an object travelling very close to the speed of light would
observe the length of the object in the direction of motion as very
near zero.
Then, at a speed of 13,400,000 m/s (30 million mph, 0.0447c)
contracted length is 99.9% of the length at rest; at a speed of
42,300,000 m/s (95 million mph, 0.141c), the length is still 99%. As
the magnitude of the velocity approaches the speed of light, the
effect becomes prominent.

The principle of relativity (according to which the laws of nature are
invariant across inertial reference frames) requires that length
contraction is symmetrical: If a rod rests in inertial frame S, it has its
proper length in S and its length is contracted in S'. However, if a
rod rests in S', it has its proper length in S' and its length is
contracted in S. This can be vividly illustrated using
symmetric Minkowski diagrams, because the Lorentz
transformation geometrically corresponds to a rotation in four-
dimensional spacetime.[9][10]

Magnetic forces[edit]
Main article: Relativistic electromagnetism
Magnetic forces are caused by relativistic contraction when
electrons are moving relative to atomic nuclei. The magnetic force
on a moving charge next to a current-carrying wire is a result of
relativistic motion between electrons and protons.[11][12]
In 1820, André-Marie Ampère showed that parallel wires having
currents in the same direction attract one another. To the electrons,
the wire contracts slightly, causing the protons of the opposite wire
to be locally denser. As the electrons in the opposite wire are
moving as well, they do not contract (as much). This results in an
apparent local imbalance between electrons and protons; the
moving electrons in one wire are attracted to the extra protons in
the other. The reverse can also be considered. To the static
proton's frame of reference, the electrons are moving and
contracted, resulting in the same imbalance. The electron drift
velocity is relatively very slow, on the order of a meter an hour but
the force between an electron and proton is so enormous that even
at this very slow speed the relativistic contraction causes significant
This effect also applies to magnetic particles without current, with
current being replaced with electron spin.[citation needed]

Experimental verifications[edit]
See also: Tests of special relativity
Any observer co-moving with the observed object cannot measure
the object's contraction, because he can judge himself and the
object as at rest in the same inertial frame in accordance with the
principle of relativity (as it was demonstrated by the Trouton–
Rankine experiment). So length contraction cannot be measured in
the object's rest frame, but only in a frame in which the observed
object is in motion. In addition, even in such a non-co-moving
frame, direct experimental confirmations of length contraction are
hard to achieve, because at the current state of technology, objects
of considerable extension cannot be accelerated to relativistic
speeds. And the only objects traveling with the speed required are
atomic particles, yet whose spatial extensions are too small to allow
a direct measurement of contraction.
However, there are indirect confirmations of this effect in a non-co-
moving frame:
 It was the negative result of a famous experiment, that required
the introduction of length contraction: the Michelson–Morley
experiment (and later also the Kennedy–Thorndike
experiment). In special relativity its explanation is as follows: In
its rest frame the interferometer can be regarded as at rest in
accordance with the relativity principle, so the propagation time
of light is the same in all directions. Although in a frame in
which the interferometer is in motion, the transverse beam
must traverse a longer, diagonal path with respect to the non-
moving frame thus making its travel time longer, the factor by
which the longitudinal beam would be delayed by taking times
L/(c-v) & L/(c+v) for the forward and reverse trips respectively
is even longer. Therefore, in the longitudinal direction the
interferometer is supposed to be contracted, in order to restore
the equality of both travel times in accordance with the
negative experimental result(s). Thus the two-way speed of
light remains constant and the round trip propagation time
along perpendicular arms of the interferometer is independent
of its motion & orientation.
 Given the thickness of the atmosphere as measured in Earth's
reference frame, muons' extremely short lifespan shouldn't
allow them to make the trip to the surface, even at the speed of
light, but they do nonetheless. From the Earth reference frame,
however, this is made possible only by the muon's time being
slowed down by time dilation. However, in the muon's frame,
the effect is explained by the atmosphere being contracted,
shortening the trip.[13]
 Heavy ions that are spherical when at rest should assume the
form of "pancakes" or flat disks when traveling nearly at the
speed of light. And in fact, the results obtained from particle
collisions can only be explained when the increased nucleon
density due to length contraction is considered.[14][15][16]
 The ionization ability of electrically charged particles with large
relative velocities is higher than expected. In pre-relativistic
physics the ability should decrease at high velocities, because
the time in which ionizing particles in motion can interact with
the electrons of other atoms or molecules is diminished.
Though in relativity, the higher-than-expected ionization ability
can be explained by length contraction of the Coulomb field in
frames in which the ionizing particles are moving, which
increases their electrical field strength normal to the line of
 In synchrotrons and free-electron lasers, relativistic electrons
were injected into an undulator, so that synchrotron radiation is
generated. In the proper frame of the electrons, the undulator is
contracted which leads to an increased radiation frequency.
Additionally, to find out the frequency as measured in the
laboratory frame, one has to apply the relativistic Doppler
effect. So, only with the aid of length contraction and the
relativistic Doppler effect, the extremely small wavelength of
undulator radiation can be explained.[18][19]
Reality of length contraction[edit]

Minkowski diagram of Einstein's 1911 thought experiment on length

contraction. Two rods of rest length  are moving with 0.6c in opposite
directions, resulting in .

In 1911 Vladimir Varićak asserted that one sees the length

contraction in an objective way, according to Lorentz, while it is
"only an apparent, subjective phenomenon, caused by the manner
of our clock-regulation and length-measurement", according to
Einstein.[20][21] Einstein published a rebuttal:
The author unjustifiably stated a difference of Lorentz's view and
that of mine concerning the physical facts. The question as to
whether length contraction really exists or not is misleading. It
doesn't "really" exist, in so far as it doesn't exist for a comoving
observer; though it "really" exists, i.e. in such a way that it could be
demonstrated in principle by physical means by a non-comoving

— Albert Einstein, 1911

Einstein also argued in that paper, that length contraction is not
simply the product of arbitrary definitions concerning the way clock
regulations and length measurements are performed. He presented
the following thought experiment: Let A'B' and A"B" be the
endpoints of two rods of the same proper length L0, as measured
on x' and x" respectively. Let them move in opposite directions
along the x* axis, considered at rest, at the same speed with
respect to it. Endpoints A'A" then meet at point A*, and B'B" meet
at point B*. Einstein pointed out that length A*B* is shorter than A'B'
or A"B", which can also be demonstrated by bringing one of the
rods to rest with respect to that axis.[22]

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