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all ap as at ag

ball cap gas bat bag

call gap has cat nag
fall hap was fat gag
gall lap ar gat lag
hall map bar hat tag
kall nap car mat sag
mall rap far pat rag
tall sap jar rat wag
wall tap tar sat brag
stall trap scar flat drag
all snap star that flag
all flap char at swag
Word Families 2
Word Families 3
ed en et id ig
bed Ben bet bid big
fed den jet kid dig
led hen let hid fig
Ned men met lid jig
red pen net rid pig
med ten set did rig
red glen pet fid wig
Ted when vet vid gig
shed then wet slid mig
bled wren yet skid zig
shed open fret amid twig
sled oxen duet grid brig
Word Families 4
im in ip it ill
bim bin dip bit bill
dim din hip dit fill
Fim fin lip fit hill
him hin rip hit Jill
Jim Jin sip kit rill
Lim lin tip lit sill
rim sin zip nit till
sim tin flip pit vill
Tim pin slip sit will
vim chin trip wit grill
glim grin grip zit still
slim twin clip slit trill
Word Families 5
ob og op ot ub
Bob bog bop bot bub
cob cog cop cot cub
hob dog fop dot dub
job fog hop got hub
lob jog lop hot nub
mob hog mop jot pub
rob log sop lot rub
sob nog top not sub
blob tog wop pot tub
glob wog stop rot grub
slob blog crop sot slub
snob clog Shop Slot club
Word Families 6
ug um un up ut
bug bum bun cup but
dug cum dun dup cut
fug hum Hun hup gut
hug lum jun pup hut
jug mum gun sup jut
lug rum nun tup nut
mug sum pun yup rut
pug drum run ust tut
rug slum sun bust shut
tug plum tun must slut
vug chum shun just but
slug stub un gust cut
Word Families 4
im in ip it ill
bim bin dip bit bill
dim din hip dit fill
Fim fin lip fit hill
him hin rip hit Jill
Jim Jin sip kit rill
Lim lin tip lit sill
rim sin zip nit till
sim tin flip pit vill
Tim pin slip sit will
vim chin trip wit grill
glim grin grip zit still
slim twin clip slit trill
Obedience is the very best way
to show that you believe
Doing exactly as the Lord commands,
doing it happily
Action is the key,
do it immediately,
joy you will receive
Obedience is the very best way
to show that you believe
Obedience is the very best way
to show that you believe.
We want to live pure,
we want to live 'clean,
we want to do our best
Sweetly submitting to authority,
leaving to God the rest.
Walking in the light,
keeping our attitude right,
on the narrow way.
For if we believe the Word we receive,
we always will obey
Obedience is the very best way
to show that you believe.
Mga salitang Filipino
aba abaka dala
aka akda baka
ada aklat baga
aga atsara dasal
aha anak halaga
ama agwat kama
Ana anay lasa
apa asta lawak
asa angat mana
ata agwat mapa
awa bata nawa
aya dala palay
araw tama sanga
agaw sapa takda
apaw sayaw waldas
Sarsarita nga Iloco
ama karayan ina
atep arubayan igat
ari banga ipus
aritos sagad irik
alutiit baldi igges
alsong balay innem
anak saka libro
aklo aldaw ridaw
ani ramay sarming
saba kayo kawes
lakasa laya tugaw
lata sako plato
lastiko sanga plaka
pana sagwan trabaho
papag salop grasa
Sarsarita nga pangladawan
na ga get nagaget
na sa dut nasadut
na a si naasi
na da yaw nadayaw
na pig sa napigsa
na kap sut nakapsut
na rag sak naragsak
na u nget naunget
na la wa nalawa
na sam it nasam-it
na bang lo nabanglo
na la ing nalaing
na lap sat nalapsat
na li day naliday
na tul nog natulnog

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