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Exercise 5

When most people think of the Renaissance, they might think of artists like Michaelangelo,
Raphael, or Leonardo da Vinci, but they often overlook on of the very important figurs of the
Renaissance: Fillippo Brunelleschi was born in Florence, Italy in 1377. He is considered the best
archetect and engineer of the Renaissance. His impressive accomplishments are a tistament to
the following one’s dream, preserving in the face of obstacles, and realizing one’s vision.

The most difficult undertaking of Brunelleschi’s carreer was the dome of Florence Cathedral,
which took sixteen years to construct. A major blow to the progrress of the construction
happened in 1428. Brunelleschi had designed a special ship to carry the one hundred tons of
marble needed for the dome. He felt this would be the inexpensive way to transport the
marble, but the unthinkable happened. The ship went down to the bottom of the water, taking
all the marble with it to the bottom of the river. Brunelleschi was really sad. Nevertheless, he
did not give up. He held true to his vission of the completed dome. Filippo Brunelleschi
completed construction of the domme of the Florence Cathedral in 1446. His influence on
artists and architects alike was felt strongly during his lifetime and can be felt in this day and

1. Open new Microsoft Word blank document.
2. Save the document inside your folder under the filename of Lastname_Word Exercise5.
3. Set your paper size into 8.5x11 with the margin of 1.2 for top and bottom margin, 1.0 for left
and right of the page.
4. Type all texts above.
5. Place the title at the left page of the paper and use the following format : font style Lucida
Bright, font size 16, bold the text, and put in all capital letters.
6. Apply the following in each paragraph: use font style Tahoma, font size 12 and turn on full
7. Use the spell checker to find out and correct any mistakes
8. Use thesaurus synonyms to replace the underlined words in the paragraph with the appropriate
synonyms and bold them.

NAME: ________________________________

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