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1. The line chart shows the details of [TOPIC] [X-axis].

The line chart shows the details of [money spent on books by various
countries] [from 1995 to 2005].
2. The x-axis represents ________ and the y-axis represents __________.

The x-axis represents years and the y-axis represents amount in million $.

3. The _________________’s [TOPIC-word] was _________ [VALUE]

[in / by / for / from] ____________

and it [gradually/sharply] [increased/decreased] to _________ [VALUE]

[in / by / for / from] ______________ .

The German’s [expenditure] was 80 million $ in 1995 and it [gradually]

[increased] to nearly 100 million $ in 2005.

4. Comparatively,
the ______________’s [TOPIC-word] was _________ [VALUE]
[in / by / for / from] ____________

and it [gradually/sharply] [increased/decreased] to _________ [VALUE].

Comparatively, the Austrian’s [expenditure] was 30 million $ in 1995 and it

[sharply] [increased] to around 70 million $.

5. In conclusion, this chart gives clear details about [TOPIC].

In conclusion, this chart gives clear details about [money spent on books by
different countries].

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