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Name: ____________________________ Grade and Section: ___________

Directions: Read the following statements below.

Determine the method of explanation used in elucidating a concept based from
the examples provided below. Write the letter of your answer on your notebook.
a. Definition
b. Explication
c. Clarification

________________1. Girth measurement is taken horizontally and most of them go

around the entire circumference of the body.

________________2. A company’s financial statements are generated from summary

totals in the ledger. For instance, sales ledgers record accounts receivable. This ledger
consists the financial transactions made by customers to the company. Purchase
ledgers record money spent for purchasing by the company while general ledgers
represents the five main account types namely assets, liabilities, income,
expenses and capital.

________________3. Figure 1.1 reflects the increasing number of enrolees in senior

high school for this school year. Initially, there is a total of 536 officially enrolled
students. Yet, by the end of May it hiked to 1056, that is almost doubled the initial
number. It is expected that in the weeks to come more students will enrol under SHS as
we come closer to the beginning of classes by August.

________________4. The way you set your table is important because it impacts a lot
of factors. To name one, proper tables setting indicates the tone/ feeling that people
have about being together. Aside from this, it lets people know that you consider them
important enough for you to exert extra effort in preparing the table. Moreover,
it affects the appearance of the food that you serve to your customers/clients.

________________5. In a parallel connection, all components are connected across

each other forming exactly two sets of electrically common points.
Name:_________________________________Grade and Section:________
Activity 1.
Examine and analyze the data below. Create a chart (pie, bar, pictochart, etc.) using
the data below. Draw your chart in 1 long sized bond paper. Indicate all the important
points through explication.

The chart presents…_________________________________________________

Activity 2.


Independent: age, sex, monthly family income and parents’ educational attainment.

Schematic Paradigm
Independent Variables Dependent Variables


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