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Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
U 7/15/2020


TEDDS calculation version 1.0.02

Case 1


Indicative floor layout – Case 1

Span of primary beam; Lm = 6.000 m;
Span of secondary beam; L = 15.000 m;
Width of floor under consideration; W = 24.000 m;
Number of secondary beams spanning onto primary beam;
Ns = 1;
Floor beam spacing; b = Lm / (Ns+1) = 3.000 m;
Mass per unit area; m = 430 kg/m2;
Number of sides spaning onto primary beam; Nlayout = 1;

Beam spans and spacings

Spacing of primary beams from standard layout; b_prim = L = 15.000 m
Primary beam span; L_prim = Lm = 6.000 m
Spacing of secondary beams from standard layout; b_sec = Lm / (Ns+1) = 3.000 m
Secondary beam span; L_sec = L = 15.000 m
Beam details
Short term composite inertia of primary beam; Igp = 120000 cm4;
Short term composite inertia of secondary beam; Igs = 440000 cm4;
Inertia of the slab per metre width; Islab = 18000 cm4/m;
Mass of primary beam; Mass_prim = 39 kg/m;
Mass of secondary beam; Mass_sec = 39 kg/m;

Natural Frequency
Deflections - slab is assumed to be spaning onto the secondary beams;
Deflection of slab; slab = m  gacc  b4 / (384  Econ  Islab ) = 0.225 mm
Secondary beam self weight deflection; Sselwt = 5  Mass_sec  gacc  L4 / (384  ES5950  Igs ) = 0.280 mm
Deflection of secondary beam; ys = 5 b  m  gacc  L4 / (384  ES5950  Igs )Sselwt = 9.525 mm
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
U 7/15/2020

Reaction of secondary beam; Rsb = Nlayout  (b  m  gacc  L / 2) = 94.879 kN

Primary beam self weight deflection; Pselwt = 5  Mass_prim  gacc  Lm4 / (384  ES5950  Igp ) = 0.026 mm
Deflection primary beam (1 point load); yp = Rsb  Lm3 / (48  ES5950  Igp ) +Pselwt = 1.762 mm

Estimate of natural frequency

Mode A – Secondary beam mode
Estimated natural frequency for mode shape A; fmodeA = 18 Hz / ((ys + slab)/1mm) = 5.76 Hz
Mode B – Primary beam mode
Estimated natural frequency for mode shape B; fmodeB = 18 Hz / ((ypys/5 + slab)/1mm) = 9.12 Hz
Mode A - Secondary beam mode;
Estimated fundamental frequency; fsys = min(fmodeA, fmodeB) = 5.76 Hz;
Absolute minimum natural frequency fmin = 3.00 Hz
PASS - Natural frequency exceeds absolute minimum
Floor is classed as a low frequency - less than 7.0Hz

Response Factor
Qualifying conditions (P076 - Table 7.1)
System deflection; sys = (18 Hz / fsys)2  1mm = 9.75 mm
Relative flexibility of the primary beam; RFmainbeam = yp / sys = 0.181

Effective area
Effective length Leff = 15.000 m
Effective width S = 18.360 m
Low frequency floor (P076 section 7.6)

Fourier component factor; Cf = 0.20

Critical Damping Ratio;  = 3.0 %
Response factor; R = 68000  Cf / ((m  Leff  S)  )  1kg = 3.83;
Maximum allowable Response Factor; Rmax = 4.00
PASS - Response Factor is less than maximum allowable

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