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JUNE 15-19, 2020

Name: __ __Position: ___ Division/Unit/Section: __________

Actual Days of Actual Actual Accomplishment/Output
Attendance to Work Time

June 15, 2020 8:00am-  Did some follow-up on student’s online enrollment.
Monday 5:00pm  Attended webinars on “Beyond Four Corners: Teaching the Essence of Responsible Online Citizenship” and Managing Home-School Partnership for
Learning-At-Home Environment”
 Read on MELC (Most Essential Learning Competencies)
 Teleconference with co-teachers on assigned tasks.

June 16, 2020 8:00am-  Answered my advisory class’ concern about their report cards, good moral and other related documents.
Tuesday 5:00pm  Attended Webinar entitled “ Work-Teach Balance among Working Parents during Homeschool” by Ms. Edna V. Banaga and "Public School Roadmap
Amidst COVID-19 Crisis"
 Teleconference with co-teachers on assigned tasks.

June 17, 2020 8:00am-  Had school forms checked by the teacher guidance designate
Wednesday 5:00pm  Assisted some grade 12 teachers on the checking of forms
 Asked from the school principal on how to make the Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task
 Joined the webinar on "Creating Parent-Friendly Modules for Basic Education”

June 18, 2020 8:00am-  Accommodated and responded my advisory class on their concerns about their report cards, good moral through online and offline.
Thursday 5:00pm  Joined the webinar on "Fostering Work-Life Balance in Work-From-Home among Teachers", "Parental Role Towards Effective Delivery of Home-
Based Education", and "Super Schools Series: Best Practices of St. Mary's School of Cagayan de Oro, Inc."
 Checked my Social Media Account for inquiries from students, parents and guardians.
June 19, 2020 8:00am-  Informed my advisory class on the release of their cards and other related concerns.
Friday 5:00pm  Attended the webinar entitled “ Strategies for Encouraging Parental Involvement in Learning”

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