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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region 02 (Cagayan Valley)

Schools Division Office of Isabela


Ballesteros, Aurora, Isabela 3316






Bustamante, Leann Louise Angel

Derrada, Yedah Marie

Domingo, Khey

Jose, Colette

Subia, Reyna Rose

Subject Teacher:

Mrs. Eloisa Perol



A. Background of the Study

Technology can be seen everywhere. May it be in your home, schools, and work. It is

important to take advantage of our resources.

Due to the advancement of technology, it makes everything easier. Technology helps the

farmers to harvest their crops in an easy way, it also helps increase the economy, and

especially in the field of business and school related works.

The researchers aimed to educate every ABM student about the relationship and the

effect of technology in the academic performance of ABM students of ASHS.

Inventions and new discoveries have deeply contributed in improving the way of life of

humans. One of this is the technology, technology is essential in the aspects of learning, by

that the uses of technology changes by day as well as the technology itself. Before,

technology is used mostly for communication but since there is an improvement or

advancement of technology there is an expansion in the uses of technology but because of

that, the disadvantages of technology came, some teenager get addicted to it, some adults use

it for pornography, and some use it to bully their peers but those disadvantages happens

because of not being responsible enough of humans, those who use technology for

unnecessary things is inhumane and disrespects the Inventor. Technology saves time and


In this study, you will know what is the connection between Technology and Academic

Performance. This will show how useful or harmful or how it will affect the ABM students.
B. Conceptual Framework

Relationship of Technology and Academic Performance among ABM students of Aurora

Senior High School.

Technology (e.g. Survey (naturalistic

Laptop, observation) with Effect of
Smartphone/ randomly selected Technology on
Cellphone, Tablets, ABM Students of Academic
Printer and etc.) Aurora Senior High Performance

C. Research Question

This study aims to identify the relationship of technology and academic performance

among ABM students of Aurora Senior High School.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. Is there a significant relationship between academic performance and technology?

2. What is the significant effect of technology on academic performance?

D. Significance of the Study

In today’s world, every aspect of our lives is being influenced by technology.

May it be from young to adult, everyone has been immersed to technology. Technology will

benefit the following:

ABM STUDENTS will be familiar in using technology and it will be easier for them to study.

Technology can help them a lot to their academics especially in their Research Subjects, Media

Information Literacy, and Empowerment Technology.

TEACHERS will be benefitted because of the convenience. They can easily communicate with

their co-teachers through their phones especially if they’re in different buildings.

THE FUTURE RESEARCHERS who will make the same research paper. This can help them

to gain more information.

E. Scope and Delimitations

This study is quantitative in nature and focused on determining the relationship of

technology and academic performance among ABM students in Aurora Senior High School.

The primary data gathering method used is naturalistic observation and survey.

Our respondents are the students of ABM in Aurora Senior High School that are

composed of five sections (Amber, Beryl, Mencius, Augustine, Lao Tzu) both Grade 11

and Grade 12. Random students will be observed.

F. Definition of Terms

TECHNOLOGY- the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially

in industry. It is used to help students gather information.

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE- Measured by the final grade earned in the course. It refers

to the student’s performance in academics.

TECHNO TOY- is a machine and fabrication shop specializing in producing performance

parts for interesting sports cars. It is an electronic device that can be used to have an access to

technology like gadgets.

RELATIONSHIP- the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are

connected, or the state of being connected. The connection of the two variables (Academic

Performance and Technology).



A. Related Literatures

Technology is a recent marvel in our everyday life that has taken off. Technology allows the

most difficult tasks to become seamlessly easy and more efficient. In education, technology has

allowed the dissemination of knowledge to be dispersed instantly and it allows for quicker and

more effective communication. Also, technology has allowed students to be engaged and learn in

ways that they never have in classroom setting before. Technology in the world of education has

been ever changing. Most recently, technology has been a new phenomenon to help motivate,

differentiate, and allow students to achieve and excel in ways that they have never been able to


Technology has advanced rapidly (perhaps more rapidly than many in the field expected)

over the last few years and there have been literally hundreds of published studies investigating

its educational effect. Although there might not yet be a definitive conclusion since it is

becoming apparent that the type of learning that technology best enhances is difficult to quantity

(Johnson, 1996) there are many research reports that indicate we now have a deeper

understanding of how to maximize the benefit to learners through a variety of technology rich

educational environments. Hopefully there is no longer any need for the impatient premise that

the value of technology is self- evident since there is now a more significant body of research

findings which support its usefulness. These studies also help us answer the important question:

useful for what?

With regard to the earlier issue regarding the relevancy of technology in education, most of

the more current literature is overwhelmingly positive about the potential of a variety of

technologies to be powerful components in accomplishing current educational visions. Such

visions include helping students “develop a broad, deep, and creative understanding of

community, culture, economics and international politics, past and present, and acquire the social

skills to work across differences and distances” (Riel, 1993) “an array of tools for acquiring

information and for thinking and expression (allowing) more children more ways to enter the

learning enterprise successfully. These same experiences provide the skills that will enable

students to live productive lives in the global, digital, information-based future they all face”

(Dwyer, 1994)

According to Mohammed, there is a significant relationship between the use of technology

and academic performance based on the results that they have gathered. There is always an

increase in the academic achievements of the student.

According to Wentworth, technology has a negative effect to the academic performance of

the students. The researchers found out that there is a negative effect in using technology that

other did not see.

According to Beard, the number of new technologies helps the students to support and

enhance learning in public schools. Technology is used as supplemental methodologies to

enhance student learning, especially for students with disabilities. The students are given the

chance to explore more and discover new things by the use of technology.

According to Ishernhagen, technology is the major catalyst for an increase in learning. Staffs

and students are encouraged to interact with the content.

According to Schacter, there are five large-scale studies of education technology: (1) “Meta-

Analytic Studies of Findings on Computer-Based Instruction”(J.A. Kulik) employed a statistical

technique called meta-analysis to aggregate the results of over 500 individual studies to draw a

single conclusion; (2) “Report on the Effectiveness of Technology in Schools, 1990-1997 “(J.

Sivin Kachala ) reviewed hundreds of individual studies whereby the authors shed light on

consistent patterns that emerged across studies; (3)”Evaluating the Apple Classrooms of

Tomorrow” (E.L. Baker, M. Gearhart & J.L. Herman) reviewed a partnership between Apple and

five schools across the nation; (4) “West Virginia’s Basic Skills/Computer Education Program:

An Analysis of Student Achievement” (D. Mann, et al.) reported the result of West Virginia’s

10-year statewide education technology initiative; and (5) “Does it Compute? The relationship

between Educational Technology and Student Achievement in Mathematics” (H. Wenglisky)

assessed a national sample of fourth and eighth-grade students using newer simulation and

higher order thinking technologies.

Technologies used to improve and facilitate learning can be found everywhere. Leaving other

contextual factors to the side such as unequal access to technological innovations and connected

technologies across schools and districts, we can only say that we have embraced technology in

education when it is used for both teaching and learning. With the incorporation of technology

into schools, the main purpose is to change how teachers and students gather, access, analyze,

present and transmit information. This can democratize information in classrooms as well as help

differentiate instruction, particularly for students with special needs. At the same time for

technology to work effectively, it should be incorporated in classroom if it is appropriate for a

given instructional task. Also, technology can only be an effective teaching tool if teachers

participate in decisions to adopt technology. This is because teachers have the responsibility of
facilitating instruction and incorporating technology at the classroom level yet many school

administrators tend to make decisions related to technology adoption/ training without consulting

teachers. Overall, technology is central to many sectors of society and its integration to the

education process has great promise for student learning. With technology one can expect

increased efficiency and effectiveness on both part of teachers and students. Technology can also

prompt pedagogical change and address issues that affect learning, teaching and social

organization. Technology can therefore be seen as both a tool and a catalyst for change. Students

should embrace technology for them to benefit and teachers should be open to introducing

technology into the classroom to improve and innovate their teaching practice.

B. Related Studies

In this study, we examine data from ongoing evaluation of the distance education program

for graduate level business students in a private university. The study addresses the impact of

technology-assisted learning on academic performance among distance learners and their on-

campus counterparts. The study further explores the relationship between academic performance

and students’ technological adaptability. The findings indicate, when adjusted for gender

(females out-performed males), there were no significant differences in academic performance

between distance learners and their on-campus counterparts. Analysis also shows no significant

differences in overall academic performance between technology-adept students and those

without technological skills. These findings may remove at least some perceived barriers in the

decision to initiate distance education programs. Taradi and his colleagues (2005) found that the

use of technology positively affected learning outcomes in acid- base physiology. This finding is

very motivating, especially at the University of Dammam. It also added many benefits to the

course, in support of curricular objectives. For instance, a project- learning approach and
technology tools offer ways for students to conduct experiments, observe phenomenon, and view

results in graphic ways that can aid in understanding. Students are more likely to stay engaged

and technology helps make teaching and learning physiology more meaningful than without such

opportunities. Furthermore, research has indicated that a comparatively higher degree of students

learning and effective teaching can be achieved when the use of technology is incorporated than

when it is not.

C. Synthesis

Based on the articles and studies that we’ve search, there is bad and good relationship

between technology and academic performance. Some of the content says that the use of

technology in academic performance has a negative effect and difficulty in using it. But on the

contrary, the use technology in academic performance has increased the academic achievement

of a student who uses it.

The use of technology in more likely positive based on the other research and other studies

because they show evidences that are accurate and reliable. They can use this as an instrument to

discover, learn and explore new things not only for online gaming or internet surfing.


A. Research Design

This study used the Quantitative research design. The design is appropriate for the study

because the researchers determine the Relationship of Technology and Academic Performance

Among ABM Students of Aurora Senior High School. The study made used of the descriptive

method of research employing a structured questionnaire as the main data gathering tool. This

method was adapted since the study intends to describe certain phenomena, and it involved fact

finding or information gathering with analytical interpretation.

This study was conducted in Aurora Senior High School at Ballesteros, Aurora, Isabela in

which have the total population of one thousand four hundred fifty (1450) students based on the

latest update by the school registrar. The researchers selected two hundred seven (207) students

that served as the participants in the study.

B. Samples and Sampling Procedure

For this study, the researchers used simple Random Sampling. The numbers of samples were

identified using Slovin’s Formula:

n= , where: n= number of samples; N= total population; e= margin of error (0.05)
1+ e2 N

The One Hundred Thirty-One (131) participants were randomly selected.

C. Data Gathering Procedure

A. Data Gathering Instrument

This study utilized survey questionnaire as an instrument in doing research. This

structured questionnaire is divided in two (2) categories: the letter for the respondents and

survey questionnaire.

The questionnaire is composed of three (4) sets: Demographic Profile, Ownership of and

Access to Technology, Attitude to Technology and Likert Scale. The Demographic Profile

includes the name of the respondents, their age, gender, and section. Subsequently, the

Ownership of and Access to Technology is answerable by yes or no while the Attitude to

Technology can be answered through the use of scale. Furthermore, the Likert Scale of ‘I

want to use technologies in my studies because…’ has ten (10) items.

B. Data Collection

For this study to be systematic, the following procedures in gathering data are followed:

The researchers prepared an official consent letter together with the survey questionnaire

for the school Principal II of Aurora Senior High School to ask his permission to allow the

researchers to conduct survey and float questionnaires to the ABM students of Aurora Senior

High School.

A letter of permission, together with the questionnaires will be given to the Relationship

of Technology and Academic Performance Among ABM Students of Aurora Senior High School

respondents of Grade 11 and Grade 12 in ABM of Aurora Senior High School.

After collecting the questionnaires, the gathered data will be analyzed and will be the

basis, to finish the study entitled Relationship of Technology and Academic Performance Among

ABM Students of Aurora Senior High School.

D. Data Analysis
The questionnaire inputs and data of the respondents was analyzed through the following

statistical tool.

Descriptive Statistics. The responses of the respondents were analyzed through

descriptive statistics.

Tables and Graphs. The data gathered were presented using graphs to show the mean

and number of users influenced by the advertisement.

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