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ॐ गणानां वा गणप त हवामहे क व कवीनामुपम व तमम् । ये राजं णां ण पत आ

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Marriage, Seventh
House & Sexuality:
The Gati Of Kama
by Akshat Pandey — May 1, 2019

Kama Deva (The God of Desire)

7th House is not only the door to outer

world it is the breath we take. Fire of
Life can not continue without the wind
of desire.

M arriage is a very elaborate concept in Vedic Literature.

There are 8 types of marriages in Hinduism from
Prajapatye Vivah to Pisacha Vivah. Marriage is much
more than a relationship. It is social acceptance of a
couple, provides legitimacy to children and most
importantly it provides us with a partner to company us
in the journey of life.

The House of Marriage: 12th

There is vast false notion in public that marriage is from
7th house. This is completely wrong. People having
beautiful 7th houses also end up not getting married. This
is because 7th house is your spouse, your desires, your
interactions etc. but not marriage. Marriages are always
from the 12th house, as husband and wife, follow each
other in life that is 12th house thing. 7th house is only
there when there is a sexual interaction only.

12th house is the quality, duration and happiness from

marriage. 12th house is also the house of faith. It only
because 12th house a woman agrees to bear a child of a
man, that is the faith on the man as her husband, that she
decides to start a family of her own, but the activity in
order to procreate children is from 7th house.

Upapada Lagna (UL):

Manifestation of 12th House
Those of you who are familiar with the concept of Arudha
and Arudha Lagna, with know that the pada of 12th house
is called Upapada lagna (UL).
UL is the manifestation of 12th house and all the
marriages and spouses can be mapped in UL. UL shifts
depending on the number of marriages, as each marriage
is unique in itself. UL will show the rst marriage and will
be the basic guiding force for all, as it is the root UL.
Second marriage will be seen from UL2 and will show
who is spouse, her lagna, her family, children from the
wife, etc.
Other details important details like the impact of
marriage on destiny, spouses destiny etc will be seen
from Navamsa Chart (Divisional Chart 9) as all marriages
are made in heaven and Navamsa shows the destiny
given to us by Gods.

7th House
7th house is house of highest desire, it called the Kama
trikona. The trine of desire. Our deep rooted desires are in
7th house, as it is 4th from 4th house and 10th from 10th
house (Concept of Bhavat Bhavam). 7th house is very
critical, it is also the maraka bhava (Death in icting) , as
ith opposite to Ascendant (Lagna), which means going
7th house is what we desire in our partner and according
we nd someone, that is why it brings our sexual
partners in life, which may turn into spouse if 12th house
and UL supports it.
There so many people who believe they married to
someone they do not love because, spouse came into life
through marriage, but it never got tted in to the criteria
of 7th house. The house of our desires.
7th house also denotes our sexual organs and our carnal
desires. 3rd house with also called Mithuna Bhava (House
of Sexual Activity) is 9th from the 7th. There is the duty of
the 7th house to ful ll one’s desire of sexuality in life.
That is why the natural 7th house is lorded by Venus, and
Saturn gets exalted here along with full directional
Why too much of sexual activity not good from health?
Too much of 7th house means your opposing your lagna,
which is your health and life. Too strong of a wind may
extinguish the re. Lagna (Ascendant) is re (Natural
Zodiac Aries) and 7th house is wind (Natural Zodiac

DaraPada (A7): Manifestation

of 7th House
Dara simply means your boyfriend or girlfriend (Sexual
Partner) which may turn into your Husband or wife (UL)
or may not.
Darapada is pada of 7th house, and shows who all are
coming into our lives. It forms the core structure of our
social interactions. We humans are social animals
because of our Darapada only. It requires us to interact
with other.
A7 also shows are a airs, and their timing. It very
important as everyone comes into our life from it.
A ictions to A7 can ruin social interactions, and can also
cause, cessation of sexual activities between between
Many couples come me for advise, as due to their work
life, they cannot stay together and can not enjoy
company of the other, all of them have some problem in
the darapada. They are married ne (UL) but are not able
to enjoy intimate company of other (A7 a icted).
Guru of Material
Venus is Guru of Material World.
Venus is the blessing of Goddess
Lashmi and the Karaka of 7th House.
Karaka Planet is like Hand of God. All
good yogas and combination fails if
Karaka denies the result.
A icted Venus, placed in a bad
house, denies the result of 7th

Venus both in Rasi chart and Navamsa chart have to be

A iction to Venus in Navamsa is very serious as
compared to Rasi.

Compatibility: Points to
Match in Horoscope for
Happy Marriage
1. Ascendant and Ascendant Lord (Intelligence should
2. Moon Sign and Moon Sing Lord (Minds should meet and
3. Sun Sign (Progeny & Children)
4. 4th House & 10 House (How one whats his/her spouse)
5. Venus (Enjoyment in Marriage)
6. UL (To determine the right one)
7. Thithi (Emotional Behavior)
8. 7th House and 7th Lord (Sexual Compatibility & Desires)
9. Navamsa Examination (E ect of Marriage on Destiny)

Lord of Seventh House: The

Movement of Desire
Sexual incompatibility is one of the biggest reasons for
relationships breaking up or in delity. Each organism is
bound by its own biological and mental desires and we
humans are not so di erent. Every human except
spiritual beings who have conquered over desire, needs a
certain amount of sexual activity for him or her to
function e ciently. Because if Lagna is Fire (Heating) 7th
house is wind (cooling). Too much re, you will burn, too
much cooling, the re goes out, a balance has to
People often ignore this basic requirement in matching
Horoscope and no one talks about it. The 7th House and
its lord is an important aspect in marriage. Sexual
incompatibility has lead to disastrous marriage life and
especially on women as in certain societies can not even
talk about it.

Every thing is life will have its own gati. Gati means a
direction of movement or pulse. The gati of the 7th lord of
both boy and girl should match, for compatibility. If it
does not match, both of them will really su er when it
comes to intimacy and sexuality. Not only this, since 7th
house also represent deep rooted desires and emotions,
it eventually creates an emotional bridge between the
Every chart will have a di erent gati and it is best to
marry a person with a similar gati of 7th Lord. The
Calculation of Gati is advance concept and is beyond the
scope of this article.

There are three Devatas (Deities) of the 7th Lord based on

its Gati:

1. Shiva
2. Vishnu
3. Durga

These Deities hold the marriage, and also cures the

mismatch in gati to a certain level. When the Gati of Kama
(Desire) matches between couples, there love and
a ection is maintained through out marriage. They do not
wander o in order to ful ll their desires and they are
complete with their spouses.

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