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hace parte del presente); utiliza color rojo para encerrar las oraciones que
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negativas); por último, en color azul, encierra las oraciones en futuro.

Where can I eat Bandeja Paisa?

Today, in nearly every Colombian restaurant with typical cuisine you can order a
Bandeja Paisa. However, we would recommend trying the meal in Antioquia - where
it is the most typical. In Medellín, we went to a great place and had Bandeja Paisa at
the restaurant La Gloria de Gloria. The restaurant is in Envigado, actually a distinct
town but today it is merged with the city of Medellín. The center of Envigado has a
charming square with a church and a cute fountain. From there it is a ten-minute
walk to the restaurant (take the road left of the church and follow it up).

On our visit there we were greeted by Doña Gloria herself. We went on a late
afternoon during the week (around 3 pm) and we immediately got a table. On the
inside, the restaurant is decorated with old pictures and the rustic interior gives it a
homely vibe. We were quite hungry and our appetite must have shown on our faces,
but Gloria declared: “Oh for you two you, better only order one plate!” She was so
right, the portion they brought was giant and we weren’t able to finish all of the food
(one Bandeja Paisa)

The first plate was a soup with vegetables and beef as well as some tasty arepas with
hogao salsa. Then they brought out the huge tray with the rice, meats, and fritos. The
Bandeja was so big, we had trouble taking a picture of the whole plate! It definitely
is a special meal with a lot of different flavors and textures that will leave you
feeling super satisfied. Here it really is a danger to overeat and fall into a food
coma ;)

During our meal, the hostess sat outside with us and was chatting with passing
neighbors. With all the locals coming by, you could really feel that the restaurant has
been part of the local community for a long time!

At the end of our meal we were given a shot of Aguardiente, a Colombian traditional
liquor, for “digesting” ;) And we packed the remaining food for later. The walk back
to the main square of Envigado actually felt pretty nice after such a meal.

We hope our blog post has made you curious to try this special dish - the pictures
look delicious, right? If you want to enjoy a typical Colombian lunch with a
generous amount of food - just ask for a restaurant where they serve Bandeja Paisa!

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