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The Law of Karma

T. Manohar Rao (late) Bangalore, India
Karma: Hindu philosophy of the Dynamic Law of Karma is the law of cause and effect.
As the law of karma is interconnected with the soul and not the physical body, the
existence of the soul is to be proved first. Physical body is a temporary phenomena
and exists only in one physical life while soul is permanent and exists for ever,
till it merges with cosmic light. Karma follows the soul and the physical body
suffers. Every exercise of the human beings in thought, speech and action act as a
normal cause and confers on the agent an amount of merit or demerit according to
the act performed. This moral effect influences the subsequent fate of the native
concerned. Man releases an equivalent energy with his action, speech and thoughts,
which forms the base of future events. An energy once released has to expend itself
in obedience to the universe law of cause and effect and its process of
disintegration gives the result or phala which is in the form of an event as
experienced by the human beings. According to Karma theory, karma forces enter the
region of ether and remain there for the duration of an interval at the end of
which they fructify in the form of an event. Being released from the same source,
they have a tendency to get together to form a magnetic field of their own. Such
position of karma which could not mature and give results during the life time of
the native, will surround his soul when it comes out of its physical body. In this
process it is guided by nature of Prarabdha Karma to select a suitable environment
for it to fructify. This is known as rebirth. The soul according to its karmic
results enters a physical body and suffers or enjoys accordingly. There are 3 types
of Karmas: (1) Sanchita Karma or Accumulated Karma; (2) Prarabdha Karma or
Operative Karma; (3) Kriyamana Karma (Agamni Karma) or Prospective Karma.
Sanchita karma is the accumulated karma of all the previous births to be faced
during future birth. Prarabdha karma is scheduled to suffer or enjoy in an
appropriate physical body. Kriyamana karma is the one which has been done or is to
be done in the present birth. Generally Kriyamana karma gets accumulated with
Sanchita karma (where the agent is doing karma and may not have any future birth as
in case of Yogis), when the karma is extremely wicked or highly virtuous, in which
case the fruit is reaped in the same birth itself or very quickly. According to law
of Karma, when the evil acts of the wicked person starts to fructify then he
perceives the painful effect of his wickedness; and a virtuous person is convinced
of the efficacy of his present good deeds only when, at the opportune moment, they
fructify giving abundant bliss. Every action has a reaction. Every remedial measure
also has it own reaction depending on the quality of the remedial measure selected.
All good karmas can be remedial measures and all remedial measures cannot be good
karmas. Yogic meditation, shanti, prayers, pujas, fasting, aradhana, etc. are
remedial measures as well as powerful good karmas. Wearing of astrological rings,
bangles, gems, listening to musical tunes are also remedial measures, but are not
taken as good karmas. All the good karmas done by one will not act as remedies to
relieve him from his past evil deeds. The good karma done will give results
according to the state of mind of the native at the time of action. Any good karma
done with a desire for worldly objects develop such desire endlessly. Acts done
without any such desires, but for love of God, and in spirit of surrender to Him
will act as an antidote and remove such evil karmas. Therefore the state of mind at
the time of remedial act or any act of human beings, is most important in deciding
the result of the karma.The fundamental tendencies of astrology and karma theory
are almost identical, i.e., our past and present actions will tend to determine our
future evolution.
If the theory of rebirth is not accepted it is not possible to explain the destiny
of man and all the differences and disparities, in spite of apparently equal dose
of will and effect. The law of karma operates through a series of births and man
has to suffer the consequences of his action until he regulates his action by true
knowledge of wisdom. There is a free will to act or not to act, but once acted, the
law of karma will bring its own result. There is no escape from the inevitable but
many by excercise of their own will, may change their future, and thereby create
their destiny. This karma is revealed in the planetary configuration in a horoscope
of individual or nation. The law of karma therefore indicts the cause and effect
relationship. The soul has been given immortality. In each birth, the native
carries one step forward to fulfill the purpose of his creation to its goal. The
law of karma suggests that our action, physical or psychical are performed
according to a regulated law, and to a definite end, and the results may fructify
in an hour, month, year or whole life or many lives. Actions remain in the form of
unseen karma . The doctrine of karma is "as a man soweth, so shall he reap".
Astrology is the one subject which illustrates the law of karma in no uncertain
terms. To assume otherwise is to betray lack of understanding of the Law of
Compensation. The first point in karma is to learn that the body is controlled by
an understanding mind. At some time or other a person feels that specific state of
existence could be related to action either in this or past birth. The concept that
whatever comes with existence is born again in the revolutions of a certain cycle,
nothing being new. There is no fatalism. Karma is the sum total of work done, good
or bad in previous states. These cycles of activities produce a degree of karma-
shakti in each person. Shakti can be called energy concentrated in genes of each
person carried from one existence to the other. The degree of energy is revealed by
the ascendantat birth and is known by term of longevity. The longevity can be
described as the period of our sufferings or enjoyment in this cycle. This duration
is called `Jeeva' the unfolder of karma, i.e., work.
The horoscope reveals the law of conditional or dependent origination. Mankind is
composed of males and females, each possessing an individual
vibratory element, which creates a state of consciousness. This state in the
present is a reflection of the past. The world is only an ever surging sea of
corporal phenomena responding to social function, good or bad. The latter can be
controlled here and now by developing high energy of karma shakti through wisdom,
generosity, virtue and faith. Karma of the body is revealed by Ascendent, and its
Lord points to the extent of longevity. The Sun shows physical energy, Moon the
mental power. These are vital factors which assist a human to express his/her
vocation through karmasthana, i.e., 10th house which indicates the fruits of karma
gathered in the previous existence -good/bad. This karma affects one, till one
reaches final emancipation or gains redemption. There are 7 sections in this state.
The first is the last before this birth and 7th is the one immediately after
rebirth, i.e., transition. The 10th house sign reveals specific karma plans or
field of activity. If this house is strong, inference is that the native has earned
a lot of merit, if contrary, bad actions have been apprehended. The action is
indicated by the 10th house has already been determined in the previous birth. When
powerful planets (good orbad) transit the 10th house, the cosmic force being
unobstructed, the pattern at birth is unfolded.
Astrology and Psychology
Deep in the background of man's evolution is nothing more than the development of
man's response to different energies. Astrology is a map of the mode of operation
of these energies. Psychology does not recognise the soul or Divine Self. It does
not recognise reincarnation and fails to give a proper reason on why people react
differently to the same event and environment. If given the correct time of birth,
place and date, a competent astrologer can within half an hour, tell more about a
person reading the horoscope, than apsycho-analysis can do in 3 years. Astrology
also reveals the potential in an individual of which he himself may not be aware
Psychology bogs itself down in a maze, of complexes and concepts, which do not
bring harmony into the picture. Psychology can use parts of it for the masses as a
preparatory step. Two main facts which are missing in Psychology are plain common
sense and a feeling of the heart. From the horoscope, the people can be advised to
choose pursuits, without wasting energy, those with ability could be shown their
bent and the correct time and direction to use it. Aptitude tests only reveal the
interviewers bias and generally distorts the opinion, but the horoscope gives a
strong clue to the emotional nature of the native. Psychology does not offer such
depth and width in the scope of human knowledge about emotional nature, mind, body,
etc. Unless psychology takes a real serious look into astrology and the horoscope,
it will never have a full understanding of man and his nature. The recent
investigation by psychologists confirms the diagnostic power of astrology. They
have discovered that tension built in human systems at an angle with reference to
the Moon's phase. i.e., the angle between the Sun and the Moon. Major part of one's
nature and temperament depended upon the particular lunar phase that one was born
in. Psychology is a science which reveals and investigates over the human mind to
understand its potentialities and also lapses. This is studied carefully under
different conditions and environments. Similarly astrology unearths secrets of the
human mind - "Chandrama Manasojathaha". i.e., Moon is the mirror of mind.
Astrologer uses the natal chart of the native to dwell deep into the mental and
physical plane of the native and suggest methods of improving or facing the
Fate, Free will
The problem of fate and free will is an eternal topic. According to people of free
will, determination is on the whole demoralising since it tends to shift
responsibilities from oneselves to God or Karma, at the same time paralysing the
will to reform one's conduct when that is needed. There is a serious charge
made against Astrology in that it is fatalistic in nature, which ignores free will
and human action. It is felt that faith in Astrology means surrender to unseen fate
which is supposed to bring inaction. Weak willed and pleasure craving, with
emotional and unbalanced characters, may yield repeatedly to impulses, which they
inwardly disapprove, but claim that fate had decreed the same and they had no other
option. The fatalist on the other hand maintains that since the future is already
determined, it is just not possible to think of free will or human action. Fate or
destiny is described as an unseen force that emanates purely from Divine Will over
which the persons have but little control, i.e., what is fated cannot be blotted.
Our ancient sages had a correct vision and a better idea of fate and free will.
They have said `Success in all worlds' affairs depends on the laws of destiny
controlled by the actions of mortals in their previous lives and the conduct of the
individuals. It is also said that the individuals besides their past karmas, the
displeasure of certain bearings (known in Astrology as Daiva Kopa), or graha dosha
may not get the success as desired. But Astrology prescribes some remedial measures
for such consequences. In this connection we may recall from Raghuvamsa that King
Dilipa had no issues despite his noble, pious and charitable nature, as he had the
displeasure of Kamadhenu, whom he did not rever during his return journey from
Indra's place. Sage Vasisht then advised the King to serve Nandini, the daughter of
Kamadhenu and thus get the blessing of the Divine. In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna
says that though He is the controller of destiny, Arjuna must do his part of duty.
So there is no uncontrolled free will in the affairs of any one; but these cannot
be absolute predetermined either. The man is free to surrender himself to the
Supreme or disobey His command, unless there is an element of free will. In our
classics like Ramayana and Mahabharatha, the doctrines have been stated to the
problem of fate against free will. The prescription of remedial measures or prayers
show that not every thing is fate, but man can fashion his future by his actions.
So at every stage
there is the operation of the intelligence to determine the step. This capacity for
the intelligence to determine steps at every stage is known as Free Will, and the
condition that limits the freedom of the free will to determine, is called Fate. If
there is no such conditioning factor there would have been only chaos. If there had
been no such Free Will these would have been only uniformity and no
differentiation. Astrology plays a very important part in a man's life, conforming
to moral laws of universe. Moral laws are determined by the existence of freedom
and power and when these are taken advantage of in a prescribed way, there is a
moral element. Astrology can only indicate the tendencies. Astrology plays more or
less the same par tin human affairs, as meteorology plays in the direction and
control of an aeroplane. If everything in future is predetermined and if the
individual has no other functions than to be a passive spectator and victim of such
predetermined events of the future, distinction between favourable and unfavourable
situations does not have any meaning. The freedom develops according to evolution.
Freedom produces activity and activity produces fruits or results. Fatalism blocks
the activity and hence fruits. Astrololgy neither encourages nor advocates
fatalism. It only reveals to us the cosmos' force which help or retard our
progress. Astrology enables us to estimate with some precision the amount of
extension which is required to be put forth in order to attain the fulfilment of
life. One of the first philosophical question that comes up in one's mind regarding
astrological claims, is that of human freedom. If the future of the native is
determined by the planets and stars, there is nothing that he can achieve by his
own efforts. His life will be reduced to that of a puppet. Astrology reveals only
the general influence of planets and stars in our life and development. It reveals
tendencies, i.e., good or bad times for some kinds of choice.
Man is partly free and partly bound. His physical nature, his heredity, his
position in the cosmos and even his society is pre-determined. He begins his life
with a certain number of facts that cannot be changed, i.e., he cannot change his
parentage, nationality, his place or country, his temperament, even the life fund
of energy - these are his capital. But he can use this capital in various ways, so
as to rise higher or sink lower in the scale of value. He can better himself in
character and social status or diminish his stature by bad conduct. He has freedom
to make or mar himself. He has not enough freedom to command nature and history to
suit his fancies. There is no reason to think that Astrology seals the fate of
every human being at birth, determining each one of his acts of choice, every
moment of his life. Astrology does not support the idea of fate or completely
determined life for man, mechanism movements by previous operating causes, i.e.,
karma. A man's heredity, character and potentials are the summation of his own
deeds in the previous lives. His present life is influenced by operative karma or
prarabdha - tendencies of his previous deeds that have started to function. The
other hidden-in-nature, the bad ones amongst them can be prevented from taking
shape through his choice. He can modify the future to some extent, while he has to
suffer consequence of the past. Even the results of deeds of the past lives in the
present can be converted by the native by following remedial measures for his
betterment. It is very much important to note that the life can be moulded to suit
our needs and betterment by adopting suitable methods.
It might be a comfortable thought to imagine that our future lies in ourselves. But
life is such that in any major thing we do, we are held down, influenced and many
times thwarted from doing what we want to do by social, religious, family, economic
and other compulsions. It is hence natural to speculate whether such compulsion
bogs us down, or in any way indicated by extra terrestrial phenomena. Until proved
otherwise, we may well suppose that it is the order of nature that there is a
correlation better movement of planet and direction of man.

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